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Unveiled Hearts (Heart's Intent Book 2)

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by Dawn Brower

  “I don’t know. He’s...” How to explain it to Amy? “Matt wants to be better, but his vision isn’t returning fast enough for him. He’s starting to move around better without aid and is adjusting well.” He complained every step of the way. His growing independence allowed for some breathing room though. For short bursts of time he could be left alone and gave them a few precious moments away from each other. She’d started to regret agreeing to move in with him. “Even with that progress his return is still weeks away from happening.”

  “I can’t believe what happened down the hall...” She shuddered. “I was here when he arrived—if I’d known...” Amy frowned. “Maybe he wouldn’t have shot Ms. Brosen.”

  Claire could understand how Amy wanted to believe it would have made a difference, but had doubts anything the girl could have done would have helped. She might have been injured as well. It was for the best she’d not been around when Mr. Nettles had attacked Dani. There was no way of telling what may or may not have happened. It was so easy to look back and think, “I could have done this...” But in reality there was no turning back the hands of time and changing the outcome.

  There wasn’t a person alive who didn’t have one thing in their life they’d like to change. It would be a mess of epic proportions if the world was given the opportunity to have a redo. Sadly, in a lot of regards, no one promised life would be easy. No amount of wishing would make the world anywhere near a utopia where perfection existed. Besides even through all the bad times there were moments of beauty. One couldn’t exist without the other. Amy might think she could have changed something, and maybe if she’d been there she could have, but it wasn’t likely.

  “Don’t think about it. It can’t be changed, and everything worked out. In time, things will go back to normal. It’s going to take a while to make things run the way we’re all used to is all.” Claire smiled warmly. “If any one calls, take a message unless it’s important. I’ve decided it would be more productive without interruptions.”

  Amy nodded. “I doubt we will have any calls anyway. It should be peaceful enough.”

  Claire headed back to her office and sat behind her desk. A pile of files and the package Amy mentioned greeted her. The work load was piling up, but there were no attorneys to take the cases to trial. She could prepare all the motions, dig into the research, and send out discovery notices all she wanted. None of it would do any good until at least one of her bosses were on their feet. A legal assistant wasn’t licensed to do more than prepare paperwork under an attorney. So she had no choice but to continue the grunt work so it was ready when one of them did come into work. Things would go relatively easier once that happened, and at least if the paperwork was complete they could move forward on a number of cases.

  Claire glanced at the package and figured ... why not open it? What could it possibly be? She picked up a letter opener and sliced open the tape, and pulled out a gift box. It was a metallic purple with a bright pink ribbon tied over the top. Claire untied the bow, tossed it aside, and then lifted the top off of the box. She unfolded tissue paper that matched the shade of the bow, and pulled out a lily-white negligee. “What the hell?” Who would send this to her? She lifted a note and read it quickly. “A flawless silky nightgown for my perfect Claire. I look forward to you modeling it for me next we meet.” It was unsigned.

  That was creepy. She tossed the note in the box and shoved it onto the floor. She wouldn’t think about it if she didn’t have to stare at it on her desk.

  She pulled her cell out of her purse and clicked the button on the side. No wonder she hadn’t known anyone called. The thing was powered off. How many calls had she missed? With a push of a button, the screen lit up and several texts flashed. Most them were from her mother and brother, but one was from Dani. She ignored her family and replied to Dani. Carter and her mother could wait, especially her mother. Rachel Jackson had very clear ideas on what was acceptable and what wasn’t. Reese, her younger sister, was on the winning side of that list. Nothing Claire did measured up and she always fell short. Almost all her choices were firmly in the unacceptable column. She didn’t want to hear a tirade of her faults and her sister’s achievements. At least once a week her mother checked them off with an efficiency Claire would appreciate—if she wasn’t the subject of the lecture.

  Her phone buzzed. She picked it up and sighed. It was her mother. So she wouldn’t be able to put her off any longer. Might as well get it over with so she could work in peace—she clicked the accept button and held it up to her ear. “Hello, Mother.”

  “Why have you been ignoring me?” her mother demanded. “I’ve been calling all day.”An exaggeration, but it was something her mother was good at.

  Claire rolled her eyes and did her best to control the sarcasm that wanted to seep out of her. “I’m busy. I do work for a living. What do you need?”

  “Ha. Don’t even begin to pretend you have too much to do.” Her mother’s voice was filled with disgust. “I know both your bosses managed to get themselves maimed and deemed useless in the span of two weeks. What could you possibly have to do with no one to work for?”

  Claire took a deep breath and mentally counted to ten before she replied. She gritted her teeth when that didn’t work, and started all over again. How could one person be so damned heartless? Dani and Matt both almost died! Her mother was a professor at the local college and taught sociology. She should care on some level shouldn’t she? “Someone has to keep the office running for when they return. I have a lot of paperwork to complete.” She shouldn’t have to explain it all to her mother, but she had to give her something or she’d not let up. “Why were you calling again?”

  “Have you talked to Carter?”

  That was a new tactic. Carter wasn’t usually the reason her mother called. What had her brother done? He was the second favorite—actually, it was a tie between him and Reese. It depended on the day and what achievement they managed to have thrust on them. Carter was the perfect son with one discernible flaw: he worked as a detective for the Envill Police Department. It was too blue collar for her mother’s taste, but she deigned to forgive him his career choice because at least he had enough ambition to move up the ladder in his chosen field. Claire, on the other hand, wasn’t going anywhere but where she was. There was no place for her to move up and showcase a need to rise above her current station.

  “I haven’t.” She said reluctantly. “Why?”

  “He’s ignoring me too. I don’t know what I did to raise such ungrateful children.”

  Good grief, she was playing that card again? Her mother had a lot of audacity. She was the strictest, most irritating woman on the planet. They couldn’t breathe without her mother putting regulations on them while they were growing up. She put helicopter parents to shame the way she hovered. Was it any wonder they all rebelled in some way? Carter had joined the police academy, Claire became a legal assistant and thumbed her nose at being a lawyer, and Reese, well, Reese was perfect and did what mommy said. Her defiance was in her choice of specialty. She’d gone to medical school and became a doctor, but didn’t go into the field her mother wanted her to. She’d chosen pediatrics instead of neurology.

  “Carter’s probably busy.” He was the lead detective on the force and was due for a promotion to lieutenant. “He’s closing the case on Andresen Nettles and is no doubt investigating other things.” She had no clue what her brother actually did each day, but he must be busy with something.

  “If you talk to him...”

  Her phone started to buzz and she tuned her mother out. The phone vibrated slightly on her ear so she pulled it away to glance at the screen. She smiled as she read a text from Carter and muffled a laugh.

  Emergency. Can’t go to dinner at Mom’s. Make something up and I’ll owe you. Will explain later.

  “I apologize; I was distracted. Can you repeat what you said?” Claire typed a quick message and made sure her brother knew he’d pay up when she called in the favor. “
An e-mail popped in from a client I’ve been waiting for.”

  “Right,” her mother grumbled. “I need you to come to dinner. Tell Carter he needs to be there too. Your sister has some big news to share and we’re going to celebrate. I’ve invited a few people.”

  It all suddenly made sense. Those people would be there for a set up. Carter wouldn’t have to explain anything. Their mother wanted to subject them to a blind date with individuals she deemed acceptable. She did not need her mother’s help picking a man out. No wonder her brother was avoiding calls from their parent.

  “Regretfully, I’m otherwise engaged. Carter is too. He’s helping me with a project at Matt’s house.”

  He’d help with it too, damn it. They both had a good reason to avoid the dinner party. Matt needed to get out of the house. He’d been cooped up in it too long—maybe they could go to visit Dani or something. Anything other than what her mother had planned. She’d rather get a root canal than spend any quality time with her mother.

  “Cancel it. This is too important.”

  “I’m sorry; it can’t be.” Even if it could, it wouldn’t be. “This is the only day both Carter and I are free to do it.”

  “What’s so damn important that you need your brother?”

  Sometimes she wondered if she’d been switched at birth. Her mother was so demanding and ridiculous. “I can’t get into this with you now. We’ll talk more later. My desk is covered in files that require my attention.” She wasn’t going to give her mother any information to dissect.

  “You better find a way to make it to dinner. It’s already set. Nolan and Reese will be there.” Her mother prattled on for a few more moments and Claire tuned her out. “Are you still there? Never mind, I have to go. Call me when you’ve cancelled your plans.” Her mother hung up without waiting to see if Claire had heard her. It didn’t surprise her one iota.

  If she needed any more reasons not to go to her mother’s on Saturday, Nolan’s presence alone would do it. Nolan Pratt was the bane of her existence, and the last man she’d allowed to devastate her heart. He was the snake that cheated on her with the one person she never would have considered—her sister. Her mother could coax, cajole, or even threaten, but Claire would be damned before she sat down for a meal with Nolan in attendance. She’d much rather deal with Matt’s sour attitude. At least he had a reason for it, and she actually cared for him. The rest of them could go to hell. She had much better things to do with her time.


  Claire parked her car in Dani’s driveway and then turned to grab the stack of files she’d gathered to drop off. She slid out of the driver’s seat of the car and kicked the door shut. With a sigh, she headed to the front porch. Once there she knocked a few times and waited for someone to let her in.

  “Coming.” A muffled voice came through the door. Dani swung it open and smiled wide. She was in lounge pants and a cotton T-shirt. “Oh, good. I need company. Is that work you brought for me?” She gestured toward the files in Claire’s hands.

  “It is. Amy said you called.” Claire glanced over Dani’s shoulder and perused the hallway. “Is Ren here with you?”

  Claire followed Dani to the living room and set the files down on the coffee table. It appeared as if Dani had taken up permanent residence on the couch. She had everything she might possibly need around her. Claire took one look at it and decided to sit in a nearby chair. She didn’t want to disturb whatever process her boss had going on in her space.

  Dani shook her head. “He wanted to stay, but I chased him off. I don’t need a babysitter, and he has other patients that need his attention. I love him, I do...” She bit her lip. “He’s hovering though, and I’m about to punch him. Don’t misunderstand me, I realize I almost died and all...”

  “But you don’t need a watch dog. Your life didn’t end and you’d like a chance to fully live it,” Claire finished for her.

  “Yes, exactly.” She nodded. “He’ll calm down after a while, at least I hope so. We have the rest of our lives together. My family has been gracious and given me space too.” Dani crinkled up her nose. “That’s not entirely true. Sullivan won’t leave me alone. If he doesn’t call he stops in for an impromptu visit. I’m starting to wonder why I ever wanted a family to begin with.”

  Claire’s experience with her own family left little to be desired. She could relate on some level, but Sullivan had seemed nice enough. It might be different if she’d been saddled with a grown brother she’d never known she had. Her own brother was all right. Carter did his own thing and left her alone for the most part. They helped each other when they could and formed a united front when their mother got to be too difficult. She’d have to stop by to see him later and tell him about the phone call earlier.

  “Has he been overbearing?” Claire asked. “Tell him to bugger off.”

  Dani laughed. “I’ll never say this to his face—it’d give his ego a boost it doesn’t need—but it’s been nice. I missed out on a lot because of Andersen Nettles. It’s good to know he’s going to pay for what he did to me.”

  Claire shuddered. It’d been a close thing, Dani’s brush with death. They still needed to clean the bloodstain from her carpet in her office. Might be better to rip it up and replace it altogether. Seemed like a good enough excuse to do some redecorating.

  “Your secret’s safe with me.” Claire blew out a breath. “What did you need to discuss? Amy made it sound important.”

  Dani picked up a glass of water and took a long drink. She set it back down and leaned against the back of the couch. “I’m going to cut back on my hours at the office.” She held up a hand when Claire opened her mouth to speak. “Let me finish before you start asking questions.”

  Claire nodded. What was she going to do? They couldn’t sustain the office and their client load if Dani was going to cut her hours. This might mean less income for her, and how would she survive with a pay cut?

  “I need to weed through the paperwork with my inheritance.” She shook her head. “I still can’t believe I’m a multi-millionaire now and have complete control over a company the firm used to represent.” She brushed it away with her hand. “Anyway, I’m still going to take an active role in the firm, but I’m going to be selective on what clients I take on. I want to do more pro bono work and help families, so I’m going to be knee-deep in corporate work with the company. I don’t need to do that on a daily basis at the firm.”

  Claire was slightly envious of Dani’s new position. She had the means of doing things that Claire could only dream of—her boss only had to lose her family for most of her life, and then almost die to claim it. It was a high price to pay. Although, if Claire had to admit it, she sometimes wished she could forget her family existed. They drove her insane on a good day, and this wasn’t one of those days... Dani had a hard life, and maybe this was her reward. The money, the job, and a family she’d always wished for but never dared to hope she’d have. It was admirable that she managed to overcome all the adversity in her life. Money was a nice cushion, but Claire would gladly settle for a small modicum of comfort and a man who loved her.

  “So are we going to be breaking things off with some of the clients we already have?” Claire was scared. This was sounding bad... It was good for Dani, and she was happy for her boss, but the rest of the firm would be hurt by her decision. Matt wasn’t capable of doing much with his diminished eyesight. “Have you discussed this with Matt?”

  “I haven’t.” Dani frowned. “I’m going to stop and see him later this week and explain my position.” She sighed. “No, we’re not going to let any clients go. I’d like you to place an advertisement for an associate position. Go through the resumes, set up interviews, and pick someone you would love to work with. I trust your judgment.” She picked up a piece of paper on the table and handed it to her. “Here are the qualifications I’d like them to have and the salary we’re willing to offer.”

  Claire took the paper and scanned it. She whistled when
she read the salary amount. “That’s generous. We should catch some bites with that. Can the firm afford it?” She couldn’t help asking. She didn’t know what the bottom line of the firm’s financials were, but it couldn’t be high enough to sustain a four-figure salary.

  “I’m rich remember?” Dani smiled warmly. “Don’t worry about it. Once they start working they’ll bring in a lot of billable hours. I’ll cover the costs of running the firm until then. It’ll work out.”

  Claire hoped so. She was glad Dani had faith in the firm. She liked her job and didn’t want to lose it. Her previous job—she shook her head trying not to think about it. It didn’t work. Images of her ex filled her mind. She’d started dating Nolan shortly after she started working there. He was one of the associates in the firm with an ambitious attitude. He hoped to make partner and worked long hours to achieve that goal. Claire wanted a family and a place to go home to every night, but mostly she wanted to know what it was like for a man to love her as much as she loved him. She thought Matt felt the same about her. Now though, she had doubts. He’d been a complete ass for the past two weeks. It was starting to look like she had a bad habit of falling for men she worked with. Must have something to do with close proximity—she needed therapy or something.

  Dani picked up the files Claire had brought and shuffled through them. She opened one and an envelope of thick white parchment paper fell out. She reached down and said, “What’s this?”

  “I don’t know.” Claire shrugged. “I grabbed the files you requested. There wasn’t enough time to go through them all. Maybe Amy added something to it?” She didn’t generally do that sort of thing, but with as crazy as the office had been lately it wasn’t impossible.


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