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Hard Copy: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance (Tech Titans Book 3)

Page 9

by Marcella Swann

  “No, it isn’t. You’re absolutely right.”

  “And for another thing,” I said, talking right over him, “those relationships may have…wait a minute. What did you just say?”

  “I said you’re right,” J.D. replied, amused.

  I faltered for a second. I had worked myself up and was prepared for a fight. His agreement with me took the wind right out of my sails.

  “Of course I’m right. I always am,” I said, going with an old standby.

  “You know, I haven’t seen my father in person in nearly ten years,” he said, staring out over the still water of the pond. He tries to connect with me, to get me to spend time with him. He doesn’t live here, but he visits a couple times a year. I’ve always refused to see him. Maybe that makes me a bastard, but I just can’t move past it. He just left.”

  “And your mom?” I asked.

  “Oh, I’m a total momma’s boy,” he grinned. “She took it so hard, and I swear she’s still in love with him after all this time.” He sighed heavily. “When he got remarried, she was crushed. They hadn’t been together in years, but she never stopped hoping for a happy ending.”

  “That’s terrible,” I said. I understood him so much better now. I wondered of he’d ever be able to let go of the past.

  “Yeah, that’s when I stopped seeing him. He’d been in and out of my life for years, anyway. I just couldn’t keep it up anymore.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You know what I see when I look over there?” he asked, stepping up next to me and looking out over the crowd milling around, enjoying the food and drink. The entertainment part of the party would be starting soon now that the sun was down.


  “I see Damian and Gigi taking the natural next step to grow their relationship. They aren’t just good together, they make each other better. Damian really has been tamed, and he needed it. They are their best selves together. And Hayden? I see him starting a family with Sabine. Creating a tie to her that will never fade, loving her as the mother of his child.”

  “I can see that too.”

  “What I didn’t realize until now, is that I don’t have a bad feeling about them. I don’t see Hayden leaving Sabine the way my dad did. I don’t think Gigi will cheat on Damian. I don’t think you are going to fall in love with a new guy every time the seasons change.”

  “What are you saying?” I asked softly.

  “I’m an idiot. Business savvy aside, I’m a complete dumbass. I’ve been so hung up on the idea of love ending badly, that I refused to even entertain the idea that it could last. But the evidence is right in front of me. My love for you hasn’t faded at all, even when I tried to make it go away. Even when I ended our relationship before, I couldn’t make those feelings go away. They wouldn’t stay buried.”

  “You love me?”

  “Of course, I do. You know that. I’m the one that was in denial this whole time.”

  “You’re right,” I said with a grin, “You are an idiot.”

  J.D. chuckled, his face splitting into a breathtaking smile. His face was so open, so sincerely happy, and I realized I had never seen him like this. He had always held a little back from me, keeping himself guarded.

  Grabbing his shoulders, I pulled him down toward me until our lips met in a fiery kiss. He licked my lips and I opened up for him, fighting him for control of the kiss. I lost when he reached a hand around and pinched my ass, making me gasp in surprise.

  “I missed you these last few days,” he said, seriously.

  “I missed you, too. And your hot body,” I winked while he rolled his eyes.

  “You’re such a horndog.”

  “You love it,” I told him confidently. he pulled me into another kiss, this one soft and sweet.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Elliott’s voice once again boomed through the PA speakers. J.D. broke our kiss, looking toward the stage. “Put your hands together for SABINE!”

  Music blared through the speakers as Sabine appeared. The party guests went crazy. Sabine’s career had really taken off lately, her new manager evidently knowing her stuff.

  Sabine was dressed in a long white dress, her enormous stomach bulging out in front of her. Her face glowed as she lifted the microphone to her mouth and belted out the beginning of her biggest hit, Just Love.

  Wrapping his arms around me, J.D. pulled me into his chest and started to sway back and forth to the music. I sang along to the song. It was one of my favorites and the words had so much more meaning to me now, as J.D. watched me with a warmth in his eyes.

  “You know, I love you, too,” I said, completely amazed that he had finally confessed his feelings for me.

  “Good, because you’re stuck with me now.”

  “Oh no, what have I gotten myself into,” I groaned theatrically. I always had a penchant for the dramatic. If So Good hadn’t worked out, I could’ve gone into acting.

  “Hardy-har,” J.D. replied, shaking his head and swooping in for another kiss.

  “We should probably head back to the party,” I murmured, pulling away before the kiss could become heated. We couldn’t seem to stop touching each other.

  “I don’t wanna,” J.D. pouted and stomped his foot like a child. I giggled and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the gazebo and across the grass, back toward the party. We were walking along the pond, still on the outskirts of the celebration.

  I could see that people were dancing in front of the stage, in an area we had kept clear for a makeshift dance floor. I headed in that direction, eager to join them, when someone stepped into my path.

  I was startled to see Keith there, glaring at my hand wrapped around J.D.’s. I had completely forgotten about him. I felt a bit guilty; I shouldn’t have invited him in the first place. What had I been thinking?

  “What the hell, Stallworth?” Keith asked, addressing J.D.

  “Oh, hey, Keith,” I said, giving him an awkward little wave. This could get ugly.

  “You knew I was making a move on her. Pick someone else,” Keith said, ignoring me completely.

  Okay. Now I was pissed.

  “Oh my god, you didn’t tell me someone else had called dibs,” I said to J.D. pulling my hand from his. “I guess I belong to him.”

  J.D. looked perplexed as I took a step toward Keith. I looked up at Keith through my eyelashes, trying to look seductive. It must have worked, because his face split into that signature grin of his.

  “Let’s get outta here, baby,” Keith said as I reached him. What an idiot. I placed my hands on his chest and looked up into his face.

  “I don’t think so, baby,” I said, pushing against his chest with all my strength and sending him stumbling backwards into the pond. He landed with a satisfying splash.

  “Holy shit!” J.D. exclaimed.

  I turned to him and shrugged. “He needed to cool off a bit.”

  “You crazy bitch!” Keith shouted out as he emerged, dripping from the water.

  “Watch yourself,” J. D. warned. I just laughed.

  “You really shouldn’t treat women like they’re your prize to have. Feel free to slip out while everyone is still distracted by Sabine,” I said, knowing that appearances were important to a man like him. “You wouldn’t want to make a spectacle of yourself.”

  Cursing under his breath, Keith stormed away in a huff.

  J.D. threw his arm around my shoulders and we walked toward the stage together, an official couple at last.

  Chapter Twenty: Fireworks

  It was funny how different the world looked with Judy tucked under my arm. I felt like I could appreciate the party more. The wine tasted better. The scenery was more impressive. The music made me want to dance.

  Turns out, I was a fool for love.

  Hayden came running up to me, a goofy grin on his face. “You two finally work things out?”

  “How do you know anything about it?” I asked with a frown.

  “Oh, please. Gigi told me.”

>   “Gigi told you?” Judy asked, sounding miffed.

  “Well, yeah. But it was just so we could figure out a way to fix things.”

  “Fix things?” I asked with my eyebrow raised.

  “Don’t be daft,” Gigi’s voice came from behind me. I turned, and she was standing there with Damian. She was wearing a smile identical to Hayden’s. “You must have known we were conspiring. Hayden is a terrible liar.”

  “Hey! That hurts. After all this collaborating, I thought we were partners in crime. A modern-day Bonnie and Clyde.”

  “I don’t think so,” Damian growled. “They were a couple.”

  “And didn’t they die horribly?” I asked.

  “Fine then. A modern-day Thelma and Louise. They were just friends,” Hayden said, folding his arms across his chest.

  “I think they died too,” I told him.

  “Oh, whatever then.”

  “I had a feeling you guys were up to something. It was a bit obvious in the diner,” Judy told them with a smirk.

  “You should have seen them in Hayden’s office last week. Huddled together whispering like schoolgirls,” I said. “I thought they might be plotting to run away together.”

  “Over my dead body,” Damian said, wrapping an arm around Gigi’s waist and pulling her into his side possessively. She laughed and pecked his lips.

  Another song started, and Judy squealed with delight. She grabbed Gigi’s hand and pulled her toward the dance floor, leaving us men behind. Aaron joined us.

  “So, you and Judy, huh? ‘Bout time,” he said, taking a sip of his red wine.

  “Was everyone aware of this?” I asked, exasperated.

  “Duh,” Damian rolled his eyes. “You too have had a cloud of sexual tension around you for over a year. That shit makes for good gossip.”

  I watched Judy twist her body to the music, dancing without reservation. She was like fire, wild and bright. Her flame spread to those around her and I had been consumed myself.

  How did I get so lucky?

  A heaviness that I hadn’t been aware of seemed to have lifted. I had been embracing a negative outlook on life that brought me nothing but loneliness. If Judy hadn’t come along to call me on my bullshit, I might never have known I could be this happy.

  “Okay, that’s six songs already,” Hayden said, staring up at Sabine with a concern in his eyes. “I’m gonna drag her off the stage.”

  He took off without another word and I smiled. He was so protective of Sabine lately, I knew that he was driving her nuts. I supposed it came with the territory though. Men in love will do strange things.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” I said to Damian and Aaron without looking at them. I made my way to Judy until I was flush against her backside. Her movements caused lust to shoot through me. I was suddenly ready to leave.

  “Oh my, Mr. Stallworth. Is that cucumber in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

  “A cucumber?” I laughed.

  “What? That’s flattering!”

  “You are crazy,” I said, laughter clear in my voice.

  “All the best people are.”

  “Let’s go back to my place.”

  “We can’t miss the fireworks!”

  “Really?” I groaned. “You’re torturing me.”

  “No, if I wanted to torture you, I’d tell you that this dress is the only piece of clothing I’m wearing right now.”

  “You mean?” I ran my hand over her hip and, sure enough, felt no panty line.

  “Yep.” She grinned.

  “To hell with fireworks.”

  Letting out an animalistic growl, I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder. Judy laughed with delight and I made a beeline for the exit. Fifteen minutes later, I could hear fireworks going off in the distance, but we were already in the backseat of my car, enjoying a couple of explosions of our own.


  In all my travels, and there had been plenty since SXz took off and I began making money hand over fist, I had never been to Barcelona. Located on the Mediterranean sea and bordered by a mountain range to the west, it was magnificent. The whole city was like a piece of art. The architecture reflected a blend of modern and ancient.

  The castle that Damian and Gigi had chosen for their wedding was a perfect example of Romanesque architecture. The pointed arches and thick buttresses gave the building sense of history and beauty. The hand-chiseled masonry work was exquisite.

  The ceremony itself was taking place just within the entrance, in the large open space beneath an arch. A string quartet was set up to one side of the room and white lilies decorated the area.

  I was standing behind Damian as he recited his vows, promising to love Gigi for the rest of his life. There was no hesitation in his voice and I finally understood why. When you were with the right person, there was no doubt about it, even if you tried to resist like I did.

  My eyes were trained on Judy during the whole ceremony. Her hair was in an elegant updo and the dress Gigi had chosen for her was a soft lilac color. It hugged her body and flowed smoothly to the floor.

  The last three months with her had changed my life. I hadn’t noticed that something was missing before, but now I felt complete. I had something outside of my career for the first time. Judy provided me with substance that no job, no matter how successful, could.

  As Damian kissed his bride, I knew that I would eventually do the same. We weren’t there yet, but I knew now that I had found my forever. I was just beyond lucky to figure that out before it was too late.

  The reception was in a great room in the castle immediately following the ceremony. Damian flew over the couple’s closest friends and family for the wedding, so there were only about 30 of us. It was intimate and comfortable, no need to worry about press or dealing with business obligations or boring small talk.

  I was holding my niece, two-month-old Camille, while her parents spun around on the dance floor. She was tiny in my arms, sleeping soundly.

  “You know, there’s something about a man with a baby,” Judy’s voice came from behind me. She was holding two pieces of wedding cake and wearing a soft smile.

  “You mean it’s a turn on?” I asked, grimacing.

  “Not really. It’s more heartwarming than anything. You don’t know that ladies go gaga for a man with a baby?”

  “I’ve never heard of that.”

  “It’s a scientific fact,” she said. “I’m sure it’s an evolutionary thing. Something in our brains make us seek out a man with paternal instincts.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  Sabine and Hayden approached us.

  “She’s still asleep?” Sabine asked surprised.

  “Hasn’t so much as stirred,” I replied, carefully handing her off to Hayden. I grabbed a piece of cake and dug in.

  “Well, that figures. She woke up four times last night.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t name her after me,” Judy said, pouting. “After all the help I gave you during the beginning of your relationship.”

  “We’re thinking about getting a dog. You want us to name it after you?” Hayden asked.

  “You’re getting a puppy!” Judy’s face lit up in excitement. Hayden rolled his eyes at her.

  “You have your hands full,” He said to me. I just laughed.

  “Says the man with a baby in his arms.”

  “Speaking of, let’s go grab of a piece cake before she wakes up to feed,” Sabine suggested.

  “Have I told you how amazing you look?” I asked Judy once we were alone.

  “Yeah, but I never getting sick of hearing it.”

  “At least you’re humble.”

  “Humble is overrated. I like knowing I have a bit of awesome. That’s how I landed you.”

  “True,” I conceded.

  “I love you so much,” she said, suddenly serious.

  “I love you more,” I replied, pressing a kiss to her lips. I had never been so happy.

  Free on Kind
le Unlimited

  All of Marcella Swann’s books are available FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

  My Dream Job

  Redeemed (Lost Love Book 1)

  Reunited (Lost Love Book 2)

  Rekindled (Lost Love Book 3)

  Hard Drive (Tech Titans Book 1)

  Hardwired (Tech Titans Book 2)

  About the Author

  Marcella Swann is an Amazon #1 bestselling author of heart-thumping and heart-melting contemporary romance. She's plied her trade in the newspaper business, written and produced a way off Broadway play, and is the proud mama of a singer-songwriter. When she's not trying to save newspapers from imminent doom (by subscribing to them all), she loves to take her readers on dreamy journeys to that place where all the men are hotties and the women are beautiful and strong. She also swings a mean kettle bell at the gym and likes people watching at Grand Central Station on a busy day. For more information, visit Marcella loves to hear from her readers! You can follow her @MarcellaSwannRomance on Facebook and @Marcella_Swann on Twitter or contact her at




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