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Dragon Avenged: Immortal Dragons Epilogue

Page 9

by Bell, Ophelia

  He released her nipple and turned his head, gazing in rapt fascination at the place where she and Silas were joined. She released his head, and a moment later wrapped her hand around his cock and began to stroke.

  Silas groaned in pleasure, his hips picking up tempo as they smacked against Assana’s thighs. Their bodies glistened with the dewy spray from the waterfall, the late morning sun filtering through the mist casting them in an ethereal glow. The moment felt a little surreal as inundated with pure pleasure as it was. Assana tightened her grip around his cock, her strokes quickening as their auras swelled. Gavra slipped his hand down her belly to find her swollen clit hot and slick with her juices.

  Assana and Silas both cried out harsh affirmations when Gavra began to toy with her tight bud. Silas reared back, grabbing Assana by the backs of her knees and staring down between them as though he needed to see the pleasure taking place to believe it.

  “Fuck, that’s good,” he blurted. “I missed this so fucking much.”

  Gavra chuckled and pushed himself up onto one arm, careful not to dislodge Assana’s hand from his cock. He bent down with his head at Assana’s navel, his gaze fixed on the tight stretch of Silas’s cock filling her gorgeous snatch. With his free hand, he held her folds apart and dipped his head lower, stretched out his dragon tongue, and tickled her sensitive flesh with its tip.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” Silas said, his words nearly drowned out by the harsh cry erupting from Assana’s lips. “Make her come on my cock.”

  Assana’s hand disappeared from Gavra’s shaft, and a second later, she dug her fingernails into his neck. Her hips bucked up into Silas, her belly slick under Gavra’s cheek as he lapped at her clit with deliberate circular strokes.

  She arched her back and yelled out an incoherent plea. All at once, Gavra’s mind blasted with her intense pleasure, her body torqueing beneath his cheek and both her hands clutching at his head and shoulders as she fell apart. Sweet nectar flooded his tongue from her climax, complementing the delicious rush of magic that spilled through his skin.

  Silas abruptly pulled out and smacked Gavra on the ass. “Need your ass now.”

  Dizzy from the rush Assana’s Nirvana had given him, he drunkenly complied, twisting around to face Assana again and swinging his leg across her hips. Behind him, Silas still stroked himself with fevered speed.

  With his free hand, he gripped one of Gavra’s cheeks, spreading him open and teasing his thumb around Gavra’s opening. Gavra buried his face against Assana’s shoulder, both anxious and eager for what was to come.

  Silas was right—he didn’t offer his ass up to his lovers often, preferring to be the one who orchestrated their pleasure and watching as often as he participated. But he loved this more for how rarely it happened, and especially for how enthusiastically they both tended to his needs when he gave into them.

  Assana clutched his head, forcing him to turn and face her. He peered into the swirling aqua depths of her gaze and lost himself to the sensations—her lips captured his at the same moment her hand reached between them and began to stroke him again. And behind him, Silas emitted a harsh curse, his semen spattering hot and thick against Gavra’s exposed opening. Another surge of potent power flooded Gavra’s body and he groaned, barely able to hold it together.

  Silas stroked his thumb harder around Gavra’s opening, spreading his seed and teasing the tip of his thumb gently in and out past the slick, tight barrier. Jolts of sensation shot through Gavra. He could easily come right now just from their attention, but with their power combined with his own when he finally found his peak, he’d be able to send a more powerful dose to the Source.

  Until then, he’d savor every rising wave of pleasure.

  “Fuck, do you have any idea how much I love it when you give yourself to us like this?” Silas said, his voice rough. He continued teasing Gavra’s ass, now with both hands grasping his cheeks, spreading him wide. His thumbs caressed the sensitive, puckered flesh and pushed in and out in a maddening rhythm.

  “You mean when I let you torture me?” Gavra retorted.

  Assana laughed, her breasts pushing up into Gavra’s chest with delightful pressure and warmth. “You love it. Now why don’t you get inside me?”

  She shimmied beneath him until she could get her legs out from under him and slung around his waist, then lifted her hips up off the rock, grazing her soft, slick core along his length. His cock ached to feel her tight sheath, but Silas had him trapped and the exquisite pleasure being inflicted on him from behind was too good for him to move.

  “Need a little help if you want that,” he rumbled, peering down at Assana’s glistening cheeks. His thundering heartbeat crescendoed at the sight of the watery beauty beneath him, her primal essence bleeding through her human form. Her skin had taken on a blue-green sheen, her lips a pearlescent blue. A nearly manic need flooded her gaze as though she hadn’t just climaxed.

  She wrapped one arm around his shoulders and tightened her thighs around his hips, easily leveraging herself up until she could position his tip at her entrance. Her eyelids fluttered closed and her head fell back as she shifted her body down his just enough to take him into her. The tight, hot friction flooded him with unbearable pleasure and he hooked an arm around her back, pulling her tighter to him as she began to move, writhing and twisting to pump her hips up and down along his engorged length.

  He struggled to keep his hips still, unwilling to break contact with Silas’s touch. The stretching push of thumbs in his ass disappeared and was swiftly replaced by the hot, thick tip of his cock.

  Through their meld, they both knew the exact moment to move. Assana suddenly tightened her grip with arms and legs around him, her deliciously tight pussy clamping down on his cock at the same second Silas shoved home. Gavra let out a strangled roar and reared back, taking Silas even deeper as the ursa grabbed his hips and braced his knees on either side.

  Silas sank his teeth into Gavra’s shoulder and groaned, beginning to steadily pump up into his ass with slow, agonizingly perfect thrusts. It took nearly all Gavra’s strength to maintain his hold on Assana and let them both dictate the movements. He was pinned between them, the gorgeous, sex-crazed nymph fucking herself on his cock in front and the hormone-drunk ursa buried in him from behind.

  He reached back and clutched at Silas’s hip with one hand urging him on, then captured Assana’s mouth and simply let himself go. His mind and body opened to the pleasure completely, his soul awash with every fresh impression of their love and desire. He soaked it all in, letting it fill him to bursting and then some, until finally he found his limit.

  Assana cried out his name and Silas echoed the call as the pair of them flooded him with their orgasms, inundating him with fresh, potent magic. At the same second, he let loose all the power he’d held in check, his cock spasming and filling Assana’s sweet, hot depths while he diverted the magic he’d stored up into the misty air and water that surrounded them, sending it to the center of the Haven and their last hope to keep their world whole.

  * * *

  Gavra collapsed in a tangle of his lovers’ limbs, one foot dangling off the rock into the cool water. He kept his eyes closed, focusing on the flow of magic seeping out of him into the pool through very little effort on his part. That the Haven’s own waters were so connected had never occurred to him, but it stood to reason. If all the earth’s waters could give access to the Haven, why shouldn’t all the Haven’s waters link to the Source itself?

  A lovely, lilting sound filled the air around him and he tilted his head to listen.

  “You hear it, don’t you?” Assana whispered.

  “Mm . . . it sounds like a turul mating song . . .”

  He trailed off, brows creasing. There were a handful of female turul in the Haven today, but they were all happily mated. He listened harder, trying to decide if he was mishearing and it was a male voice. Perhaps Ozzie had decided to join in the ritual after all and was hoping to lure a nymph. But that made no s
ense. Ozzie had spent enough time in the Haven over the past year to know unequivocally whether his One were among the nymphs. If he were certain enough to stay away, that meant she wasn’t here.

  And that voice was most definitely female. In fact, it sounded like his niece, who had a voice as beautiful as Evie’s.

  “It’s Deva,” he said, finally opening his eyes. Silas paused while cleaning himself and frowned. He and Assana exchanged a quick look before they both turned to Gavra, identical thoughts at the forefront of their minds a split-second before Assana spoke them out loud.

  “Should we be worried? She’s so young.”

  “She wasn’t too young for Dion to enlist her help,” Silas said.

  Within his lover’s mind, Gavra caught a glimpse of Deva as she’d appeared that morning, radiant and eager to begin. She’d been beautiful, and seen through the filter of the young ursa’s gaze, every bit the sensual woman who should be at the core of a ritual like the one they were undertaking today.

  Gavra didn’t see her that way. To him she was a child, despite her unusual origin and speedy growth to womanhood. He narrowed his gaze at Silas, who gave him a sheepish look.

  “I can’t help how I see her,” Silas said. “And you can’t deny she craves a purpose as much as I did when you met me. You’ve seen how fucking brilliant her aura is with that drive . . . that hunger to learn. Why shouldn’t she want to learn about love too? If there’s anything I learned last year, it’s that none of us could have fulfilled our purpose without our mates. I would not be the man I am today without the two of you.”

  “You think she wants a mate?” Assana asked, darting a look between Gavra and Silas.

  “She’s far too young yet for a mate,” Gavra growled.

  Silas gave him an incredulous look. “I beg to differ. Dragons may start late, but ursa and nymphaea become sexually mature in our twenties or earlier. If that’s a turul song, maybe her turul side is the one maturing now. How early do they start?”

  Gavra’s jaw ticked. This did not bode well.

  “Well?” Silas asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest, water droplets trickling down his belly.

  “Turul can recognize their soul mates in childhood—it has happened. But it’s impossible for her to have one.”

  “I don’t see how . . .”

  “She has no soul, Silas,” he snapped. “Therefore, she can’t have a soul mate.”

  Silas’s mouth dropped open and he nodded slowly. “Right . . .” He snorted. “Then no wonder she’s trying so damn hard to find one.”

  Chapter 13

  Deva let the song fade into the misty air and took a slow breath, her heart pounding. Llyr’s fingers tightened at her hips and she dropped her gaze back down to his face, bracing herself. It was silly for her to break into song in response to a kiss, but it had been a special kiss to her.

  Her first kiss.

  She was acutely aware of how close they were. He’d pulled her onto his lap and now they sat half-submerged in the water, her knees bracketing his hips and his thighs beneath her butt. Her hands rested on his forearms, still gently tapping the rhythm of the song that had faded a moment ago.

  She swallowed and forced herself to still her fingers and to school her expression to indifference, but was sure she failed.

  Llyr’s eyes were a hypnotic swirl she wished she could interpret, and she hoped the fierce grip he had on her hips was a good thing and not something to worry about.

  She bit her lip and blinked, suddenly overwhelmed by the belief that she’d disappointed him somehow, and when he tore his gaze away and fixed his eyes on some distant point, her heart lurched.

  “Why did you sing that?” he choked.

  “I—I couldn’t help it. Sometimes singing is like a stress response, I guess. Did you not like it?”

  His big chest rose and fell with a deep sigh and he returned his gaze to her. Deva clutched at his arms, grateful for the continued contact that grounded her despite the uncertainty of what he might say next.

  “I loved it, but I don’t deserve it. I am not the man for you, Deva. I’m only your guardian. Besides, isn’t there something between you Ozzie West?”

  Deva pressed her lips together, but relaxed her grip on his arms, running her hands up and over his biceps and back down as she considered how to respond. The contact on its own felt good, and she liked how he looked at her even though his aura was wild with conflicting emotions. He liked the contact too, which was apparent to her on many fronts. Despite his wavering aura, he hadn’t stopped holding her and his eyes kept drifting back to her mouth, his aura spiking bright red-gold each time.

  Not to mention his sarong did little to conceal his arousal, even under the water.

  “You know I am part ursa, right?” she said. “And ursa females choose their mates. And they rarely choose only a single male. I don’t see why I can’t choose you both if I want.”

  Llyr’s hands shifted toward her low back as if he wanted her closer, though his words were a contradiction. “I am not saying you can’t have more than one. Just that one of them shouldn’t be me. I am here to serve you however you need, but I made a vow to Neph that I would not indulge myself with you. Your nature . . . well, it’s because you are part ursa, really. Do you even know what that song signified? What you were really asking for?”

  “Love?” she asked.

  “No, Deva. Not just love. I have heard turul mating songs before, and the one thing they all have in common is a promise to bind one’s soul to another. To do that requires the two people to join their bodies. To make love so deeply their souls meet. Your song was a promise to me, and I can’t accept that promise because I made a promise to your father that precludes it. I will guard you and help you through this ritual however you need, but that’s where my role must end.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, at the lack of conviction in his voice combined with the comfortable, familiar way his thumbs drifted back and forth over her sides through the waterlogged fabric of her dress.

  “Then why did you kiss me?”

  Llyr chuckled and shrugged. “You looked lost, and I needed you to stay focused on the moment. Ozzie isn’t here. I can tell that bothers you. If kissing you keeps you grounded, I’d do it again. In fact, I will do anything short of actually fucking you, as long as you keep things in perspective.”

  “Why not that? What if fucking is what I need to keep things in perspective?” She was grateful for the cool water surrounding her lower body; she might have overheated otherwise.

  “Because we don’t know how much of your ursa nature is tied to your fertility. Short of waiting for you to hit estrous, we have no way to tell.”

  Her brows lifted as she realized what he meant. How much did he really know? “But you aren’t an ursa . . . I thought it was pregnancy that was the risk. If you can’t get me pregnant, why worry?”

  He lifted a shoulder and let it drop. “We don’t know I can’t. My link to you is like a blood meld, so we have to assume it works the same as one where pregnancy is concerned. You’re a complete mystery to us. All we know for certain is that you can reach all those humans out there if we feed you enough power.” His brow twitched and he dipped his head. “Speaking of which . . . get ready for another surge.”

  Deva nodded and closed her eyes, focusing on her link to the bloodline. The entire lower half of her body began to tingle a moment later, and she gasped when a wave of raw power rushed through her lower limbs even more swiftly than before. Her muscles tensed and relaxed, leaving her pleasantly euphoric as even more of the bloodline emerged, a web of brilliant little lights that filled her mind.

  “I need to be deeper, I think,” she said, keeping her eyes shut and focusing on the unyielding low-frequency hum of magic that seemed to be part of the water now. “Support me under the water.”

  “Whatever you need,” Llyr said, sliding his hands up her back and shifting his body forward to hold her suspended just beneath the surface as she lay back.
“Put your legs around my waist. I’ve got you.”

  She let him guide her until her entire body save her face was submerged. She stretched her calves around his hips, which forced him closer between her thighs, and hooked her ankles together at his low back. The change in position provided a more complete connection with the water and the current of magic.

  “How is that?” Llyr asked, his voice a low rumble partly muffled by the water that lapped over her ears.

  “Better, but I still don’t have enough for a complete connection. We’re halfway there, though. I think . . .” She bit her lip, hesitating to admit something that had occurred to her as the water seeped through her gown. The fabric was completely saturated, but she could still feel a void in magic where it covered her skin. She felt ridiculous for freaking out over it earlier.

  “I meant it when I said I’m here for you, Deva,” Llyr said. “Tell me what you need and I’ll do it.”

  “I don’t need you to do anything.” She kept her eyes shut to maintain the courage to tell him. “But I think I need to be naked.”

  Before she could chicken out, she mentally dissolved the conjured gown. At her back, Llyr’s hands warmed now that there was no dress separating his skin from hers. He remained dead silent and statue-still, and Deva slowly opened her eyes, uncertain what she would see.

  Llyr’s eyes were a maelstrom of whirling energy, his aura a vivid red. She couldn’t see his hips from this angle, but didn’t need to. The hard ridge of flesh pressed between her thighs was a searing reminder of how she affected him.

  “Are you all right?” she asked. Her voice seemed to snap him out of some sort of trance and his eyes cleared to a vibrant, placid aqua. He smiled.

  “Never better,” he said and lifted his brows. “Decided the dress was overrated, did you? After all that fuss earlier.”

  The teasing tone made her smile wider and she used her hold on his hips to leverage herself into a sitting position. “I never realized how much easier it is to absorb the magic through my skin.”


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