Unfettered and Alive
Page 60
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 351
Humphrey, Hubert 46
Hunter, Alberta 65
Hunter, Bob 373
Hurford, Chris 333
Hywood, Greg 81
Ilfracombe 154
Illiad 171
Iman 220
Indian Relocation Act, 1956 51
Ingham 24–7
Ingleton, Sue 159
Ingram, Donna 428
‘Insider Baseball’ 249
International Press Association 33
International Whaling Commission 377
Interview with History 111
see Fallaci, Oriana
Iran 134
Shah of 53, 111,
Iraq 134
Ireland xiii, 169–70, 196
Isherwood, Christopher 188
Islamabad 124, 125, 129, 132
Jackson, Jesse 46, 61
Jackson, Margaret 4 12
Jacobs, Gloria 230–1
Jagger, Bianca 396
Jagger, Mick 62, 186
Jaivin, Linda 318
Japan 9, 35, 179, 183, 292, 370, 392, 394, 443
Jennings, Kate 121
Jingsheng, Wei 394
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 124
Jockel, Gordon 134
Johannesburg 103, 114, 118, 119
John Fairfax (US) Ltd 211, 233
John Fairfax & Sons see Fairfax
Johnson, Lady Bird 219
Johnson, Mary 151
Johnston, George 407
Johnstone, Helen 431, 442
Jolie, Angelina 186
Jones, Alan 88–9, 419, 440
Jones, Carlos 60–3
Jones, Margaret 14–15
Jones, Tom 304
Jong, Erica 39, 234
Jonker, Dr Ben 432, 433, 435–6
Jordan, Congresswoman Barbara 57, 251
Jordan, Hamilton 70
Jordan, Wilma 235–7, 244, 248, 253, 254, 268
Joseph, Helen 120
Jost, John 11
journalism 4, 45, 130, 131–2, 136–8, 203–4
drinking culture 12–13, 84
women in 13–15
investigative reporting 18
foreign correspondence 198, 203
newspapers versus magazines 332
starting Anne Summers Reports 421–3
digital journalism 423
see also Australian Financial Review; The National Times; Press Gallery; World Press Institute
Joyce, Alan 424, 434
Juilliard School 195
junk bonds 179
Kahlo, Frida 67
Kane-Berman, John 108, 121
Kangaroo Island 401, 402
Karachi 129, 133
Katingal Supermax Jail 16, 20, 21
Keating, Annita 288–9, 293, 295, 300, 304, 318, 319, 325, 327,
Keating, Mike 294
Keating, Paul 73, 92, 94, 254, 286–331, 366, 416
Keating PMO 289–90, 291–3, 294, 298, 301
gender gap in support 290, 330
Question Time 293, 300, 303–4
focus group research on women 294–7
kindness towards staff 300–1
appreciation of art, architecture, decorative arts 301–3
violence on television 303–4
childcare policy 314, 316
domestic violence policy 307–10
cover of Rolling Stone 318–9
Arts for Labor event 319–23
‘the sweetest victory of all’ 323
Kelly, Ellen 415
Kelly, Gail 412
Kelly, Ned 415
Kelly, Pam 406, 409
Kelly, Paul 11, 34, 72, 86, 91
Kelly, Petra 170–1
Kelly, Ros 326
Kelly, Steve 409
Kelly, Tom 15
Kelty, Bill 151
Kennedy, Senator Edward 233
Kennedy, President John 233
Kennedy, Robert 233
Kennedy, Trevor 2, 8, 206, 253
Kennett, Jeff 335–7
Kerouac, Jack 39, 187, 192
‘Kerry babies’ 170
Keyes, Alan 166
KGB 100
Khyber Pass 125, 127
Killen, Jim 90–1
Kinflicks 39
see Alther, Lisa
King, Billie Jean 234
King, Martin Luther Jr 60, 353
King, Peter 44
King, Peter (Fairfax) 238
King, Stephen 196
Kings College, Cambridge 335
Kings Cross 29, 32, 324, 334
Kirkpatrick, Jeane 234, 396
Kirner, Joan 345, 346
Kirribilli House 152, 315, 319
Kissinger, Henry 111, 394
Klein, Anne 236, 243
Klu Klux Klan 47
Kngwarreye, Emily Kame 321
Knopf 71
Knopf, Alfred 439
Knopf, Blanche 439
Kohler, Alan 332
Kong, Foong Ling 422
Koornhof, Dr Piet 104–5, 106, 107
Kopechne, Mary Joe 233
Krahe, Fred 30, 31, 32, 34
Krementz, Jill 272
Kyburz, Rosemary 26
LaBelle, Patti 187
Ladies Home Journal 239, 272
Lagarde, Chrstine 431, 432
Lahey, Katie 412
Lakota Sioux Nation 50
La Louisiane, Hotel 390
Lang Communications see Lang, Dale
Lang, Dale 267–8, 272–3, 279–81, 283, 287
acquires Ms. and Sassy 270–1
cancels Summers’ contract 299
Lange, George 230–1
Lange, Jessica 277
Lavarch, Michael 341
Lawrence, Carmen 340, 345–6, 412
Lawrence, D.H. 47
Lawrence, Elaine 382
Lawson, Valerie 10, 203
Lear, Norman 251
Lecter, Hannibal 52
Leibowitz, Annie 277
Leigh, Andrew 417
Leigh, Jennifer Jason 185
Leipold, Gerd 383–5, 396
Lennon, John 242
Lent 90
Leonard, Helen 313
Lerner, Gerda 270
lesbians 43, 67, 224–5, 268,
negative view of by Ms. focus groups 224
and Paul Keating 294
access to IVF 354
see also Atkinson, Ti-Grace; feminism; Friedan, Betty; Working Woman
Leser, Bernard 253
Leser, David 365
Lessing, Doris 357
Lessore, Henry 199
leveraged buyouts (LBOs) 179–80
Levine, Suzanne Braun 217, 218, 225, 280
Lewinsky, Monica 278, 397
Lewis, Ann 232
Lewis, Daniel-Day 52
Lewis, Michael 180
Ley, Sussan 412
Liar’s Poker 180
Liberaction 11
Liberal Party 26, 78, 134, 191, 202, 322, 352, 366
Lies and Stories 42
Life 62, 436
Light, Deborah 10
Lincoln Centre 185, 263
Literary Women 66
see Moers, Ellen
Littlefeather, Sasheen 51
Livermore, Reg 321
Loehman’s 247, 402
Logie, David 3 93
London 36, 44, 66, 95, 96, 99, 100, 115, 196, 200, 254, 338, 387, 389
Long Bay Prison 16
Longendyke, Paula 39, 40
‘Look!’ 13
Loomis, Gloria 287
Los Angeles 191, 121, 217, 224, 269, 284, 397
Low, Luisa 433
Lowy, Frank 253
Luhrmann, Baz 320, 325
Lusaka 101–2, 110, 111, 112,
Luscombe, Karen 294
Lynch, Michael 320
Lynch, Philip 90
McCafferty, Nell 169–70
McCall’s 268
McCann, Kevin 43
McCarthy, Wendy 154, 174, 209
McCulloch, Deborah 140–1, 142
McCullough, Colleen 59
McDonald, Garry 3 19
McElroy, Hal 320
McGuinness, P.P. (Paddy) 9, 11, 77
McMahon, Prime Minister William 74
McMullan, Bob 236–7, 238
McNally, Terence 195
McPhee, Hilary 35, 286
McPhee Gribble Publishers 35
McTaggert, David 373
McVeigh, Tom 326
Ma, Yo-Yo 195
Macalester College 45, 47, 49, 56
MacCallum, Mungo 81, 82, 83
Machel, Gracie 446 n. 1
Machel, Samora 109
Mackellar, Michael 95
Mackenzie, Midge 66
Mackinolty, Chips 7
Macklin, Jenny 317
Macquarie Network 212
Macquarie University 8
Madame Butterfly 197
Madigan, Russell 179
Madison Avenue 208, 223, 271
Madonna 278
Madgwick, Rod 15
Magli, Bruno 189, 200
Mahlab, Eve 451 n.18
Maiden, Malcolm 197
Mailer, Norman 47, 414
Mailman, Josh 268
Makoni, Simba 117
Male Champions of Change 435
Malkovich, John 196
Malone, Paul 81
Malovany-Chevallier, Sheila 439
Man Booker Prize 407
management buyout (MBO) 235, 244, 280
Manaus (The Amazon) 390, 391, 393, 400
Mandela, Nelson 105, 107, 108, 115, 120, 398
Mandela, Winnie 106
Manfield, Chris 412
Manhattan Inc. 221, 229
Manhattan Theatre Club 195
Manilow, Barry 187
Mapplethorpe, Robert 187
Maputo 109, 112
Markson, Elaine 71
Marr, David 11, 27–9, 203
‘marriage bar’ 158
Married with Children 201
Marsh, Jan 154
Martin, Catherine 325
Mathieson, Tim 427
Matilda Publications Inc. 240, 245, 248, 270, 281, 287
dissolved by Dale Lang 273
financial collapse as result of boycott 252–3
Matthews, Bernie 20
Max’s Bar 240–1
Mayer, Professor Henry 44
Meale, Richard 321
Means, Russell 50–2
Media Arts and Entertainment Alliance (MEAA) 342–3
‘media mogulettes’ 247–8, 273
Meinhof, Ulrike 10
Meir, Golda 111
Melbourne 10, 11, 35, 36, 39, 88, 89, 143, 162, 174, 192, 254, 351, 408, 414, 416, 426, 428, 429, 430, 434, 441, 443
Melbourne Herald 137
Melbourne Sun-Pictorial 73
Melchett, Peter 371
Menstruation and Menopause 67
see Weideger, Paula
Mental as Anything 322
Menzies, Prime Minister Sir Robert 147, 352
Mercurio, Paul 320
Merrony, Justine 440
#MeToo 414
Metrinko, Marsha 259, 261
Metropolitan Museum of Art 277
Metropolitan Opera 186, 197
Microsoft Corp. 180
‘middle-class welfare’ 316–17
Midler, Bette 187
Midnight Oil 199, 322, 334
Mikulski, Senator Barbara 232
Milhaupt, Charlie 276
Mill, John Stuart 353
Miller, Henry 47
Millett, Kate 47, 219
Milliken, Robert 11
Mills and Boon 268
Minelli, Liza 186
Mingus, Charlie 187
Minneapolis 45,46, 47, 53
Minneapolis Star and Tribune 53
Minnesota 45–9, 53, 58, 59, 171
Misery 196
misogyny xvi, 47, 348, 362, 420, 423, 429, 431
Mitchell, Joni 189, 442
Mitchell, Dame Roma 157
Modjeska, Drusilla 414
Moers, Ellen 66
Mombassa, Reg 318, 321
Mondale, Walter 46, 329
monetary policy 84, 179, 180
Monk, Thelonius 187
Monopoly Capital 194
Moody, Natalie 276
Moore, Henry 54
Moorhouse, Frank 321, 350, 437
Moral Majority 250
Morgan, Robin 219, 220, 272, 279–80, 284
Morgan Stanley 1 90
Moriarty, Eileen 215–16
Morice, Tara 325
Morris, Mark 277
Morrison, Lt Gen. David 431, 440
Mother Jones 257
‘Mother Right’ 68
Motlana, Dr Nthato 107, 120
Mozambique 101, 109–12, 120
Mozart 196
Ms. magazine 68, 69, 205–244, 247
acquired by Fairfax 205–214
and Kerry Packer 206
financial problems 207,
difficulties with advertising 207–8, 222–3, 259–61
history of 208–9
Ms. Reporter 221, 231–2
circulation problems 222
focus group research 223–5
repositioning to advertisers 225
moves in with Sassy 224–5
first African-American woman appointed to senior position 227
targeted by Working Woman over lesbian ads 268
acquired by Dale Lang 270–1
relaunched advertiser-free 279–80
bought by Jay MacDonald 280
bought by Liberty Media 281
40th birthday 284–5
see also Carbine, Pat; Edgar, Joanne; Gillespie, Marcia Ann; Levine, Suzanne Braun; Orenstein, Peggy; Pogrebin, Letty Cottin; Smeal, Ellie; Steinem, Gloria; Summers, Anne
Ms. Foundation 209, 211, 213
see also Carbine, Pat; Steinem, Gloria,
Ms. Women of the Year 1988 255
see Archer, Anne; Brady, Sarah, Douglas, Marjory Stoneman; Winfrey, Oprah
Mugabe, Robert 106, 110, 111, 112
Mulawa Women’s Prison 17
Murdoch, Rupert 74, 96, 199, 201, 217, 237, 253
starts Fox Network 201
gazumps Ronald Reagan 201
and Clay Felker 221
buys Seventeen 237
buys Mills and Boon publisher 268
launches Rugby Super League 350, 351
Murphy, Tony 31
Murphy Brown 356
Murray, Les 321
Museum of Australian Democracy 76
Muzorewa, Bishop Abel 102
My Brother Jack 407
see Johnston, George
My Life on the Road 280
see Steinem, Gloria
9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States 395, 396, 397, 400
Nagle, Justice John 16, 19
see also Royal Commission into New South Wales Prisons
Namibia 101, 120
Naparstek, Ben 416–7, 420
Nation Review 3
National Advisory Committee for Women 69, 70
National Agenda for Women 314
National Crime Authority 416
National Economic Summit 135
National Gallery of Art, Washington 182
National Organisation for Women (NOW) 238, 271, 284
National Press Club, Canberra 84, 152, 313
National Press Club, Washington 14–15, 104
National Women’s Advisory Council (NWAC) 154
National Women’s Consultative Council (NWCC) 151, 162
Native Americans 49–52, 57
Natividad, Irene 358
Nausea 48
see Sartre, jean-Paul
Navratilova, Martina 234
NBC’s Today Show 354
Neary, Jenni 147
Neill, Sam 319, 320
Nelligan, Guy 292
Nell’s 220
Neville, Jill 37, 443
Nevin, Robyn 321
New Delhi 123, 124, 125, 134
New Journalism 2, 3, 25
New York 38, 39, 40–42, 43, 50, 60, 64, 65, 66–71, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 165, 175, 176–8, 181, 184–204, 206–9, 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220–2, 226, 229–30, 236–8, 241, 244, 246–51, 253, 255–7, 259, 261, 263, 265, 267–77, 280–1, 283–5, 287, 289, 299–300, 322, 332–4, 338, 357–8, 360, 368–9, 371, 399, 402, 404, 421, 422, 429
New York 2, 64–5, 183–8, 221, 402
Ms. insert 208–9
New York Financial Writers 181
New York Marathon 200
New York Newsday 211, 217
New York Post 237
New York Review of Books 200, 249
New York Woman 221
New Zealand 32, 41, 191, 199, 234, 388, 405, 436
Newhouse, Si 239, 253
Newsweek 259, 265
Newton, Max 74
Nicholls, Linda 412
Nielsen, Juanita 32
Nissman, Barbara 5
Nixon, Peter 90
Nixon, President Richard 69, 70, 182
Nkomo, Joseph 116
Nobel Peace Prize 398
Nolan, Sidney 414
Nonon, Jacqueline 173
Not a Bedroom War 451 n.18
Novy Mir 187
Noxelle 251
NSW police 6–7
corruption 30–4
Nussbaum, Hedda 255–9, 261–2, 280–1, 282
and Susan Brownmiller 256–7, 262
and Gloria Steinem 256–7, 262
Nyoka, Justin 110, 115
Oakes, Laurie 72, 73, 86, 91, 92, 304
Obama, President Barack 61, 249, 251
OECD Working Party on the Role of Women in the Economy 150, 165
Office of the Parliamentary Counsel 155
Office of the Status of Women (OSW) 136, 139–175, 290, 306, 310, 352
see also affirmative action; childcare; O’Loughlin, Mary Ann; Roche, Michael; Register of Women; Sex Discrimination Act; Women’s Budget Program
Office of Women’s Affairs 136, 152
O’Loughlin, Mary Ann 145, 161, 166, 292, 295, 297, 306, 307, 328
childcare package 310–14,
Olsen, Tillie 66
Onassis, Jacqueline 215
One Nation Party 365
O’Neill, Gary 83, 137, 163
O’Neill, John 241
O’Neill, Kevin 241
O’Neill, Maureen 166
O’Neill, Mez 83, 84, 144, 163–4
Ono, Yoko 247
Onsman, Ricky 422
On the Road 39
see Kerouac, Jack
Operation PUSH 46, 61
O’Reilly, Jane 229–231
O’Reilly, Neil 90
Orenstein, Peggy 257, 259, 271
Organised Line to Yellow 414
Osmond, Warren 44
Overground Telegraph 417
Packer, Clyde 206
Packer, Kerry 206, 212, 244, 253
rights deal with Ms. magazine 206–7
Page, Russell 320
Pakistan xvi, 101, 123–33
Palmer, Ros 416
Pan Am 95, 118, 121–2
Pan Am Building 243, 273
Pankhurst, Emmeline 35
Papandreou, Prime Minister Andreas 171
Papandreou, Margaret 171, 172