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Saved By Her Dragon

Page 9

by Julia Mills

  “As you wish, Master Andrew.”

  Her memories continued, one right after another, until she felt as if they were tearing her apart. One moment she was watching them as if they were a movie, the next she was an active participant in scenes she’d already been forced to endure in real life. Anya summoned her strength, convincing herself that she could make it to the end; that she could get the answers they needed to capture Andrew and make him pay for all he had done.

  However, her memories refused to be tamed and the film of her life continued. The sound of thunder and the smell of ozone from a nearby lightning strike filled her senses, making the hair at the nape of her neck stand on end. She looked to her left and saw Bill, a man in his early twenties whose only mistake had been walking his dog, lying dead, a look of utter fear and pain forever etched on his face. Tears streamed down her face for the man that had been grabbed off the street and forced to learn a twisted breed of magic.

  Unable to look away, she was left unprotected when the sick little son of a bitch they had paired her with fired off a spell. Anya felt the sting above her heart, several seconds before she lost all feeing in her extremities. As she tumbled to the ground, her last sight was of Master O’Brien running toward her, yelling. Her only solace was that the black fog wasn’t there this time.

  “Anya, wake up! Anya, honey, dammit, wake up!” She could hear Devon’s voice, just out of reach.

  Fear rising in his voice, all but screaming, she could hear him trying to coax her awake. “Anya, mo ghra’, please, please wake up. You’re freaking me the fuck out.”

  She felt Devon’s arms slide under her body and once again found herself on his lap, still unable to respond to his pleas. She fought hard, his fear for her wellbeing giving her the strength she needed to finally break free from the net of her memories. Her eyes flew open and she gasped. Devon straightened his arms just enough to see her face and immediately pulled her back to his chest, holding her tight. His chest rose and fell under her cheek with a sigh of relief.

  She listened to the strong, steady beat of his heart; the continual th-thump, th-thump, th-thump allowing her to shove her memories back into the ‘box’ in her mind and close the lid. Devon spoke words of comfort in what she remembered from her mom’s teachings to be the language of his ancestors, his strong hands rubbing a swirling pattern up and down her spine. She recognized a few of the words and smiled despite herself when he called her his heart.

  The grandfather clock chimed four times and Devon kissed her on the head then pulled back enough that she could finally see his face. Worry filled his eyes, and when he spoke she could feel it in his words. “You scared the hell out of me, mo ghra’”

  He took a long, deep breath before continuing, “When you called out to me, I felt real fear for the first time in my very long life. I’ve faced off hordes and monsters and crazy wizards hell bent on ruling the world, but none of them scared me like the sound of you terrified and out of my reach. I tried everything I could think of to wake you and still you fought the nightmares. The prospect of losing you made my blood run cold.”

  Devon looked at her, the weight of his stare reaching the far recesses of her soul. “Now may not be the appropriate time but I won’t waste another minute without making sure you understand that you are mine, Anya Sloane–mine to love, mine to shield, and mine to cherish for all time. I will fight whatever threatens your happiness and health, even if that means jumping in your dreams and battling the devil himself.”

  Time ceased to exist as the true meaning of the words became clear. He’s claiming me as his mate!

  “Yes, m’anamchara. I am. Just as the Universe intended,” he answered directly into her mind.

  Their discussion was cut short by the doorbell. “That’ll be Aaron and Aidan. Your mind was opened to mine while you dreamt and I saw it all. As Andrew’s only living blood relatives, I asked the twins to come over. I think that with their help I can piece together where he is, or at least get close.” He stood and placed her back on the bed, kissing her forehead and then her lips before standing. “Try to get some sleep while I talk to my brethren. When the sun is up and you are rested, we can all fill in whatever blanks are left…together, okay?”

  Anya wanted to disagree with Devon’s decision to talk to his brethren without her and she definitely wanted to talk to him about the way he made his intentions towards her known. But at the thought of arguing, fatigue overtook her and she yawned long and deep. They both chuckled. Then he leaned forward to pull the covers up, giving her one last kiss before heading out the door.

  The muscle in his jaw clenched and he stood just a little taller and straighter as he walked out, telling her that he was furious but trying to keep it from her, just another thing they would be discussing sooner rather than later. Anya fell into a dreamless sleep with the thought of brilliant grey eyes and the tingle of Devon’s kiss on her lips.


  “Is there anything that little fucker can't twist into complete and total shit?” Devon growled through gritted teeth, his anger and that of his dragon burning hot and bright. He ground his teeth, clenched his fists, and paced until he was sure there was smoke coming out of his ears.

  Aaron and Aidan listened as he recounted every horrible second of Anya’s nightmares, and together they came to the same conclusion…Andrew had plans for her. The traitor saw something in her, something more than his mate. Devon remembered hearing the little bastard say that she was special and he had seen the glint in Andrew’s eyes when he looked at her. It made Devon’s beast roar! There was no way in hell that fucking traitor was going to lay a finger on Anya ever again.

  Lost in thought, he had to ask Aidan to repeat what he was saying. His brethren replied, “I just wondered if our dear little brother was the one that had Anya dropped off at the hospital. Grace said her file stated they found her propped in an empty wheelchair just inside the Emergency entrance. From what you’ve told us, seems like he’s running a pretty tight ship, so it only stands to reason that he had enough heart to save her life. It had to have something to do with what he saw as ‘special’ about her, right?”

  “Yeah, gotta be. I know that when she was in the hospital and I watched how everyone responded to her, they all seemed to go above and beyond. She’s definitely something amazing,” Devon answered and his brethren chuckled as he hurried. “I know. I know. We all say the same damn thing, but can’t you feel it, too?”

  Aaron smirked, then surprised Devon with his words, “There’s something different about her, for sure. I’ve been trying to put my finger on it since that first day in the hospital. And before you get all territorial and crazy, it’s a familiar feeling, like a sister kinda thing, ya know?”

  Devon wished he could say that he and his dragon hadn’t thought of punching Aaron in the mouth, but he’d be lying. The mating call was riding him hard, especially since Anya’s experience in dreamland. His brethren’s words had almost pushed him over the edge, but when he thought about what had been said, he realized Aaron hit the nail on the head…There was something familiar about her, besides being his mate.

  Aidan spoke up, “Grace and I talked about the same thing. She even asked if there was a chance we’d met Anya before, but I know we haven’t.”

  A knock at the backdoor momentarily halted the conversation, as Lance, Royce, and Kyra walked in. Before Devon could ask what was happening, Lance spoke, “Heard there was a party. Anyone make coffee?” the jokester of their Force asked, as he proceeded to start a pot when he found it empty.

  “I hollered at the pain-in-the-ass when Aidan told me what was up, and Kyra came to make sure Anya was okay,” Royce answered Devon’s questioning look.

  Kyra looked around before asking, “She get back to sleep?”

  “Yeah, I checked on her a few minutes ago,” Devon responded. If truth be told, he had stayed linked to her the whole time. There was no way she would ever go through anything alone again, if he had anything to say ab
out it.

  The little witch nodded, then turned and began taking the ingredients for breakfast from the refrigerator. Looks like they’re here for the long haul. Devon smiled. Never one to waste time, Royce asked, “What exactly happened? ‘A’ said she remembered and the shithead was definitely involved.”

  “Yeah, Andrew’s at the center of it, and it looks like he thought he could use Anya for something he was planning.”

  Devon was again interrupted when Rayne appeared with a box full of food. “Front door was open and my hands were full. Kyndel will be over when Jay gets up.”

  The Commander sat the box on the table and turned to Aidan, “Your mate said to tell you she’s working from home today. She and Kyndel were on the phone when I left.” He turned back to Devon, “Now, bring us all up to speed. You take the lead.”

  Rayne’s resolve to do whatever it took to catch the traitor, even let another Guardsman lead, matched the determination of every Guardsman in the room. Andrew had been responsible for more pain and suffering than any single being Devon could ever remember. He quickly retold everything he had witnessed in his mate’s dream, careful to give every detail.

  Each member nodded when he explained the way the traitor had said Anya was special and the extra attention he paid her. Aidan explained their theory about Andrew ordering her dropped off at the hospital and Lance asked, “Did you ever scent him or any other black magic when you were with her?”

  “No, nothing,” Devon answered. “But then she’d been in the hospital for a while at that point and I was sure she’d just bumped her head or something simple like that. The thing that pisses me off is that the little fucker saw something in her he wanted to exploit it. We’ve all noticed there is something extraordinary about her but he wanted to use her. If he had any idea she was okay, I’m sure we would’ve seen him or his flunkies.”

  Just the thought of Andrew even looking in Anya’s direction made Devon itch to get his hands around the traitor’s neck. His dragon chuffed his approval of the Guardsman’s thoughts. Thankfully, Kyra’s voice brought him back to reality and made him focus on something other than homicide.

  “I told you that I sensed something inside your girl that was ‘more than human’ when we were trying to get her awake. If I could sense it, then I’m sure the asshole could to. His dragon magic is way stronger than before, add to that the filthy shit he’s messed up in and the addition of Earth magic, I’m sure he sensed she’s more than she appears. The longer I think about it, the more convinced I am that a Concealment Spell was used on Anya early in her life.”

  Devon tensed and Kyra rushed on, “Now before you go gettin’ all Alpha male, chill and listen. It’s all white magic, nothing harmful and nothing I can’t get through with just a little time. My guess is that her adoptive parents used it to protect her, which if the way you describe Andrew’s interest is any indication, then thank the Goddess. When Anya gets up, we need to talk to her and see if she remembers anything.”

  Kyra turned back to the stove and Aidan picked up the conversation, “I get the feeling from what you’ve told us, Dev, that Andrew’s gearing up for something but isn’t ready yet. If he’s grabbing people off the streets and giving them magical training then he’s still a ways from putting whatever bullshit plan he has cooked up into action, right? What do you think, Kyra? You’re the resident magical expert.” He asked as Royce’s mate brought a huge skillet of scrambled eggs and a plate full of bacon to the table.

  “Roy, hun, grab the plates please,” Kyra said before answering Aidan. “Yeah, I’d imagine he’s at least a week or two from even a small number of his “recruits’ being anywhere near ready to cast spells with any accuracy, and that’s only if he’s been enhancing their abilities with his own. Kidnapping Anya was random and lucky for the asshole. He had no idea that she was anything other than a mundane–someone without magical abilities.”

  “In our language it’s called a gandraíocht, without magic,” Siobhan said as she entered the kitchen.

  “Sorry we woke you, Mom,” Devon said as he stood, giving his mother his chair and grinned when he saw every Guardsman on their feet, as well.

  “I’ve been awake since Anya’s nightmare. Once I knew you had it under control and heard that Andrew was involved, I began researching. The smell of coffee and breakfast is the only reason I am here. Thank you Kyra for feeding the army.” Siobhan smiled and began filling her plate.

  The others followed suit and silence filled the room as they devoured almost everything in sight. Devon thought about all he had learned from Anya’s memories and all he knew of Andrew’s propensity for violence, coming to the conclusion that they would have to strike first, eliminating the traitor and his continual threats once and for all. It was also glaringly obvious that they needed more manpower to find where the shithead was hiding out.

  As soon as breakfast was over, Kyra and Siobhan excused themselves to further research ways to identify and remove Anya’s Concealment Spell while Devon began to lay out the beginnings of his plan to catch the traitor.

  “From what I saw, Andrew is held up in a mansion with a huge open field either on the property or very close by. During all of her memories, Anya was either in the house, in that field, or walking from one to the other. The only time a vehicle was even mentioned was when she was first abducted.”

  Heads nodded around the table as Devon and Aidan both opened laptops and Royce and Rayne began spreading out maps of the area. While his computer was booting up, Devon said, “Royce, I hate to ask this. I know you’ve had about as much family as you can stand for a while but do you think Rian, Rory, and their Force would be able to come help out? I have a feeling…”

  “Already spoke to my brothers and Kellan. They’ll be on their way as soon as the sun sets. Bro, you’re thinking loud enough for every dragon within a thousand miles to hear,” the older Guardsman chuckled.

  “Thanks, man,” was all Devon could say.

  “Why don’t y’all just hug it out and then we can get back to work,” Aaron joked from the corner and was rewarded with a smack to the back of head from Royce.

  Always the Commander, Rayne stepped in before things got any further out of hand, “Time to get to work.”

  Devon took over, “’A’, can you look through tax records in about a hundred mile radius from the hospital for expensive homes or estates? Focus on anything that’s in the name of a trust or a company. I’ll take empty, abandoned, or bank owned properties.”

  “Can you guys mark them on the maps?” he asked Rayne, Royce, and Aaron without looking up.

  “Why a hundred miles from the hospital?” Aaron inquired. “I’d think he’d be farther away. Especially if what Kyra said about his dragon coming back is true. Wouldn’t he be afraid we could sense him?”

  “Andrew had Anya taken to Sam’s hospital, but I don’t think it had anything to do with our lovely doctor. I believe it was because it’s the closest one with specialists on staff. If he’d wanted Sam’s attention, the traitor would’ve made sure she knew Anya was there. Andrew’s also lazy and paranoid. He would never let anyone travel farther than a hundred miles one way, they would be too far out of his control,” Devon commented while clicking away at the keyboard.

  A few uh-huh’s and grunts of agreement were all he heard as Aidan began calling out addresses meeting his specifications while he searched through thousands of records. Hours passed as they mapped location after location. Devon was shocked at the sheer number that met their requirements. When Rayne announced that they had over thirty properties, the Guardsmen took a break to regroup and think of ways to narrow their hunt for the traitor.

  Even though he had been linked to Anya the entire time, he missed her touch, her scent– hell, he just missed her. Entering the room, he propped the broken door back against the frame and spoke through mind speak to Jace, “Hey, bud, I have a huge favor to ask. Can you head to Home Depot and get a replacement door for one of the bedrooms in my mom’s house?”
  “What the hell? You guys partying without me?”

  “Don’t I wish? No, I got a little over zealous,” Devon chuckled.

  “You got it, Bro. I have to go pick up Kyra’s magical supplies that I sent the other day. Thank the Heavens Rory just sent them right back.” The younger man laughed.

  “Thanks, man. I owe ya one.”

  “Naw, just remember me when it’s your turn to run training. Aaron’s been kicking my ass.”

  “And I’ll keep right on kicking, my man,” Aaron interjected, making Devon laugh out loud and Jace moan.

  “Well, shit,” Jace groaned. “When I am gonna learn everyone can hear me?”

  The older Guardsmen roared with laughter and Jace went on, “Oh well, I’m headed into town. See ya in a couple hours.”

  “See ya, kid. Thanks!”

  “Stay outta trouble or you’ll be cleaning the stalls for training, young’un” Aaron jokingly added. His brethren really did enjoy giving the younger guys hell.

  Not to be outdone Jace added, “I hear ya, old man,” and quickly severed their link.

  “That kid’s a smart ass,” Aaron chuckled.

  “And you like him all the more for it.”

  “Damn straight. Now hurry up and visit with your girl while we raid your mom’s fridge. We got lots more to do,” Aaron joked and Devon could tell he already had his mouth full of leftovers.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Devon snickered as they both cut the connection and he turned to find Anya watching his every move.

  “How long have you been awake, Sweetheart?” he asked as he made his way to her side.

  “I woke up a few moments before I heard your footsteps.” She pushed up into a sitting position, turning towards him with a serious look on her face.

  Devon sat down on the side of the bed, grabbing her hand in the process. She may have something serious she wanted to discuss, but he and his dragon had been without her touch for long enough. The spark that accompanied their clasped hands made him smile and when he looked up, he found the same look on Anya’s face. She glanced at their combined hands, back to him, and exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized she’d been holding.


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