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Forever You're Mine

Page 9

by K. Langston

  “Archer, listen…”

  “You’re fired.”

  His words knocked me a step back. I knew I was in deep shit, but fired?

  “Fired? For what?”

  “You seriously askin’ me that?”

  “Yeah, we were just…”

  “Fuckin’,” Archer finished and anger swirled hot in my veins. “I could hear you all the way in here.” I opened my mouth to speak but he didn’t give me the chance. “I can’t control what you do on your own time, but I can damn well control what happens on mine…and that shit,” he pointed towards his closed office door. “Ain’t goin’ down.”

  I stood there, shocked. I kept trying to come up with something that would save my ass, but as I punched my arms into my t-shirt, I came up short.

  “So that’s it?”

  “What the hell were you thinkin’? The last thing Cora needs is an asshole like you messin’ with her head, or worse, her heart.” Archer rounded the desk, pressing his finger to my chest. “I’m only gonna say this one time, even though I know you already fuckin’ know, you hurt her…you answer to me. Understood?”

  There was so much rage blazing through my body. I was scared to speak. Afraid to move. Knowing if I did, I would take his ass out. Archer was a tough son of a bitch, but with one swift move, I could snap his neck clean in two.

  Fortunately for him, I was able to retain enough forethought to deny my brutal urge, reasoning that Katy and Cora were tight. I knew Archer protected what was his, including anything that was hers.

  “I get where you’re comin’ from, but it’s not like that. I fuckin’ care about her.” I ran a frustrated hand over the top of my head. “I care about her a lot.”

  He studied me for a moment before he nodded and collected a step back. “Well, if you care about her or your job, you should not be fuckin’ her in a storage room at work.”

  I’d gotten carried away. That assfuck texting her pissed me off, and the need to remind her who she belonged to trumped everything else. Maybe this was for the best, being around her at work would be constant torture. Shit, it already was. There’s no way I would be able to keep my hands off her.

  “You gonna fire her too?”

  “No, just you. She’s a hard worker as long as she’s not distracted.”

  Grateful Cora still had her position, I left without further discussion and headed straight for the bar.

  “What happened?” Cora asked, nervously.

  “He fired me.”

  Eyes wide, her hand flew to cover her mouth. “Fired you?” Cora shook her head in disbelief. “Shit, Cannon do you think he’s gonna fire me too?”

  I reached for her hand to pull her closer. “No, you’re fine.”

  “Thank God.”

  “I’ll be back to pick you up around midnight.” She nodded, and I squeezed her before letting her go.

  On the way out, I fished for my cell to call Holden. He answered on the second ring. “What up, man?”

  “You home?” I asked.


  “Mind if I swing by?”


  “See you in ten,” I said before ending the call.

  When I returned home from my last tour in Iraq, I spent less than three months at home before moving here. The memories were just too much. I couldn’t take it. I knew I had to get out of there before something bad happened, so I loaded up what I could and drove until I was certain I’d put enough distance between me and my past.

  That’s how I ended up here.

  I met Holden Brooks not long after I arrived in town. I’d stumbled upon Archer’s while I was out riding around one night. Friendly as he was, he talked to everyone. Knew everyone. Found out I was new in town and offered me a job right on the spot. I knew we’d be friends right away. Holden Brooks was the kind of guy that everybody was friends with and one of the few people I trusted.

  “You love her,” Holden said, stating the obvious.

  We were sitting on his back porch, each nursing a bottle of Bud as I poured my heart out. I wasn’t sure what had come over me. I couldn’t remember the last time I talked this much.


  Cora had come over me.

  “Yeah, I do.” I admitted and it felt good to do it. I loved her more than I’d ever loved anyone.

  He nodded in understanding and took a sip of his beer. “Scary shit.”


  “Probably for the best Archer fired your ass then.”


  Holden leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “Look, I won’t pretend to understand what you went through over there. I’m sure it’s far worse than I could ever imagine. But I know enough to know you need to deal with that shit first, because I’m pretty sure demons like that can destroy what you two have and anything you attempt to build around it.”

  Fuck he was so right. Now being in love with Cora didn’t scare me near as much as confronting my past. Didn’t matter. It was going to happen anyway.

  Might as well start dealing with it now.

  Kiss me and you will see how important I am.

  Sylvia Plath

  Archer went a little easier on me than he did with Cannon. I was written up and put on probation for two weeks. Which was a little extreme, but far better than losing my job I suppose.

  Cannon was waiting for me in the parking lot when I finally got off. I’d barely made it inside the truck before I was pulled across the console and settled onto his lap. “Fuck that was a long ass time,” I giggled, his lips were everywhere, on my neck, on my cheeks, my lips. “How was the rest of your night?”

  I did my best to catch my breath. “It was good. Archer went easy on me, just a write up and probation.”

  “Asshole,” he muttered before kissing me again. “You’re off for the next two days right?”


  His smile was huge. “Gonna make ‘em the best two days of your life. Tomorrow night, I’m takin’ you out.”

  “A date? Like a real date?” I asked, surprised and impressed at this simple gesture.

  Dent had never taken me out for a date before. Unless you count late night Wendy’s or Taco Bell as a date, which sadly at the time, I did. “I have this unreasonable need to show the world what I’m crazy about.”

  Oh wow.

  “I thought you said you had no idea how to be everything I wanted.”

  “Still clueless, babe. Just wingin’ it here.”

  “Well, you’re doing a mighty fine job, Jacobs,” I said, giving him a big kiss.

  * * *

  Goosebumps danced across my skin as his fingers trailed down the middle of my spine. I hugged the pillow close to my chest. My eyes were heavy, but I had no problem keeping them open. I couldn’t look away from the smile toying with his mouth even if I wanted to. I’d never seen him so relaxed, so content, so at peace with the world around him. He looked like I felt and my heart swelled with the knowledge that Cannon and I were finally here, together.


  God, I hope so.

  I was still uncertain. For me, he was it. But for him, things were much more complicated.

  We’d spent the last several hours in this bed, my body spent and sated from his explorations. He was very thorough and he had outstanding stamina. I swear, the last one nearly killed me.

  “This feels good,” Cannon said, drawing lazy circles around the small of my back. He had his head propped up on his hand, a smile tugging one corner of his lips. I loved that smile. He reserved it just for me.


  “Being with you like this.”

  “It always feels good when I’m with you,” I told him, my heart fluttering in my chest.

  “Yeah, but this feels different.” Cannon planted a kiss on my bare shoulder. “You got me feelin’ things I’ve never felt before.”

  “Me too,” I smiled, but it faltered when I remembered what happened in the storage room.

e had sex without a condom.” I said quietly.

  “I know. Felt good as fuck, babe.”

  “Uh, don’t you think we should have at least discussed it first?”

  “What for?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. Pregnancy, diseases, the list is endless.”

  “First of all, I’m clean. Second, I know you’re on birth control so we’re good.”

  “How do you know I’m on birth control?”

  “I’ve seen you take it.”

  I lifted up to rest on my elbows, looking him square in the eye. “How do you know I take it like I’m supposed to and also, how do you know I’m clean?”

  “Babe, we’ve been friends for a while now. I know everything about you. I know when you’re angry, happy, or sad. I even know when that bitch Flo is in town. I can read you like a goddamn book.”

  “That still doesn’t answer my questions. And wait…how the hell do you know when I have my period?” This did not seem like something Cannon Jacobs should know.

  He smiled, knowingly. “You’re more sensitive and you snap at me a lot. More than usual. You also eat your weight in M&Ms, which I find insanely hot. Don’t ask me why. I know you take your pill on time because that bitch shows up like clockwork. And I know you’re clean because you take care of yourself. Like a woman is supposed to.”

  He noticed all that?

  As if he could read the question on my face, he added, “I’m very observant.”

  I scoffed. “Clearly.”

  He kissed me, his lips soft and gentle against mine. “Dammit, babe. Will I ever get enough of you?”

  “Do you want to?”

  “No.” He answered quickly.

  Tears pricked my eyes. “Good, ‘cause I kinda like being yours.”

  His hand slid beneath the covers, his fingers sliding between my legs in a slow lazy glide. “Kinda?”

  “Ok fine, I like it a lot.”

  “Like it?” One finger slid inside, then two. “Or love it?”

  “Love it,” I whimpered.

  Heard melodies are sweet,

  but those unheard are sweeter.

  ~John Keats

  “Fuck babe, hurry up, I’m starvin’ to death out here.”

  “I’m comin’!” she replied from the other side of the door.

  Cora had been in there for a long time and the longer I waited, the more nervous I became.

  I was about to step away and grab a beer, hoping a little alcohol would help with my nerves when the door finally opened and her smoky eyes robbed me of breath; so unlike the natural look she often wore. Soft, golden curls draped each shoulder, embracing the sides of her breasts perfectly. My fingers itched like crazy to wrap the silky strands around my hand. But I refrained, appreciating the effort she had put into looking so goddamn beautiful.

  Fighting every urge to maul her like the pathetic animal I was, I took a step forward. The black dress hugged every curve, even her arms, stopping about mid-thigh only to emphasize the splendor of her long, sexy legs.

  My dick wanted to live between those fucking legs forever.

  A pair of leopard print heels, that put her just about eye level with me, were like a cherry on top. Visions of those killer heels bouncing in the air while I pounded into her, deprived my mind of any and all common sense.

  My hands reached for her hips. If I weren’t hell bent on treating this woman like the queen she was, I’d rip it from her perfect body and fuck her right here on the bathroom sink. “The shit runnin’ through my head right now scares me, babe.”

  I tried to shake them off but yeah…not happening.

  “I’ll be hard for you all night.”

  Her small hand cupped the back of my neck, amusement sparkling behind those hazel eyes. “You say the sweetest things to me,” she teased.

  “Soak up my sweet words now ‘cause they’re only gonna get dirtier, especially with you wearin’ this dress. Jesus fuck. Maybe we should stay in. I don’t want assholes wantin’ what’s mine.”

  She took a step back, smoothing out the invisible wrinkles. “No way. Took me forever to get ready, you’re takin’ me out. C’mon, you’re starvin’ remember?”

  Watching her walk down the hall, her fine ass swaying seductively from side to side was like dangling the juiciest of steaks in front of a ravenous lion. “Yeah, but I’m not hungry for food anymore, sweetheart.”

  I sighed as she dragged me by my heart out the front door.

  When I asked Holden the best place to take Cora out for a nice, fancy dinner he’d suggested The Hollywood. I’d heard about this place a few times. Good food. Relaxed atmosphere.

  We were seated in front of a window near the front, gifting us with a perfect view of the delta sky. I couldn’t say the last time I sat and watched a sunset. Not one I remembered anyway. This was one I would never forget. Multiple shades of pink, yellow, and blue painted the evening sky. But even that wasn’t as beautiful as the woman sitting next to me.

  Cora had gone for the catfish while I’d settled on the fried frog legs. She’d looked a little grossed out, but after some coaxing she gave them a try.

  “Dance with me,” she said after we’d finished eating.

  “I don’t dance,”

  “Yes, you do.” She reached for my hands, pulling me towards the tiny dance floor. Helpless against her smile and that fucking dress, I followed. Every man in here tonight at one point had his eyes on her. But they could all go fuck themselves. My girl only had eyes for me.

  The one man band sang his rendition of Pretty Beautiful by Swon Brothers. The lyrics were perfect, describing exactly how I felt about this woman. She brought beauty into my life. She made life worth living, worth fighting for. I held her tight…her body fit against mine like a part of me I didn’t even know was missing.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “Is this real? Are we…real?”

  I nuzzled her neck, wanting to absorb all of her, wishing I could merge her body with mine so she could feel everything I had for her inside.

  Instead, I found her eyes and tried to reassure her the best I could. “I wish I could lay you down right now and show you just how real this is. Whatever happens from here, I can’t really say. I’ll give you all I got. It might take us a while to get it right, but yeah…this is real for me. Very fuckin’ real.”

  Tears shimmered in her eyes and I took her lips before the first one could fall. Her lips trembled with emotion and my heart sang with relief as I kissed her mouth with every ounce of dedication I could offer in a public place.

  No, I didn’t dance, but here I was spinning around in circles with the one and only woman who could make me do just about anything.

  After I paid the check, we high tailed it out of there. I couldn’t get her home fast enough. I wanted to be inside of her, inhabiting her, breathing the same air as her. She was all over me, leaning over the console. Her tongue, lips, and hands making it impossible for me to keep it between the lines. It was a small miracle we made it home in one piece. We had a hell of a time getting out of the truck though.

  I didn’t want to let go.

  With her legs wrapped around my waist, I eventually carried her inside. We didn’t even make it past the living room before I put her on her feet. Then I peeled, instead of ripping, the dress from her body, thinking I wanted to see her in it again, but I immediately regretted my decision. Because what she had hidden underneath was worthy of such a ruthless act.

  “Son of a…” Her bra and panties were a perfect match to those hot fucking shoes. “I hope you’re ready for me to fuck you like an animal,” I informed her, unbuttoning and shucking my shirt. “Turn around. I need to see all of you.”

  Cora hesitated, but only for a second before a naughty smile curled her pouty pink lips. “That’s the goal,” she said, seducing me with her sexy voice and the lines of her incredible body. By now I knew every inch. Knew where to touch and lick. Knew how to drive her to the edge of pleasure.
br />   I pressed myself against her back, wrapping my arm around her waist before scraping my teeth across the side of her neck. Then I soothed it with a light kiss. She shivered, both hands digging into my outer thighs, urging me closer. “I think I’ll fuck your sweet mouth first. Then I’m gonna make that pussy purr.” Cora sucked back a heated breath. “Yeah baby, turn around.”

  When I spun her in my arms, her heavy eyes fluttered with desire. Cora slowly dropped to her knees, fumbling only slightly when she unbuttoned my jeans and let down the zipper. She shoved at the sides, freeing my hard cock, as small, delicate hands wrapped around me.


  I loved her hands on me.

  She flicked the tip, teasing the pierced skin before sucking on the head and taking me all the way inside of her hot, wet mouth.

  I hissed, fascinated by the slow bob of her head, lips gliding up and down with ease.





  The look in her eyes every time she would sneak a peek up at me.


  All. Fucking. Hers.

  I gathered the silk of her hair from around her neck, knowing how much she loved it, how much she got off on me pulling while she sucked. I relished in her hand stroking back and forth, her other hand splayed across my stomach. She knew just what to do to make me lose control. A few moments later, that’s what I did. Deep inside her greedy mouth.

  Once I gathered enough air, I leaned down to kiss her swollen lips, swallowing up her hungry moans. “Watermelon and me.”

  “What?” she breathed.

  “You taste like watermelon and me. It’s delicious and fuckin’ addicting as hell. Kissing these sweet lips is the only thing I can think about right now. And eatin’ that hot pussy.”

  I carried her to my bed and laid her down the same way I’d been fantasizing about all night, with those fuck me shoes still firmly attached to her feet and her long hair fanned across my pillow. With her arms raised above her head, she bowed her back from the mattress.

  Once I got rid of all my clothes, I moved between her legs and set about worshiping every last inch of her body, showing her how real my touch was. How real my mouth was and how real we were. A thrill raced down my spine with every breathy moan and sigh, sharpening the edge of my sanity.


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