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Sunset Temptations(1Night Stand Series)

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by C. R. Moss

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Sunset Temptations

  Copyright © 2013 by C.R. Moss

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-543-7

  Cover art by Tibbs Designs

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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  Also by C.R. Moss

  Sunset Desires

  Sunset Seduction

  Sunset Temptations

  A 1Night Stand Story


  C.R. Moss

  Chapter One

  “You’re not driving up there alone.”

  Ivy stared at her best friend and sometime lover over the hood of her mid-size hybrid car. “Kiran, you know I love you and enjoy doing lots of things with you, but this is a date I’m going on. My first—”

  His chocolate brown gaze focused right back on hers. “In ages.” He shifted the gray garment bag containing his formal wear from one shoulder to the other. “Yes, I know. You haven’t stopped babbling about how your cousin Heather set this up for you since you came back from Grand Cayman.”

  She placed her overnight case and ball gown in the back seat, then shut the door. “Right. I’m excited. Sue me. Tonight also might be my chance to get laid…something else that hasn’t happened in ages. But most of all, I don’t ever remember saying you could poach my evening.”

  “You know you can always tap me.”

  “True. But don’t you want to change things up? Experience something, someone different for once?”

  “Yeah, that’s why I suggested finding a third for our arrangement. Spice up our routine.”

  “I’d be all for it, but considering neither of us has found said person yet, I’m going to take what I can get through this date my cousin set up for me.”

  “So am I.” He smiled, his straight, white teeth gleaming and his olive-toned skin shining in the golden glow of the afternoon sun. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna cramp your style. I have my own person to meet up at the lodge.”

  She loved her handsome, bisexual friend, and as long as he was on his own date, that meant he wouldn’t attempt to put the moves on hers. “Well, I guess it’s okay then. Get in the car. You can tell me all about whoever has invited you to the event on the way to pick up Seana.”

  “Technically I haven’t met him yet.”

  Processing his statement, she climbed into the driver’s seat. “What do you mean you haven’t met him yet?” She pulled out of their apartment complex and headed in the direction of her cousin’s place.

  Kiran’s gaze darted everywhere, never landing on her. “Um…. I signed up with 1Night Stand, and tonight’s my date, too.”

  Ivy stopped herself from slamming on the brakes. “Where did you get the money to pay for the service? Huh? I know you’re as broke as I am. We’ve lost our jobs. We’re losing our rental. If you had cash stashed somewhere, we could have used it for a new apartment lease. I know you want—”

  “You’re rambling.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “I want a partner. You’ve always understood that.” Her roommate released her, shifted in his seat, then played with a frayed string on his jeans. “Most of the guys I’ve met are self-centered assholes who don’t have sense enough to treat their significant other right. I’d like to meet a nice man, for once. When I emailed Madame Evangeline at 1Night Stand and told her I was a friend of yours and Heather’s, she was happy to accommodate me. That’s why she arranged for my night to be the same one as yours and Seana’s.”

  “And the money?”

  Silence rolled thick from the other seat. Her instincts screamed trouble.


  He cleared his throat. “Well….”

  She’d seen and heard this nervousness from him before. That time he’d gotten into a little trouble with some bad dudes. Could he have done so again? She shot a quick glance at him. His skin seemed on the pale side. Her sixth sense dinged. “Oh no. You didn’t.”

  “Can I plead the fifth?” His voice strained over the words.

  “I can’t believe you went back to that shark Travis. He’s bad news.”

  “I know.”

  “So when does he need the money back by?” She peeked at him once more. He stared out the windshield, his mouth set in a thin line, a sign he pretended to ignore her.



  Her fingers turned white from gripping the steering wheel in frustration. Travis and his goons had issued some nasty threats the last time Kiran approached him for a loan. There was some truth in all those mobster movies and television shows. “God. He wants the money back right away, doesn’t he? Next you’ll tell me that the interest is something like fifty percent.”


  Her stomach flip-flopped. “I don’t even want to know how much you borrowed, do I?”


  “Oh, Lord. Why’d you go to Travis? You were barely able to pay him back the other time you got money from him. What possessed you to try this route again?”

  “It’s not like I can go to one of those quick cash advance places. I don’t have a job since the show laid me off or a bank account. My credit rating sucks. What else was I supposed to do?”

  “Not decide to use the matchmaking service for starters.” She wanted to whack him on the back of the head like his Italian grandmother used to do. Smack some sense into him. But traffic was atrocious, and she didn’t want to fight in the car.

  “I’m sorry. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea in the world. Listening to you and your family talk about the service and Gwen and Heather’s dates, I got jealous. I want to find someone, too. Plus, I didn’t like the though
t of you and your cousin going up to Mount Charleston on your own.”

  Churning over all that he’d said, she remained quiet. A few minutes later, they arrived at Seana’s apartment complex. Ivy stopped and punched in a code at the call box, then glanced at Kiran as the gates swung open. “You know I can kick ass better than you can.”

  “Uh, no, you can’t. Who took you down at the last sparring class we went to?”

  “You did, but who has the higher belt rank?”

  “You started the classes before me. I’ll catch up and surpass you before you know it.”

  Behind them, a horn honked. Ivy waved and proceeded into the complex.

  “Still,” he continued, “I didn’t like the idea of you two going on your own. Too many crazies in the world…in this city. Besides, I’m up for a party, especially one when it’s for a good cause.”

  She pulled up to the salmon-colored stucco building and honked the horn. “Yeah, it should be a blast. It was nice of our dates to pay for our plates at the charity event.” She looked in the rearview mirror, checking her hair to make sure her up-do hadn’t fallen. Good thing she had a friend at the salon who owed her a favor. “Speaking of which, when it comes to your wish tonight, you better ask for enough money to cover what you owe Travis. Having your wish drawn in the contest is the only way you’re gonna be able to pay him back.”

  Seana stepped out of her home and bounded to the car in a pair of old sneakers. She held a suitcase in one hand. The corkscrew curls of her dark auburn hair jiggled against her shoulders.

  “Can we table this discussion until tomorrow? I’d like us to be able to enjoy the party tonight, forget about things for a while, and worry about our imploding lives later.”

  “Sure. That sounds like a plan to me.” Ivy popped the locks, and her cousin slid into the back seat. “Where are those gorgeous, designer shoes you just bought?”

  “Thanks for taking me, cuz. As for my pumps, I didn’t have time to wear them around the apartment and stretch them out. Since they’re still tight, I’m waiting to put them on at the hotel. And Kiran? This is a surprise. Are you just along for the ride or are you chaperoning?”

  He looked over his shoulder. “I have a date, too.”

  “Good for you.” Seana leaned forward and patted him on the shoulder. “The more, the merrier, right?”

  Huffing, Ivy pulled away from the building and navigated out of the complex.

  “Seems I came into the middle of something,” Seana said. “There’s a lot of tension in here. Are you two all right?”

  “We’re okay, cuz. My wonderful roomie here has pulled something stupid, and it’s fortunate we’re going to the charity ball. Now he has a chance to have a wish granted and maybe get us out of the pickle he’s put himself, and me by association, in.”

  “Dare I ask?”

  “No,” Ivy and Kiran chimed. Ivy continued, “I think it’s best if you don’t know right now. Let’s just concentrate on getting up to the lodge on Mount Charleston, settling into our rooms, and preparing for the ball.”

  Though she loved surprises and liked to think of them as wonderful adventures, the last thing she needed was more stress. She prayed Kiran’s news was the only shock of the night aside from what her date had planned.

  Chapter Two

  Robert Bourbon gazed through the picture window of his top floor office. Bright sunlight backlit the top of the mountain ridge stretching along the other side of the road and reflected off the pond below. God’s spotlight on the world. He loved the rugged beauty of where he lived. He also delighted in his business. Beyond the pond, the parking lot continued to fill up. Guests and party attendees filed out of their vehicles and through the log cabin façade into the lodge.

  Honored to have been approached by Sponsor-A-Wish, he’d offered use of his resort for the event. He’d been donating to the charity for years and loved to see the good they did with the money—helping sick children and families in need. This year’s event planners had a gone an extra step. In addition to the usual silent auction of items that were donated to help raise money, four lucky people would have their wishes granted.

  Granted, he didn’t believe the charity would like it if he were to write his true wish down and place it in the bin for the drawing. So he enlisted the services of Madame Evangeline. Fortunately for him, she’d found him the perfect female in short order. The male had been a bit more tricky, but she’d come through with another great match. The next hurdle would be seeing if the people she’d paired him with would grant his request for the night.

  At a knock, he turned from the window. “Come.”

  The door swung open and in strolled his assistant, Brandan West. Though only in his late twenties, his right hand man knew his way around an office and how to run a smooth operation. Robert couldn’t imagine running his businesses without him.

  “Sir, Miss Tramonto and Mr. Emerson have arrived. They have checked into the suites on either side of your penthouse as you requested.” Brandan fingered the screen of his tablet, then held the device out. “I need you to sign the contract for the adventure group coming in.”

  “Thank you.” He looked over the electronic document, pulled his stylus from inside his jacket, and signed it. As he handed the unit back, he studied the younger man. Clothing crisp as if he’d just put the suit on. Stance comfortable but alert. Face impassive. Did nothing ever ruffle him? Of course he knew the answer. No. He smiled. It was one of the reasons he’d hired him. Brandan’s presence made his job easier, especially when it came to planning a night like tonight. “I’m glad they arrived a few hours before the event. It will give us all time to get to know one another.”

  “Would you still like to meet Miss Tramonto first?” The adjunct one-handed typed on the screen. “There. The contract is sent. I will contact Miss Tramonto if you don’t need me for anything else.”

  “Yes. Please call her suite and have her ready herself for the evening. Once she is, show her to the Juniper Patio. Don’t forget to give her the sunset-colored rose.” Robert strode over to the mirrored wall behind the built-in bar and readjusted his tie. He liked the charcoal gray against his black dress shirt.

  “I won’t, sir. What of Mr. Emerson?”

  “After you see Miss Tramonto to the patio, visit Mr. Emerson at his suite and tell him I’ve been detained in a meeting. Have him wait in the Shadscale Bar. I will find him there in a bit. I need to keep them separate until the right time presents itself.”

  “As you wish. Also, Mrs. Lawrence is looking for you to go over the schedule for the evening.”

  “Good. I’ll be right with her. Anything else?”

  “No, sir.” Brandan nodded and left the room.

  Robert strode over to his desk and opened the files on his matches. Ivy Tramonto’s paperwork listed her as a blue-eyed woman with honey-gold hair. It also mentioned her being an adrenaline nut who loved the outdoors. She had worked on the strip in one of the acrobat shows until recently. The same went for Kiran Emerson. Both were good looking, athletic, adventure seekers. Madame Evangeline had also said they were friends, lived together, and occasionally were intimate. Both had fantasies revolving around participating in a threesome.

  Perfect. Just the kind of companions I’d hoped for.

  With a chuckle, he closed the folders. He knew at least three people who’d be granted their desires tonight, even if they weren’t official charity wishes.

  Kiran’s jaw dropped. He loved the hotel room with its sleek, modern lines and contemporary coloring of varying shades of brown, white, and black. It was different from the downstairs which had reminded him of a hunting lodge with its stone and wood walls. A small living room area with a flat-screen television and leather couch fed off a kitchen area. Behind a double doorway sat a king-sized bed and a bathroom larger than his first apartment.

  His match must have some pretty deep pockets, since he’d paid for the suite. Not that Kiran really cared about money.

  He should worry th
ough. His financial status had taken a beating, and he barely had two pennies to rub together. Going to a loan shark for fast cash wasn’t the smartest thing he’d done. It’d been a couple of weeks and so far he hadn’t heard from the guy. But that didn’t mean much. Travis could knock on his door at home at any moment. He hoped he would still have time to figure out how to gather the funds before Travis tracked him down.

  Boy am I glad to have a night out, especially away from the city, where I don’t have to be concerned about anything except making a good impression.

  He opened the mini-bar, retrieved an airplane-sized bottle of rum, then shot down the contents in an effort to calm his nerves. The liquor burned the back of his mouth, but did take his mind off his jitters. For so long, he’d wanted to find someone kind, generous in other ways than monetary, funny and intelligent but not cocky. Good-looking would be a plus. He’d been around too many male and female narcissists during his stints in show business lately and couldn’t stomach them anymore.

  Madame Eve had emailed that the man wanted to meet him at the event. Kiran would have to wear a rose in his lapel. Since her other client wanted an element of surprise to their escapade, she provided no other information. Though he liked the idea, he had some concerns. For one, Ivy’s date was a mystery, too. Second, blind dates scared him. Please don’t let the guy Madame Evangeline set me up with be a dud.

  He hung his suit in the bedroom closet and fingered the edge of the lapel.

  The rose. Where is it?

  Kiran checked the bedroom, living room, and small refrigerator. No rose anywhere.

  A knock interrupted his second survey of the suite.

  Excited to discover the person on the other side, he opened the door to find a decent looking, blond man in a gray suit. He put on his best smile just in case plans had changed and this new meeting place was part of the surprise. “Are you my mystery date?”


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