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walkers the survivors

Page 7

by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

  Sarah and I stood on the top step and looked out over the valley. Lacy and Mercy was cleaning off the step, then we slowly walked inside the building. We stepped into a large room open to the rafters with several tables and a big kitchen at one end. Stairs to one side led upstairs and Randy headed up those. "Looks like someone's has been living up here. It's a pig sty and stinks to high heaven."

  "Must be pappy then cause I bet those two kids have a place somewhere else. Did you get the part of the way pappy looks at Sally?"

  "Right, and he better not come near those children while I'm around."

  "Gotcha, it's just a shame we don't have any pigs around. I'd feed him to them."

  "Got some skinny guy walking down the valley with a rifle on his back. Must be Pete." Randy yelled from upstairs. Mason, Flynn, Howard and Sam came inside and looked down the valley at the approaching man. "Duke, Clint and Riley are staying close to the RV to watch the kids. Clint is moving it closer so we can watch over them till we see what the deal is."

  "Damn, did something die in here?" asked Howard.

  "I think it just needs a bit of cleaning. We have an old man walking up the valley so be on your toes. We need someone with the kids."

  "I've got the kids," Lacy said, heading out to the RV.

  "I'm right behind you love," Randy said as he came down the stairs.

  "I'll see what I can find for dinner," Sarah said as she headed to the Dukemobile.

  "I guess the rest of us will have a little talk with Pete." While we waited for him, we cleaned the place up. I found a broom in the back and while I was there I made sure the back door and windows were locked. That old man was not sneaking in the back way. As I swept the floor around the kitchen area, I heard the door handle rattle a bit, and alerted the guys. I continued to sweep the floor when the front door slammed open and a dirty, skinny man, stinking to high heaven, wearing a cowboy hat, boots and chaps? stepped into the room.

  "What the hell's going on in here? Who the hell are you people? This is my place."

  When we continued to clean and in general ignore him, he fired off a shot into the ceiling then stood with feet braced apart scowling at us. About that time, Riley came up behind him and pressed a taser to his neck. He hit the floor hard, peeing his pants and firing off another shot before laying harmless on the floor. I glanced up and saw the stuffed antelope hanging on the wall had another eye. Pete lay unconscious on the floor, so Riley grabbed him by one arm and dragged him outside, then shackled him to the hitching post located at the foot of the steps.

  I went to the back and got a bucket of soapy water to clean the mess he made on the floor then Bobby came in, white faced and stared at us.

  "Wow." he said then looked out the door then back at us. "Wow." he said again.

  "We're gonna clean the place up, then get some dinner ready, would you care to take a bath and get some clean clothes on while you wait? It's up to you of course, but I thought it might make you feel better."

  He frowned at the thought of a bath but then glanced out at Pete again, smiled and nodded his head. Lacy took his hand and led him outside while we continued to set things right. Pete came to at one point and proceeded to rant and rave until Riley approached him with the Taser again, then he just glared at us. When we had the room like we wanted it, Riley led him in and sat him in a chair, his rifle was laying way in the back on the kitchen counter.

  "You people made a big mistake by coming here. I don't take kindly to being treated this way and my kids aren't going cooperate with you one bit."

  "Your 'kids', are taking a bath and getting cleaned up for dinner. And just to set the record straight, we know they ain't your kids."

  "Fuck you people, they're mine and I won't let you take em away from me."

  "We ain't never been yours mister. And if you ever come near Sally again, I'll kill you." Bobby, hair still wet from his shower and wearing a set of kids sweats and Clarissa's Nike's, stood in the doorway, with his hands on his hips, ready to do battle. I could see little Sally behind him on the porch. "I'll kill you dead as hell you old bastard if you come near either of us again."

  "And if he doesn't I will," Randy said, his hands on HIS hips.

  "This is MY place, and you people are trespassing..."

  "Well, you're just gonna have to deal with it. We plan to stay till next June and then we'll leave you alone to go back to Montana. Until then, things are gonna change around here. You adapt or you die. Your choice."

  "You can't do that."

  "We just did."

  "So what is it, old man. It's up to you."

  "Go to hell, all of you. I won't let you take over my place. So kill me if you have to or I'll kill all of you. Your choice, now. What's it to be?"

  We looked at each other then Mason grabbed a roll of duct tape and proceeded to tape him to the chair. When he got so loud we couldn't hear ourselves think, he taped his mouth. "You made your choice old man." Then he and Flynn grabbed the chair and carried him out, Randy, Clint, Howard and Riley following him out. Bobby started to follow but Sarah held him back. I thought about it for a minute then signaled Sarah to let him go. She frowned but released him and when he disappeared outside she looked at me.

  "He has to see it himself or he'll always wonder if we followed through on our threat. He won't believe Pete's dead unless he sees it himself and I think he's hardened enough to accept it." She looked at the door and sighed. "I know, I feel the same way. He's so young that you just want to protect them, but he's past that now. Let's make sure he's seen the last of death for a while."

  We proceeded to make a nice dinner and during the proceedings we heard a rifle shot in the distance. The guys wouldn't have much of an appetite after that but the kids would make up for it.


  During dinner we watched in stunned silence as Bobby took care of Sally. He filled her plate, put the napkin around her neck, filled her glass with water. Then they ate quietly except for the occasional whispered secrets back and forth. When they were finally full, Bobby wiped Sally's mouth, got up and put their dishes on the counter, took Sally's hand and turned towards us.

  "We thank you for the food. Sally thought it was very good." Sally nodded her head to indicated she did indeed think that. "So we decided we should go to bed now. We'll be back in the morning and we'll stick around but tonight we're gonna sleep in our own beds." He looked down at Sally as she leaned her head against his arm.

  "I don't think..." began Sarah, but I cut her off. "it's too early to go to bed, especially when you're really tired. Do you need anything before you leave, like blankets or pillows?"

  "No ma'am, but we appreciate the asking. So, goodnight." Sally smiled real big and then let Bobby lead her though the dining room, and out the front door. I looked at Flynn who was already putting his plate on the counter. He kissed Melody's cheek, touched Davy's cheek who was snuggled asleep in her arms and went out behind the kids.

  "Do you really think we should let them sleep outside all night?" asked Sarah.

  "Honey, they've been doing it for some time now and haven't had any problems. One more night won't hurt them." Duke took the words right out of my mouth.

  "They won't trust us if we don't trust them. He's been taking care of that little girl for a long time, we have to trust him to take care of her one more night."

  "But he's so young."

  "Yeah, bites the big one doesn't it." Me and Sarah stated to clean things up but Sam, Mercy and George took over, shooing us out of the kitchen.

  "So, who gets the loft?" asked Lacy. "There's a bedroom downstairs under the loft so there's actually room for two."

  Sam and Howard got the downstairs because the tow trucks bunk was very small. Sarah and Mandy took the upstairs. Duke planned to teach Flynn the controls of the command center and Sarah said she wouldn't be able to get any sleep, which is probably the truth. While everyone was getting settled, Mason and I found a couple of rockers on the porch and planted ourselves in them. So
on Flynn came back and sat on the top step.

  "They're in one of the back rooms of the cliff dwellings. I had a hell of a time getting up there cause Bobby put a string of bells across the top of the ladder as a early warning system, so I climbed up the opposite wall and saw him tucking Sally into bed. They were on their knees, in front the bed, saying their goodnight prayers. They've got a mattress with blankets and pillows, a night table with a lantern and a small book case with stuff on it. They're about as safe as we are in our beds. Maybe more so. Nothing's sneaking up on that kid." He leaned back against the railing post and sighed. "It sure is pretty. I didn't think we'd ever get here."

  We didn't think he was wanting conversation as much as just talking to himself so we just nodded and continued to watch the sun set. Then it got so dark we had to use flashlights to find our way to bed. Walking hand in hand back to the truck, I looked up and saw all the stars and stopped. Mason looked up also and then put his arm around me as we walked to the truck. I missed Montana more right then than I have since we left. I fought back tears as we got ready for bed and when I lay back I looked out the moon roof and saw a falling star. Mason and I just lay there and watched the stars until sleep crept in a stole my thoughts.

  The next morning I woke with the usual question in my head...'Where am I?' Then I remembered and the quest for coffee began. I knew this wasn't like the lodge where they'd have a pantry loaded with the stuff but I was hoping they had some coffee stashed away somewhere. As soon as I opened the truck door I could smell it, and inhaling deeply, I followed the scent to the cabin. Mason was sitting in the same rocker as last night, grinning like a fool as he sipped from his mug.

  "You better not have drank all of it."

  "Lots more where this came from. Evidently Pete wasn't a coffee drinker." He settled back and rocked the chair.

  "Watch out, you're looking like you're old enough to rock all day on the front porch." He stuck his tongue out at me.

  "Well, I guess you showed me." Then I blew him a kiss and hurried inside where I found Bobby and Sally sitting at the counter watching Sarah make what looked like oatmeal. Sally's hair had been brushed and braided and Bobby's hair was slicked down with something. A look from Sarah told me she had nothing to do with it. So Bobby braids hair too.

  I couldn't resist touching them both as I walked by.

  "Morning." Bobby said, as he wiped sweat from his glass of orange juice. I looked at Sarah who grinned and pointed at the fridge. "Solar panels." Then she went back to scooping oatmeal into bowls for the kids. They accepted them with whispered "thank you ma'am"s and began eating. I took a sip of my coffee, bless Columbia, and watched them eat for a minute before joining Mason on the porch.

  Sitting in the rockers you looked down an avenue of trees to the entrance of the canyon. Our outfits were parked under the trees on either side and would probably stay there. A slight breeze rustled the leaves overhead while the smell of pine tickled your nose. Mason nudged me to look to my right and there were several chickens scratching in the dirt. "Bobby had em hid out of sight of Pete cause he was killing them all. The old man would get drunk and shoot at anything that moved, mostly the chickens. Bobby took the eggs and cooked them in one of the hot springs so they'd have something to eat. The kid knew what he was doing. Smart for such a small cuss."

  "When everyone gets up and around we need to take stock and see what we have and what we need. But I think before we go anywhere we need to unwind a day or two. Did you see the fridge?"

  "Yeah, this morning when I got up I saw the solar panels and wondered if they worked. I'll let Duke have a go at 'em when he gets up. I think he spent most of the night teaching Flynn about the command center."

  "Yeah," said Flynn as he stepped out on the porch, "I had it figured out long before he got done teaching me. That guy sure loves his toys." He sat at his favorite spot on the second step, leaning against the top step. "Damn, I'm glad we're finally here. I could wait to go looking for supplies a day or so if everyone else can."

  "I don't think that's a problem. Bobby says Pete mostly robbed the surrounding homes of weapons, jewelry and such. He drank booze all the time so he didn't eat much. We should find some food in those houses and solar panels too. Seems a lot of folks in this these parts had them. Lots of sunshine, I guess."

  "Bobby said he'd sit down and talk to us after he see's Sally fed."

  I smiled because I could just see him saying that. He was the one to come out and tell us breakfast was ready. He sat up at the bar and watched us as Sally ate a pop tart with Melody and Clarissa. The kid had spunk, but he looked like he was awful tired of being a caregiver. He wouldn't say anything though, he had pride too.

  "Oh, yeah, Duke was able to get in touch with Ken last night. They had some problems around Helena, but have a canyon they've landed in they like. The weather turned off cold at night so they say we were smart to head south. They sent their love and said to be careful."

  "If they only knew." Mason said. No shit, I thought.

  Sally and the other kids finished eating and took off to play, Mercy behind them to keep watch and Bubba trotting along behind her. She hid the gun in her sleeve just in case. Davy was sleeping on a cot in the corner of the room. Bobby went to the window and watched the kids for a minute before coming back to our table. He thanked Sarah when she sat a glass of orange juice in front of him but didn't touch it for a minute.

  "I reckon things are gonna change around here since you folks are here. Just the fact that old Pete is dead is a big change. Seems strange to not be afraid any more. Well of him anyway."

  "Bobby, you said he was stealing things like guns. Do you happen to know where he hid the stuff?"

  He smiled, "Yea, the old man hid it in the caves across from us. He tried to put it in the upper caves and got so drunk one night he fell off the ladder. Hurt his back real bad. So he got a room on the ground floor he built a door for. Its easy to spot, only door in the caves."

  "Could you show us later? We might need the guns. We have to make a run into town for supplies and we'll need weapons."

  "If I can go along. I been here for a long time. I want to find something nice for Sally."

  "Is Sally your sister?" Lacy asked.

  "No, but she feels like one. Our parents just happened to be here at the same time. Those two fifth wheel campers at the end are ours. I ain't been in there since our parents died. Won't either, not for nothing."

  "You don't have to go in there if you don't want to and we'll see about you going with us. We'll need to go several times so you might want to wait. That way we'll know what to expect."

  "I can show you around today. There's a few places that have solar panels and a couple of places has zombies locked up in the bathrooms so you'll need me to show you which ones."

  "Sounds like a plan. We'll leave in a bit."

  Bobby turned to me. "If you wouldn't mind, ma'am, I'd appreciate it if Sally could stay here with you while we're gone. I'd feel better if she was safe and I didn't have to worry about her."

  “You put him up to it didn't you?” I asked Mason.

  “Nope, weren't none of me what done it.” He was smiling too much. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come along but you can't turn the kid down now.

  I looked at Bobby who was patiently waiting for an answer. "You bet, kiddo. I would love to have Sally with me today. Don't worry about her at all."

  "Thank you ma'am, I been worried about her for so long, though, I don't reckon to stop any time soon." He walked back over to the window again.

  "Just as long as you stop calling me ma'am, we'll get along just fine." He turned and smiled at me before looking back out the window.

  The guys planned their forage of the area while Sam, George and I planned to check out the other buildings and the campers in the area. I wasn't sure if George could kill a walker but I thought it was time to find out.

  The guys took off, Duke taking up the rear. He wanted to check out the solar panels and see if w
e could transfer them to the cabin. When the guys were out of sight we started with Sally and Bobby's campers. I figured the best way to find out if they were occupied was to beat on the door. If we heard movement we knew we had something. So that's what I did. I beat the hell out of the door. Nothing happened inside but the camper next to it started jumping. We looked at each other and decided to take care of the bouncing camper first. I let George open the door and shot the walkers as they piled out, literally, one on top of the other..three in all. One woman and two men. I'd instructed Mercy to keep the kids in the cabin so Sally wouldn't see us shoot them.

  George had disappeared and I feared it was too much for her until I saw her emerge from the back of the big cabin pulling a large wagon. One of those with the high sides and big, fat wheels. We piled the dead in the wagon and went inside the camper. As quickly as possible we began to open windows mostly because of the smell but the heat was stifling. I found a purse and inside were pictures of a family with a beautiful little, blond hair girl lovingly wrapped up in her mothers arms. I took the picture to save for Sally. She might want it when she is older.

  I found some of her clothes but by looking at them I knew they were too small. I found a sweater that was her mothers and put it in a bag with the pictures. When I found a raggedy, old, stuffed rabbit, I knew it was special to her, so it went into the bag too. When we'd found everything that was useful we proceeded to the first camper and beat on the doors again. I know, overkill, right? but you never know with these things. The camper remained still, but we entered cautiously anyway. Finding pictures and favorites of Bobby we also grabbed blankets and pillows that might be of use. His clothes were too small too, so he'd need new ones. We picked up a few supplies and canned goods but most of the cans were oddly shaped so they were left behind.

  Sarah and George pulled that wagon all over the campgrounds. We loaded up on stuff and had to make four trips back to the cabin to unload it all. Soon we filled the wagon with walker and had to got the ravine to empty it. He wasn't kidding about the ravine, it was deep. I looked once and saw all the bodies, some still moving and refused to look any more. We backed the wagon up to it, tipped it up and the bodies rolled out. I knew I'd found another scene for my nightmares.


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