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Savage Seduction

Page 8

by J. Woods

  “I’m opening a branch of my business here and since Harbor Press has such a respected reputation, and I know the owner, I thought I’d meet with you to hear what you have to offer me.”

  She fought the urge to release the snap on the end of her tongue thinking about what she had to offer him - past or not, she didn’t allow anyone to speak to her with disrespect especially when it came to business. Not wanting to lose a potential large client with a budget that could pay for half the year’s bills, she took a deep breath and proceeded to go through the different marketing options.

  “What about something… custom?” he asked.

  “I’m open to hearing what you have in mind.”

  “Good, I like that.” This time she did narrow her eyes. It seemed not only did the past ten years give Alex wrinkles; it also made him an asshole. She remembered the shy boy who had approached her in the library. He had sat across from her at the empty table while she kept her nose in the novel she was reading. When he cleared his throat, she eventually looked up at him and smiled. She had watched the faint blush stain his cheeks. “Hey, Alex.”

  “Hi, Zoe.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Um, I was wondering… if maybe you would like to… I don’t know, go to prom with me?” Zoe thought about it for a moment. She knew Rachel was really excited about prom, was going with one of the guys from the football team and even though Zoe had turned down multiple offers, there was something about Alex’s shy demeanor that made her say yes. He wasn’t popular or had a lot of friends and the courage it took to ask her to be his date made her want to give him a night he wouldn’t forget - and be the hottest chick there, not only for her, but so he could show her off because she knew that was exactly what he was trying to do. He’d wanted a pretty, popular girl on his arm to throw it in the faces of the guys that bullied him for four years - and she would be more than happy to allow him the ability to do so. She had worn a fire engine red dress, almost too low cut for a school dance with a slit up the side of her leg showcasing the mile high heels she had bought to match. Her eyes were smoky and her hair was a mess of curls on the top of her head. Her mother almost didn’t let her go, said she looked like a porn star, but that was exactly the look Zoe was going for and when she explained to her mom her plan, her mother reluctantly allowed her to leave the house without wrapping her in a burlap bag. Her plan had worked; everyone was staring, in admiration, toward Alex as he paraded her around the room. Zoe never cared for what people thought of her, never did, and never will, so it didn’t bother her, the evil looks she was getting from the more feminine side of the crowd. He’d been a gentleman all night and they’d had a great time; they’d danced, they’d drunk some of the spiked punch and in the end she was happy she had made the decision. He’d driven her home, asking if she wanted to stop at the lake where she’d kindly let him down. She’d been to the lake, she knew what happened there and she just didn’t see him in that light, there was no tingling in her belly, no breathy sighs when she thought of him, she was just trying to be a good friend. She had hoped Alex would leave high school with less of a chip on his shoulder, but apparently the chip remained and perhaps continued to grow judging by the ice in his eyes as he sat across her now as he attempted to what, arrogantly charm her?

  “Why don’t I go back to my team as you can with yours and we can come up with some ideas, brainstorm if you will? That way you and I can meet up again, perhaps over drinks?” The thought of having drinks with Alex and his idea of what drinks would lead to, and she did have a good idea of that, made her skin crawl. What had happened to him all these years that had turned him into such a jerk?

  “Here in my office works best for me. Or we could do it at yours if that is more convenient. I will ensure my Director of Marketing, Pete, will accompany me during our next meeting, he has some wonderful ideas and I’m sure he can come up with a plan that would fit perfectly into what you’re looking for.”

  “That won’t be necessary. Why don’t you speak to him and then you can bring me what he has come up with?” She so badly wanted to kick him out of her office and tell him to spend his money elsewhere but the age old motto popped into her head - the customer is always right. So for now, she would placate him and without informing him, she would make sure at their next meeting, she wouldn’t be alone. She never mixed business with pleasure, it was her rule and a rule she wasn’t willing to break for Alex Sullivan, which was clearly what he had in mind. “Sounds like a plan. I will have Rachel call you tomorrow to set up another meeting.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” Zoe was taken aback when the cold in his eyes was replaced by a warm smile. Where did that come from and where had it been the entire time they were sitting together? Had she imagined him being a jerk? When he grinned at her like that he was actually quite attractive. He had grown into his body; she could tell he was no longer the lanky skinny kid that got picked on - there were definite muscles underneath that tailored suit. She smiled back and walked him down the stairs and to the exit.

  She held out her hand, “Thanks so much for coming Alex. It was great to see you again.”

  He grabbed her hand in his much larger one and pulled her in for a kiss on her cheek. “Until next time,” he whispered in her ear. She stood glued to her spot as she watched him walk out of the building and around the corner out of sight.

  “Was that Alex Sullivan from high school?” Zoe turned to look at a shocked Rachel.


  “Wow, he looks different.”


  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well how did the meeting go?” Zoe paused as she reached the top step turning to look back at Rachel.

  “I don’t know,” she frowned. Rachel’s laugh lifted a smile to her lips as they walked back into her office.

  “Well let’s dissect it then. What aren’t you sure about?”

  “It just seemed… off in some way.”

  “Well he always was kind of off in high school. Maybe he just hasn’t changed all that much.”

  “I guess you’re right. It was just - weird. When I suggested another meeting with Pete and myself he refused, only wanted to meet with me. And he asked me out for drinks under the guise of another meeting. Which I obviously turned down.”

  “Oh so he’s trying to rekindle prom night, huh?” Rachel teased.

  “There was nothing for him to rekindle.” Zoe laughed. “I don’t know, maybe he’s just still a bit awkward in social situations.”

  “Probably. So tell me, Ms. Alcott…”

  “Stop that or you’re fired.”

  “Okay, okay. Why were you running late this morning? Tell me it’s because you were sharing a bed with a certain someone who spent his first night at your place last night?”

  “Not a bed, the couch,” Zoe groaned letting her head fall into her hands.

  “Don’t play tricks on me this morning, Zo. Tell me you got naked with him.”

  “Nope, sorry. Logan’s not like that. He’s not going to touch me no matter how bad I want him to.”

  “So you do want him to.” Zoe scrunched up her face cursing herself for allowing that piece of information fall from her lips.

  “Regardless, of what I do or don’t want, it’s not going to happen. Last night we were watching a movie and we must have fallen asleep. On the couch. Together.” She could still feel the strength of his arms around her when she woke this morning. The burn of his skin pressed tightly against hers still lingered as she felt the pull in her lower belly.

  “Of course it matters what you want.”

  “No Rach, it doesn’t. I just need to get laid. Maybe I will go out for drinks with Alex. What else is on the roster today?” Zoe had to get Rachel off this subject or they would be talking about it all afternoon. She hated lying to her friend, there was no way she was going out for drinks with Alex or meeting him anywhere apart from her office but it was the only way she would stop pokin

  “Not too much, you have a pretty lazy afternoon. Some emails you have to return but other than that you are free and clear. Remember, you have the charity ball tomorrow.”

  “Oh shit! I don’t have anything to wear!”

  “Well it’s a good thing you can go this afternoon and find something than isn’t it?”

  “You and James are still attending right?”

  “Yep, we’ll be there. And before you ask, my dress is a navy blue.”

  “Awesome. You’re the best!” she called after Rachel’s retreating back.

  “I know!”

  Zoe typed in Alex Sullivan’s name in Google and found absolutely zero results. She frowned at the screen when she scrolled through pages and couldn’t even find a Facebook page. “Alex Sullivan, you sure are a mystery,” Zoe mused out loud. Her computer pinged, alerting her to a new email. She opened it to a photo of her parents holding glasses of margaritas lying on beach chairs and a short message telling her how great a time they were having.

  An hour later, a man stood in her office doorway holding a large bouquet of red roses. “Can you place them on the table?” she asked the delivery man. She thanked him and grabbed for the card.

  As beautiful as always. Until next time… Alex.

  Zoe snarled at the card before returning to her seat. She remembered he gave her a long stemmed rose for prom too. What was it with him and roses? She didn’t even like roses. She hated them.

  Chapter Eight

  Logan had Rachel set him up in an empty office providing him with a much needed cup of coffee. Even though he knew he needed to go to Savage Security headquarters and check in with his brothers, there was no way he was leaving Zoe, especially when she had a meeting with some guy who asked to meet specifically with her. He hated that she wouldn’t let him sit in on it with her. He wanted her safe, and he also wanted her to see her in action. He didn’t know who this guy was. He wished he knew about it beforehand, he would have had his brothers send him a full background check up to the last time he went to the bathroom. The fact that this guy who was sending Zoe threats got past him already ate at him like nothing else. He despised the fact that he was able to get past him, that he allowed him to get past him. He just had to figure out how. He hadn’t told Zoe, but he had his brother Aiden set up some additional cameras throughout her office and building last night. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. Just like how she didn’t need to know he’d installed a GPS tracker on her phone when she had left it on the counter yesterday. Aiden had told him it was beyond easy to get into the locked building last night and disable any existing cameras while he was at work. Logan would have to install a new alarm and lock system as soon as possible. Aiden was skilled at breaking into places he shouldn’t, but with that experience came the knowledge of what was too easy to get into. And if his brother told him the locks needed to be updated, he wasn’t going to argue. Logging in remotely to view the video feeds, he watched as she sat stoically behind her desk listening to the man in front of her. Just staring at her now, he could remember what she felt like in his arms this morning. He wasn’t sure how they ended up falling asleep, but he had to admit to himself that he was beyond glad they did. He frowned, remembering rousing from sleep, stuck in that in between stage; he instinctively knew it was her, no other woman had or would feel that good in his arms; but he thought it was a dream, so he pulled her closer. Thankfully her cell phone rang, bringing him fully awake because he would have stripped her of her clothes and had her underneath him before his next breath. He loved her luscious curves against his hard body - she was so soft, so warm, and he didn’t think it was his imagination when he also thought so willing. Some of her hair had fallen out of the tie she had put it in the night before allowing him to bury his nose in her long tresses. Pulled out of his memories of the morning, he watched her stiffen at something the man said and it took all he had in him to stay put in his seat. She was a big girl, one who, without doubt, would hand him his ass if he gave into his caveman instincts and rushed into her office to confront her potential client. She was a gorgeous, successful woman; she was used to guys either dismissing her in business and coming on to her, probably at the same time. But the thought of this guy doing either made Logan’s blood boil. Distracted from watching her on the screen, he almost missed the call that was coming through. “Hey,” he answered.

  “Where have you been?” He rolled his eyes at his brother Nate’s worry.

  “On a job. As you well know.”

  “Yes, but you were supposed to check in.”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Bullshit. You’ve been parading around with a hot chick.”

  “Watch your mouth,” Logan growled.

  “Ah, so you’ve finally met one who can crack that hard shell of yours. About time.”

  “What do you want?” Logan was not going to discuss who Zoe was to him with his brother; he didn’t even know the answer himself. “I’m busy.”

  “I’m sure you are. I was calling for an update.”

  “I’ll be in this afternoon. I’ll give you your update then. I gotta go, got another call coming in.” He hung up before his brother could berate him any further. “Ashbrook, any updates?”

  “Savage, how’s it going on your end?”


  “Good. Yes, I’m chasing down a pretty solid lead, and by solid I mean my only lead. Suspect got a little sloppy and left me a partial print. I’ll update you with more information when I have it.”

  “Good. You’ll let me know if you need extra backup.”

  “Yes. Keep me updated.” He placed his phone back in his pocket knowing any lead was better than no lead and he’d hoped the detective would catch this asshole, and soon.

  While he was on the phone Zoe had finished her meeting before starting another with Rachel. He got up with the intention to find her, he needed to know everything about the man she had just met with. He needed a full background check, every detail on him. Stopping outside Zoe’s door, he heard her voice carry through the slight opening - “I just need to get laid. Maybe I will go out for drinks with Alex” - Logan had the sudden urge to throw his fist at something. Over his dead body was Zoe going out for drinks with Alex or any other guy and the overwhelming thought of shedding the blood of anyone who attempted to ‘lay her’ was overwhelming. And unfamiliar. Before walking in as he originally planned, he needed to clear the rage in his head or he would take it out on her. Taking the steps two at a time, he burst through the doors scrubbing his hands over his face. He had no idea what she was doing to him and the thought of losing control over himself and the hard, indifferent mask he was always able to maintain made him nervous. He knew how to handle anger, fury, it was a skill he used in the military and again in the jobs he took working as Savage Security, but he didn’t know what this was he was feeling and he had no idea how to push it away, get rid of it. Taking a few deep breaths, he rationalized with himself that she was a single girl and he had no hold on her. If she wanted to go for drinks with some other guy, he would have to suck it up and stand by because she wasn’t his. His mind immediately went back to the morning they shared and the way she felt so right, too right - so perfect in his arms as if she was. His. The only silver lining was that she wouldn’t be going for drinks with anyone else while under his watchful eye. Afterwards, well, he would be gone and she would be safe. And going out for drinks with Alex, whoever he was. Logan took in one last breath before stepping back inside to be faced with a smiling Rachel. “Hey, Logan.”

  “Hey. Is she free?”

  “Yep, she should be.”


  He walked up the stairs and even with his anger tethered by thin control, he remembered Zoe tensing during her meeting and he had to make sure she was okay. Knocking first before walking in, he noticed the large bouquet of fresh red roses sitting on the coffee table. Narrowing his eyes he read the card. Alex. “Nice flowers,” he commented. He could feel Zo
e’s frown on him as he averted his gaze, sitting in his regular chair.

  Ignoring his sour mood she asked him brightly, “What are you doing right now?”

  He looked up at her and saw her smiling face; he felt the dark cloud hovering over him lift just a little. “You tell me.”

  “Good - we’re going shopping!”

  “Shopping?” Logan didn’t like that idea, he didn’t do shopping, and he was sure he absolutely didn’t do Zoe’s kind of shopping.

  “Yes, we have the charity ball tomorrow. Do you have a tux?”

  “No,” he admitted. She shot him a saucy grin as she got up from her chair, handing him the car keys.

  “Then let’s go!”

  Logan climbed behind the wheel as Zoe did the same beside him. She listed off directions before he asked, “How was your meeting?”

  “It was alright.”

  “Just alright?”

  “Yes. It turned out to be this guy Rachel and I went to high school with. He’s opening up a branch of his business here and needs some marketing.”

  “So why request a meeting with just you and why keep it a secret?”

  “Familiarity I guess, and I don’t think he meant to keep it a secret.”

  “I need his name.”


  “So I can run a full background check on him.”

  “Is that really necessary? He’s just some guy I went to high school with and now he’s a potential client.”

  “Yes, it’s necessary. I’ve done background checks on everyone you have come into contact with since you have been under my supervision and will continue to do so. I am not willing to play with your safety Zoe.” Logan couldn’t keep the hard edge out of his voice as he practically yelled the last part to her.


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