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Savage Seduction

Page 20

by J. Woods

  “What’s Rachel saying?” he asked hearing Rachel in the background before Cameron handed the phone over.

  “Logan! I just remembered when we were little, I guess maybe nine or ten, Zoe and Steven were playing around, it is a greenhouse by the way, a big one, they were playing hide and seek or something and Zoe went into the greenhouse. Steven had locked all the doors from the outside so she couldn’t get out. I remember her telling me she was screaming and he kept her in there, laughing. A couple hours later his dad went in and found her crying in the corner.”

  “Son of a bitch!” he cursed. Logan had felt rage before but nothing like the all consuming anger he was feeling in that moment. He felt his hands beginning to shake with want of wrapping around Steven Ledetski’s neck. He was going to kill him. His anger mixed with fear for what Zoe was enduring as they stood around with their thumbs up their asses. “She’s at the greenhouse,” Logan concluded to the nods of his brothers. He watched as Nate and Luke both pulled out their guns, checking the clips while Max adjusted his vest and Aiden looked on with a bring it on grin crossing his mouth.

  “I’ve synced your GPS’s with the coordinates of the greenhouse. Ashbrook, yours as well.” Logan would have laughed at his shocked and confused face if the situation wasn’t so dire. “She’s good, she can hack into anything,” Logan explained quickly.

  “I may have to hire her.”

  “Sorry, she already has a job.” He heard Cameron’s laugh as he hung up the phone running to his truck. “Let’s move!” he yelled.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Steven gripped Zoe’s upper arm in a bruising hold pulling her up from the chair she’d been sitting in for hours. Her bladder was burning in pain with the need to use the bathroom. “Steven, I need to pee.” He looked at her skeptically before she continued, “I haven’t gone all day and I’m dying. Please?” He walked her through another door in his office, stepping over the papers covering the stained carpet. “Go. You’ll leave the door open.”

  “Okay,” she agreed reluctantly. Looking around the small room for something, anything she could use as a weapon she almost let the moan of disappointment slip as she took in the barren space. Washing her hands she could barely see her reflection in the dirt covered mirror.

  “Let’s go,” he demanded. She turned to him, plastering a smile on her face, wincing when she felt her skin reopen near her swollen eye. “I want you to change into this,” he told her, her red dress hanging from his two fingers.

  “Okay,” she said slowly.


  “Can I have some privacy?”

  “No.” She let out a slow breath, swallowing past the increased beat of her heart. She was sure he could see her pulse at the base of her neck in a manic rhythm. She slowly lowered her fingers to grip the hem of her ruined white tank top, pulling it swiftly over her head. She watched the heat spark in his otherwise lifeless eyes as he took in her breasts concealed by the white, sheer lace of her bra. She pushed down the short black mini skirt until it pooled at her feet revealing the matching panties. She didn’t have to worry about her heels; she’d lost those hours ago. She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life as she stood in front of him with nothing on but sheer lace. He could see everything. Ignoring the tear that escaped her hold, she took an encouraging breath, straightening her spin in a confidence she knew was completely false. Licking his lips, Zoe felt her stomach churn as she took the familiar fabric from his hand. Slipping it over her head she pulled it down to cover her almost naked body. The dress still fit, hugging and accentuating every one of her curves. She was now regretting the decision on the dress. She’d bought it to look hot, to be sexy so Alex could show her off. Now, in the garment that once made her feel like a model out of Playboy, all she felt in it was dirty and objectifying as he leered at her with a hunger that was frightening. She’d been in many situations with many guys over the years; she’d had to accept and fight off different stages of attraction and lust, but the way Steven stared at her now was something that went beyond definition. It was as if everything he had worked on for the past decade, the shrine of her that she still stood in to her now in the flesh standing in her prom dress from ten years ago had all finally come together. She felt her blood run cold when tears of excitement glistened in his eyes.

  “So beautiful, just like that night. That’s where it all started, when we fell in love. Do you remember?” he asked stepping toward her as he took out a small black remote from his pocket. Aiming it toward a shelf that hung over his desk, Zoe heard a familiar playlist. The songs from prom night. Oh god, what the hell was she going to do? “Do you remember?” he repeated to her unanswered question.

  She nodded, “Of course.” He pulled a long stem rose that she hadn’t seen before from behind his back, handing to her in an almost nervous gesture. She took it with shaking fingers, smiling as she did. “It was my idea you know. I was the one who told Alex to give you that rose. That roses were your favourite.”

  “You were right.” She managed a smile, bringing it up to her nose.

  “My best loved memory was when you danced with me, to this very song.” He pulled her into his arms and although she knew he felt the shudder run through her, he took bother her hands and wrapped them around his neck while he placed his on her hips. Like they were in high school. He was recreating the night. And she wanted to throw up on him. The only question was, how was it going to end this time? Zoe kept her eyes open as she pretended to rest her head against his shoulder. Steven was so lost in the moment of the past, he was starting to lose attention with what he was doing. She felt the hilt of the knife he’d used to cut the ropes binding her wrists against her thigh through his pocket. He was whispering sweet nothings in her ear but she heard none of it knowing she had to try to grab for it. His desk was littered with old contracts and paperwork, and nothing that she could use against him. He was a lot bigger than her, not that that was a hard feat but he stood at around six feet tall, holding at least six inches over her. Looking around for the shears he was carrying earlier she soon realized she would have to try to take his knife. She swallowed the urge to gag when she put together how she could distract him. She pulled her head back and gave him her best, shy smile. The one she received in return was filled with such a sense of derangement she knew it was now or never.

  Threading her fingers into his hair she pulled his face down until their lips were almost touching. “I’ve been dreaming about this for ten years,” she murmured against his mouth before sealing her lips over his. His audible male groan was distraction enough for her to let her hands travel down his body until her fingers gripped the hilt of the blade. She pulled it quickly from his pocket but not fast enough for him not to notice.

  “What are you doing?” he screamed grabbing hold of her wrist in an agonizing hold. Her fingers refused to let go of the weapon as she twisted out of his grasp and tried to lunge for him. His hard fist landed directly against the side of her head causing her to stumble back against the stars dancing in front of her eyes. “You stupid bitch! You’re ruining everything!” The words that tore from his throat pierced her ears in a high pitched craze. Zoe moaned against the pain feeling him pry the metal from her weakening fingers. Shaking away the black that wanted to envelop her in its promises she reached for the knife at the same time he brought it down, flaying open the skin on her upper arm. She screamed in pain instinctively staring down at the blood seeping from the wound. “Zoe! I’m sorry.” He sounded tormented as he crouched down to her level; she could see the war that was waging inside of him. The one that told her she was both the woman he’d always wanted and the enemy all at the same time. Zoe felt a rush of strengthening anger surge through her veins and preying on the diversion her heel shot out landing directly in his groin. He fell back gagging and she heard the beautiful sound of the blade clanging to the floor. Scrambling to grab it, she felt his fingers wrap around her ankle, squeezing as if trying to break her bones. He pulled her violently back at
the same time her fingers gripped the cold metal. Twisting her around, all of her emotions were focused on her anger. She didn’t even see Steven’s enraged face anymore; she saw her photos covering his walls, her shoeless feet, the red dress of her past. She felt the blood drip down the side of her face and merge with the red sluggishly seeping from the wound on her arm. She saw the photo of her and Logan, in her home. He must have been on the roof across from her bedroom window. She felt nothing as she brought the knife up and landed it swiftly and confidently in his neck. His eyes widened in shock, his fingers going to the quickly escaping blood. Still holding the knife in her hand, she pulled it from his skin and pushed herself to her feet watching him fall on his back. He stared around at his shrine, his blood pooling quickly underneath him. She swallowed against her heavy breathing, backing out of his office. He didn’t notice. She didn’t turn her back from him even as she heard the hitch in her breathing. After a long walk through the humid, pungent smell of roses her back hit the door she was looking for. This time it wasn’t locked and there wasn’t a boy staring through the window watching her scream. No, this time the boy was dying on the floor of his office, surrounded by stolen memories. Her feet sank into the soft, moist ground, the cool night air infusing her with a new strength. She couldn’t shake the rage that had grown within her. Her hands were trembling at her sides even as she finally turned around and started walking away from her prison. She looked up at the sound of squealing tires and screaming sirens. Logan jumped out of the truck running toward her. Her relief collided with her still burning anger and at the sight of the man who’d walked out on her a week ago, the anger won.

  “Zoe!” he yelled as he continued toward her, his legs taking long strides in his need to get to her. She knew what she must look like, bleeding, bruised, her dress ripped and no shoes - but she felt none of it. “Zoe...” he slowed as he approached suddenly noticing her expression. She looked past him, noticing Detective Ashbrook quick on his heels.

  “Zoe, I’m going to need you to drop the knife,” the detective told her as she continued walking. Without looking down she opened her fingers and allowed the weapon to fall to the ground. “Where’s Ledetski?” he asked with concern.

  “Inside,” she told them absently. She heard the detective order his accompanying officers inside while he directed her to the arriving ambulance. She nodded her head to let him know she’d heard him.


  She looked up at the sound of the feminine voice, relieved to see Stella Savage jumping out of the back of the truck in her EMS uniform. Walking past Logan, he called her name again and it was the panic in his voice that made her turn around.

  “Why are you here?” she yelled. He looked torn and tortured. He looked tired. “Why Logan? You’re a real asshole you know that?” she continued, pointing her finger into his chest. “Is this some game to you? Get the girl to fall in love with you, walk away and then when she’s in trouble again there you are?” She ignored the widening of his eyes at her admission. She didn’t care. “My heart hurts too much, I don’t want to play your game anymore Logan,” she said quieter, shaking her head. She turned before he could say anything, leaving him standing in the middle of the field with his mouth hanging open. She knew she had been yelling and everyone had heard her tantrum; she worked to fight back the embarrassment that wanted to crawl across her cheeks but it was a confrontation she had been going over for an entire week and now he decided to show up?

  “Zoe, you’re bleeding. Can I take a look?” Stella asked her with an understanding patience. She allowed Logan’s sister to guide her, forcing her to sit in the back of the ambulance.

  “Just put a band aid on it so I can go home.” Her stomach churned even with Stella’s gentle touch as she examined the gash in her arm before pressing a thick square of white gauze against the open wound, wrapping it tightly to staunch the bleeding.

  “Unfortunately it’s not that simple, you’re going to need stitches.” Her thumb and finger gripped Zoe’s chin moving her face so she could see the gash that sliced through the swollen skin around her eye.

  “So stitch me up.” Stella gave her a warm smile and Zoe felt a pang of guilt for snapping at her.

  “You’re going to need to go to the hospital for a full check. I don’t know what happened or what the extent of your injuries are to give you the okay to go home. You’re still running on adrenaline, I can feel you shaking with it. Soon that’s going to wear off and you might go into shock. And I’m thinking you probably have a concussion judging by that goose egg on your head.” She narrowed her eyes at Stella letting her know she disapproved of her verdict. “You can either have someone drive you or you can come in the ambulance.”

  “I’ll drive her,” Logan offered gravely, stepping into view.

  “I’ll go in the ambulance.” She didn’t need to look at Logan to see his head fall forward with an emotion she didn’t want to acknowledge. Stella nodded her head helping her climb into the back of the truck. “Good to go Jim!” she called. Zoe heard the engine come to life and the crunch of the rough ground beneath the tires. She closed her eyes against her spinning head. The high she had been running on was rapidly disappearing. “Stella, I don’t feel so well.”

  “That’s completely normal Zoe. Here, you can be sick in this,” she smiled handing her an empty bucket. With her stomach empty there was nothing for her to throw up; she felt her entire body start to violently shake when Stella’s hand touched her shoulder urging her to lie down on the stretcher she’d set up.

  “Convenient that you’re here,” Zoe muttered.

  “Logan called me when he found your location. We didn’t have any spectrum of what you were going through so he thought it might make you more comfortable to see a familiar face.”

  “He knew I was mad.”

  “Yeah, I guess he did.” The knowing smile that crossed her face made Zoe feel even guiltier.

  “God, I’m being such a bitch to you. I’m sorry.”

  Stella laughed. “I think I can forgive you of your attitude today.” Her smile suddenly turned serious. “Zoe, did he hurt you?” She knew what she was asking her.

  “Not sexually, I didn’t give him a chance.” She watched the breath Stella let out and was warmed by how relieved the other woman looked. Zoe felt the wave of exhaustion crash over her. Her eyes suddenly felt weighted down and burned with pent up emotion. She closed her eyes and felt Logan’s sister drape a heavy blanket on top of her. The pain that was masked by her high of rage was forcing itself through and it was becoming too much. Zoe allowed the pull of the darkness to lure her. Stella’s warm hand petting her hair provided Zoe with a sense of safety she felt had been lost to her for so long. “Stella, can we be friends?” she mumbled.

  “I thought we already were.” She heard her smile and it was the last thing that took her into the unmoving shadows of a healing sleep.


  Logan plowed through the double doors of the hospital finding his sister waiting for him in the waiting room. “How is she?”

  “Logan, calm down. She’s going to be okay. I haven’t spoken to the doctor yet. She’s been bruised up pretty bad, I think she probably has a concussion, maybe a couple broken bones.”

  “Did he...?” He couldn’t say it; just the thought of that fucker touching Zoe made him sick to his stomach. He felt his fists ball at his side, his emotions so out of control he had no idea how to reel them in.

  “No. He didn’t abuse her sexually.” The relief that crashed over him almost brought him to his knees. He felt the hard plastic chairs behind him and sat down, scrubbing his hands over his face. He knew he had a lot of work to do, but he hadn’t realized how mad she was. He’d really fucked up, royally, and he didn’t have any idea how to fix it. She told him she loved him. When she was yelling at him, baring her soul, he’d never felt so happy and so terribly heartbroken at the same time - he had a sinking feeling he was too late. She wouldn’t even let him drive her to the hospita
l; but what did he expect, that she would come running into his arms and everything would be okay? But none of that mattered right now, all that mattered was that she was going to be okay, he could figure out the rest later. He needed to hear from the doctor that she was fine. The radio Stella kept at her hip sounded. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a fierce hug. “She’s a fighter. She’s going to be okay.”

  He nodded his head, “Thank you, Stel. I owe you.”

  “No you don’t. I’ll call you later.”

  “Okay, be safe.” He kissed her hair in gratitude and watched her walk out of the hospital at the same time Rachel ran in.

  “Logan! Oh my god, is she okay?” Her hands flew to her mouth in anticipation.

  “I’m still waiting to hear from the doctor, but I think, I’m hoping she’s going to be okay.”

  “She’s strong, the strongest person I’ve ever met.”

  He leaned forward holding his head in his hands. His impatience level was beyond recognition, every time he heard someone walk down the hall he looked up in anticipation. After an hour of sitting under the stale lights of the waiting room, within the sickly smell of the hospital a woman in light green scrubs walked down the hall toward where he and Rachel were sitting. Her greying hair was pulled back into a low tight bun; she flipped through the chart she held in her hand before raising her head, “Zoe Alcott?” He and Rachel sprung out of their seats stood in front of her.

  “Yes,” they answered in unison.

  “What is your relation to the patient?” the doctor asked warmly.

  “I’m her best friend,” Rachel piped in. “And Logan is her boyfriend.” He nodded his head and remained silent. He was about to tear this place apart, brick by brick, to find her if the doctor didn’t tell him now. He just needed to see her, to feel her heart beat against his hand, to see the smile that always managed to melt the cold around his heart. He needed to tell her he loved her.


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