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Teasing Danger [Darklands Book 1]

Page 25

by Autumn Dawn

  "I've seen it before,” one of the other Symbionts offered, stepping forward. Jackson introduced the stocky fellow as Ma-at. “It's just the last of the poison working out of her system. A little sleep should clear her head."

  "Very well,” Keilor scooped up his uncooperative wife. “We'll talk later,” he told Jackson, nodding his farewell. He headed for their room.

  "I can walk,” Jasmine grouched, struggling and completely oblivious to their audience.

  "Later,” Keilor answered. “Right now you're going to take a nap. Then we'll have a nice, long chat about manners...."

  "So, what say we ditch these guys and see if we can't go scare up a pizza?"

  Leo, the lone female Symbiont in the council chamber, not counting Jasmine, stared at Jasmine, startled. There was a lull at the table around them as the men broke off their tense verbal sparring and peered at her.

  Jasmine didn't care. Ever since she'd woken up from her nap and joined the group in the council chambers, her temper had been slowly climbing.

  The Symbionts wanted to open up negotiations for military cooperation with the Haunt. It seemed that the cities they'd constructed beyond the swamp lands were under attack by monsters from the East. Not only did they wish to drive the beasts off, they wanted to strengthen their position with the Haunt to ensure peace.

  The Haunt princes who'd assembled at Jayems’ command weren't adverse to peace, but they stubbornly refused to budge from the principal that isolation made good neighbors. Jayems himself remained silent as his Haunt peers dredged up ancient history about the bloody Symbiont Wars, as they called it, slapping down reason after ancient reason why the Symbiont nation was not to be trusted. Even Jackson's impassive face was beginning to darken a fraction.

  Figuring that it was either exit the place gracefully or run screaming from the room, stark raving mad, Jasmine decided to rescue the equally miserable and silent Leo while she was at it and leave the men to fight it out.

  Dropping a quick kiss on Keilor's lips and standing up, she told the crowd in general, “Gentlemen, it's been fun, but I'm afraid that my feeble female mind has become dizzy with your dazzling intellect. Besides, I drank too much water,” she admitted. “So if you'll excuse us.... “Taking Leo's arm before she could object, Jasmine half-dragged the young woman with her as she strode from the room.

  "Have you ever seen such a bunch of idiots?” she muttered as soon as the doors had closed behind them, drowning out the sound of obstinate male voices.

  "Jackson is my brother,” Leo replied.

  "I was referring to the Haunt."

  "Ah ... well, in that case.... “A suspicion of a smile crossed her face. “Perhaps I could be persuaded to agree.” She cast a sidelong glance at Jasmine. “How is it that you came to be matched with a Haunt, if I may ask?"

  "A Haunt, huh? Sounds like you have little use for them."

  Leo turned her eyes to the hallway. “Our people have never known peace."

  "A non-answer if I ever heard one,” Jasmine observed, a little of her frustration seeping back. She hated this verbal sparring. Couldn't they just skip it?

  Leo must have perceived her annoyance, for she said, “I do not know these Haunt anymore than they know me. For now I will try not to let my prejudice blind me."

  Cheered by that, Jasmine led Leo to the mud spa after collecting Casanova and a couple of bottles of juice from the cooler in her room. She directed Leo to sit by the waterfall so that neither the two Symbionts who'd discreetly followed them nor her own Haunt guard could hear what they spoke about.

  Jasmine popped the cap on her own juice and took a swig, staring at the moving water. “So tell me, besides the fact that you're Jackson's sister, how is it that you're the lone woman here? Isn't it a bit unusual?"

  There was a moment of tense silence. “I convinced the council that I would be a good choice,” Leo finally said. Jasmine just looked at her, daring her to evade the question. Leo sighed with disgust. “If you must know, it is because I was the one who followed you through the swamps, and thus the one most familiar with you.” At Jasmine's raised brows, she added, “Your party was trespassing, and I was ... curious. We do not often see strangers in our swamps, and the combination of a human woman among three male Haunts was most unusual. Unprecedented, in fact.” She took a long swallow of juice. “It's due to my information that the Symbiont People decided that the time was right to approach the Haunt. It was thought that your presence might be an indicator of softening prejudice."

  "Hmm.” Jasmine scratched around Casanova's nubby horns and his ears went limp with pleasure. It was something to do to avoid a reply. Politics, especially those involving herself, were never her favorite subject. Casanova folded himself down with a sigh and laid his head in her lap, closing his eyes in bliss. Would she ever be able to trust so easily? “But why did you want to come so badly?"

  Leo stared at her boots, clutching her bottle. “I had my reasons,” she said.

  Jasmine decided to let her keep one secret.

  "My clan will not ally themselves with a parasite-laden pack of humans!” Tor Maphin, one of the assembled Haunt lords, shouted, half-rising from his seat.

  Tilus, who was seated next to him, pulled him firmly back down, but his words were no more encouraging. “There has been peace between us for the past fifty years because of our segregation. The Haunt are strong enough to hold our own lands. If you are not, return to Earth."

  The Ronin beside Jackson, Armatris, growled. Jackson quelled him with a look.

  Keilor, who, like Jayems, had said very little until now, said mildly, “Even Haunt band together against a common enemy, or to trade, Tilus."

  "Who should speak but the Haunt who's sired a half-breed abomination in the belly of his Sylph?” sneered Tor Maphin. “We shouldn't wonder that you'd take their side. You and Mathin the Mad, with his fool's talk of alliances."

  A muscle ticked in Keilor's jaw, but it was Jayems who said with cool challenge, “That Sylph is not only my cousin, Tor, but she saved my wife's life and the life of my child. Show some intelligence and cry peace."

  Mathin said nothing, but his very posture breathed menace.

  Tor Maphin looked away sullenly. “I withdraw my complaint.” Still, the tension in the room did not abate, and this time it also centered around Keilor.

  "If everyone has formed an opinion then I suggest that we adjourn this meeting for now. Any objections?” Other than some sullen mumbling from Tor Maphin, which he ignored, there was none. “Very well.” Jayems rose, and the rest of the table rose with him. “As my guests,” he said, addressing the Symbionts, “you'll be sharing the meal with me. I'm certain that your journey has tired you, so I'll have you escorted to your rooms to refresh yourselves first."

  Not until the council room was empty did Keilor allow a snarl to twist his lips. “Who made that mewling cub a council member?"

  A wry smile twisted Jayems’ lips. “We knew well enough that this meeting might be worse than fruitless."

  Keilor crossed his arms. “There is truth in what Tilus says."

  Jayems stroked his fisted index finger with his thumb as he regarded Keilor impassively. “Perhaps. What of our own kind, though? Recent events have proven that they can be as treacherous as any foreign enemy. At this time I am not adverse to strengthening my clan with human ties. Your wife has proven they can be loyal."

  "It is possible that my wife is an exception,” Keilor murmured, unbending very little. “I am concerned that her delight at meeting others of her kind will weaken her judgment."

  "Maybe it will, for a time. It's easy to trust in the familiar, but she is your wife now. She will listen to you."

  Keilor slanted him a look. “You think that she would accept it if I told her that I will not ally myself with the Symbionts?"

  Jayems’ eyes slipped downward, conceding to Keilor's very valid concern. The Symbionts had a very valuable ally in Jasmine, and no doubt knew it. “I know you're in a difficult position, K
eilor, but I will support you. I will not command the same from you, but.... “He did not need to say what was already understood. Together they could stand firm against the rest of the Haunt, divided ... division might be disastrous.

  "I need to go find my wife,” Keilor muttered so that he wouldn't have to answer Jayems. He knew what his ultimate, inevitable answer would be—the only one that would truly release him from the past, and possibly make him a traitor in the eyes of his people. But if that was what it took to secure the future for his family then so be it. He could do nothing less for his wife and his child to be. If he had to choose whom to protect, his family or his race, his race could go fend for themselves.

  He was a family man.

  "This is for you.” Keilor handed Jasmine a black box like the one that he wore on his belt. “It's coded with your personal frequency."

  Jasmine took the summons box, lifting one eyebrow. “My, what lovely presents you bring me."

  He smiled a little. “Until I say otherwise, I want you to wear your gun every time you leave this room.” She opened her mouth, but he cut her off sternly, “Every time, Jasmine."

  She took a deep breath. “All right. I can just imagine how stupid I'm going to look at nine months pregnant, toting a gun.... “Muttering, she took his hand and tugged him down to sit beside her on the bed. Since he remained tense, she rose on her knees behind him and began to massage the rock-like muscles in his shoulders. “Is this about the Ronin?” His muscles tensed under her hands, and she grimaced. At this rate she'd wear out before he did.

  "Among other things.” He was silent for a moment. “Be careful. Just because they are human does not mean they might not sink to manipulation if they think they can get away with it."

  "I'm not completely stupid, you know,” she grumbled, pausing in her ministrations. “I think I can figure that out."

  Turning around, he took her hands in his. “You are not stupid, only ignorant of some of the dangers that we face, dangers that you now need to know about.” Careful to not to edit out even the worst of Tor Maphin's insults, though he wanted to, he repeated what had been said at the council. She needed to know.

  She took it better than he'd expected.

  "That homely sack of dog puke!” she exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. “He's lucky you didn't carve him up into stew meat."

  "I was tempted,” he said with a quick smile. “But now you see why I am concerned. Tor is not our only enemy.” His gaze softened, and he stroked her cheek. “I will keep you safe."

  Chapter 15

  Safety was overrated.

  "You are certain your husband would not object to this?” Ma-at asked again, a frown marring his stolid face. He glanced at Isfael, who was standing nearby with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, but who made no move to stop her. No support there. He tried again, “He did not seem pleased by the idea when we first arrived."

  Jasmine slung a leg over the Symbiont cycle and grabbed Leo's waist. She'd practically begged to ride the cycle, humbling herself with shameless determination, and she was not about to miss this chance. “That was then, this is now. Besides, Keilor's an understanding kind of guy."

  Isfael snorted and rolled his eyes. Ma-at and the Symbiont Scorpio, who'd accompanied Leo, frowned, but before they could do anything, the silver cycle whipped tendrils around its riders legs, and Leo gunned the throttle.

  Just in time to shoot past the angry form of her husband and a startled Jackson.

  Jackson watched the pair without expression. “Leo is a good rider, her Symbiont dependable."

  The look Keilor shot him was pure murder. Then his eyes narrowed back on the moving blur that was his wife and the Ronin girl.

  What fun!

  Jasmine shouted with delight as the cycle took the curve of the practice field with dizzying speed. “This thing rocks!” she yelled, relishing the wind tugging at her pony tail. “Rihlia would kill to ride this baby,” she gloated.

  "Can't,” Leo shouted back over her shoulder. “It won't take Haunts.” She slowed to a more sedate pace, conserving the symbiont cycle's living strength, allowing it to ‘breathe'. Unfortunately, the slower pace brought the glowering male faces of their small audience into focus. Leo dared only two more passes before she slowed the creature down to park directly in front of Keilor.

  Knowing the value of first attack, Jasmine leapt onto the packed dirt and flung her arms around her husband, giving him a quick kiss. Then she started chattering, far too fast for him to speak. “Did you see me? Can you believe it? That thing must go a hundred miles an hour! Can I—"

  Keilor touched two fingers to her lips, cutting off the flow off words. “I am pleased that you enjoyed yourself, but I think it would be best to wait until after the baby is born before you go tempting fate again, yes?"

  Encouraged by the slight amusement lurking in his eyes but chastened by his very real concern and the shades of anger clinging to his mouth, she ducked her head and nodded in agreement. “I promise not to go so fast again until after the baby is born, unless it's life or death. Deal?"

  Danger flashed in her husband's eyes. “We will talk about it further.” Nodding to the riders, he took her arm, walking away at a rapid pace towards the citadel. Jasmine smiled and sent a jaunty wave to Leo, not particularly concerned.

  Keilor's hand tightened a bit at her nonchalance and then relaxed a fraction, careful not to bruise. As soon as they'd passed out of earshot, he said in a tight, contained voice, “I thought I'd made my wishes very clear last night."

  With a verbal shrug, Jasmine answered, “I'm a grown woman, Keilor, even if I'm not as old as however old it is that you are. I knew the risks, and I certainly don't need a grandfather telling me what to do at this late date."

  Golden flames danced in his Haunt eyes. “You took the risk in the name of fun, and to prove your independence, Dragonfly. My concerns were never an issue to you."

  There was a heartbeat of silence. “Well ... they did pass through my mind. But come off it, Keilor, what are you going to do, beat me?” She dared a glance at his face and faltered. He did look kind of mad.

  "See that we are not disturbed,” he told Isfael and the guard that was filling in for Raziel before he hustled his woman into her room and locked the door. Jasmine took several steps into the room, unbuckled her gun belt and laid the weapon on the table. When she turned around, he was there, already divested of his own gear. A startled rush of air escaped her as he backed her up against the table with his body, picked her up and deposited her on the top. Closing the distance between them with a decisive movement of his hips that widened her eyes further, he took hold of her waist, leaning forward just enough to force her to grab onto his shoulders for balance. Holding her eyes, he whispered, “My wishes are my commands, Dragonfly. I am not only your husband, but your lord, and you will obey me as such."

  She cocked her head, trying to hide her rapid breathing. “Getting a little dramatic, are we—Oh!” In seconds she was naked, with little idea how, and this time there was nothing between her bare bottom and smooth, hard wood. “You animal, you,” she breathed, excited but attempting to remain in control with a show of worldliness.

  It was not to be.

  Keilor grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, bringing her tender parts flush up against the rough material of his pants and his potent arousal. His stinging nip on her tender throat made her jump, but the suction he applied to soothe her skin after left her panting.

  It was when she started to wind her arms around his neck and rub against him that she understood Keilor wasn't playing a game. Catching her hands, he placed them flat against the table, holding them there while he resumed his play at her throat, slowly moving lower.

  Moaning with frustration, she tried to rub her aching nipples against him, but he moved back, just out of reach, and resumed his teasing. “Keilor,” she said in warning, becoming annoyed. “Let me—ah! Stop with the nips all—ohh.... “His hot, wet mouth closed over one nipple,
driving out all her breath, and his restraint of her hands only made her more aware of how much she wanted to touch him. Using the only part of her that was free, she tried wrapping her legs around his waist to draw him near, but he broke away, stalking off to her closet and returning with two long sashes and a white fur coat. He tossed the coat on the table and then lifted his shocked wife, laying her down on the unbearably silky fur.

  "What are you doing?” she demanded, alarmed when he began binding the sashes around the table legs. She tried escaping, but he was much too quick for her, and in less than a minute she found herself on her back, her hands securely fastened above her head.

  For a moment Keilor merely looked at her, his eyes drifting down her body and fastening with potent awareness at the slick place between her open thighs, making her tremble with both embarrassment and desire. “Stop it,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

  The door of the cooler in her room opened and shut, and then there was a rustling in the cupboard by the table. She gritted her teeth, waiting. Two clinks sounded, just above her head, out of sight and reach. Then the table shook a little, and her eyes opened up in time to see Keilor vault onto the top.

  He took off his clothes, and he was very, very slow about it.

  By the time he'd removed his pants and dragged them over her quivering thighs, she was in a sweat, and fighting not to twist on the fur, knowing that its silky caress on her naked skin would be her undoing.

  He tossed the pants. Dropping to his knees, her crawled over her, straddling her body, but touching very little of it. Then he parted her thighs with one knee and slowly slid down the length of her.

  She clenched her teeth at the sensual assault, but a long, tortured hiss escaped anyway. “Patience is not always a virtue,” she rasped, and lunged up, trying to capture his lips. The restraints stopped her a hair's breadth from his mouth.


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