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Tornado Page 6

by Todd Fleming

  After several minutes of struggling, Toby stood before him in his new outfit. Every muscle was clearly lined through the tight material of his shirt. His nipples poked against the material as if it was cold in the room. Complete with his leather collar, the hero looked like a gay slut. Hanging his head in shame, the young stud sighed as a single tear fell down his cheek.

  “Please don’t make me go out like this in public,” Toby whispered breathlessly.

  The look of humiliation on his toy’s face was thrilling to Harry. He walked over and wiped the tear from the stud’s face. He softly kissed the silky lips of his former tormentor and looked deep into those beautiful blue eyes. “Be a good boy today and I will be gentle with you tonight,” He said as he kissed those lips again. Each kiss brought an electric thrill of pleasure. He couldn’t wait to get more alone time with his new possession, but he would not neglect his studies even to ravish the stud who stood before him.

  Patting his collared pet on the cheek with affection, Harry led the defeated stud out of his room. Today was going to be a great day!

  Toby wished he could activate his powers to run far away from his school. The day he had was absolutely dreadful. Harry walked him like a dog across campus making sure they went through the most heavily populated route as Toby followed along behind. The young hero would feel every stare burn on his skin as they stared at him in that slutty outfit. It took all his willpower not to burst into tears over the humiliation. Once they got to his first class, Harry pulled him down and kissed him goodbye in front of the entire class. Toby wished that he could just die. He tried to concentrate on his lectures, but all he could think about was the skinny nerd who was blackmailing him. He spent a lot of his time staring at the bracelet on his wrist. For the first time in his life, he felt powerless. This helplessness was a foreign feeling that he didn’t know how to deal with.

  The rest of his classes went by with glacial speed and the young man was sensitive to every look and whisper from the rest of the students. Even his professors looked at him strangely. When the last class ended, Toby sighed a breath of relief. Finally this horrible day can finally end. He wanted to run back to his dorm room and avoid Harry, but his keeper was waiting at the door.

  Harry patted his ass lightly as the other students nearby gawked. Anger boiled within him and he wanted to shove the nerd away and beat the shit out of him. It was quickly replaced by fear of retaliation so he did his best to ignore the stares.

  “Did you miss me?” Harry asked as his hand rested just a second too long on his ass. “I know I missed you!” he said as he grabbed the hero’s crotch.

  Toby didn’t trust himself to answer as he allowed him most private areas be groped. The scary part was how his cock leap to attention at his captor’s touch. No man’s touch ever excited him before, but Harry was a different matter altogether. The young hero bit his lip to stop a moan from escaping.

  Harry smiled as he turned and walked his boy toy back to the fraternity. Toby followed sullenly not sure what would happen if he tried to resist. He looked at the bracelet on his wrist and cursed the stupid thing.

  When they arrived back at the house, the entire fraternity was waiting in the living room. They all stared at the defeated hunk some with open desire on their faces. Toby shuddered at the thought of these nerds having their way with him.

  “Thank you everyone for coming to this meeting,” Harry said to the group.

  Toby covered his crotch hoping this would go quickly. He needed time to be alone so he could figure out a way out of this.

  “We have a new pledge for the fraternity. This is Toby and he will be joining us.”

  The hero’s head snapped up in shock as he stared at the skinny nerd. What the hell? He thought wildly. He would never even consider being part of a fraternity, especially one that was filled with freaks like Harry.

  “Toby is a special pledge and will have certain rules apply only to him. He will listen to every one of you and do anything you all ask of him. I have e-mailed the list of commands that you can give to him and how to treat our pledge. If you have any questions, feel free to find me. That is all for this meeting.”

  The rest of the nerds went about their business most of them looking at him smirking at his reddened face. Harry led him back to his room and the hero followed silently.

  The room had been transformed slightly. There was a space in the corner where there was a small mat and end table. Toby saw that some of his personal effects were on the end table including his communicator for The Hammer. What the hell, he thought. How did they get into his dorm room.

  Toby glared at Harry as his leash was taken off of him. “I never agreed to join your fraternity!” He spat.

  The skinny nerd smirked and caressed his cheek. The hero shivered as his touch sent slight waves of pleasure through him. “You belong to me now, little hero.” Harry said lovingly. “If I want to share you with my brothers, then you will be a good boy and be shared.”

  Visions of kicking Harry’s ass went through Toby’s mind before he sighed and gave in. As long as this bracelet was shackled on him, there was not much he could do. All though it was designed to sap his powers, it seemed like his will was being sapped too. Just being in Harry’s presence made him want to submit.

  “Look man,” Toby begged. “I know I was an asshole to you, but this is going too far. Please just let me go. I promise not to harass you anymore.” He lifted Harry’s chin tenderly and looked into his brown eyes. “Let me go.”

  Harry blushed and wrapped his arms around Toby’s neck. As their lips touched, the hero felt a surge of pleasure hit him. He actually returned the kiss hoping that this will convince the nerd to let him go.

  As the kiss ended, Harry smiled happily. “We need to get you dressed in your clothes for the afternoon. You will be cleaning the house for the next few hours.”

  Toby blinked in confusion. He thought that he was going to be let go. “Come on man,” He whined. “I beg of you, don’t continue this. I’ll do anything.”

  His captor shook his head. “I’m sorry, Toby.” He said softly as he caressed his cheek. “I’m following orders.”

  Blinking back the tears, the hero watched as his clothes were taken off his body. His resistance faded as he let himself be stripped completely naked. His cock was half hard and this sign of arousal brought a blush of shame to his cheeks.

  Harry went into the closet and pulled out a tiny apron. The hero stood helplessly as it was tied around his waist. The cloth of the apron looked more like a loincloth that barely covered his cock and balls. His backside was completely exposed as was the rest of his body.

  “You want me to clean in this?” Toby asked in disbelief.

  “Would you rather clean naked, boy?” Harry asked with an eyebrow raised.

  Toby shook his head and let himself be led back to the living room. His captor left him and Toby stood there for a few seconds. The hero considered running out the front door and making his escape. Looking down at his apron, he knew the humiliation of being seen like this in public was too much for him.

  Sighing in defeat, the young man started picking up dirty dishes that needed to be cleaned. After taking them to the kitchen, he returned to the living room to start tidying up. One of the fraternity brothers who Toby didn’t know came into the living room.

  His ugly face broke out in a huge smile as he saw the helpless hero bending over to pick up some magazines. Toby looked behind him and saw the kid leering at his exposed ass and grimaced. The nerd sat on the couch and turned on the television.

  Toby tried to ignore being stared at as he put the magazines on the coffee table. He felt completely exposed wearing almost nothing in front of another guy. The hero was painfully aware that as he moved the apron showed glimpses of his cock and balls.

  Others came in and out of the room each giving him a smirk before going on their business. Toby didn’t see Harry around at all as he went on with his cleaning. It was better having these nerds
gawk at him than have his captor around. The hero found that he was getting more and more turned on when Harry was in the room. Whatever the skinny nerd did to him was changing his hormones and thoughts. It scared him to death that he might be becoming attracted to the young man who tricked him into gay sex and then enslaved him.

  The nerd on the couch switched to the news and Toby dropped everything that he was doing and stared at the screen in shock.

  “Silver Charger, a member of the superhero group, The Hammer, was arrested today outside of First National Bank. Charged with first degree manslaughter for the death of the supervillain, Blockade, the hero was taken to Harris Maximum Security Prison. Titan, the leader of The Hammer, was unavailable for comment. We’ll have more breaking news on this story as more information is available.”

  Feeling the color drain from his face, Toby turned and ran up to Harry’s room. It couldn’t be true! He thought wildly. There was no way Silver Charger would kill anyone.

  He burst into the room and gasped as Harry was at his desk talking with a shadowed figure on his computer.

  “I see you have company,” The figure said with a metallic voice. “We’ll continue this conversation later.”

  The screen went blank as Harry turned and glared at the hero in his doorway. “This had better be good, boy.” he said frowning.

  Toby’s curiosity about who that person his captor was talking to evaporated as he explained what he saw on the news. “There is no way Silver Charger would kill anyone!” he insisted.

  Harry smirked as he got up from his chair. “That is no reason to stop with your chores.” He said dryly.

  “Come on! This is huge news. I have to get to Titan so that we can find out who is framing him.”

  The skinny nerd pushed him against the wall and grabbed his cock from under the apron. “You obey me and only me, boy!” He snarled.

  Toby moaned with fear and pleasure as his cock started to come alive from his captor’s touch. “I’m sorry! Please don’t punish me!” He whined as he looked at the bracelet on his wrist. “I promise to behave.”

  The communicator on his end table started to beep. Both young men turned and looked at it.

  “Go ahead and answer, boy. I would sound normal unless you want your little secret to be known to the rest of the heroes.”

  Toby shuddered at the thought of this being known to the rest of The Hammer. He took a deep breath before he activated the communicator. “Tornado, here,” he said as calm as he could manage.

  “This is Titan, I am calling a meeting in 30 minutes. I need you here for this. Be ready at the teleporter in 15 minutes. Titan out.”

  The hero turned to his captor. “He wants me for a team meeting.” He said softly.

  Harry nodded. “I’ll let you go to this meeting, but you must promise to return back to me when it is done.”

  Toby felt a surge of hope on the permission to attend the meeting. This means this cursed bracelet would be taken off of him. With his powers returned, he could escape this nightmarish situation. “I promise that I will return,” He said softly. He would return all right to beat the shit out of all these nerds who humiliated him.

  Harry nodded as he went back into the closet. He brought out his Tornado costume and handed it to the helpless hero.

  As he put on his costume, Toby started to feel like his old self. The yellow and green costume fit his body like a glove and showed off all the best aspects of his muscular body. Harry watched him with lust as he slowly licked his lips. He could see that the nerd had plans for him as Tornado, but sadly those plans would never come to life after he was done with him.

  When he was completely dressed, Tornado held out his wrist so that the bracelet would be taken off of him. Harry cupped his bulging basket and smiled. “Be a good boy and come back to me,” he said as his fingers softly traced his encased cock and balls.

  Tornado sighed with relief as the cursed bracelet was taken off his wrist. Leaving behind a gust of wind, the hero sped off to the teleporter to help figure out a way to save Silver Charger.

  Chapter 8

  Tornado teleported to The Hammer’s headquarters. He had to use his super speed to make it in time. It felt good to him to finally have his powers back and be back in control of his life. He put Harry out of his mind vowing that he would take care of the little problem after the meeting. Now he had to concentrate on helping Silver Charger escape being framed for murder. He could not believe that his fellow hero would kill anyone, even someone as evil as Blockade. This must be some kind of mistake.

  As he entered the conference room, Tornado stopped in shock. The hero’s sitting in the room seemed different to him. Titan stood up and nodded at the young hero. The hulking hero seemed much smaller than his normal stature. Titan looked several inches shorter and he seemed to have lost much of his muscle mass.

  “Thank you for coming, Tornado,” Titan said gravely. “Please take a seat.”

  Tornado wondered what happened to their leader. None of the other hero’s seemed to notice, so the young hero nodded and found the nearest seat.

  Ice Pick was sitting to his right and he seemed strangely quiet. He was sure that they all were shocked by the arrest of Silver Charger, but the dark skinned hero seemed more subdued than usual. There was a strange haunted look in his blue eyes as he stared quietly at the table.

  Genkotsu sat to his left and refused to look at him. The martial arts expert was always the quiet type and he always seemed to know more than he let on, but this was the first time that the Japanese hero refused to look at him. Tornado always felt so nervous around him because of his penetrating stare, and was confused by this sudden change in personality.

  Titan was the biggest mystery of all. What could be causing him to be physically transformed like this? Tornado wondered. Their leader sighed as he looked up at the remains of his team.

  “I’m sure you all have heard that Silver Charger has been arrested for murdering Blockade. I am sure that many of you want to help in proving that he is innocent. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do.”

  Tornado leaped to his feet. “What?!” He exclaimed in shock. “We need to help him!”

  “Sit down, Tornado,” Titan said gravely. “I want to help just as much as anyone else, but this accusation has consequences that are already hitting us. The media has already decided that he his guilty and the evidence that the police have is very strong. If we interfered, it would look like that we were protecting one of our own. Not only that, it would send a message that we think that superheroes are above the due process that ordinary citizens have to go through.”

  “Is there nothing that we can do?” Tornado asked incredulously.

  “We will do nothing in this,” Titan said firmly. “Our interference would hurt Silver Charger more than it can help. We need to sit back and let the police do their job. Not only is the public very interested in this case, but the world governments are also watching. Any rash moves can not only hurt Silver Charger’s chances to be found innocent, but it can hurt the superhero community. The last thing we need is for the government to be against us.”

  Tornado slammed his fists in frustration. He had not expected this to happen. The young hero thought that they would charge in and rescue Silver Charger. This do-nothing strategy upset him greatly. What if it had been him that had been arrested on false charges? Would the rest of the team just leave him to his fate? Tornado vowed that after he had taken care of Harry that he would find someway to help his teammate.

  “I know this should not have to be said, but anyone who interferes with the investigation will be expelled from The Hammer.” Titan said gravely. “That is all for this meeting.”

  Ice Pick was the first to stand up from his chair. Without a word, he turned and left the room. Tornado stared at the somber hero in shock. Was he not going to say anything at all? He expected more protests from his fellow heroes, but all there was was mute acceptance. Genkotsu in turn stood and wordlessly walked out of the

  Tornado stared at Titan as the rest of the team left the room. “I can’t believe this!” He burst out.

  Titan sighed as he stood to his feet. “We have to believe in due process. Silver Charger will get his chance to prove himself innocent in trial. I don’t like this anymore than you, but what good are we if we ourselves do not follow the law?”

  The young hero stared at the table as his leader and mentor left the room. Now all alone, he realized that he had to get rid of his own problems before he could help Silver Charger. It was time to put Harry in his place once and for all. Once the faggot was taken care of, he would find a way to help Silver Charger.

  A gust of wind flew through the halls of the dorm as Tornado ran for his dorm room. The meeting was much shorter than he thought and Harry would think that he was still there giving him time to take back his life.


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