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Tornado Page 7

by Todd Fleming

  Tornado stopped at his door and used his key to open the door. As the door swung open, the young hero stopped in shock. His dorm room had been totally cleaned out and emptied. All of his belongings had been taken away. Growling in anger, he realized that this was Harry’s doing. The fucking faggot really thought that Tornado could be controlled. He would beat the skinny nerd until he revealed where his things were.

  Shutting the door to his room and making sure it was locked, the hero used his speed to run towards the fraternity house where he was violated. It was time to end this! He vowed to himself.

  Within seconds, Tornado arrived at the house and hid in the bushes making a plan. First he had to find those tapes that Harry was using to blackmail him. He watched the house until one of the nerds was leaving. As soon as the front door started to open, the hero sprang into action.

  Using his powers, he ran through the door before it was even close to being closed. He ran through the entire house going through every room, corner, and cabinet looking for those cursed tapes. To the rest of the inhabitants of the house, it seemed like a tornado was going through the house. Stored items flew from their storage and by the time they landed, the gust of wind had moved on.

  Tornado got to the basement and nearly shouted when he found the cds that were marked, “Tornado”. He took them and ran back out the house and all the way to the river that hugged around the college campus. The hero broke the cds in half and threw the shards into the river.

  He felt a rush of freedom as the pieces of the cds floated with the current away from him. He looked back towards the fraternity house. It was time to reclaim his life!

  Within seconds, the hero was back at the fraternity house and smashed through the door. Some of the nerdy fraternity brothers shouted in fear as Tornado stalked through the door.

  “Harry!” He bellowed. “Get your skinny ass out here!”

  The hero glared at the scared nerds. “Stay where you are!” he snarled. He wanted the whole house to see what he was going to do to his former captor. Planning to make an example of their President, it would be years before they thought to cross him again.

  Doors opened as other nerds went to see that the commotion was. Soon the living room and stairs was crowded as the nerds watched the pissed off hero. This was perfect, Tornado thought. They would all witness his revenge.

  Harry appeared at the top of the stairs. “I see you have returned, boy,” He smirked.

  Tornado clenched his fists as he glared at the young man who violated him. “Don’t call me that!” He retorted.

  His former captor came down the stairs smiling at the angry young stud. “I see you have been busy tonight. You will be punished for your actions, boy.”

  As Harry got closer, Tornado’s resolve started to waver. Being this close to the skinny nerd who took his life away made him feel funny. He pushed those feeling down as he prepared himself to spring into action. “I destroed your tapes so you can’t blackmail me anymore!” He said smugly. “You will pay for what you did to me!”

  Harry smiled as he got to the bottom of the stairs. “Is that so, boy?”

  Tornado growled as he grabbed Harry by his shirt and slammed him against the wall. “I told you not to call me that!”

  The skinny nerd showed no fear as he was pressed against the wall. “I’ll call you anything I want to, little hero.”

  “I’m going to kick your ass!”

  Harry smirked at the pissed off hero. “Are you sure, boy? It seems like the rest of your body wants something else.” He flicked Tornado’s crotch.

  Tornado looked down and dropped Harry in shock. His cock was rock hard and tented his tights. What the hell? He thought.

  The rest of the nerds in the room pointed and laughed at the aroused hero. Harry picked himself up and smiled at the confused hero. “You may act all tough and macho, but your dick never lies.” He said as he approached his prey.

  Tornado stumbled back his anger replaced by fear. “What did you do to me?” He gasped as he tried to think mundane thoughts to calm his raging hard on.

  “This is all you, boy. You want to submit to your master. You love being dominated by a weaker man.”

  The hero groaned as those words sent waves of pleasure through his body. A wet spot grew on his yellow tights as his cock throbbed within it’s confines. No longer sure that he was going to get his revenge, Tornado looked towards the door to escape.

  Before he could activate his powers, Harry reached him and gripped the tent in his tights. A loud moan erupted from his lips, and legs turned to jelly as his body was bombarded with pleasure and weakness. His need to satisfy his cock overwhelmed him as the hero slumped in defeat.

  Harry looked at his fraternity brothers in the room. “I think our boy needs to be put in his place once and for all! Take him in the basement!”

  Tornado looked at everyone in fear as several nerds grabbed him and started to drag him to the basement made powerless by his hard dick.

  Chapter 9

  Tornado was thrown on the table in the basement while the entire fraternity circled around him. Harry motioned to two of his frat brothers and they took out rope to tie him down on the table. The hero moaned with pleasure as his wrists and ankles were secured.

  Harry took out the power sapping bracelet and Tornado eyed it like it was a snake. He had to get out of here before the nerd took away his powers. He started to vibrate really fast to get through the ropes. The hero gasped as his captor grabbed his engorged cock and held it firmly in his hand. The sensations of pleasure caused him to stop using his powers. Before he knew it, his tights had been pulled down a few inches to expose his hard cock and the bracelet was snapped around the base of his cock and balls like a cock ring, nullifying his powers once and for all.

  “Since our initiate has been a very bad boy, I think he needs to be shown his place in our fraternity.” Harry announced to his brothers.

  Tornado looked in horror at his captor. He had once again came to take back his life, but the tables were turned on him and he was at the mercy of the skinny nerd that he used to bully. “Please don’t do this!” He begged Harry as he struggled uselessly against his bonds. His cock throbbed in his tights and threatened to tear through his tights.

  Harry grabbed the stud by his chin and looked deep into his green eyes. “You had your chance to submit, but you tried to defy your master. Now I will make you submit to me and only me!” He said softly.

  The young hero felt a shiver of fear and pleasure shoot through his body. Two fraternity brothers stepped forward and unbuckled his belt. Tornado tried to resist, but all he could do was squirm helplessly.

  Once his belt was taken off, another brother lifted his tunic up to his neck exposing his upper body. The air felt cool on his naked chest and he felt very exposed in front off all these nerds. Shaving cream was sprayed all over his upper body as Tornado looked in horror at his captors.

  Harry watched with a smile on his face as one of his brothers started shaving the hair between the hero’s muscled pecs. Tornado looked at his captor hoping that mercy would be found. The nerd looked at him and winked causing him to shudder with fear.

  Once his pecs were completely shaven, the nerd passed the razor to another who started shaving off his treasure trail. Tornado wanted to struggle, but was afraid that his struggles would cause the nerds to cut him with the razor. He could only watch helplessly as his man hair was taken away from him.

  Once his torso was completely shorn of his hair, cold water was poured over him drenching not only his upper body but his tights as well. The wet fabric clung to his teeming erection making it more prominent as it showed every vein of his excited cock.

  His hands were untied so that they could finish taking off his tunic revealing his muscular arms. As soon as the garment was tossed aside, his wrists were tied and shaving cream was applied to his arms. As all the hair on his arms was shaved off of Tornado, he closed his eyes trying to keep the tears from spilling down his fa
ce. All resistance was sucked from him as his cock betrayed him and fought against the wet fabric of his tights.

  Water was thrown on him again rinsing all the leftover shaving cream on his arms and causing the hero to be more drenched. The cold water made his now hairless nipples stand to attention mimicking his hard cock.

  Tornado cried out as his tights were pulled off of him and bunched up near the rope that secured his ankles. His now free cock leaped with happiness as it saluted his captors, the silver glint of the power nullifying bracelet barely visible to him. Shaving cream was generously applied to his groin and the fraternity brother took great pleasure in making sure that it was rubbed into his pubic hair.

  The hero watched helplessly as the razor cut away the hair that marked him as a man. Despite his efforts, tears started to spill from his eyes. A soft moan escaped from his lips as the nerd grabbed a hold of his cock to move it away from his groin so that he could get every hair shaved off the helpless stud’s body.

  Harry watched silently as every hair was cut away. The razor was passed to another brother who started gently to shave the hair off the hero’s ballsack. As his balls were manipulated, Tornado closed his eyes as his pleasure increased. His cock voiced its approval as a steady stream of precum leaked from the head. Even though all the symbols of his manhood were being stripped from him, the pleasure he felt from his cock and balls being gently manipulated made the hero feel all tingly.

  His eyes popped open as cold water hit his cock and balls. Tornado gasped as the water rinsed off his shorn hairs and looked down at his now bare groin. Without the hair, his cock looked even larger and the cold water and new cockring did little to calm his raging erection down.

  The hero’s legs were now lathered as the razor was passed to another member of the fraternity. Every part of his legs were explored with the razor to make sure that his legs would be as bare as the rest of his body. It was not long before more cold water was thrown on him as Tornado shivered from the chill of being drenched and the pleasure he felt from being forced to submit.

  He sighed with relief as the bonds were untied from his wrists and ankles. Thinking that his ordeal was over, Tornado gasped when a few of the brothers grabbed him and flipped him on his stomach. The bonds were tied on his arms and the nerds spread his legs as far as they could go before they were secured by the rope once again.

  Tornado tried to look over his shoulder and cried out when the coolness of the shaving cream was applied to his ass. “Oh god!” He moaned. “Please not this!”

  The nerd who was applying the cream slapped the hero’s bubble butt in response before he spread the cheeks to lather the cream on his asshole. The slap sent shivers of pleasure through the helpless stud as he bit his lip in frustration.

  The most intimate place on his body was invaded as the razor cut away all the hair on his once hairy ass. Tornado felt a finger brushing against his puckering hole and clenched himself was hard as he could. More tears welled up in his eyes as this violation was much worse than before. All he could do was lie there helplessly as the last of his body hair was shorn away from him.

  Cold water was thrown on his now hairless ass and now Tornado was completely bare of body hair from the neck down. The bonds that held him against the table were taken off of him and he was finally allowed to sit up.

  Climbing to his hands and knees, the hero stumbled off the table humiliation burning against his skin. Dripping wet, Tornado stood before the kids he used to bully. His muscles were more defined as they were now hairless, and the nerds all pointed and laughed. To his mortification, his cock stood at attention stiff as a board and still leaking precum.

  Harry smiled with fiendish delight as he took in the naked hero. With his tights bunched up around his ankles, Tornado wore only his mask. “This is just the beginning of your initiation, boy.” He said with a laugh.

  Tornado stared at his captor with fear. Shivering from the cold water on his skin, he covered up his bare genitals afraid of what was next to come.

  Harry motioned for one of his fraternity brothers to come forward. “Roland, take our boy to the shower and get him nice and clean. Feel free to play with him if you wish.”

  The young hero stiffened as Roland approached him.

  Harry looked coldly at him. “You will behave or I will make your punishment worse.” The nerd said wagging his finger.

  Remembering the pain of being shocked by his bracelet and not wanting to feel the sting of that shock focused on his cock, Tornado did not resist as Roland grabbed his hard cock and led him up the stairs to the main floor of the house.

  It was awkward for the stud to walk as his cock was used like a leash. He shivered from being cold and being manhandled this way.

  Roland led him to one of the bathrooms and shut the door. He eyes the helpless hero with undisguised lust. “I’ve waited a long time for this asshole,” He said with a huge smile. “Undress me, boy!”

  Tornado sullenly obeyed as he took off the clothes of the overweight nerd before him. His hands pulled off his shirt revealing his man tits and protruding stomach. As he unzipped and pulled down the boy’s sweats and boxers, the nerd’s cock sprang free and hit him on the cheek. Tornado winced as he felt the wetness of precum stain his face as he took off the rest of the fraternity brother’s clothing.

  The young man then took off his own boots and tights. As he bent down, Tornado felt a slap against his ass. Now completely naked, the hero turned to face the nerd who was ogling him.

  Roland pushed him into the shower and grabbed the hero’s erect cock. “You and your friends used to make fun of me for being fat!” He snarled as he roughly stroked his prisoner. “Your body might be better than mine, but look who is the faggot now!”

  The hero felt the coldness of the wall of the shower press against his hairless ass and back as the nerd turned on the shower and the hot water rained down on both of them. Roland grabbed his wrists and pinned him against the wall rubbing his cock against the much bigger cock of Tornado.

  Tornado moaned as his cock was being used as a humping post. Roland pressed against him and kissed him hard against his lip. “Not so tough now, are you, Toby?” He whispered in his ear before nibbling on the lobe.

  The young stud gasped as pleasure continually bombarded him like the water raining down on his naked body. There was no way he was attracted to the fat piece of shit who was dominating him, but the act of submission excited him like pretty young women used to.

  Roland grabbed him by his hair and forced the hero down to his knees. He grabbed his cock and rubbed the head across Tornado’s lips. The fat nerd looked down at the helpless hero and stroked himself as he painted the stud’s lips with his precum.

  Almost out of instinct, Tornado opened his lips a little and let his tongue flick the cock hard that was assaulting his lips. The salty taste of precum sent his senses reeling as Roland stroked faster and faster. With a beastial cry, the fat nerd’s cock exploded and rope after rope of cum shot out and hit the hero in his pretty face.

  When his orgasm finally started to fade, Roland wiped his cock on the hero’s blonde hair. “Clean yourself up, faggot!” He snarled as he stepped out of the shower.

  After he dried himself off and left the room, Tornado finally got back up to his feet. Feeling the hot cum on his face and hair, the hero felt like a pathetic slut. That thought caused his cock to leap with pleasure and it shamed him that he had sunk so far. With his rock hard cock still unsatisfied, Tornado quickly cleaned himself up and wondered what would be in store for him next.

  Chapter 10

  Tornado left the bathroom after cleaning himself off. His now dry body now completely hairless looked and felt strange to him as the loss of hair made the house seem cooler.

  He stopped in his tracks as two fraternity brothers stood in the hallway waiting for him. A redhead stepped forward. “Come with us,” he said with a serious look on his face.

  The two nerds flanked him and led him through the house
and outside in the back yard. Two tall poles stood in the middle of the yard and the entire fraternity house stood around the poles. Roland smirked at him as he looked hungrily at the hero’s exposed body.

  The two fraternity brothers who escorted him led him in between the two poles and took the chains that were attached to the top of the poles. Tornado showed no resistance as the ends of the chains were wrapped around his wrists and secured to the two poles. With his arms now raised above his head due to the short length of the chains, the hero stood naked in bondage as his cock throbbed with approval.

  Harry stepped forward and smiled at the helpless hero. “Your display today must be punished. You have shown us that you can not follow simple orders. Your punishment will last until I am convinced that you will obey your master.”


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