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Meant to Be (Forever and Always #12)

Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  After the incident I had with Kyle last week, I was convinced I wasn’t ready to date. Just a simple text message brought me to tears. I would always be hurt for being abandoned, for being replaced so easily. And I didn’t know if I wanted to date Flynn anyway. He was obviously hot, witty, smart, and playful but—”

  “Stop thinking and just say yes.”

  He shattered my thoughts. “But I—”

  “Let’s just get some food together—as friends. That’s all I’m asking. You can calm down and not have a panic attack now.”

  “I’m not having a panic attack,” I said defensively.

  “Hazel, I can see every line of your face. You definitely had a little fear there.”

  Hazel? It was weird hearing him say my name. I was so used to being unnoticed. He pulled the drapes off and exposed me to the sunlight. I had nowhere to go and nowhere to hide.

  He smiled. “Saturday, it is.”



  Ryan was nervous. He rubbed his palms together then moved his hands through his hair. He almost wore a suit but I talked him down into something more casual. He didn’t need to pretend to be something he wasn’t. Janice loved him for who he was, the hoodie and jeans with a basketball in his hands. If she wanted a pretentious jerk, she would have bagged another Sean.

  When we arrived at the townhouse, he didn’t get out of my BMW. Driving in the city was always stressful. The drivers were crazy and caught off my soccer mom mobile every chance they got. Ryan usually screamed at me for being a terrible driver but he was quiet today.

  He stared out the window like he was a cop investigating a homicide.

  “Come on, Ryan,” I said gently.

  “What the hell do I say?” he asked. “I just…go for it?”

  “Well, say hi first.” I smirked. “Don’t just blurt it out.”

  “What if he says no?”

  “Ryan, you met them before and they like you. They aren’t going to say no. I know they’ll be very excited.”

  He sighed as he watched the house.

  “Well, I’ll meet you at the door.” That was my gentle way of kicking him out of the car.

  He cursed quietly then got out.

  We headed to the front door then stood still. Ryan stared at the piece of wood like it was a spaceship. I knew my brother was terrified so I didn’t tease him. He put his hands in his pockets then pulled them out again.

  “Do I look okay?” he asked, feeling his sweater.

  “You look great.”

  “Maybe I should have worn a polo shirt or something…”

  “Ryan, you look fine,” I said firmly. “Now do it.”

  “Easy for you to say. You never had to ask for permission.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “So battling Diane left and right was easier than this?”

  “Good point…”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  He took a deep breath then raised his fist to the door. It shook for a second before it finally collided against the wall. He stood back then straightened his back and shoulders. The pragmatism fell on his face, and the calm determination shined in his eyes. I patted him on the shoulder for comfort.

  The door opened, and Janice’s mom appeared in the doorway. The same blonde hair and blue eyes that matched Janice’s met our look. Her smile stretched wide.

  “Ryan?” She moved into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Long time, no see.”

  He flinched for a moment before he returned her embrace. “How are you, Jasmine?”

  “I’m wonderful.” She pulled away and kissed him on the cheek. “Is my little girl with you?”

  “Actually, it’s just me...”

  Her eyes softened and she covered her mouth as she gasped quietly. “Oh my god…”

  I smiled as I watched the interaction.

  Ryan’s cheeks tinted. “Is her father home?”

  She fanned her face as her eyes welled with tears. “Oh my god.”

  Even though I was ignored in light of the moment, I smiled. The happiness on her mother’s face went straight to my heart. They loved my brother. He didn’t even need to ask for permission.

  “Come in, come in,” she said quickly. She stepped inside and chauffeured him in the entryway. “I’ll get Tom.”

  I rubbed Ryan’s arm as he took a deep breath. “You’re doing great.”

  “Thanks for coming with me.”

  “I would have butted in anyway,” I teased.

  He smirked while he looked at me.

  Jasmine and Tom came back. Judging the smile on Tom’s face, he knew exactly what Ryan wanted.

  He extended his hand. “How are you?”

  “I’m well,” Ryan said as he shook it. “How are you?”

  Wow, my brother had manners when he really wanted to.

  “I have a feeling I’m going to be over the moon in a second.” Tom smiled at him.

  I loved Janice’s family. They adored Ryan. And after the shit my brother had been through, he deserved that familial love. Andrew was the dad I never had. Even Ryan couldn’t give me what he did.

  Ryan cleared his throat. “You know I love Janice and I want her to stick around. I know I’m not a lawyer and I never went to college…”

  I rolled my eyes. My brother could be so hard on himself. He never cared what other people thought of him. If they thought he was a loser, he didn’t lose any sleep over it. But when it came to Janice, he was so unsure of himself. He wanted to be everything she could possibly ever need.

  “But I work hard and run my shop with everything I got. It’s extremely successful and I make more than enough money to take care of her. If she didn’t want to work, she wouldn’t have to. I’ll spend every day of my life making her happy and keeping her safe. I treat her with respect and protect her every second of every day. And I love her very much. It would mean a lot if I had your blessing.”

  Jasmine and Tom kept smiling as they listened to him. Jasmine had her arm hooked through her husband’s, and she was on the verge of tears.

  Ryan finished and stood his ground.

  Tom opened his arms and brought him in for a hug. “Welcome to the family, son.”

  Ryan was a foot taller than her father, and he had to lean down slightly to return the embrace. Jasmine came behind Ryan and hugged him, making it a group hug. I loved seeing how much my brother was loved. Now I never had to worry about how he was treated. I’m glad he didn’t have to go through what I endured with Diane.

  When they pulled away, they shook his hand.

  “We’re so lucky our daughter met a fine young man like you,” Tom said.

  I knew Ryan would disagree with that, but he held his tongue.

  “We know she’ll be in good hands,” Jasmine said. “I’m glad one of my daughters found her Prince Charming. And I’m so happy you guys are back in the city. Only a man truly in love would do that for my little girl.”

  Actually, it was for me, but Ryan didn’t correct her.

  “So, when are you going to ask?” Tom asked.

  Ryan returned his hands to his pockets. “I haven’t decided yet. But it will be soon.”

  “I’ll have to dig out my wedding dress for Janice,” her mother said. “I’m sure it will fit her nicely.”

  “Do you have a ring?” Tom asked.

  “No, not yet,” Ryan said. “I can’t seem to find the right one.”

  “You will,” Tom assured him.

  “Let’s open a bottle of wine and have some dinner to celebrate!” Jasmine squealed.

  “Sure,” Ryan said. “Thank you.”

  Her parents rushed to me now that they noticed.

  “I’m so sorry for our rudeness,” Jasmine said. “I got caught up in—”

  “It’s fine,” I said quickly. “Really. Don’t apologize.”

  She smiled. “Hungry?”

  “She’s always hungry,” Ryan jabbed.

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  Together, we sat at the table
and ate eggplant linguine and bread. Ryan loosened up once he had some wine in him. In minutes, he was acting himself, telling embarrassing stories about Janice while they lived together. I wasn’t as talkative as I normally was because I wanted Ryan to have the spotlight.

  I was glad Ryan had a second family. If Janice’s family didn’t approve him, I’d be kicking some ass. Ryan was perfect to Janice—most of the time—and he deserved to be loved for the amazing man he was. Not that I would ever tell him that.

  I pulled over to the curb at Ryan’s apartment. “That went well.”

  “Yeah. I’m glad it’s over.”

  “They love you.”

  “I’m not sure why.” He watched the gang of bicyclists move past the sidewalk. There were at least a hundred of them. Living in New York for years made me immune to the odd balls of the city. Ryan was still new to this place.

  “Because Janice loves you.”

  “Well, I’m glad Jasmine isn’t a bitch like Diane.”

  I smirked. “God, that would be annoying.”

  “I wouldn’t have the patience like you had.”

  “Ha. I Know that too.”

  We sat in the car for a few minutes.

  “You going home?” Ryan asked.

  “Actually, I’m seeing Cassandra.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Could you just mind your own business for once?”

  “Ryan, this is serious. I’m afraid if I don’t talk some sense into her, Mike is going to end the relationship. And I love Cassandra for him. I’ve never seen him so happy. If I can say the right thing to fix this, I need to do it.”

  “You act like you’re a wise wizard that knows all the secrets of the world.”

  “I am.”

  “Conceited much?”

  “I’ve solved every problem you’ve ever had,” I snapped.

  “And I’ve taken care of you every time you’ve fallen.”

  I couldn’t deny that. “I have to do something, Ryan. Mike deserves his happily ever after, and I really want it to be with Cassandra. She doesn’t care about his money. She loves Mike for who he is. I can tell.”

  “Probably because she won’t marry him. Then, obviously, she doesn’t care about his money.”

  “Well, I need to say something.”

  He looked at his watch. “It’s getting late. Where’s Sean?”

  “He and Mike took Andrew out for some beers.”

  “Does he know you’re in the city?”


  He sighed. “Now it all makes sense…”

  “He’s too protective sometimes.”

  “Well, you’re a hot mess. You get into trouble quicker than you get out of it.”

  “That’s not true,” I argued.

  “Whatever. Text me when you get to Cassandra then text me when you leave. Then text me when you get home.”

  “Sorry, am I talking to my brother or my husband?” I said sarcastically.

  “Just do it,” he snapped. He got out of the car and slammed the door. He glared at me through the window. “I mean it.” He walked off then headed into the lobby.

  I rolled my eyes just to spite him.

  My phone lit up and I saw the text message Ryan sent me.

  You better do it, brat.

  You act like you hate me but you act like you like me at the same time.

  No, I hate you.

  I hate you too.

  Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page. Now text me like I asked you to.

  Fuck you.

  Fuck you too.

  I put my phone back in my purse then headed to the bar we were meeting at. After I found parking, I walked inside and texted Ryan like I said I would.



  The bar.

  Be specific, dumbass.


  Good job.

  God, my brother could be such an ass. I put my phone in my purse and spotted Cassandra sitting alone. I approached her table and gave her a big hug.

  “You look cute,” she said.

  “Thanks. You too.”

  We sat down and I eyed her glass. “What is that?”

  “Some red wine.” Cassandra shrugged. “Some guy sent it to me. It’s pretty good.”

  I took a sip. “That is good.”

  The bartender placed a chardonnay in front of me. “From the gentleman at the bar.”

  Cassandra smiled. “We have some admirers, don’t we?”

  I peeked at the bar and saw a man in a suit eyeing me. He was actually pretty cute. I raised my left hand where my wedding ring was, telling him I was married. Judging the smoldering look he gave me, he didn’t care.

  “I guess I still got game,” I said with a shrug.

  “Are you kidding me?” Cassandra said. “You’re gorgeous, Scar. Being married doesn’t change anything.”

  “For some reason, I feel old.”

  “You definitely don’t look it.” She sipped her wine again. “So, what’s new with you?”

  “I was just spending time with Ryan.” I kept our activities a secret so it wouldn’t get back to Janice. The fewer people who knew, the better.

  “That’s cute. Sometimes I can’t tell if you hate each other or love each other.”

  I laughed. “We can’t tell either.”

  “So, how’s married life?”

  “Good. I’m very happy.”

  “Your father-in-law isn’t spoiling anything?”

  “Not at all,” I said quickly. “Actually, we both love having him there. When I’m home all day, I have someone to each lunch with and talk to. It’s nice. And he’s nothing but a pleasure. I’ve actually seen more of him now that he’s getting divorced. I know this is cold, but I kinda like it.”

  “That’s not cold,” Cassandra said. “Diane is…something else.”

  “There are no words,” I said with a laugh.

  “Sean isn’t getting sick of him?”

  “No. He loves his dad. It’s hard not to.”

  She nodded. “Mike is always excited to spend time with him. He’s his hero. And it’s so cute.” She smirked. “I hope Mike is a cute old man like he is someday.”

  There was my opening. “Mike will be. He’s such a sweet caring man, but he’s also such a joy. He’ll be the life of the party until the day he dies. He’ll be a wonderful husband and father. It took him a while to get to this point, but I know he’ll never change.”

  Cassandra nodded then took a drink.

  “Do you ever think about marriage?” I was trying to be discreet but I didn’t think I was being very good about it.

  She shrugged. “I’m sure Mike told you that I never want to get married.” There was a sadness in her voice. “And now I realize that was the point of this visit.” She smirked. “I walked right into that one.”

  I was caught in the act. “I did want to have a conversation about it…”

  She sighed, her fingers touching the rim of her glass. “Fire away.”

  “You two are perfect for each other.”

  “I know.”


  “He’s the other half of me.” She stared at her glass, her eyes distant. “When I got married the first time, I thought the same thing about Zander. We were inseparable, madly in love. I’m not an adventurous girl. Getting my tattoo is about the craziest thing I’ve ever done. But I thought it was okay because we’d be together forever. And then he cheated on me.” There was no sadness in her voice. Just a calm understanding. “It took me a while to accept it. It didn’t seem like something he would ever do, and not just to me, but to anyone. Even when the evidence was right in front of my face, I didn’t want to believe it. But it was true. Completely and utterly.

  “When I signed the divorce papers, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to. Even after everything he did to me, how he humiliated me in front of everyone I knew, I still loved him. As twisted and wrong as that sounds.” She took a deep breath and fell silent. I wasn’t sure if she w
as done speaking so I didn’t say anything. “It took me a year to finally get over it. I never went out and I never did anything. I went to work then I hit the gym for two hours. Afterwards, I went home and sat in the dark. To say I was depressed was an understatement. But then, finally, I got back on my feet and told myself I’d never put myself through that again. I thought Zander was my soul mate, my one true love, but I was totally wrong. I know I love Mike and I don’t want to be with anyone else, but I could be wrong about him too.”

  Her words tugged at my heart. It was hard to make a stance against the argument. After Sean broke my heart, I couldn’t see myself with anyone, and honestly, I probably would have behaved the same way. “I understand.”

  “You do?” She peeked at me from under her long eyelashes.

  “Of course I do. But I think you’re going to get hurt no matter what you do. It’s a risk every person takes when they open their heart to someone else. But wouldn’t you rather give it your all and crash and burn instead of investing only a small sliver of yourself?”

  Cassandra looked away again. “I only have a small sliver left. Moving in with Mike was a huge jump for me. I’m surprised I even did that.”

  “Then make one more jump.”

  She shook her head then looked at the table.

  “Sean and I broke up twice before he pulled his shit together. He betrayed my trust and made me fall to the ground. But somehow, I forgave him and gave him another chance. No one will ever understand how scared I was. But I was willing to get hurt again for the possibility that I would get my happily ever after—which I did.” She looked at me again, studying my face. “On the day of my wedding, I ran out on Sean.” Her eyes widened in surprise. “Ryan took me out of town to a hotel while we waited for our flight. He tried to convince me I was making a mistake, but I didn’t listen to him. Sean hurt me too many times and I couldn’t risk feeling that pain again. But Ryan told me I was going to get hurt no matter what I did. If I left Sean and ended up with someone else, they would hurt me down the road. And Sean would hurt me too. So he asked me if Sean was worth the risk. And of course, he was.”

  “What did you do?” she whispered.

  “Ryan and I hauled ass back to the ceremony.” I grinned.

  “Did he ever find out?”

  I nodded. “We talked when I came back. He told me he didn’t care as long as I still married him. And he got down on his knees and begged me to marry him, tears in his eyes.”


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