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Princess and the Professor

Page 3

by Serenity King

  “Really, your body reacts to mine. How so?” she asked sassily.

  Brad looked down at her and saw that her eyes shone with merriment. She was enjoying herself, she was enjoying this. He could tell she knew what he was talking about, since she was staring down at his zipper. His erection was impossible to miss. Well, he knew how to have fun too. Before Brad could talk himself out of it, he had Princess in his arms, backed up against the door, his tongue in her mouth, and was grinding his erection into her. He kissed her with a passion he’d never known he possessed. Tearing his mouth away from hers, he placed his forehead against her and pleaded with her. “Please don’t tease, Princess. I’m so wound up I’m about to burst. All it would take is a yes from you and I’d be buried so deep within you it’d look like someone glued us together. There are only two things stopping me. One: I don’t have any condoms with me, and two: I want to get to know you outside of the physical.”

  “I… I…”

  “No, let me finish,” he stopped her. “I want you bad, as you can tell, but I’ve been hurt before, and before I give my heart like that again, I want to be sure there can be a ‘we.’ I want to show you the real me and get to know the real you. Is that okay with you? I know you’re just as attracted to me as I am to you. I can feel it in your response to me.”

  They were both breathing heavily. Neither said a word more. Brad felt her arms go around him. She hugged him tightly to her, her face lying against his chest. Brad bent a little at the knees and pushed back up, rubbing himself into her crotch.

  “Uh!” she groaned deep and loud.

  “I asked if that was okay with you, Princess?” he whispered.

  “Ye…yes, it’s…fine,” she moaned.

  “Thank you. I’ll see you at six,” he said, lifting her up off her feet and placing her back down away from the door. He quickly opened the door and quit the room. The only sound other than Princess’ heavy breathing was the soft clicking the door made as it closed after his departure.

  “Oh my damn!” she whispered, then burst out in hysterical laughter. “The geek just turned me out.” Princess made her way to the bathroom to change her drenched bikini bottoms. Her body was still humming from Brad’s ministrations.

  Chapter Six

  Princess didn’t know what to wear to Brad’s house. It was so hot that she opted for a white halter dress and strapless white sandals.

  She’d called Tonya to tell her she couldn’t make it for dinner. She didn’t tell her she had a dinner date. Instead, she said she’d decided to stay in and order room service. Princess had a feeling Tonya would be busy anyway—she hadn’t put up much of a fight when she’d cancelled. More than likely Tonya was occupied with her Italian stud. Princess chuckled. She liked Nick. He was just what Tonya needed But enough about Tonya. Hopefully after tonight she’d have her own stud muffin. Her professor was so HOT. Purely delicious.

  Princess frowned when she thought back on her and Brad’s conversation earlier. He’d said he’d been hurt before. She’d heard the pain in his voice as he said it. She didn’t want to hurt him. She did, however, want to get to know him better. If she could get him to stop blurting out the first thing on his mind, they’d be all right.

  The first thing Brad said when she’d opened her hotel room door was, “You can’t wear that out in public.” She laughed, kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the room in front of him, while telling him to come along. Dude would seriously have to get over wanting her to cover up from head to toe. He stepped up behind her, grabbed her hand, and rushed her inside the elevator. It was a good thing they only had to go one floor down. She thought Brad was going to burst a blood vessel when the guy on the elevator kept sneaking peeks at her. Once the elevator reached lobby level, they did a run-walk through the lobby, out the door and to his car. In the car, Princess asked him where the fire was. He calmly responded, “Under that little thing you call a dress.” Princess kept her mouth shut the rest of the way to his house; to her surprise, his home wasn’t that far away.

  Brad owned a beautiful two-story home with indoor and outdoor pools. The outside appearance of the house hid a spacious interior. He had a lot of space, and she loved it. He told her to look around while he checked on dinner, refusing her offer of help—that was great—since she couldn’t cook worth a damn.

  “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. Would you like a glass of wine while we wait?”

  Princess jumped. She hadn’t realized he’d stepped into the room. She was sitting in his den, supposedly watching a movie. Truthfully, she had no idea what the movie was about. She’d been in her own little world.

  Princess looked over at him and smiled. He looked so good standing in the doorway of the den in T-shirt and jeans. His feet were bare. Sexy as all get out was how he looked.

  “No thank you. Come sit and talk to me for a few minutes,” she said, patting the spot next to her. She watched as he swaggered over and sat down beside her.

  “Okay. What do you do for a living?” he asked.

  “I own a design company along with my partner, Trisha Grant. Along with our friend Samantha Foster, who is a fashion designer, we own the building that houses our businesses”

  “You smile when you mention their names. They must be really close friends.”

  “They are. Other than my sisters, they’re my family.”

  “Any other siblings besides Tonya?” he asked.

  “Yes. I have another sister, Danica, we call her Dani. She lives in Chicago and owns her own real estate company. It’s a small company, but she loves it. I just hate that we live in the same state and rarely see one another. Dani went through a bad divorce a few years ago. Ever since then she’s been working herself to death, as if she’s trying to prove something to the world. Her ex is a doctor and she never said what happened, but I have a feeling it wasn’t good. She’s different now...more cautious and not as trusting.

  “She’s the same way she was when our parents died. They died in a plane crash when we were younger. We were raised by our grandparents, who have since passed on as well.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been tough, losing your parents so young. How old were you when they died?” he asked softly.

  “I was twelve, Tonya, ten, and Danica was fifteen. My grandparents were already well up in age when they started taking care of us. My mom was an only child. She was a late-life baby, and my dad was estranged from his family. I think it had something to do with my mom, we’re not exactly sure. My dad was Native American. All we know is that our parents loved one another very much, and that’s good enough for us. Danica practically raised us.”

  “Wow, it must have been hard growing up without a mother or father.”

  “Not really. We missed our parents dearly, but my grandparents were great. They did what they could. One thing for sure, we were never without love. What about you? Any siblings?” she asked, wanting to shift the conversation away from herself for a while.

  “I have a brother, Simon, he’s older by six years. Honestly, I have no idea what it is that Simon does—but he travels a lot. I hear from him once in a while. He used to call all the time, but I was always so caught up in one project or another. We were very close until he left home and went off to college.”

  “And your parents?” Princess asked.

  Brad sighed. “My parents are alive and live in Florida, but we’re not close at all. They’re both highly intelligent snobs. They came from money but were too absorbed in themselves to share it with their children. Simon and I both got to college on scholarships; Simon for football, and me with academics and a few others. Simon won’t have anything to do with our parents and I don’t blame him. They gave him a hard time growing up,” Brad murmured.

  “And you wanted my skirt to be long like your mother’s.” Princess tsked and watched him flush. “How old are you? And what is it exactly that you do? You said you weren’t a professor anymore?”

  “Come on, let’s go set the table. W
e can finish this conversation in the dining room.”

  They walked hand-in-hand to the kitchen. Princess watched him remove a casserole dish from the oven and place it on top of a potholder on the kitchen counter.

  “Mmm, that smells good. What is it?”

  “Thank you. One’s broccoli casserole, and the other is roasted chicken. We’re having this along with rice with peas and shredded carrots.”

  “I can’t wait to dig in.”

  “Let’s set the table,” he said, clearly pleased that she was admiring his cooking skills.

  Princess and Brad made quick work of setting the table. Brad put out all of the food and serving dishes and placed the casserole, rice and chicken in the middle of the table along with the dinner rolls.

  For someone who acted so inept sometimes, he was a surprisingly good host. He moved around the kitchen with familiarity. He talked to himself often as he did so, but all in all he was good.

  “Dig in,” he said.

  “Not before we say grace,” she commented.

  “Grace,” he voiced.

  “Yes. The blessing of the food,” she replied. “Take my hand and close your eyes. I’ll do it this time, and you can do it the next.” Princess blessed the food, and they began to eat.

  “So how old are you?” she asked.

  “I’m thirty-three and just recently started my own computer business. I’ve worked with the government and as a professor. Now I’m working on installing a system for Nick’s companies. I’ve hired a few techs which will give me enough time to make some headway on a computer game I’m creating.”

  “You’re making a video game?”

  “It’s a mathematical video game designed to help students with math. I want to design some fun games as well,” he answered. His excitement was evident in his smile and voice.

  Princess laughed. “I can tell you like your electronics. Your home is an electronics junkie’s dream come true. It’s simple yet amazing with all of these gadgets. Your big-screen television is to die for. I love your home.”

  Brad’s smile brightened. “Thank you for saying that. I appreciate it.”

  “It’s true, Brad. I love your home.”

  They talked and ate at the same time. When they were finished, they cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher.

  “Let’s go in the other room and watch a movie,” he said, taking her by the hand and walking to the den. Once there, he sat down on the sofa and pulled her down with him, placing her between his legs and lying back against the sofa arm.

  Brad used his universal remote to start the DVD. He’d already preloaded a few movies. He needed something safe, so he put on Batman. Settling her more comfortably between his legs, with her head lying against his chest, he proceeded to comb his fingers through her hair.

  “Mmm, that feels so good,” she said sleepily.

  “Tired?” he murmured.

  “A little,” she whispered.

  “Relax and go to sleep. I promise not to take advantage of you,” he joked.

  “Oh, what a shame,” she sassed.

  “Be good,” he said.

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” she said around a yawn.

  “Okay, sleepyhead, go ahead and rest.”

  That was the last thing Princess heard before she quickly fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Princess awoke with something hard poking at her back, her head against something rock solid. She was disoriented for a minute, not realizing she was still at Brad’s house on his couch and, most importantly, still between his thighs. She tried to sit up, but the hand on her stomach restrained her movements.

  “Please stop moving against me like that,” Brad groaned.

  Startled, Princess opened her eyes fully and sat straight up, causing Brad to suck in his breath.

  “Brad? What time is it?” she asked with a sleep-filled voice.

  “It’s a little after midnight.”

  “Omigod! You let me sleep that long?” she screeched.

  “Yes. Evidently you needed it. Besides, I like having you in my arms.”

  Princess snorted. “I can tell by that hard thing that was poking me in my back how well you like having me in your arms.”

  “What can I say? I want you bad,” he confessed.

  Princess didn’t say anything; she just sighed and lay back against him.



  “I want to have sex now.”

  Princess’ chest rumbled with laughter. “Oh really now?” she questioned. “Just like that, you’ve decided you want to have sex. What happened to getting to know each other?”

  “I still want to get to know you, but I really, really need to be inside of you,” he whispered.

  “Do you always say what’s on your mind?”

  “I try to. Princess, you’re the first woman I’ve ever been this direct with. I believe it’s because I’m very attracted to you. I might say the wrong things sometimes, but I mean well. Maybe you can teach me,” he murmured.

  Princess sighed. “Brad, I’m only here for the next few days and then I’m leaving for home. I live in Chicago and you in Atlanta. How’s that supposed to work?”

  “I don’t know, but I do know I want to try. For now we have the next few days to be together; let’s not waste them,” he said, turning her around to face him. She was now lying fully on top of him. His hands went up and under her halter dress to grasp her hips. “How can I convince you?”

  “I think you just did,” she said and wiggled against him.

  “Whoa, if you keep doing that it’ll be over before we get started,” he whimpered.

  “We can’t have that now, can we?” she muttered and wiggled against him again.

  “Oh shit!” Brad roared. “Up. We need to get to a bed.” Still holding on to her hips, he pressed her lower body into his one last time before rolling her underneath him. “I can’t wait. We’ll move to the bed later.”

  “Meaning we’re having sex more than once,” she gasped out.

  Brad pulled her halter dress down, releasing her breasts while at the same time using his other hand to pull off her underwear.

  “I think you need to get rid of your jeans, Professor,” Princess murmured, her hands going under his T-shirt and pulling it over his head. She went for the button on his jeans only to have him smack her hand away.

  “I’ll do it. If you touch me there now, I won’t be held responsible for what will happen next,” he stammered, his voice filled with need.

  “Well hurry it up, Professor,” she cried, writhing underneath him.

  Brad had to laugh at her impatience. “I am. Hold on a sec.” He got up to remove his jeans, taking out a condom before tossing them across the room.

  “Sure of yourself, weren’t you, Professor,” she murmured.

  “Not at all, I was just being prepared,” he said, ripping the condom pack open and sheathing himself.

  While Brad prepared himself, Princess took her dress off and tossed it across the room. She stretched out on the sofa and began pulling on her hardened nipples, which seemed to send him up in flames.

  “Stop that. I want to do that,” he shouted.

  “You’re taking too long,” she shot back.

  By the time he joined her again, she was so aroused cream was seeping from between her folds. Brad bent down, pulled her nipple into his mouth and sucked it, at the same time, using his strong thighs to open her legs wider. With his finger, he tested her readiness. Finding her soaking wet, he aligned himself with her opening and entered her with one thrust.

  Princess cried out. “What the hell!”

  She felt him stiffen. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” he asked, his voice restrained.

  “Hell to the yes. You can’t be jamming all of that in me all at once. Shit!” she cried, trying to adjust to his girth.

  “I’m sorry. Do you want me to pull out?”

  “If you do I’ll kill you with my bare hand
s,” she said. “Just give me a few seconds. I’ll be okay.”

  “Princess, I have to move,” he ground out. Brad took hold of her legs and opened her wider. “Trust me.” With that, he sank deeper into her and began to push in and out of her. Rotating his hips, he continued to move in and out of her slowly until her body relaxed against his.

  “That’s it, baby, relax,” he murmured. Brad watched their joined bodies moving in harmony for a few moments before lifting his head to take her lips. He kissed her deep and hard. Every time Brad rotated his hips, their pelvic bones met, creating the most incredible sensation.

  “Princess, wrap your arms and legs around me and hold on tight,” he ordered.

  Princess did as she was told and watched through lust-filled eyes as he grabbed hold of the armrest on the sofa to get better leverage. After doing so, his tempo increased to a maddening speed.

  Princess’ body was on fire. She hadn’t thought the professor had it in him. He was giving her body a real workout. Her breasts were bouncing up and down, shaking like a bowl of Jell-O, and she found herself mumbling incoherently.

  “Are you okay?” she heard him ask.

  “I’m better than okay. I’m great. Just keep doing what you’re doing and I’ll be even better,” she croaked out. “Oh shit! I’m about to come.”

  “Go ahead. I’m right behind you,” he said between gritted teeth. Brad leaned forward and pulled her nipple into his mouth, rolling it between his teeth. She went off like a firecracker.

  “Omigod!” she screamed at the top of her voice.

  “Yes! Oh shit! Yes!” he yelled, shooting his load into the condom. Breathing heavily, he collapsed on top of her.

  Brad rolled off her and got up. Bending down, he lifted her up into his arms and walked out of the den, only stopping long enough to click a button that turned everything off. He carried her upstairs to his bedroom and placed her on the bed. “I’ll be right back—I need to dispose of the condom,” he said and was off to the adjoining bathroom.

  While Brad was in the bathroom, Princess gave the room a quick assessment. It was a masculine room. Everything in there was big and, under closer inspection, rather messy. Her geek was a slob, not a dirty slob, just a messy one. He had clothes littering both armchairs and his desk, as if he couldn’t decide what to wear. Princess turned at the sound of him approaching the bed.


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