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Shadow Sworn: (Urban fantasy romance) (Shadow Walker Trilogy Book 3)

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by Tiffany Shand

  Charlotte, get out of here, Drake growled.

  No way, you get out! I’m working. “Yeah, we’re busy.” She snuggled into Perry.

  Drake’s eyes turned pitch black, power seemed to charge the air around them. Charlie felt the hairs on her arm stand on end. She knew she’d made a big mistake. Demons were very possessive of their mates and killed anyone who got between them. Drake may have ignored the six years when she dated others, but Charlie doubted he’d have so much restraint now.

  “Drake, for fuck sake, man, let me have some fun. I’ll tell you what you want to know later,” Perry said.

  Charlie pulled away from Perry, placed her hands on Drake’s chest and shoved him backwards. “Go!” she snapped. “I have a job to do here.”

  Drake, snap out of it! Don’t you dare ruin this, she warned. Just let me talk to him. It’s not like I’m going to do anything with him. He stumbled back but it didn’t seem to deter him. Charlie thought fast trying to think of a way to break him out of the uncontrollable rage. If you love me, you won’t do this.

  Drake’s head snapped back. His eyes returned to their normal blue. Pain shone there now instead of fury. Charlie’s heart ached at the sight. She wanted to throw her arms around him, tell him how sorry she was. But Drake only walked away, not looking at her as he slammed the door shut.

  “Where were we?” Perry cupped her breasts.

  Charlie grabbed the tray and hit him on the head. “You know I’m not this slutty.” She grabbed her gun from the wall, aimed it at his head. “So tell me where Goodridge’s next meeting will be.”

  Perry yelped, clutching his forehead. “You bitch!” he spat.

  “Damned right about that part.” She grinned. “Now tell me where the meeting is.” She aimed the gun at his groin. “Or I’ll—” She motioned and turned the gun’s safety off.

  Perry raised his hands. “Party, at the Grand. That’s all I know.”


  He shook his head, keeping his hands raised. “That’s all I know, I swear.”

  “Good boy.” Charlie hit him over the head with the beer tray and then fazed through the nearest wall. Once she grabbed her clothes she’d planned to get back to Scott, but she couldn’t just leave Drake. She had to make sure he was okay first.

  She passed through the walls until she reached the room where she’d stashed her stuff. She pulled off the crappy skirt then heard shouts. She grabbed her clothes and made a dash for the wall.

  Drake appeared in front of her.

  She froze as his eyes – now dark again – roamed over her. Her cheeks flushed. “Drake, I have to go. We...”

  “Back to Scott. I can smell him on you, mixed with that bastard Perry.”

  She sighed. “I came here for intel, just like you,” she said. “I’m sorry for what I said. I really am but —”

  He put a hand around her nape, he crushed his mouth to hers, thrusting his tongue inside. Charlie gasped, taking him deeper as she wrapped her arms around him. She moaned, yanking him closer. This was the only man she wanted to touch.

  His grip tightened as his hands clamped around her waist. He was losing control again. “Need you,” he ground out.

  Damn it, he’d go ballistic if anyone tried coming between them again. Grabbing his hand, Charlie pulled them through the wall.

  “Fuck!” Drake gasped, eyes changing back to normal.

  Charlie felt it too. They were in a void. A place where no magic existed. They had no powers and were now trapped.

  Chapter 8

  Drake tried to think of something, seeing only a door without a handle. He raised his hand, but his power had already diminished.

  “Why would they have a void in a brothel?” Charlie asked and cringed. “Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

  Drake leant against the wall, taking a deep breath. “Sorry I lost control again. I just couldn’t stand the thought of him touching you.”

  “It was only acting,” Charlie said. “I didn’t want him pawing at me any more than you did. Come on, we need to find way out of here. We don’t stand much of a chance without our powers.”

  He pulled off his jacket and grinned. “Not that I mind the way you’re dressed but here.” He held out her.

  She took it and slipped it on. “Some void rooms have areas where they end and magic can exist. Help me look.” Charlie ran her hands along the wall.

  He tried remembering the void at Cate’s house that they had used once to interrogate a prisoner not long before Denai Storm. That had had weaknesses, but they were almost impossible to find unless you knew where to look. “Are you going back to the Illuminari base after this?” he asked, checking the walls and floor but feeling no sign of his powers returning.

  Charlie shook her head. “I’m not getting anywhere with them. I’m still no closer to figuring out my powers and I know I’ll have to face Goodridge sooner or later. Irina says she’s been shielding me from him – I’m starting to think she’s telling the truth.”

  They both searched the entire space, finding nothing.

  Charlie let out a breath. “I guess we’d better be ready.” She picked up her gun from the floor. “I don’t suppose you have any weapons on you, do you?”

  “I prefer to use my wits and my own strength to fight my battles.” Drake pushed his weight against the door. “It’s reinforced Silveron. I won’t be able to get through it without magic.”

  “Stand back.” She raised her gun, but Drake caught hold of her wrist.

  “I wouldn’t do that, little witch. It will just bounce off and injure us instead.”

  “We can’t just sit here and do nothing.” She slumped against the wall.

  “Perry will think us long gone knowing him. He won’t think we’re still here.” Drake wrapped an arm around her. “At least we’re together.”

  “How can you be so calm?” Charlie sighed.

  “I’m with you. You calm the darkness in me that comes with being the Akaran,” he said. “I used to think I had to rein it in, never let it out. Now I know I can control it.”

  Charlie rested her head against his chest as she hugged him. “Ever since we met it feels like one big uphill battle.”

  He smiled and touched her cheek. “I wouldn’t have any other way.”

  She looked up into his eyes. “Why haven’t you sealed our bond yet? We already have a partial bond, we should have sealed it by now.”

  He smiled. “Because I never wanted to force on you. I wanted you to have a choice.”

  “I do want it, I want you. Hell, I just wanna go home with you. No more demon stuff or worrying about the Srimtar.”

  Drake leaned down and captured her mouth in a soft kiss. “I love you,” he breathed and deepened the kiss. He felt power spark between them and pulled back, frowning. “Did you feel that?”

  Charlie nodded. “Yeah, maybe we do still have power.” She pulled his head down for another kiss. More energy sparked between them. Charlie tugged at his shirt, her hands roaming over his chest.

  Drake tensed when he heard the sound of voices outside. He pulled away. “I think they’re coming. Stay…”

  “Drake, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt whilst being stuck with my mother is you’re my partner. We need to work together if we going to make this work between us.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I meant stay behind me whilst I draw their attention then you can blow their heads off.” Drake rolled up his sleeves. “We’re not dying here today.”

  She gripped his hand in return and said something that stunned him. The first part of the joining vows. Energy jolted between them, creeping into his very soul. The next stage of their bond was now sealed.

  Charlie smiled. “I know you wanted it to be the perfect moment but I’m tired of waiting. So you’re stuck with me now.”

  “When we get out of here, I am making love to you and sealing the final part of our bond.” He pulled her into a deep, searing kiss. “I’ll just have to make sure we get out of here a

  “You better!”

  They stood, ready for whatever came at them as the door creaked open.

  Drake felt his power slowly returning as he and Charlie stumbled outside into the hallway.

  “Ah hell!” Charlie muttered.

  Goodridge himself stood a few feet away. “How nice to see you both again. Here’s me thinking you’d broken up,” he said. “Kind of disappointing. You both make each other weak, I thought you would’ve learnt that by now.”

  Drake felt sweat running down his brow. Being stuck in a void for so long had taken its toll on him and Charlie looked pale too. Had the joining vows not worked? He thought they had but being in a void might mean next stage of the bond hadn’t fully formed due to their lack of power.

  “I thought you would have given up too,” Charlie remarked, keeping an arm wrapped around Drake. “You won’t find the orb.”

  Drake closed his eyes, feeling his senses stir, but they still felt weak. Come on, he thought. I need power. For once in his life he wanted to feel the power he’d spent so long hiding. If only they were in Kyral, the land itself would give him energy.

  I can’t shimmer, Charlie said.

  I doubt I can either, Drake replied.

  “No more hiding or running away, I will have my orb.” Myles raised his hand.

  The ground beneath their feet trembled. Charlie clung to Drake. He’s trying to open a portal.

  Then let him.

  Charlie pulled away, her hands flaring with light. I’ll work on portal. You distract him.

  He smirked. Gladly.

  Goodridge sent a bolt of blue lightning at him.

  Drake raised his hand, deflecting it. Despite his weakened state, he wouldn’t die here or let Myles harm his mate.

  Goodridge grinned. “I wondered when you’d start acting like a real Akaran.” He fired another bolt.

  Drake let the energy wash over him, feeling it strengthen him. His eyes bled to black as his inner demon came out, fangs protruding. He was Akaran, strong, hard. The true leader of Demonkind. It felt good to embrace it.

  The ground trembled and writhed as a glowing vortex appeared, swirling like a whirlpool of energy.

  I don’t know how much longer I can hold him off! Charlie said. If he opens a portal, we’ll be on his turf. He’ll have the upper hand.

  Drake raised his hand again, as Akaran he could control any demon who’d sworn allegiance to him. The Illuminaris hadn’t done so but Drake suspected he could use that control to at least slow Myles down. He dropped his shields, letting his power roam free. Still weak but still there as he clenched his fist. Stop! He gave the mental command.

  Myles’s eyes widened then flashed. “You’ll never control me, demon.”

  Charlie flung out her arm, sending Myles skidding to the ground and disappearing through the open portal. Drake, let’s go! She wrapped her arms around him. He won’t stay gone for long.

  Drake felt her magic wrap around them as she shimmered them out. They reappeared a few feet down the corridor in a heap.

  Bullets zipped through the air as two of Goodridge’s men appeared. Drake shoved Charlie down, covering her body with his own as heat seared his back. Gripping Charlie’s arm, he pulled her around the corner.

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” Charlie said.

  Drake winced from the pain, without his full power the wounds wouldn’t heal. He straightened “I’ll go; you follow and make your escape.”

  Her dark eyes narrowed. “No, not without you.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “You’ve already taken hits.”

  “It’s just a few grazes.”

  “Oh yeah?” She motioned to his shoulder.

  He glared down, feeling the sting of metal as more blood seeped out. “Just go, I’ll be right behind you.”

  “No, I can’t lose you again.” She cupped his face and kissed him.

  His lips curved into a smile. “I’m not losing you either, little witch. I won’t die here today, I promise you that. Follow close behind me then they won’t see you.”

  “Then we’ll both shimmer out.”

  “To where?” he asked. “Our powers will still be weakened.”

  Charlie handed him her gun. “Once we’re outside we can find Scott…”

  “I dislike this plan already,” he growled.

  Charlie rolled her eyes. “You really need to get over that.”

  Drake’s jaw clenched. “My house is less than a mile away. We can go there.”

  She hesitated then nodded. Drake yanked the door open. A hail of bullets came through as he stood back with Charlie close behind him. He glanced around the corner. Shots ripped through the air as he fired. The gunmen ducked for cover. Drake hurried into the passage, feeling power flood through his veins. Charlie wrapped her arms around him, fazing as more bullets came at them.

  He shimmered, feeling a searing pain tear through his back.


  Drake and Charlie landed on the floor they materialised in the foyer of his house. He grunted from the pain.

  “Oh, thank the goddess!” Charlie breathed. “Wait, what if he can sense me here? I lost Irina’s bracelet. Oh, shit!”

  Drake got up and stumbled, blood seeping from his shoulder.

  “Come on, that needs tending to.” She pushed her hair off her face and wrapped an arm around him, helping him up. “I thought being bonded would feel different,” she admitted. “Cate said it felt amazing when she sealed her bond with Jason.” Cate may have added a few more unnecessary details about what had happened after they sealed her bond, but Charlie had been too grossed out to listen. “Ready to fully seal our bond yet?”

  “Later,” Drake told her, as they staggered together down the hall. “If Goodridge comes, let him. But we should be safe here. My house is warded tighter than Stanhold prison.”

  “I just thought we’d have more energy now we’re past the next stage. But I guess being stuck in a void and blocking a portal between the worlds will do that.” She grinned.

  “You’re beautiful, little witch.” His lips trailed down her neck, making her giggle.

  She gave him a playful shove and rose, using the house’s computer screen to figure out where they were and gasped. “Hey, we’re home. You said…”

  “I missed home too. So I used what strength I had to get here.”

  Charlie helped him to into the kitchen where she washed off the blood as best she could. As he sat she noticed his colour returning and she felt little better herself. “It feels like forever since we were last here,” she murmured. “Rather than just three months ago.”

  “I still have to return to Kyral. It’s the night of the blood moon tonight.” Drake rubbed his shoulder. “Daron will no doubt make his move then. I’ll have to fight him, make a show of strength to prove myself as the Akaran in my people’s eyes.”

  “What happens after that?” Although she’d known he was the Akaran, him actually taking place as leader of Demonkind had seemed impossible. He hadn’t wanted the position, but he couldn’t deny what he was any more. Just as she couldn’t deny about being an Illuminari either. No, she didn’t like that term, Denai Illuminari, or demon witch didn’t seem to fit. I’m a shadow walker. I walk in shadow and I’m sworn to protect the innocent and keep the Srimtar safe.

  “All of your case files and things are where you left them. I had your stuff brought back from Kyral too,” Drake told her.

  “I love you.” Charlie threw her arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss.

  Warmth swelled in her chest as she felt the link that now bound them together more strongly than ever. Yet it wasn’t just the bond. He’d always been there for her even when she’d been a headstrong kid and during the years they’d been apart. She’d always felt him there with her, even during the horrific day when the Srimtar had killed her teammates he’d been there with her every step of the way.

  Drake ran a hand through his hair. “I think we’re strong
enough to make it upstairs now. Are you coming?” He held a hand to her. “No doubt you’ll want to work.”

  Charlie took it, smiling. “Work can wait a little longer.” She tugged him inside the lift. “You sure you’re alright now?”

  “Never better, little witch.” He pulled her in for another kiss, this time slow and deep. “I need you.” His eyes darkened again, this time with the lust, not power.

  Charlie pressed a button, making the lift shutdown. She was sick of waiting so she shoved him back against the wall. Damn it, she needed him too. Needed to feel close to him. She didn’t know if it was the strengthened bond or because they’d been apart for so long. Nor did she care of as she wrapped her arms around him, wanting to be as close as she could get.

  Drake pulled her bra off, breaking it with a snap before pushing her against the wall, devouring her mouth as he kissed her.

  She tugged off the skimpy skirt and underwear as she pulled back, glad to be rid of them. Her hands roamed over his chest.

  She fought to get his trousers undone. He kicked them off, picking her up. She felt the cold steel of the wall behind her but didn’t care. She wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning as he thrust inside of her for the first time.

  His hand gripped her hips with almost savage strength as he slammed into her again with one swift stroke.

  Charlie gasped as she adjusted to the feel of him inside her. It felt like pure elation. She met him thrust for thrust, her nails grazing his shoulders.

  The air grew steamy as they devoured each other. She cried out as shock waves of pleasure wracked through her body.

  Drake gasped her name as they came together in a crash of emotions and power.

  Chapter 9

  Drake scowled at the breaches, shirt and tunic he was required to wear for the night’s festivities. He much preferred a good suit, but he had to play the part of the Akaran’s brother for the time being.

  Not long now until he’d see Charlie again too. Although part of him wanted to keep her away he knew she’d come anyway. The thought made him smile as a knock sounded on the door.


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