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Immortal Promise

Page 17

by Magen McMinimy

  “Thanks.” Holly let out a deep breath.

  “We just got you back. And to be honest, I’ve wanted to smack your mother for a while.”

  Holly laughed. “I thought Bain said you were the one who forgave her and pushed him to forgive as well.”

  “Yeah, well, I was trying to be the bigger person. Recent events and information tells me it doesn’t take much to be bigger than Esperanza.”

  “Duck!” Holly hollered before launching herself at Izzy as a ball of flames came flying at them.

  Kale was next to them in a flash. “Motherfucker,” he growled, pulling a new ball of flame from his hands and sending it flying at the caster who had just redirected the last ball of flames at Izzy and Holly. Izzy put a blast of Uriah’s magic behind it and cringed as the very human-looking Fae burst into flames.

  “You okay?” he asked both of them.

  They nodded, and he grabbed Izzy. “You’re coming with me. Holly, you get to Lothar.”

  Holly’s feet beat against the earth as she made her way towards Lothar. He, like the others, wielded a sword with beautiful, precise movements. He didn’t need her help. Trusting him as the warrior he was, she made her way towards Cree, who had been cut off from Rowan.

  Holly conjured a bow and began sending arrows into the hearts, heads, and any other respective kill spots for the Fae that were surrounding them. The ranks were thinning out more on Darion’s side than on theirs. She’d seen a few guards go down and hoped that they were still at least breathing.


  That bitch human had sent Esperanza flying into the forest. How did she wield the power of a warrior? Esperanza saw the faces frozen in the trees around her and moved quickly out of the forest, but kept to the outskirts of the battle. She watched as Izzy threw a ball of flame at one of Darion’s ogres. She shook her head as that little shit Kale gave her a high five and grabbed her hand to drag her nearer to her son. Seemed the little human had been hiding something. Esperanza’s gaze found Darion in battle with Rowan, as Cree tried to charge towards them but kept getting cut off. Esperanza stayed safely out of sight as she watched. Darion knew not to harm Rowan, but her daughter fought with deadly accuracy. She couldn’t have Rowan killing Darion. She had to distract and separate the two of them. With her palms stretched out towards the ground, she sent a wave of rolling dirt toward them, knocking both off their feet. She then rushed towards Darion to pull him from the fight. Only he appeared on his feet in a swirl of magic just as Rowan stood and turned to face him once more.

  Rowan’s eyes flashed and her mind screamed for Cree.

  “I love you… I am so sorry,” was all she could think as Darion’s blade connected with her flesh.

  “No. Rowan! Please, I am coming, love.”

  “Hurry, I want to see your handsome face.”

  “You hold on.”

  Silence fell in their connection as he tried to get to his everything.

  Holly heard a guttural roar, and ice-cold fear slid down her spine. Turning, she found Cree rushing to a downed Rowan.

  Rowan felt the cold steel slide deep into her chest. One wrong move, that was all it ever took. It was how all warriors ended up in the care of the Immortal three. Her knees gave out and she fell to them, looking from the sword that protruded from her chest to the cold eyes of the man who still held its hilt. She coughed and blood fell from her lips. Darion sneered, his booted foot landing on her stomach to push her off his sword.

  “No!” Esperanza screamed as a ball of flame flew towards Darion. She pushed him out of the way and fell to the ground to see her daughter dying at her lover’s hand.

  Strong fingers wrapped around Esperanza’s arm and yanked her from the soiled earth.


  Time froze as every warrior felt the pain that radiated through the lands. Uriah turned in slow motion to see a flash of magic come at him. There was no time, so he simply closed his eyes. He knew that when he opened them again there would be an Immortal waiting to take him. A tear slid down his face as he accepted that his queen would be joining him. The pain never came and when he opened his eyes, he saw the smiling face of his Immortal. Jelena reached a hand up and cupped his cheek.

  “I love you. I would have given up everything to stay with you.”

  Uriah’s eyes drifted down to where her hand pressed against her heart. Blood began to seep through her slender fingers and she fell forward, revealing the face of the one who had just tried to kill him and instead got Jelena. Uriah roared. With a flick of his hand, the Fae was lifted in the air, so high that Uriah found him hard to see anymore. Then he let the Fae fall. A sickening crunch rent the air as the body was impaled by a tree.

  “Jelena? Please talk to me.” She was silent.

  Uriah’s gaze shifted to Rowan, where Holly and Bain were running to her. Darion lifted his sword to bring it down on both Rowan and Cree, who know held her as Esperanza stood motionless at his side.

  A scream ripped from Holly, and magic flooded the field. Darion dropped his sword in time to throw up his own magical protection. Only when the magic collided did he and what was left of his army disappear. All that was left were the Light warriors and the vampires. Izzy fell to Uriah’s side and pressed her hands over Jelena’s wound. Bain and Holly hovered over Rowan.

  “No,” was all Uriah heard as Holly took a step back. Bain grabbed her and hid her face in his chest.

  Uriah looked back to Izzy as she healed Jelena. Pulling her hands back, she could see the wound was healed. Jelena took a breath and stood up, both her hands pressing against her chest.

  “I don’t underst—” Her words broke off as she looked up at the clouds that now hovered high above them.

  The sky opened up above them, the first of many unique and beautiful flakes began falling. All who were left standing seem mesmerized as their heads fell back to watch the clouds release thousands of frozen, delicate drops of ice. Jelena’s eyes followed the first of the flakes that fell as it inched its’ way closer to the trampled and scorched grass. As it made contact with the soiled land, pain pierced through Jelena. Her body crumpled as her soul was pulled from her corporeal form. With a final, ear-piercing scream, the world went dark and cold.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  “Jelena, come on, beautiful, don’t do this to me.” Uriah held the tears back as his eyes flicked over her face and then to the devastation. They had lost too many. The Light and the Dark were at war and, by his estimate, the Dark had delivered a devastating blow. Many would live through their injuries, but most would never be the same.

  Cree sat only a few feet away, holding Rowan to his chest, unable to hold back his tears. Izzy had left Uriah with Kat and Kale at his side as she went and held Bain, shaking her head. Their healer hadn’t been able to help their queen. Though Rowan hated that title, it was what she was. The Light had lost their Queen.

  Looking back down at the woman in his arms, Uriah began begging once more for her to wake.

  His eyes caught movement as Acacia and Zarek made their way through the ones who had given their lives in the battle.

  “Let her go, Uriah.”

  Zarek was the least friendly and least seen of the Immortal Four. His presence alone was something to fear.

  “No, she doesn’t belong with you,” Uriah snarled.

  “You think she belongs with you,” Zarek roared. “All of you, with your messy emotions, caused this.” He waved a hand around them, taking in the sad scene of battle. “My sisters and their lack of respect to the rules, their connection to you warriors, and their own emotions are to blame for this.”

  With a wave of his hand, Jelena disappeared from Uriah’s arms. Uriah shot to his feet, rushing towards Zarek.

  Zarek snarled. “Enough!” The ground shook, and the sky roared. The display was only a small taste of the power Zarek possessed. “This is done. She broke the rules, and this is her punishment.” Zarek looked to Acacia. “And collecting her is yours.”

  Acacia stood sil
ent, her eyes downcast as she listened to her brother. She stood near Cree, his pain as he held his lost wife pressing down on her. This was her fault.

  “I am so sorry, Cree.”

  Cree lifted his eyes to meet Acacia’s. “Please don’t.”

  “I have no choice; she belongs to the underworld now.”

  Reaching out, Acacia placed her hand over Rowan’s forehead. A shimmer of iridescent light reached out from Acacia’s hand. When she pulled it back, a ball of gold light appeared in her palm.

  “She will be waiting for you.” Acacia turned her back and faded out, leaving with what remained of Rowan. Her soul.


  Esperanza made contact with the hard floor of Darion’s palace. With a groan, she rolled to see him lying next her. With fast reflexes, she raised her hand and slapped him.

  Darion let her hit him once before catching her wrist and a narrowing his eyes at her.

  “You were to leave my children unharmed,” she snarled.

  “You’re the one who sent the magic that took her down. Besides, they are no longer your family.”

  She sneered, but didn’t argue.

  “Good, now make yourself useful. Whatever that bastard youngest of your threw at us, not only flashed us all back here, but also drained my strength.”

  Esperanza scoffed. “I should leave you weakened.”

  Darion’s hand flashed from her wrist to tightly grasp her hair and force her lips to his. With a deep kiss that she ended by biting him, he sucked enough sexual chi to roll them both over so he sat between her thighs. Lifting her skirt, he dropped his zipper and arched a brow at her.

  “Do you still want to fight me on this, Essie?”

  Pushing off the ground, she rolled them again. Straddling him with one solid, fluid movement, she took him deep inside of her. There would be backlash from this, and she would need her king at full strength.


  The snow continued to fall as the Light mourned their losses. Bain took rule until the Fae could come together and choose a new leader; the royals who oversaw the process had little to fight. Cree was in no shape and, while Bain felt just as lost at the loss of his sister, Izzy was his strength and he hailed from a royal line. Besides, the snow that fell was more concerning as the lands began to die in the freeze. Even Lothar’s power seemed to do little. He could stop the snow from falling for a short time, but what had already taken hold refused to let go and melt away.

  The lands were sad, and each of them could feel it deep in their bones. After Rowan’s death, the castle felt quiet. Holly was gone now. She and Lothar had returned to the coven in Vegas to mourn those that the vampires had lost. She had remained for Rowan’s services, but she had lost many she still considered family. Bain didn’t blame her for needing to get away. Plus, he knew she and Lothar would return before long.

  Cree was locked in his office most days and nights. Bain laced his fingers with Izzy’s as they left the Hole. Kat and Kale were taking care of Uriah, who was drowning in alcohol at the moment. Uriah was quietly mourning the loss of the one he loved. It was no secret to any of them as to how he felt for Jelena. It had been over two weeks, and they hadn’t seen a single Immortal—not the sisters or the brothers. The following days would tell where they stood with the Underworld leaders. Izzy was set to see Makyle soon.

  Izzy closed the door behind them as they entered their room. Bain sat on the edge of the bed. Izzy moved in front of him. She held him tight against her, knowing the pain that welled inside of him threatened to consume his very essence. Her warrior had felt the pain of loss too many times to count.

  “I love you, Bain. We’ll make it through this.”

  “Promise me, Iz.”

  “What? I will promise you anything.” She felt his tears drip against the bare skin of her breast.

  “Don’t ever leave. I could never bear to lose you.”

  She pressed a kiss to his golden hair and promised with every ounce of her soul that heaven and hell would have to come together to take her from his side.


  7 months later…

  The lands were still blanketed in snow. The falling flakes would come and go, but the lands suffered at the hand of the freeze. Lothar and Holly entered Rowan’s office to see Bain staring out the window.

  “You okay?” Lothar asked.

  Bain lifted his gaze to see Lothar and his little sister. They brought a smile to his face.

  “I am better than I was yesterday, but not as good as I will be tomorrow.”

  Holly grinned. “You have no idea how true that statement is.”

  Bain arched a brow. “Do tell.”

  “We were out at the river.” Holly smiled up at Lothar, and then back at Bain. “It’s flowing again.”

  Bain stood. “Show me.”

  Holly took his hand and flashed them to the now-rushing river. A piece of ice broke apart and flowed downstream.

  “How?” Bain asked, looking between the two.

  “Our magic mixes well. See, my healing power works on the land and plants, too.”

  Bain snorted.

  Holly nodded, “Yeah, that was my reaction as well when I realized I was tapping into some of Mother’s nature magic. But I don’t care. If that gift can help us heal, then I will use it until I can’t use it anymore.”

  Bain hugged her. “It about time she did something good for you.”

  “This isn’t a fix all,” Lothar warned. “I think between Holly and me, we can heal the land, while I fight back the coming storms, but it will take some time.”

  Bain nodded and smiled. “Well, this is good day. It’s the start of a new chapter.”

  Holly shook her head. “The new chapter starts when the lands are back, and the Dark has paid for all they’ve taken from us and those we care about.”

  Bain smiled. “My little sister, the warrior.”


  Jelena stood at the window, her eyes tracking the movements of the bustling Fae who worked for her brothers.

  “I brought you something to eat.”

  She looked over her shoulder but didn’t turn to greet her brother. Makyle sighed. “You need to eat.”

  “True,” she agreed. “What’s happening in the Middle World?”

  Makyle sat by her fireplace in a plush chair and picked at his shirt. “It’s frozen, but it will begin to break as Lothar and Holly realize their true potential.”

  She nodded and looked back out the window.

  “And Uriah?”

  “He mourns you.”

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “Because I feel it through Isabelle.”

  Her eyes narrowed as she turned to look at him. “Have you always had this connection to her?”

  Makyle shook his head and laughed. “No, only when she runs into Lothar and gleans a little empathy from him.”

  Jelena moved to sit across from him. He smiled as he got a good look at her.

  “Will you take a message to him for me?”

  “I cannot do that. You know I can’t, Jelena.”

  She rested her hands over her swollen stomach. “He deserves to know about his child.”

  Also By the Author

  I hope you enjoyed this book! If so please consider posting a review, it’s a great way to help others find a good book to enjoy!


  Half-Blood Princess

  Blood Claim: Book 1

  Resurrection Stone: Book2

  Shadowed Memories: Book3

  Dark Soul: Book 4

  Echo’s of Silence—Abel’s Slayers: Half-Blood Princess Book 5

  A Witch’s Mark—The Guardians: Half-Blood Princess Book 6

  Bound By Destiny—the Guardians Part 2: Half-Blood Princess Book 7

  Last Surrender: Book 8

  North American Pack

  Primal Hunger

  Primal Calling

  Immortal Heart

  Immortal Blood: Book 1
r />   Immortal Craving: Book 2

  Immortal Promise: Book 3

  Keep an eye out for the rest of the Brothers stories!


  © 2013 by Magen McMinimy

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  About the Author

  I kind of like to think of myself as a normal lady living a semi normal life. I’m not sure that’s all that accurate; I have a sweet husband and two dogs-my girls- that I think of as my children. I grew up in Sonoma County, California and I never pictured myself moving. Funny because now I live in North Idaho and I love it here, I love the summers; camping, bar-b-ques with friends, and the farmers markets. I find the winters magical and I love the snow. I left a lot of amazing friends and an amazing extended family. I met my now husband a few months after the move and was married to him in June of 2006. In 2008 I finished college and became a wedding planner. I love a good party and I live to decorate and make things beautiful and amazing for those around me. In 2010, I suffered a few medical setbacks and I am now considered legally blind and I work each day with a small amount of remaining vision in my left eye.


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