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Holding Out for a Hero

Page 12

by Ana Leigh

  “Did you mention this idea to either of them? Jenny’s pretty angry with me right now.”

  “Don’t pay her no mind. She’s always in a snit about something.”

  Rico shoved his hat up on his forehead. “Well, if that bastard doesn’t turn up in the next week, I guess I could hang around for a while. If Don has his way Andrea will be getting married soon, and then she’ll be safe here at the fort. But it’s been my experience that Jenny doesn’t take well to obeying orders.”

  “Humph! You think I don’t know that? Then it’s a deal.”

  “Only if you’re willing to take my orders, too, Mr. Burke. I can’t protect three people if they’re going off in different directions.”

  Frank offered his hand. “My handshake’s my word, Rico.”

  Rico returned to Colonel Hardy’s office and informed him of his change of plans, then headed to the dispensary to see how Masters was doing. For a change, Andrea wasn’t sitting at his bedside.

  “Where’s your nursemaid?” Rico asked.

  “In town buying material for a wedding gown.”

  “In town! My orders were that neither of those women were to leave the fort. I suppose Jenny went with her?”

  “Yes, and a military escort. Relax, Rico, they’re in good hands.”

  “So you’re getting married right away.”

  “Yep. Dr. Wallace said I should be up and around by tomorrow, so we’re getting married at the end of the week so Andrea doesn’t have to leave the fort. I don’t intend to let her out of my sight. By then, hopefully someone will have tracked the murdering bastard down.”

  “Don, are you sure you aren’t rushing into this wedding?”

  “Good Lord, Rico, I told you I was in love with her before we even went on that mission.”

  Rico grinned. “I’m not referring to that. I’ve heard honeymoons can be very…ah, tiring for a man.”

  “I’m sure I’m up to the challenge.” Don grinned back. “My wounds were in my shoulder and leg, old man.”

  Rico chuckled. “Sounds like you’ve got a little bit of each of my cousins in you.”

  “What do you mean?” Don asked.

  “You’ve got the imaginative vision of Clay, and my cousin Colt’s tendency to follow the letter of the law. I recognize some of Jed’s tacit reserve in you, and now, most assuredly, Garth’s cocksure presumption of his ability to…perform.”

  “And do you see these traits as strengths or weaknesses, my friend?” Don asked.

  “You could never hope to assemble a finer group of men,” Rico replied. “They’re Virginians. With the exception of Colt, who’s a lawman in New Mexico, the others—and their continually increasing families—live on a compound in California. Clay became a vintner and one by one the others have joined him; and now they’ve built one of the most successful vineyards in California. I hope to join them when I finish up with Ben Slatter.”

  Rico told Don his plans for remaining, and the agreement with Frank Burke. Don’s relief was evident, and when Rico returned to his quarters, it was with thoughts of Jenny.

  He’d had his share of beautiful women in the past, but none had the effect on him that she did. She constantly challenged him, which kept him guessing about how he really stood with her.

  In truth, all women were beautiful to him. The women his cousins married were all outstanding beauties, and in his heart, no woman could ever compare to his mother. A woman’s beauty came from within, and all the women of his family possessed it.

  From the beginning there had been a powerful physical attraction to Jenny, and at first he had let his body do his thinking for him. Her physical beauty and his desire for her had initially blinded him to the courage and sensitivity she concealed under a flippant façade, and as a result he had unjustly accused her of being lazy and self-absorbed.

  Lord knew she’d been as scared as Andrea when they were Slatter’s prisoners, but from what Andrea had told him, Jenny had the spunk to not give in to that fear—and she still bore the injuries that Slatter had meted out in punishment.

  And what he had once looked upon as her taking advantage of Andrea was in truth just the opposite. Andrea thrived on nurturing people. It was her purpose in life, and Jenny had the sensitivity to recognize how important this was to her aunt. Instead of teaching the young girl the hows and whys of life, Andrea had done everything she could to make her niece’s life easier. Just as she had taken on the responsibility of becoming her brother’s housekeeper and cook when his wife had died, and had remained at Don’s side from the time he was wounded.

  As loving and caring as Andrea was, she was the one who had coddled and spoiled Jenny.

  He needed to make peace with her, and based on the way they parted that morning, it wasn’t going to be easy. He tossed his shirt aside, then sat down on the edge of his bed and took off his boots. Stretching out, he tucked his hands under his head, and lay there trying to figure out how he was going to handle Jenny. As he closed his eyes, the thought of her stirred his blood, and he wondered how long he could have stayed away from her if he had ridden away.

  As if he had conjured up a vision of her, she suddenly knocked and slipped through his doorway.

  “Father told me about the Coles. How can that man continue murdering innocent people? That couple didn’t have an enemy. Even the Apaches left them alone!”

  Her expression and rising voice reflected the panic building in her. Rico reached for her and held her in his arms.

  “You’ll be safe here, Jenny. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I’m not worrying about just myself, Rico.”

  “I meant you and your family,” he said.

  “And I meant you.”

  “Princess, you don’t have to worry about me. For the past three years I’ve shadowed every move that man has made, and I know what to expect from him.”

  “Explain that to Pete and Maggie Cole, because frankly, I’m confused. If you’ve been trailing him for three years and know how he thinks, why is that murderous fiend still on the loose? How many people has he killed this week alone? Stumpy, Charlie, Pete and Maggie Cole—and those are just the ones we know about. There could be more victims out there not discovered yet.”

  “What do you expect me to do, Jenny?”

  “Get over the idea that you’re smarter than he is, because his insanity gives him a cunning greater than your logic. You can’t do it alone, Rico. Colonel Hardy has offered you the help of a patrol, but you’ve turned him down. Why? Is the reward money that important to you that you would let this man continue his carnage until you finally outsmart him—or he succeeds in making you another one of his victims? Frankly, I think you already are. You’re so obsessed that you’ve already wasted three years of your life. How many more do you plan on wasting?”

  “You condemn my leaving for the reward on Slatter’s head, then in the next breath offer me yourself as a reward if I remain. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Either choice makes me nothing better than a mercenary—as you so often remind me.”

  “If that’s what you believe, so be it.” She lifted her chin in defiance. “I guess it’s another example of your tendency to underestimate people?”

  She spun on her heel to depart, but he caught her shoulder. “Dammit, Jenny, why are we arguing? Have you forgotten we have a date tonight?”

  “That date was off when you rode away this morning.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Are you going to waste the evening pouting, when we could be enjoying each other’s company?”

  Her sense of humor prevailed. “You mean like we are now?”

  He grinned. “Princess, do you really want us to be at odds?”

  “Of course not. But sometimes you make me so angry, I could scream.” She nestled against his chest, and glanced up at him with a shy smile. “What time are we going out to dinner?”

  “I figured at seven. But it really would be better if you remained inside the fort.”

nbsp; “Surely Slatter wouldn’t attempt to harm us in the restaurant. It’s only a block away from the gate.”

  “I guess it’s safe enough—but I don’t want you to leave my side. Why don’t we go to Maude’s? Her cook makes a pretty good steak.”

  “Whatever you want. I feel safer with you than I do with this fort full of soldiers. I know you aren’t going to let anything happen to me.”

  He cupped her cheeks between his hands. “I wish I could be certain of that. You’re taking the danger too lightly. You were right when you said Slatter’s madness makes him more cunning than I am. I figure the only way I can win is to draw him out in the open.”

  “And risk your life doing it.”

  “The risk and danger already exists. He wants revenge because I killed his gang. That’s why I should avoid your company. I’m his main target, but he won’t hesitate to kill you too, Jenny. You’ve got to take the threat seriously.”

  “Of course I’m taking it seriously. I can still see the madness in his eyes, hear his maniacal laughter. My skin crawls just recalling his touch. Until that man is dead, I’ll live in fear of him, Rico. But my belief in you is stronger than my fear of Slatter.”

  “Then promise me you’ll do whatever I tell you to.”

  “I promise,” she whispered, right before his mouth covered hers.

  The gentleness of the kiss quickly spiraled into the arousing heat of passion, and only the awareness of where they were prevented Rico from pursuing it further.

  “Where are you quartered?” he whispered when he broke the kiss.

  “Colonel Hardy put us in the quarters of an officer who was transferred.”

  “And your father is staying there with you and Andrea?”

  “Of course,” she said, amused.

  “I figured he would be, but hoped I was wrong.”

  She arched a brow, and said teasingly, “Why, sir, what could you possibly have in mind?”

  “You for dessert, after dinner.”

  His hunger matched the one he read in her eyes as she slipped her arms around his waist and hugged him closer. “You’re pretty confident, Dan’l.”

  His tongue circled the outline of her lips. “You taste mighty fine, Princess. I could devour you right now.”

  Sighing, she parted her lips and he slipped his tongue past them, and began to brush the roof of her mouth with an erotic touch that made her legs tremble and reduced her breath to gasps.

  Her core tingled with every exquisite stroke as he continued the teasing assault on her eyes and the curve of her jaw before he reclaimed her lips.

  When he lifted his head, Jenny rested her head on the brawn of his chest until her trembling ceased. Her desire for him had passed a point of no return. Drawing a deep breath, she murmured, “Maybe we should have dessert before the steak.”

  “Honey, anyone could walk in on us here.”

  “Isn’t there a bolt on that door?”

  “Yes, but if anyone saw you enter, your reputation could be destroyed. The wisest thing you can do is get out now while it’s just a rumor.”

  Her eyes lit with devilment. “Why try to put out that fire, when the one within me is much greater?”

  “Because regardless of how much I want you right now, you have to live among these people.” He took her by the hand and walked over to the door.

  “I can’t believe you! You’re turning me down again? Twice in the same day!”

  “I’m only warning you of the risks.” Then he slipped the bolt on the door. Grinning, he turned and lifted her into his arms. “And having done so, what are we waiting for?”

  He lowered her to the bed. She offered no resistance when he stripped her of her clothing, then stood up and shed his own.

  She had seen him bare-chested before, but nothing had prepared her for the long muscular length of him. Fascinated, she swept her gaze from his face to his long, muscular legs, then returned to the extended organ at the junction of them. She swallowed hard.

  The burning desire she saw in his eyes incinerated any reservations, and stoked the flame of her own need for him. She opened her arms and lifted them to him. He raised them above her head as he lowered himself and covered her with his body. His flesh was warm against her own, and the feel of it incited her passion even higher.

  He slid his palms up her stretched arms and laced his fingers through hers, then trailed a string of kisses up one arm and down the other. She arched against him, but his weight kept her captive beneath him.

  Closing her eyes, she gave herself up to the sensuous kisses he began to rain on her face and eyes, then covered her mouth and let his tongue weave its magic.

  Needing to embrace him, to feel him in her arms, she struggled to free her arms, but he held her firmly as he dipped his head and trailed quick kisses along her neck to her breasts. She writhed in rapturous torture when he laved the sensitive tips of her nipples, then took one into his mouth in an erotic suckling that caused her to cry out under wave upon wave of imploding carnal tremors.

  His kiss smothered her outcry and he released her arms. She clutched his shoulders, pulling him closer, tighter, molding herself even more against the muscular length of him.

  “Dear God, Rico, I can’t stand much more of this.”

  “The best is yet to come, Princess,” he murmured. She parted her lips for the kiss that followed.

  A loud knocking on the door caused him to break the kiss. “Mr. Fraser,” a voice called out.

  “Who is it?” he barked.

  “Private Scott, sir. Colonel Hardy has summoned you to his office.”

  “Tell him I’m indisposed, and unless the fort is on fire, I don’t wish to be disturbed. You can also tell him I’m no longer under his command and don’t have to obey any summons.”

  “Come on, Rico,” the soldier whined. “You know he always kills the messenger. I’ll end up mucking out horse stalls for a month.”

  Rico sighed. “All right, Scotty. Tell him I’ll be there as soon as I get dressed.”

  “Thanks, Rico.” The private left to deliver the message.

  “I can’t wait until I ride out of this fort for the last time,” Rico grumbled as he got to his feet and pulled on his clothing.

  He leaned down and gave Jenny a drugging kiss, then moved to the door.

  Jenny propped up an elbow and cradled her head in her hand. “Well, like they say, Dan’l, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. Or is it you can’t eat your cake and have it, too?”

  He turned his head for a final glance. “Dinner’s at seven o’clock, Princess. You can stay where you are, or we can go to Maude’s.”


  Rico stormed through the colonel’s office door. “What?” he snapped. “It better be important enough to get me out of bed.”

  He nodded to the buckskin-clad figure who’d been staring out the window. Jake Bedford grinned, and leaned back against the wall.

  “I’d appreciate your showing some respect for my rank,” Hardy retorted. “It’s hard enough keeping up the men’s morale, much less their respect in this godforsaken fort. And what in hell were you doing in bed at this hour of the day?”

  Rico had no intention of replying, any more than Hardy expected him to. It was just the colonel’s way of having the last word.

  As he waited impatiently for Hardy to continue, he wondered if Jenny would wait for him to get back. The sight of her stretched out naked in his bed was hard to forget.

  “Jake here said he sighted some Indian sign southwest of here.”

  “And were they wearing plaid shirts?” Rico asked dryly. “You know as well as I that there’s been no serious trouble with the Apaches since Cochise surrendered to General Crook.”

  “What do you call what they did to Private Hanson?”

  “Hanson knew better than to cross the river. Naturally some of them remained behind when the tribe was moved to a reservation. After seeing what that San Carlos reservation looked like, you can’t blame them for breaking a
way. It’s a sun-baked hell hole, unfit to even grow crops. They’re starving to death. It’s no wonder the Indians don’t trust the government.”

  “Cochise and his Chiricahuas were put on the reservation at Warm Springs. There’s no comparison,” Hardy declared.

  Jake Bedford spoke up. “They put them there because the Chiricahua Apaches refused to go to the San Carlos reservation. They don’t get along with the Mescolaro Apaches already there.”

  “Well, now with Cochise’s death, there’s probably a lot of younger bucks who can’t wait to break out of the reservation.”

  “It’s not the government’s fault these Indian tribes can’t get along,” Hardy said. “These settlers come out here from all parts of the country and get along. Maybe the Indians should try doing the same.”

  Rico winked at Jake. “Heard tell there was a war between the North and South. Seems there was a big difference among the white folks there, and thousands of them died over that disagreement.”

  “You don’t have to remind me about the War Between the States, sonny. I was there,” Hardy said impatiently. Gray cigar smoke was beginning to circle his head like Indian smoke signals.

  Rico saw Hardy’s growing irritation and was in no mood for a face-off with the colonel.

  “I’d say the Apache have honored the terms of the agreement and not crossed the river, sir.” But unable to resist the temptation, he glanced at the colonel. “Even drunken ones.”

  “Jake, tell him what you told me,” Hardy said, and took another fuming puff on his cigar.

  “We were about twenty-five miles southwest of here, between the fort and the river. I was scouting along the bank when I come upon their trail. I figured it was Indians because the horses weren’t shod, so I followed it for a distance.”

  “How big was the party, Jake?” Rico asked.

  “I made it out to be about dozen or so,” the scout said. “When I came upon them, they had stopped and set up camp. So I skedaddled back to the patrol to keep it from crossin’ their path.”

  “Were they wearing paint?” Rico asked.

  “Not that I could see from a distance.”


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