Fighter Boys and Bomber Boys: Saving Britain 1940–1945
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crash landed 349-50
invasion threat 373
shot down 397
‘Barking Creek’ episode 106-9
Barnes, Airman 361
Barran, Philip 76-7
Barratt, Arthur 136, 137, 138, 157, 165
Barthropp, Paddy 59, 65, 68, 396, 399, 402-3
Bartley, Tony 92, 95, 188, 194, 195
92 Squadron 242, 388
drinking 328-9
Malan 317
morale 378
post war career 402
women 339
Barton, Robert 335
Bartrap, von 18
Battle bombers 157
Battle of Britain 5, 400, 404-6
Bayley, Edward 377
Bayne, Flight Lieutenant 343
Beamish, Victor 324-5, 331
Beamont, Roland 50, 65, 68
87 Squadron 143-4, 217, 290
Dewar 324
home 263
humour 326-7
Hurricanes 81, 82
Lovell Gregg 289
morale 316
post war career 402
refugees 173
Beard, John 74
Beaumont, Stephen 75-6, 98, 99, 222, 223, 249-50
Beaverbrook, Lord 242
Becker, Georg 254-5
Bennions, George 72, 116, 335, 378-9, 405
Benson, Dr 312
Benson, Noel 118-20, 300-1, 312
Berlin 295, 351
Berry, Frederick 128, 141, 162, 264
Berry, Ron 74, 380-1
Big Wing tactic 294-5, 357, 362, 365, 368
Biggin Hill 62-3, 88, 100-1, 117, 307-8, 325, 329, 383, 387-8
Bigglesworth, Captain James 52-3
Bird-Wilson, Harold ‘Birdy’
17 Squadron 228, 304
baled out 377
fatigue 337
friends 325
post war career 400
strung-out pilots 338
Tuck 323
Wissler 343
Blayney, Jarvis 250
Bodie, Rob ‘Bogle’ 318, 325, 339, 341, 366-7, 372, 401
Boelcke, Oswald 15, 20
Bouchier, ‘Boy’ 183
Bowring, Ben 95, 280, 322
‘Boy Drunkard’ 384
Brand, Sir Christopher Quintin 337
Brickhill, Paul 402
Broadhurst, Harry 71, 92, 144
Broke, Lord Willoughby de 100
Brothers, Pete 49, 53, 62, 63, 65, 337
32 Squadron 172
257 Squadron 338-9
Churchill’s speech 216
combat 204
Dunkirk 186
engagement 102
foreign pilots 240, 241
Grice 328
Hurricanes 82
post war career 400
survival 397
tactical training 90
thanksgiving service 399
war, attitude to 263
wife 302
Brown, Mark ‘Hilly’ 127, 132, 141, 142, 162
Brown, Ronald 71-2, 81, 83, 207-8
Brown, Roy 22
Bulman, George 43-4
Bunny (Fenwick’s girlfriend) 229
burns cases 379-80
Burton, Percy 382
Bushell, Roger 108, 187-8
Butler, Winifred 342, 343, 344, 345, 346
Byrne, ‘Paddy’ 107
Caldwell, Keith 14, 18
camaraderie 67
Cameron, Margaret 344
Cameron, Neil 322
Camm, Sydney 42, 43
Campbell, Jack 158
Carnall, Ralph 380
Carpenter, John 224
Cecil, Lord Hugh 22, 31
Chamberlain 98; 104
Channon, Henry ‘Chips’ 360
Chesters, Peter 326
Christine (friend of Appleford and Bodie) 341
Church Fenton 64
Churchill, Clemmie 144
Churchill, Winston 8, 28, 31, 159
11 Group HQ 362
1940 May: 159-60, 165-6, 173
Battle of Britain 400
Berlin 295
Biggin Hill 63
Croydon 144
Dunkirk 195
fighter losses 170, 179
speech June 18 1940: 214-16
territorial air force 35
thanks to pilots 339
‘Circuses’ 390, 391, 396
Clayton, Eric 107, 321, 324
Clisby, Leslie 127, 140, 163-4
Clowes, Arthur ‘Taffy’ 128, 130, 137-8, 162
Cobham, Alan 49
Cock, John 143
Coghlan, John 321-2
Collet, George 261
combat 4-5, 154, 197-211, 286-8
head-on attacks 279-80, 304-5
physical strain 370-1
psychological effects 392-4
shooting enemy down 139, 204, 335
under attack 205, 210-11
see also air fighting; dogfights; fighter pilots; losses; shooting
commanding officers 221
Considine, Brian 86, 264
Cooper-Slipper, Tom 369
Corbin, William 319
Cousteau, Jacques 401
Coward, James 244
Cox, David 245, 290, 323, 367
crack-ups 24
Cranwell 30
crash landings 206
see also forced landings
crashing 209, 270
Crook, David 267, 311
Cross, Squadron Leader 124
Crossley, Michael 2, 5, 6, 186, 386, 401
Croydon 3, 279
Crusoe, Flying Officer 162
Cuthbert, Gerald 163
Czernin, Manfred 177, 304-5, 322
Daladier, Alain 166
Darley, George 223-4, 250, 275
David, Dennis 49, 57, 60, 61, 66, 68
Bader 323
Dewar 324, 334
exhaustion 174
Mackworth 164
post war career 400
refugees 167
Davis, Carl Raymond 308
Dawbarn, Peter 178
Dawson, Joe 76, 223
de Grunne, Comte Rudolphe de Hemricourt 241
death 24, 54, 208, 309-13
accidental 100-1
see also losses
Deere, Alan 50, 56, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67
54 Squadron 290, 386
1939 Sept: 108
1940 Aug: 279
crash landed 237-8
Distinguished Flying Cross 228
Dowding and Park 385
Dunkirk 182, 183-5, 190, 191-3
Gribble 284
gunnery practice 92
leadership 202, 317
Manston 282, 356
Munich crisis 88
night flying 117
post war career 400
publicity 388
Rhubarbs 391
sandbags 99
survival 397
tactical training 90, 110
war, attitude to 98, 314-15
Defiants 248
deflection shooting 93
Demozay, Jean ‘Moses’ 178
Detling 276
Devitt, Peter 264, 331, 336
Dewar, Johnny 324, 334
Dibden, George 163
dispersal 285
Doe, Bob 50, 55-6, 57, 66, 290-1
dogfights 154, 211
see also combat
Donaldson, Teddy 336, 338
Donne, Michael 155
Dornier, Claude 255
Douglas, Sholto 385, 390
Douglas-Jones, E.A. 189
Doutrepont, George 364
Dowding 4, 106
1940 May: 165
1940 Sept: 348, 349, 360, 372
‘Barking Creek’ episode 109
Bartley’s wedding 402
Channel Battle 234, 236
character 238-9
Dunkirk 182, 187
France 126, 129
headquarters 111
Hurricane win
dscreens 132
nickname ‘Stuffy’ 238
Norway 123
pilot numbers 288
Polish pilots 242
re-forming Fighter Command 216-18
replaced 385
Spitfire armament 244-5
squadron rotation 356, 359-60
strategy 159, 166, 265, 293, 355
Dowding, Derek 238
Down, Peter 105, 337-8
Drake, Billy 49, 55, 64, 65, 94
1940 May: 149-50, 160-1
Arenfeldt 175
character 128
combat 141, 149-50, 160-1, 172
convalescence 218
Frankenberger 131
Munich crisis 88
politics 97
post war career 400
return to operations 376
training foreign pilots 239-40
women 340
Drem 117
drinking 23-4, 327-8, 331
Drobinski, Boleslaw ‘Ski’ 335
Drummond-Hay, Peter 76-7, 311
Duke-Woolley, Raymond 225
Dundas, Hugh ‘Cocky’ 77-8, 395
616 Squadron 297
combat 209-11
Dunkirk 194, 195
games 103
Moberly 297-8
post war career 401, 403
Spitfires 83
Dundas, John 76, 275
Dunkirk 181-96
Dunning-White, Peter 318, 333
Dutton, Roy 206
Duxford 64, 84
Dymond, William 322
Earp, Richard 124
Edge, Geoffrey 374
Edge, Gerry 304
Edgerton, H.J. 3, 4
Edridge, Hilary 200, 212, 382-3
Edwards, Gus 377
Edwards-Jones, Humphrey 85
Elkington, Tim 5, 264
Ellington, Sir Edward 41
Elliot, Robert Deacon 308
England, seen from air 405
entertainment 102-3, 117, 329-31
escort duties 390, 391
Evershed, Pilot Officer 237
exhaustion 171, 211, 284, 314, 337
eyesight 201
Eyles, Sergeant 377
“The Father of the Royal Air Force” see Trenchard
fear 209, 336-7, 338
Fenwick, Charles 105, 229
Ferriss, Henry 279
‘The Few’ 400
Fighter Area Attacks 90
fighter boys 4, 400
see also fighter pilots
Fighter Command 111-12, 216-18, 293, 390
see also losses; RAF
fighter pilots 4-8, 13, 60
breakdowns see crack-ups
German 253-62
image 97
numbers 234, 241-2, 288, 386
Polish 239-40, 242, 334, 364
successful qualities 247-8
see also combat; fighter boys; sergeant pilots
‘finger four’ formation 305-6
Fink, Johannes 233-4, 271, 273, 351-2
Finlay, Don 72
Finucane, Paddy 99, 118, 335, 340, 389, 391, 396, 397
fire 207
Fiske, William Meade ‘Billy’ 99, 280
Fisser, Johannes 267
fitting in, squadron life 65-7
Flanagan, Sister 23
Flavell, Geoffrey 335
Fleming, Robert 355
Flinders, John 107
flying 6-7, 48-50
altitude 377
formation 90
Hurricanes 82-3
learning 57-61
night 116-17, 249-50
Spitfires 85-7
tactics 89-91, 305
see also training
Flynn, Errol 53
Focke-Wulf 190s 394
forced landings at sea 270
see also crash landings
foreign airmen 239-42, 386
formation flying 90
Foster, Robert 74
Foxley-Norris, Christopher 74, 78, 79
Bader 323
Deere 317
Dowding 239
exhaustion 284
Galland 257
Hurricanes 82
Malan 317
post war career 400
thanksgiving service 399
training 137
war, attitude to 264
wife 302
France 126-46
Frankenberger, Arno 131
Fredman, Lewin 147
Freeborn, John 107-8, 183, 204
Freeman, Wilfred 85
friends 325, 382
Fullard, P.F. 152
Gallagher, O.D. 136, 252
Galland, Adolf
1940 May: 158
1940 Jul: 261, 262
Bird-Wilson 377
early career 256-7
Luftwaffe 259
Moelders 258
post war career 403-4
promotion 293
Schöpfel 260
strategy 292
Gamelin, Maurice 157, 166
Garton, Pilot Officer 237
George V, King 15
George VI, King 216, 228
Gifford, Patsy 113, 114, 169
Gilbert, John 222
Gillam, Denys 68-9, 284-5, 290, 298, 299, 338, 396, 397
Gillies, John 188
Gleave, Tom 286-7, 295
Gledhill, Geoffrey 289
Gleed, Ian 208
Goering, Hermann 148, 181
1940 Aug: 271, 276
1940 Sept: 348
Channel Battle 233
fighter numbers 216
Galland 257
London 295, 351, 354
losses 283
Luftwaffe morale 375
plans 260, 292-3
going in 209
Gossage, Air Vice-Marshal 144
Gracie, Jumbo 246-7
Graham, Ted 231, 278
Gravesend 117
Gray, Colin 182
Great War 10-26
Greenwood, John 264
Grey, Colin 261
Gribble, George 185-6
Grice, Douglas ‘Grubby’ 5
Grice, Richard (Dick) 102, 216, 277, 308, 325, 328
Grider, John 23
Grierson, Sir James 9
Grosvenor, Lord Edward 35
ground crews 69, 179, 281, 321
groups 111-12
10 Group 111, 316
11 Group 112, 152, 181-2, 293-4, 316, 362
12 Group 102, 112, 294-5, 316
13 Group 112
Gundry, Kenneth 274-5
guns, range 132-3
Halahan, P.J.H. ‘Bull’
1 Squadron 127, 141, 166, 174
1940 May: 158
character 133
combat 153, 158
crashed Heinkel 173
Hurricanes’ armour 132
publicity 136
Hall, Roger 91
Halton Park 30, 72
Hancock, Pat 54, 65, 94-5, 173, 176
Hanks, Peter Prosser 127, 141, 142, 163, 174, 208
Hargreaves, Norman 377
Harvey, Len 219
Hastings, Sir Patrick 108
Haw, Charlton 73, 104, 218-20
Hawker Aircraft 42-4
Heap, Edith 5, 341, 342, 343-7, 380, 404
Heinkel, Ernst 255
Hemingway, John ‘Paddy’ 156
Higgins, William 6
Higginson, Taffy 247
Hill, Howard 377
Hill, John 172
Hill, Roderic 14
Hillary, Richard 78-9, 96, 98, 380
Hitler 40, 113, 181, 232, 257, 265, 295, 351
Hoare, Sir Samuel 35
Holden, Eustace 291-2
Holland, Bob 329, 369
Holmes, Ray 365-6
Hood, Hilary 321
Hoppe, Victoria 146
Hornchurch 61-2, 67, 99
Houghton, Oliver 6
Howell, Jack 158
Hughes, Joan Lovell 302
Hull, Caesar 10
Hulton-Harrop, Cyril 155
Hulton-Harrop, Montague 107
Hunt, Douglas 319
Hurricanes 43-4, 87, 303, 381
armour 132
flying 82-3
France 128-9, 179
propellers 134-5
publicity 83
service, first in 81, 83
Hutchinson, Ian 320, 326, 333
IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) 110
Inglis, Donald 19-20
Inskip, Sir Thomas 46
invasion threat 213, 232, 360, 373, 375
Irwin, C.A. 189
jargon 327
Jeff, Robert Voase 143
Jefferies, Jerrard 342
Jodl, General 351
Johns, George 72, 325
Johns, W.E. 52-3
Jones, Ira 19
Joyce, Frank 164
Ju 87s (Stuka) 160, 283
Junkers, Hugo 255
Kain, ‘Cobber’ 135-6, 137, 175-6, 228
Kain, Judy 228
Keitel, Field-Marshal 384
Kendal, John 319
Kent, Johnny 57, 387-8
Kerr, Deborah 402
Kesselring, Field-Marshal 265, 274, 355
Kilmartin, John Ignatius ‘Killy’ 99, 131
confession 155-6
early career 127
France 134, 140, 141, 162, 174
OTU, Aston Down 218
post war career 403
return to operations 376
Kingaby, Don 319
Kingcome, Brian 51, 60, 61-2, 68, 69
92 Squadron 304, 387
1939 Sept: 109
accidental deaths 101
Channel Battle 250
character 322-3
combat 202, 203, 205, 287
dead German 333-4
Dunkirk 182, 188, 189, 190, 193
Hurricanes 87
leadership 202
Macneal twins 328
morale 316
post war career 402-3
shooting 203
shot down 378, 387
Spitfires 86, 87
Stukas 254
tactical training 91
war, declaration of 105
Kitty (Vigors’ girlfriend) 102
Klipsch, Paul 188
Korda, Alexander 121
Kreipe, Werner 234, 404
Lamberty, Rudolf 302-3
Lane, Brian ‘Sandy’ 221
Langley, Gerry 220
Layton, Rose 389
Leathart, James ‘Prof’ 183, 184, 185-6, 189, 228, 237, 238
Lee, Dickie 156
Leigh-Mallory, Trafford 102-3, 294, 295, 385, 390
Leng, Maurice 175, 320
Lesley (Kingcome’s wife) 403
Lewis, Cecil 12, 13, 16, 22, 24, 26
Lewis, David 100
Lincoln, Earl of 76, 77
Linney, Anthony 193
Lister, Robert 387
Lloyd George 15, 28
Lock, Erick 220
London 282-3, 295, 350-3, 356, 357, 365, 368, 371
Longcroft, C.A.H. 32
lookouts 140
Loraine, Eustace 11
Lorimer, Lawrie 140, 163, 164
losses 217, 248, 276, 293, 314, 354, 372, 390-1, 398
266 Squadron 309
501 Squadron 308, 309