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The Snowflake Trilogy

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by J. J. Jones






  When a man points a gun to her head and orders her to drive Tanisha fears for her safety.

  But little does she know, he is not actually a man...but a Werebear.

  Logan is one of a rare breed. A handsome bear shifter that can take on a Polar Bear appearance and the last of his kind. He is being hunted by the FBI who claim he is a danger to society. But he claims the opposite.

  Can Tanisha trust this musclebound, mysterious stranger? And is there more to this situation then meets the eye?

  Tanisha has no idea that she is about to go on a journey filled with sex, romance action and adventure with twists and turns she will never have believed.

  Copyright Notice

  JJ Jones

  The Snowflake Trilogy © 2014, JJ Jones


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.


  #1 Touched By The White Bear

  #2 The Secrets Of The White Bear

  #3 The White Bear Revelation

  Other Popular JJ Jones Stories

  Dating The White Wolf

  A brilliant Interracial Werewolf Romance Story (BWWM)...

  When Camille is asked out by the wealthy and mysterious Richard Marquis, she is warned by her girls that dating a white man will never work. However, she finds herself strangely drawn to his aura and she can not say no.

  This is definitely going to be a new experience for Camille. Little does she realize, she is not only going to be dating a white man, but dating the white wolf that lives inside him as well....



  When the mysterious Alistair appears from nowhere to rescue cute African American girl Wyn from being attacked, she is intrigued to find out exactly who this mystery man is. Alistair insists on taking care of her and ensuring her safety from that moment forwards which deepens her intrigue and also her attraction for this mysterious stranger.

  Especially as he already knows her name and EVERYTHING about her....





  “How is that you always have dates with hot guys?” I asked.

  “It’s not that I always have dates with hot guys, Tanisha,” my best friend, Chantel, laughed, “it’s that I always make opportunities to meet hot guys, and they conveniently seem to ask me out.” We both laughed.

  After we both stopped laughing I became a little more serious. “I mean it though,” I took a drink of my beer. “It seems like every weekend, you are going out with someone, and don’t try and deny that he’s always good looking.”

  “I won’t deny it.” She waved me off as she took a drink. “But Tanisha, you’re just hung up on the fact that you can only date black dudes. You gotta step out of your comfort zone, and give other guys a chance,” she looked around the bar.

  “That’s not fair,” I tried to defend myself a little.

  “Okay, then. Tell me the last time you dated somebody that wasn’t black,” Chantel looked back at me in the eye.

  I stopped and tried hard to think about it for a minute. I couldn’t think of anybody. She had me.

  “See I told you. Just take a minute and look around the bar. Tell me of the guys you see, who around us would you date?” Chantel waited while I looked around the bar.

  I studied the men seated through out the bar. No one in particular stood out to me. Maybe it was an off night for the bar, or maybe Chantel had a point. I needed to think about what I defined as attractive.

  “Anything? Anyone?” Chantel broke my train of thought and snapped her fingers in front of my face.

  “Not really,” I smiled in defeat, “sorry.”

  “Admit it,” she whirled back around to look down at the table, “I’m right then.”

  “Yes, Chantel,” I conceded to her, “you’re right.”

  “Ah, it’s like music to my ears,” she smiled back to me.

  “I’ve just been screwed over so many times, it’s hard to continue to put myself out there over and over again, ya know?” I said becoming a little more serious.

  “Of course it is, but that’s all part of the game. We have to put ourselves out there again and again in order to find the right person. If you’re not willing to take the risk, then you’ll never find the right guy.” Chantel looked over to me and winked.

  “I’m just ready to give up trying to find the right guy and wait for him to find me. Can I do that?” I asked.

  “Well I suppose you could have that attitude, but it puts a lot of pressure on him to make all the right decisions and moves to find you? I’m not sure that’s the easiest course to finding Mr. Right, although no one is stopping you from doing it.”

  “All I’m saying is that when the timing is right, we’ll find each other, like fate or destiny or whatever,” I suggested.

  “You believe in that?” Chantel asked.

  “Well yeah, kind of,” I replied.

  “Well if you believe that fate will bring you together, then I suppose you can sit back and relax and enjoy your life relying on fate to do the work for you,” Chantel smiled at me. “As for those of us that believe we need to do a little work on our end in order to help fate along, we resort to things like online dating.”

  “Oh hell no,” I stuck my hand in the air.

  “Hey don’t knock it before you try it. It’s not what it used to be. I know that when it first came out like ten years ago there was all this stigma about online dating, but it’s not so bad. There are lots of good guys, great guys actually on there.” Chantel defended online dating.

  “Whatever, knowing my luck, I’d probably get kidnapped or something with my very first date,” I smiled and laughed.

  Chantel laughed and we continued to drink and chat about work and other things.

  A few minutes later Chantel’s phone rang.

  “Oh, I’ve got to take this,” she called, “it’ll just be a sec,” she ran outside where she’d be able to hear the person on the other end.

  I continued to look around the room trying to keep my perspective open as I inconspicuously checked out the guys around the room. I patiently waited for Chantel to come back while I glanced around the room. No one in particular caught my attention, and I resented to believe that maybe Chantel was right. Maybe I was too picky or too narrow-minded. Perhaps I needed to broaden my horizons.

  I could see as Chantel walked back into the bar that she was feeling a little sheepish.

  “What is it?” I said as she walked back up to our table.

  “I know you’re going to kill me,” she started.

  “But…” I pushed her.

  “But there’s this guy I met last night,” she looked down to the floor, “and he just called. I really wanted to meet up with him, and he can’t meet up the rest of this week because he’s leaving town, so tonight’s the only night we can get together.” She looked at me with those pleading kind of eyes that made me feel extremely guilty for wanting to ask her to stay.

  “Alright go ahead, but you owe me,” I said.

  “I know,” her voice exploded with excitement. “You are the best. We’ll catch up tomorrow. Hey maybe this is the opportunity you need. Stay here for a little while. Meet someone?”

/>   “Ah, whatever. Just go before I change my mind,” I waved her off.

  I watched her practically run out the door. For a second I thought about leaving the rest of my drink and leaving as well, but decided against wasting a perfectly good beer. I settled into my seat and drank the rest of my beer before deciding to leave.

  I didn’t drink too fast either. People watching was one of my favorite pastimes. I let my eyes wander through out the room, wherever the noise drew them, not lingering too long on one place so as to not draw attention to myself. I had no intention of making any connections with any other guys. I just wanted to finish my beer and go home.

  I fumbled with my keys as I approached my car. I wasn’t excited about driving home. It was cold and since my car had been sitting outside for a few hours, I knew the heater wouldn’t be warm immediately. My drive home wasn’t too long, so by the time I arrived home, it still probably wouldn’t be warm.

  I didn’t drive the nicest car in town, and envied those that had key less entry to their cars. I still had to put my key into the lock in order to unlock my car. I got in the car and tossed my purse onto the passenger seat. I tried blowing air into my hands to keep them warm as I put the keys into the ignition. I definitely felt a colder chill then normal in the air.

  Then I felt something touch the back of my head. It was hard and cold.

  “Put your hands on the wheel,” his voice was low and quiet but with really deep.

  I obeyed not knowing what else to do. “I don’t have much money,” I said my voice shaky. “But you can have everything I have in my wallet,” I started to reach for my purse.

  “Hands on the wheel,” he said a little more aggressively. “I don’t want your money. Money doesn’t concern me.”

  I started to wonder what he wanted and became more nervous, feeling my palms begin to sweat. If a man is waiting in your car for you and does not want money it is usually one other thing. I looked up at the rear view mirror trying to get a look at him. It was too dark to see much. He also wore dark clothing and a hood up over most of face that made it mostly impossible to see most of his face.

  “You’re going to drive and follow my directions. There’s no use screaming or resisting, I’ll just kill you. In case you hadn’t figured it out yet,” he pushed harder against my skull, “this is a gun.”

  My entire body tensed at the word gun and I felt myself begin to panic.

  “I don’t want any trouble. I don’t want to hurt you. I just need a little ride out of town. Understand?”

  I nodded my head.

  “Alright,” he still spoke very quietly, his voice low and gruff. “Drive out of the parking lot and turn left, taking the two-lane highway that will lead you out of town.”

  “I don’t think I have enough gas to get us very far,” I said trying to think of any reason for us to stop somewhere.

  “I took the liberty of taking care of that already. You have a full tank, sweetheart,” the way he spoke the term of endearment sent chills up the back of my spine. Something about him was different. I wanted to be scared and nervous, but I wasn’t. Somehow he seemed genuine, like he really didn’t want to hurt me, only that he wanted to get out of town. It seemed crazy to think that way, but there was something about his voice, something that I had never encountered before. How had he broken into my car without leaving a scratch? And how did he fill up the tank? If I was being kidnapped he was probably the most polite kidnapper to have ever existed.

  “Oh, okay,” I put the car into reverse and drove out of the parking lot. I stopped at the exit and contemplated what I was about to do. If I turned right, I would head back into town and possibly find someone who could help me. If I turned left, I would be heading out of town and most likely away from any help.

  “Left, remember, we are going left,” his voice called from the back seat.

  I turned left. I didn’t know if I just sealed my fate forever, or if I had saved it, but regardless, I knew that things were about to change for me.


  We drove in silence for a while. I tried to think of anything to say. I wanted to make conversation with this guy. I knew that in everything I had ever been told about these kinds of situations, I needed to make him see me as a person, as a real human being in order to help him question whether or not he should kill me.

  But the other thing I couldn’t do was get in a position where I could identify him later, because then he would have to kill me in order to protect himself. I sat there driving and debated back and forth about what I could say to him. Finally I just started talking out of nervousness.

  “So where am I driving to?” I asked.

  “Somewhere outside of town,” he said allusively.

  “Alright,” I said. “So my name is Tanisha.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Tanisha,” he said with a little sarcasm in his voice.

  “Well I figured if we’re going to be road-tripping together for a while, we might as well get to know each other a little.” I said trying to lighten the mood a little.

  “Well I guess that is a positive attitude, Tanisha. I’m not sure what my real name is to be honest, but my friends call me Logan, so I guess you can call me Logan.”

  “You don’t know your real name?” I asked intrigued.

  “It’s a long story,” Logan said sighing.

  “It sounds as though we have a long car ride,” I said looking back in the rear view mirror.

  “Another time perhaps,” Logan said with a sense finality telling me not to push the issue.

  Silence spread between us, and I drove in the night filled with the adrenaline of everything that had happened. I wasn’t sure if this man sitting in my backseat was going to kill me, rape me or step out of my car and walk away when all this was over. I was completely intrigued by his story and couldn’t help but wonder what would put him in the situation we were currently facing.

  “Alright,” his voice startled me. “Pull over here.”

  I pulled the car over to the side of the road and waited for further instructions.

  Logan clamored his way up into the passenger’s seat and sat across from me.

  “Tanisha,” he started. “Like I told you before, I don’t want any trouble. Here is $5,000 for your trouble so far.” He handed me a wad of bills.

  I was floored. I couldn’t think of anything to say. He really is a polite kidnapper. This was the most bizarre night of my life.

  I was finally able to get a good look at him. He was incredibly handsome. His skin was extremely fair, more fair than your typical white guy, but it was a smooth cream color. His jaw line was firm and strong, giving him the athletic and toned look, automatically drawing me to him. His hair was dark and course, which he kept shaggy and messy.

  With the money in my hand, I wasn’t exactly sure what was coming next. Was I free to drive away? I wasn’t completely sure. I know I wanted to know more.

  “Tanisha,” he spoke again, “now you know I am genuine, I will give you another $5,000 if you’ll do me a favor. I need more help and you can help me. There are some people after me, which will make it hard for me to be seen anywhere. So I can’t get a place for the night. If you’ll check me into a hotel, using your name and money, I’ll give you the additional $5,000.”

  I stopped to think for a minute about his proposal. I already had the first five thousand, which for me was a lot of money. I didn’t feel threatened by him anymore, so I felt like I was strongly considering his second proposal. He didn’t seem dangerous at least to me. I felt that if he was going to do anything to me, he would have done it already. The only nagging thing that was eating away at me was the fact that someone or a group of people were after him, and if that was true, then there had to be something about him that was bad.

  But in the end, I decided that an additional five thousand dollars would be really nice and my instincts were telling me that everything would work out okay. Then again I did not want to see what would happen if I did refuse.
r />   “Alright,” I said looking over to Logan. “I’ll do it. Let’s find a hotel.”

  “I’ve got one picked out,” Logan replied. “It’s just down the road, not far from here.”

  We drove down the road and parked. Logan stayed in the backseat, trying to stay hidden from anyone else while I checked in using my I.D. and cash.

  “Hi, can I get a room?” I asked the front desk manager.

  “Yeah, sure. Just for one?” he replied staring at a computer screen.

  “Uh, yeah just one,” I glanced around noticing a small television playing in the corner.

  I immediately noticed that an emergency message was playing interrupting the regularly scheduled program. I couldn’t hear the announcer speaking, but pictures of Logan flashed multiple times on the screen with the banner “FBI Manhunt” running across the screen.

  My word, what have you got yourself into Tanisha?


  “Cash or card?” the clerk asked bringing my attention back to the front desk and away from the television.

  I turned a little disheveled from seeing Logan on the news. “Oh, yeah, sorry. Uh, cash.” I fumbled through my purse and wallet to get the cash I needed to pay for the room. Almost bringing out the wad of $5000 in front of the man due to my nervousness.

  “You all right?” he asked as I struggled to get the money together.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. I think I’m just a little tired. It’s been kind of a long night,” I replied finally regaining my composure and handing him the money. I gave him a reassuring smile and waited for the keys to the room.

  “I can understand that,” he said pulling out the keys to the room. “Alright, you’re in room #6. It’s just down that way,” he pointed down to the left. “Check out is at eleven in the morning. If you need anything let me know. I’ll be here all night, just call or stop by.”


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