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The Snowflake Trilogy

Page 9

by J. J. Jones

  “Wait, you said ‘us,’” I stopped him.

  “Yes, that’s right,” Logan continued. “I did say us, because I was captured and trained as well, but let me get to that part.”

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Oh, don’t be sorry, I’m just not quite there yet.” Logan continued. “Before I knew your Dad, he trained werewolves. But then the agency became greedy and decided they wanted to have an army that was truly unbeatable, so they wanted werebears. I am not trying to brag, but werebears are much stronger and much more powerful than werewolves, plus we are harder to kill. There are fewer of us, but we would make a more powerful army. So there was a push to catch and train us.”

  Logan sighed and looked out the window reflectively before continuing.

  “As your Dad was training a werebear, despite all his protective clothing and efforts, he was bitten and was turned. He became a shifter. He left the agency almost immediately and went into hiding himself. He left you and your mother even though it broke his heart to do so. He knew that if he stayed around the agency would find him and kill you all. It was easier to leave and stay away to protect you.”

  I felt tears sting my eyes. I wasn’t sure why. This man that I had never met had left my mom and me to protect us. “Did my mom know?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure, probably not, though. Your Dad probably told her minimal in case the agency came asking questions. Then she wouldn’t know enough to tell them anything. It would keep her safe. Your Dad loved you both very much.” Logan continued to drive in silence.

  “So where do you fit in the picture then?” I asked.

  “Your Dad helped me Tanisha,” Logan explained. “The story of our meeting is for another time and place, but in a nut shell, your Dad trained me to be the best shifter on the outside. He trained me to stay away from the agency. Because he had worked for the agency he knew how to avoid the agency. He knew their tactics and the kinds of things they would be looking for in order to find me. He taught me how to be aware of them in order to stay away from them. He also taught me how to resist them if I was ever caught, which I was about a year ago. Thanks to your Dad’s training, me along with about ten other werebears were able to escape from the training camp and rejoin the ‘real world’ and I have been on the run ever since. I owe your Dad my life.”

  I felt a twinge of jealousy pierce at my heart as I realized my father had been more of a parent to Logan than he had ever been to me. I knew that I shouldn’t feel that way, but deep inside me I knew it was true. I tried to shake the feeling, but it wouldn’t go away. I pushed it deep down into my gut and ignored the ache it left pulsating in my gut.

  “Your father asked me to protect you, and I will do everything in my power to protect you in every situation that we come across, but as we have seen in our journey so far together, we won’t always be together and I can’t protect you from everything.” Logan pulled off the side of the road and onto a dirt path.


  We drove for a few minutes. The GPS started babbling directions to reroute us back to my father’s address. Logan was frustrated with the GPS and eventually just turned it off.

  I was confused at what was happening and sat quietly in the passenger’s seat waiting for whatever Logan had planned next on our adventure. He finally pulled off the side of the dirt road and turned off the engine.

  “Have you ever shot a gun before, Tanisha?” Logan looked over to me.

  “Hell, no,” I replied shocked.

  Logan smiled. “Well, you need to learn. The men we are fighting against now, will not care that you are not a shifter, that you are female and that you are unarmed or have never fire a gun before. Come on, let’s practice.”

  I stepped out of the car and tried to picture myself shooting a gun. It couldn’t be that hard right? Lots of women shoot guns. And it looks really easy in movies, so it can’t be too hard.

  Logan opened up the back door to the car and inside a special bag he pulled out a whole arsenal of weapons he had stored back there. I couldn’t believe how many guns he had. I hoped he wasn’t going to make me shoot them all. There was a nice small one that seemed like it would be easy enough to shoot. That was the one I hoped he was bringing out for me. But much to my dismay that one stayed in the case and he grabbed several other much larger ones instead.

  The first he handed to me felt like it must have weighed a hundred pounds when he handed it to me. I almost dropped it to the ground.

  “You’re not serious?” I asked looking up at him.

  “It’s a modified shot gun, Tanisha. And yes, I’m serious. You don’t even have to aim really. As long as you are shooting in the general direction of your target, you’ll be okay. I know it’s a little heavy, but trust me, this gun is worth learning to shoot, because you don’t have to have good aim. You get eight shots with this one, too before it needs to be reloaded, so go ahead and shoot all eight bullets at your target.”

  “What should I shoot at?” I asked trying to swing the gun up to my shoulder for better balance.

  “Woah, well not me for starters,” Logan quickly moved out of the barrel’s line of sight as I swung the barrel around.

  “Sorry,” I said embarrassed.

  “It’s okay. Just be careful with those things. They are loaded and ready to go. Why don't you try shooting that big tree stump over there. See the one I’m talking about?” he pointed to a dead tree stump not too far away.

  “I don’t even know how to hold a gun?” I looked to Logan.

  He walked over and stood behind helping me. I could feel the warmth of his body against mine as he helped to show me how to rest the gun against my shoulder. The heat of his breath ran against my skin giving me goose bumps as he gave me instructions in my ear. He rested his hand against my hip and held my body in place, showing me how to hold my posture and keep the gun rested against my shoulder. The feel of his body and his warmth sent shivers through me. The last thing he did was wiggle small ear plugs into each of my ears. It tickled.

  “Are you ready to shoot?” he mouthed as he reluctantly moved away from me.

  “Yeah okay, I’m ready,” I mouthed back feeling alone.

  I rested the butt of the gun up against my shoulder like Logan had shown me and closed one eye aiming the barrel at the tree stump. I took a deep breath knowing the sound would be loud and pulled the trigger.

  I continued pulling the trigger counting silently in my head until I reached the number eight and just to make sure I pulled the trigger again and felt the trigger catch indicating I was out of bullets. My ears were ringing from the deafening sound of the gunshots. Even though Logan had put in the earplugs, I was still feeling the effects of the loud shots.

  I looked over to Logan, he was pointing to the tree trunk.

  I carefully sat down the gun and together we walked over the trunk to see how I had done hitting my target. The trunk was demolished. Logan smiled as I looked pretty satisfied with my work.

  “Wow,” I said. “I don’t think that trunk survived much of anything.”

  “That’s the beauty of the shot gun,” Logan said. “That’s why it’s a good weapon. You don’t really have to be a good shot with it, but it gets the job done. Should we try something a little more challenging and see just how good of a shot you are?” he asked raising his eyebrows.

  “Bring it on,” I said feeling up to the challenge.

  “Alright ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the glock 40.”

  We walked back down to where the guns were stashed, and Logan brings out a handgun for me to try. It’s not a small handgun, but it isn’t really large either. It fits in my hands okay.

  “So this gun has thirteen rounds in it. Most of the time I keep it loaded and ready to go as well. If you need to check if it is ready to go, this is how you check,” he racks he back and shows me how to see if there is a bullet in the chamber. “Now you try.”

  He hands the gun to me and I try to pull back on the slide, but struggle to pull back h
ard enough. I’m a little nervous, too.

  “Come on, Tanisha. Put some muscle into it,” Logan coaxes me. “Pull hard. Put one hand here,” he reaches and guides one of my hands to the handle of the gun. “This will help you steady the gun in your hand. And place your second hand here on the barrel.”

  He guides my second hand up on top of the gun on the barrel to slide the barrel back to see if there is a bullet already in the chamber. “Now that your hands are placed here, you can slide back the barrel and see if there is a bullet in the chamber. Just make sure your finger isn’t on the trigger. I know that it feels natural to rest it there, but refrain. Instead rest it here along the side.” He shows me where to rest my finger. His hands and fingers are rough and worn. I like to feel the touch of his hands on my own.

  Logan pulls his hands away gliding them along my own and then down my arms. “Show me how you can check to see if there is already a bullet in the chamber,” he instructs.

  I obediently rack the gun back and check for a bullet.

  “Good job.”

  “I have a good teacher,” I smile up at him. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

  “Okay, let’s shoot this one.”

  We pick a new target, a tree only about ten feet away. I line up to shoot.

  “Wait, let me help you,” Logan stops me.

  He steps up behind me. Bending down he helps to widen my stance by placing his own leg in between mine and push against my leg on either side. The touch of his leg against my own brings our bodies close to one another. “You want your legs to be about a shoulder’s width apart – it will help with balance while you shoot,” he whispers into my ear.

  I bring the gun out in front of me and prepare to shoot again, but before I can, I feel Logan wrap his arms around me. He pulls the gun closer to my body. “Don’t straighten your arms all the way. It will make the recoil worse. If you keep your arms bent just a little, you will feel the recoil from each shot less,” he helps me hold the gun in toward my body with my arms bent, “like this.”

  “Okay show me what you’ve got,” Logan slowly backs away from me.

  I tried not to move from the position Logan had left me in as I pulled the trigger. I let six bullets fly from the gun before stopping to see how I’d done.

  We walked forward to look at the tree. Not a single bullet had hit the tree. Part of me wasn’t surprised, but I couldn’t help but be disappointed.

  “It’s your first time shooting, Tanisha,” Logan said pulling me into a hug, “don’t feel disappointed, “I just want you to start feeling comfortable with guns. We’ll continue shooting and you’ll get better. I don’t expect you to shoot between the eyes on your first day. That would be incredible.”

  “I know,” I said still feeling a little down but doing my best not to show it.

  We turned around and started to make our way back toward the rest of our things. Logan stopped and I could tell something was wrong.

  “Logan, what’s the…” I started but Logan hushed me before I could finish my sentence.

  Logan started to move quickly, his eyes darting around the forest looking for something while he crawled on all fours like a bear even though he was still a man. I wanted to say something or to do something, but I stood frozen waiting for something to happen.

  Logan’s senses were far more acute than mine and I knew he was attune to whatever was out there, but I wished he would clue me in, so I could protect myself or him from whatever was coming. But I heard what sounded like thunder coming from behind us a few seconds after Logan had become aware of its presence. I turned to see what was coming.

  I couldn’t imagine what kind of beast could make that kind of noise when it approached. I cowered in fear near a fallen tree hoping I might be hidden from whatever monstrosity was coming for us. I glanced out of my hiding place just in time to see Logan shift to his werebear form just as a massive grizzly bear emerged from the trees snarling and growling. A wild and ferocious grizzly bear. It took one look at Logan and felt the immediate territorial threat and snarled at him snapping its jaw and padding at the ground. Logan moved to all fours and also padded the ground showing he was ready to fight if necessary.

  The grizzly arched back onto its hind legs and roared at Logan. Logan returned the gesture, pulling himself up to his full height on his hind legs and roaring.

  I had to cover my ears as Logan’s roar echoed through out the entire forest. It scared me even a little. I watch in awe as in a moment of respect or honor, the grizzly comes back down off its hind legs and backs up away from Logan before turning and running in the opposite direction conceding the area and land to the what it must assume is a Polar Bear.

  It took me a minute, but I was a little amazed by everything that had just happened.

  Logan shifted back into his human form, and started to walk back to the car. As I came out from my hide spot under the fallen tree, I ran to him.

  “Logan, that was incredible,” I pulled him into me. “it was beautiful and scary and amazing all at the same time.” I felt myself blabbering.

  “I’m glad you thought so,” he laughed a little.

  “I’m being serious,” I said. “It was one of the most incredible things I have ever seen in my entire life. Thank you for letting me be a part of that.” I put one hand on his naked chest and the other on his cheek. “I am so lucky to be a part of your life Logan. Thank you.” For the first time I noticed that Logan was completely naked.

  I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him softly. In that moment I wished that I was already naked, too.

  His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my body close to him. I felt my arousal in the seconds our bodies touched. It had been too long since we had been together. I wanted to feel my skin against his. I needed to feel his touch, his skin, his lips.

  His fingers played with the hem of my shirt as we continued to kiss. I could feel his fingertips brush against my stomach, giving me butterflies and making me want him even more. I felt an ache start to grow in between my thighs.

  Logan continued to tease me. His hands would brush against my breast but never linger too long. He would do the same in between my thighs. He would run his fingers along my panty line, but never let his fingers linger too long in one spot. It was agonizing. I wanted him to touch me, to hold me, and to squeeze me.

  My kisses became more aggressive. I forced my tongue into his mouth and let our tongues intertwine. I put my hands on the small of his back and pulled his lower body into mine grinding our bodies together moaning as the ache became stronger and the need became greater. Logan’s dick was hard and ready for me. I grabbed it and massaged it with my hands. Logan looked upward to the sky and quietly sighed when I touched him.

  “I need you inside me,” I groaned dropping my pants to the ground and letting Logan pull off my shirt.

  Obeying my wish, Logan lowered himself to the ground, while I mounted him. I was ready for him, my pussy wet and swollen. He moaned loudly as his cock slid easily inside. I pulled him in and out going deeper and deeper until it hurt.

  Logan lifted me and together we turned so he could take top. He thrust and moved and pulled my legs up against his chest and pushed against them. With his hands he grabbed my breasts and squeezed until my nipples became hard for him. He leaned down to suck on them while continuing to thrust.

  Using his finger, he danced on my clit to bring me pleasure and build us together. I felt him shifting as we continued building, but he didn’t stop. The heat from his shift only furthered my pleasure.

  “Can we cum together?” he asked in desperation.

  I couldn’t reply, but I grasped at his fur and dug my nails into his skin and hoped that was affirmation enough that I was ready to peak and wanted him to cum with me. I felt his body releasing into mine as I arched my back and released.


  We lay in the grass together for awhile until my heart rate returned to normal. We both knew that it was important to keep moving,
because Lionel, my father, was expecting us that day. And not to mention that we had already taken a fairly long detour to learn about shooting.

  So after awhile, we got up and gathered our things and got back on the road. Aside from the bullet holes in the trees, Logan insisted that we pick up all the bullet casings from our shooting because we don’t want to leave any trace of where we’ve been. I thought that everyone thought we were dead, or at least Logan was dead, but Logan said that you never can be too sure.

  “So what’s my dad like?” I asked as we continue the drive to his house.


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