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Tempting Maggie

Page 3

by KT Morrison

  “It’s doing it again,” she said.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  Maggie smiled at her sketchbook, the sunlight over her shoulder and reflecting off her paper—shining the gloss on her lips and sparkling her eyes. “Seriously,” she said, “make it stop.” Her smile was wider.

  “I can’t. Don’t mention it. Makes it worse.”

  The charcoal resumed its scratching. “Jay, stop. I...don’t want to do that again. I want this to be...professional.”

  “I’ll try,” he said.

  What the fuck were they talking about? What was happening and what didn’t she want to do again?

  There, on the boy named Jay’s thigh, Max could see his penis again. It was curled on his muscular leg, swelling, twisting against the dry skin and nosediving. Jay was getting an erection.

  Chapter Three

  A Squeeze

  Tuesday, September 19th

  His cock heaved off his leg. Getting its own independence and standing away from his body.

  “Ja-ay,” Maggie giggled. She set her pencil flat on her pad and she rested her hands on the paper, looking now straight between his legs. He continued to grow. Bobbing with his heart, growing longer, out from his body but arching down. “God, Jay,” she sighed.

  “Sorry, Maggie,” he laughed, looking down now too. He grew to full hardness, and they both watched. His erect cock was a ramrod straight thing, circumcised, a big swollen glans looking right at his fiancée.

  Watching Maggie witness its astounding transmogrification—with dewy eyes, and breathless voice—did something to Max. Not something he wanted. But as Jay’s cock rose, so did Max’s. A pale imitation, but steel-hard just the same, trapped in his twisted briefs, pressing painfully against its khaki restraint.

  Maggie pulled her bottom lip under her teeth. She whispered, “It’s so big, Jay.”

  “I am sorry, Maggie,” he said, his cock bobbing while he talked.

  “What am I supposed to do now?” she said. Smirking, but there was a tone Max knew, imparting her discommode.

  “Draw around—”

  “I can’t draw around it, it doesn’t work like that, Jay...” She smiled and covered her face with her hands, breathed into her palms then smoothed her hair back. She was blushing, a smile on her lips she couldn’t help.

  “Do it for me, Maggie. You do it this time...”

  “No, Jay...”

  This time?

  “Go on, want to...”

  “No, Jay, I have a fiancé. I love him...”

  “It’s just your hand.”

  He was asking his Maggie to jerk him off?

  She bit her lip, her eyes tilted low, admiring what her model had between his legs. Her eyes massaging his cock all over like she wished her hands could. “I know...I can’t. I just can’t...”

  “I’m sorry,” he laughed lightly, his stomach flexing and that big dusky thing bobbing. “I can’t help it.”

  Maggie said, “I can’t draw it like that. I can’t draw an erection.”


  “We’re not allowed too. It’s...”

  “What? Oppressive...”

  “Something like that.”

  “I’ll try and think of something else, but once I’m hard, I have to come.”

  “You are so hard,” Maggie smiled now, eyes back on this boy’s erection.

  “Touch it.”

  Maggie laughed like a little girl, rocking back against her pillow. “No,” she said in an unconvincing note.

  “Just a little. Poke it with your finger.”

  “I can’t,” she laughed, “you’re being silly...”

  “I want it to go down just like you do, Maggie. You tied my hands up. Tied them because you want to do it. You want to make me come this time—”


  “—Go on. One finger. Touch it. See how hard it is.”

  Maggie’s smile faded, and she watched the thing between Jay’s legs. Contemplated touching another man. She wanted to. She knew she wasn’t supposed to. Max was mad at her. Should be mad at her. But some awful part of him was urging her. Wanting her to touch it.

  She tilted her head, still looking at Jay’s erection, scratching at her neck. Decided then, and in a rush, reached out and she touched his cock with the tip of her index finger. Brought it back right away, hand curled to a fist, and she looked out the window, her mouth twisted up.

  Max’s cock twitched, and he filled with rage and sadness all at once. Couldn’t get up. Transfixed by this awful play. Afraid to walk out now, afraid to miss how bad it would get. “Aw, Maggie,” he sighed.

  Jay said, “Well?”

  “It’s nice. It's really hard.”

  “Do you like it?”

  Her head turned back. Up to his eyes now. “I already told you.”

  “Tell me again.”

  “It’s big.”

  “Don’t you want to hold it?”

  Her eyes lowered between his legs again. “I do.”

  “Make it go down, Maggie. My hands are tied. You tied them...”

  She was thinking again. Chewing the inside of her mouth and frowning while she stared at this other man’s sex organ. She was contemplating this. She wanted to do it, but dumb old Max would be mad. He would leave her for good if she touched him. But some dark sliver in him wondered what her hand would look like wrapped around his big black cock. Something in him wanted her to do it. Wanted her to hold another man. He even pictured her putting her mouth on it like she would with his, and his eyes fluttered and his chest pounded. “Don’t” he whispered in the dark, finding his courage again.

  Her hand went out, hovering in that electric space between her and Jay. Hesitant, worried. Her hand formed a wide cup shape, ready to grip another man’s cock. Her hand flexed. Turned to a fist, then to a C, then back to a fist.

  “I just can’t, Jay. You do it. You do it, and I’ll watch again. I’m sorry. I just can’t. I love my fiancé,” she said, her brows tented in glum resolve.

  Jay groaned, said, “Can you untie me?”

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “Jay, I want to...”

  She stood then, in just Jay’s T-shirt and her panties and bra. She’d been prepared for more today. It was in her. Desire and badness and lust was in his Maggie. She stepped quietly next to Jay. Her eyes were down again, looking at his cock that was practically touching the outside of her thigh. Her hand moved like she would hold it, then whisked back.

  Jay’s cock flexed with excitement, anticipating her touch, his tendons flexing it, pulling that thing up to meet her grasp. Maggie stood next to him, thigh touching his thigh, her hands working now behind his back to loosen him or untie him. Jay’s neck craned, and he was getting a good look at the shape of her ass under the long T-shirt, his eyes traveling lower and working up and down her creamy legs. She undid a knot, pulling one loop of bright pink legging out and tossing it so it hung over the bed frame. She had freed only one of Jay’s arms.

  “Can you try to hold the pose?”

  “While I? ...” He nodded with his chin down to his erection, his eyes still on hers.

  “Don’t lose the pose...or try not to, I already got a good start.”

  “Sure, Maggie,” he said, opening and closing his hand, working some blood back through it after being bound. The muscles in his arm bulged and flexed while he did. He was trying to catch her eye but she wouldn’t look at him. She wasn’t watching his cock either, which was a relief, she was staring at the floor behind the bed.


  “Yeah,” she said, looking towards him now.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” she said again.

  “You going to watch me?”

  She pulled her lip under her front teeth, looking at the floor. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “You want to watch me come?”

  “I do,” she said, grabbing her hair and pushing it back off her face.

  “I want you to watch,” he s
aid, trying to get her eyes again.

  She smiled weakly, their eyes meeting. “Okay,” she said, “I want to watch you come again.”

  “Maggie,” he said as she turned to sit back at the head of the bed. He held his hand out to her, palm up like he was looking for a tip, he said, “Would you spit in my hand?”

  “No,” she giggled quietly.

  “Please, Maggie. Spit in my hand.”

  He posed his hand, unwavering, and she didn’t walk away. She swiveled at the hips, considering what he wanted. He wanted to jerk himself off with her saliva.

  Her eyes were on his cock again, looking at it absently. It was achingly hard, the flared glans plump and shining.

  “Seriously?” she said.

  “Maggie. Spit in my hand.”

  She moaned, looked up at the ceiling, eyes blinking. When her head came back down she’d decided. She ran a lock of hair back, tucking it behind her ear while she leaned forward and pursed her lips. A long white stream of her spit eased from her, a glob falling, trailing a long shimmering strand.

  “Is that okay?” she said. “Is that enough?”

  “I think so,” he said. “Sit down.”

  Jay looked right in Maggie’s eyes as he held the end of his cock, polished his bursting glans with her warm spit. He sighed, deep lusty sounds as he stroked himself for her. He was aggressive. Not with his motion, not yet. With his lust. Staring at her, making sure she was watching. Making sure she knew he was doing it for her. He held her pose for her. Hanging by one arm now. His muscles gleamed in the sun. His abs rippled. His cock was big even in his own hand. What would it look like in little Maggie’s? His hand gripped it, showed her the techniques that made him feel good. Maggie watched. Witnessed the things that would please that big cock. She was smart. She was studying. Learning. She knew now what were this man’s favorite parts of his manhood. The parts that made him moan, the parts that made his eyes close and his lips part.

  Maggie watched every stroke. Eyes going up and down his perfect body, lingering on his hand and how he pleasured himself. It was so intense. Jay's movement on his own cock conjured up precum in Max’s. He felt a warmth spread in his underwear as he started to leak.

  “You like it?” Jay growled.


  “Tell me...”

  Maggie focused on his hand now, watched his cock head poking in and out of his strong grip. She said, “It’s beautiful...”

  “Yeah, Maggie,” he grunted. “Tell me you want it...”

  “No, Jay...”

  “Please, just say it...”

  “I want that cock,” she said, her facing looking a little ill. Eyes glued to it, her throat bulging as she swallowed.

  “Oh fuck, Maggie, ah, that’s good...yeah...spread your legs for me.”

  “No, Jay, no,” she whispered, her brows going up like she might cry.

  “You’re so beautiful, Maggie. I’ll be done in a second if you open your legs.”

  Maggie slumped, her hands came together at her front and she wrung the fabric of the yellow shirt with her fists. She looked up, looked out to the blue sky beyond the window. Slowly her legs parted, but she couldn't look at Jay. Looking across the room, almost at the closet, her legs spread a little wider, then her right leg raised, folded, and she brought it up to the bed, leaning on her hip. Her crotch was exposed. Her black panties visible. Her soft hairy mound just a double layer of cotton away from Jay. She lifted the hem of her shirt higher so he could see her between her legs. Her eyes met his, and Max could see the rosy cast across her cheeks and along her neck.

  “What...” she cleared her throat, swallowed again. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Thinking of that little pussy, how good it would feel wrapped around this cock. How wet you would be, how tight, fuck, Maggie...”

  His words made her eyes close and her head tilt back. Her mouth parted and Max watched her hand come up her thigh, her nails lightly dragging on her own skin. They touched her black fabric, fingertips running the fringe of her panties, threatening to touch herself. Her toes curled and flexed as she came very close to her warm center.

  The room was filled with both of their heavy breathing and the now rapid wet sticky sounds of Jay’s hand on his cock. Maggie was flush and shiny, and she stood up again, her hands crossing over her body and taking a hold of the bottom of the shirt. She peeled it up and off her body, shaking her hair out. Tossed the shirt to the bed, just in a black bra and black panties now. Barefoot in front of a man who was masturbating to her and for her.

  “No, no,” Max whispered, picturing the bra coming off and the panties, and her climbing in this guy’s lap and taking his big cock.

  Jay’s lips pursed, and he exhaled with admiration. “Ooh, shit, Maggie, that body...”

  She stood shyly, afraid to show him, feet pointed inward, her hands clasping in front of her. Bold in the moment she bared herself, now suddenly shrinking.

  “Take your bra off,” Jay said, his pace fast and urgent now.

  “I can’t, Jay. I’m sorry, this is it. Come for me.”

  “You want to watch me come?” he gasped, getting so close.

  Maggie kept her distance, nodded, said, “Show me again.”

  “Did you like...ah, watching me...last time?”

  She nodded again, sucking her lips.

  “Did you think about it when I was gone?”

  She smirked, her lips pulling out of her mouth. She ran her hand through her hair and then she fanned herself. She looked so cute, so beautiful, her body tight and firm, her little breasts pushing her bra out, her nipples poking the fabric.

  Jay said, “You did...didn’t you?”


  “Tell me.”

  “No. Hurry up and come,” she whimpered, her knees dipping and her eyebrows tenting again.

  “Touch my balls...I’m, mm, so close...”

  “No,” she said, her fists clenching, her thighs pressing together and her bare toes pressing on the floor. She leaned at the waist, her hand covered her mouth, and she got closer, her eyes narrowed on Jay’s hand stroking his cock. She looked like she might do it.

  “Just do it, Maggie...hold them while I come...”

  She moved her hand away from her mouth and she said, “I can’t...”

  “Hold them Maggie, it’s just my balls...”

  She sighed, her head fell forward, her hair shaking around her face. Her head snapped up again, with a sharp inhale and her hands smoothing her hair back. Her breasts were thrust out in her bra, and she tied her hair in a loose knot behind her, showing off that elegant neck she had.

  Would she do it? Would she touch this guy’s balls? Hold them and measure their weight? She wouldn’t...

  She moved towards him, her actions all tentative. She stepped close, so their bare legs were touching.

  “That’s it, Maggie,” Jay sighed, his hand rolling and stroking his huge hard cock. Maggie watched. Her hand went out then, slow, moving like she might hold his cock. He slowed his stroke, ready to let her have it if she wanted. Her fingers touched down on his hard belly. His stroking resumed. Maggie watched her own hand feel those bulging muscles of his midsection. Her skin so pale against his caramel skin.

  “Hold my balls while I come, Maggie,” he whispered.

  She sucked her lip, her hand slipping lower, moving from his stomach, past his hip, down the flexing muscles of his thigh. He stroked faster, his breaths coming quick. The first two fingers of her hand straightened, reached til the nails grazed the dark skin of his scrotum.

  “Mm, that’s it, Maggie, please...”

  She stroked her fingers against the skin of his scrotum, then with a clawing motion, her other fingers climbed under his balls til she cradled them in a loose grip.

  “Fuck, Maggie, that’s it, you feel so good. Squeeze them for me, please, Maggie,” he groaned.

  She stood next to him, Jay bent and tied to the bed, one hand free and slipping up and down his shin
ing shaft. Maggie watched intently, watched the glans of his cock bend and ripple with his jerking, watched her own hand cupping his big balls. She lifted them, hefted them. Large impressive testicles. Jay’s head went back, and he winced, getting very close to coming.

  Maggie squished them, gripped them tight, her hand forming a loose fist on his balls. “Ah,” he grunted, “mm, tighter, Maggie.” She complied, her fist growing tighter.

  “Oh, Maggie, oh, that’s it, fuck,” he grunted.

  Maggie flinched as the first shot of come squirted up in the air between them in a long wiggling rope. It arced back and flopped on his glistening body. He grunted and roared and stroked, and semen spewed from him, launching in the air, splashing up his body and onto her bed. Maggie gripped his balls still, and Jay slowed his stroke. Maggie leaned towards Jay, their thighs pressing harder against each other, her toes flexing as her weight came forward. Her lips parted like she would kiss him. Jay saw, his eyes roamed her face, and his lips parted as well.

  Chapter Four


  Tuesday, September 19th

  Maggie bit her lips and inhaled deeply. Semen ran down Jay’s shaft and his knuckles, and he let himself go. Maggie moved her hand away before his semen touched her. She looked at her wrist, front and back, rolling her hand around, making sure she got none on her. Looked down her body too and checked her legs.


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