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Tempting Maggie

Page 16

by KT Morrison

  “Maggie, you are the greatest woman on earth. I mean that from my heart. You're not a slut. You're my fiancée, you're my Maggie.”

  Her lips worked around while she thought about what they’d done. He worried too, worried what his lover might think of him after what she'd seen.

  He asked, “What do you think of me?”

  “I love you,” she said, one corner of her plump mouth coming up in a smile.

  “And what I did...down there?” he said, chin pointing down to their waists.

  Her hand covered his cheek now. She wasn't upset, not happy, somewhere in between, somewhere troubled. She whispered, “It made me come.”

  “Was it good? With Jay?”

  “It was amazing,” she said without smiling.

  “He didn’t wear a condom.”

  “I know,” she said and her thumb ran over his lip.

  “He came inside you.”

  “That was so hot,” she said.

  “We didn’t agree on that.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No. You said you weren’t really going to do it.”

  She shrugged and sighed. “I didn’t think I would.”

  “I knew you would.” He held her wrist while she caressed his cheek. They stared into each other’s eyes, laying on their sides. Communicating something but he wasn’t sure what. They didn’t smile. After a while he realized he was afraid.

  “Sundae,” she said.

  He said, “Sunday? ...what?”

  “I’m hungry,” she smiled now and seeing her lips spread wide and the sunlight shine on their wet made everything better all at once. “Buy me a sundae.”

  His hand stroked her sun-hot arm and he breathed her in, then hugged her to him tight. Felt her warm Maggie flesh press against his. “I would love to,” he said.

  Her lips next to his ear, she whispered, “We should get in the shower...”

  He said, “No. Maggie, is it okay...I want to take you this...”

  “Ew, Max...I’m all...dirty,” she said and chuckled.

  “You’re so hot.”

  “Like this?”

  He screwed his mouth up, afraid to admit it, but he did. “Wear a skirt. Don’t wear panties.”

  “Go out like that?” she laughed.

  “For me,” he said.

  She looked into his eyes again, watching and blinking, but she smiled the whole time and there was a twinkle there. “Okay,” she said.

  Maggie got out of bed and he lay and watched her. Moving around her room, naked and beautiful, she opened drawers and threw items on the bed. She smiled the whole time, putting on a show for him, biting her own lip. She let him watch herself get dressed, pulling on a top with no bra and then a short skirt over her bare sex.

  She scrunched her face up when she squat and picked his clothes off the floor.

  “What?” he said.

  She whispered, “I think I’m still leaking.”

  He groaned and closed his eyes and she threw his balled up clothes onto his face.

  “You have your FarmCard?” she asked him as he sat up and got his clothing sorted.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “Wash my bedding for me. My lover came all over my sheets,” she laughed.

  She stood next to him and hugged his head while he slipped his pants on. His hand went up the inside of her thigh and under her skirt. He felt her wet there, but she closed her thighs against him and she whispered, “Mnnh-mnh.”

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too, Max,” she said to him, still holding his head to her chest. His hand was still clasped between the soft wet insides of her thighs.

  “Are you sore?” he asked her as he stood and balled up her duvet and her sheets.

  “No,” she said. “I feel it. I know I had sex.”

  He threw her things in her hamper and hoisted it to his hip. She held the door open for him, grabbing the handkerchief and tossing it onto her dresser. “Altieri’s?” he asked her as he passed into the hall.

  She nodded and took his free hand in hers as they walked down the hall. “What did you think of Jay’s...” she looked over her shoulder, then whispered so no one would hear, “...Jay’s cock?”

  He raised his eyebrows, said, “It was huge.”

  “I know,” she agreed. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Why? ...cause it’s better?”

  “I don’t know...are you okay with that?”

  “I’m okay,” he said. “You want to fuck him every Thursday?”

  She laughed out loud and she squeezed his hand.

  They went to the laundry room and he swiped his card for her, loaded her dirtied sheets into a washing machine. The laundry was crowded but Maggie got herself close to him and she whispered, “I just said that in the moment. I was worked up.”

  He said, “You don’t want to do that?”

  “I do want to do that. If it’s okay.”

  He looked in her eyes. She was different. She was still turned on right now. That look excited him but it scared the shit out of him too. He wanted that for himself but it took another man to bring it out of her for him. He stared and thought, and her eyes darted back and forth on his. His wrist was held and he looked down. Maggie watched around her shoulders again, a group of students laughing on the couches behind them and over two banks of washers and dryers. Her hands guided his hand up under her skirt and he touched her between her legs. She was warm still, and wet. Labia were drying and stiffening but she was still seeping.

  “Please, Max. You can watch.”

  He nodded.

  They left the laundry to run and she took his hand again and they walked out into the daylight. The sun was shining and warm and the leaves on the trees winked in brilliant color. They headed through the Village and down to Altieri’s, getting a table by the front window. Maggie made a funny face before she sat, scooping her skirt under her bare butt and sitting gently.

  “Feeling it now?” he asked.

  “Starting to,” she laughed.

  They ordered a pitcher of beer, a pepperoni pizza, and two chocolate sundaes. Friends came and went and they waved and said hello. Maggie the whole time sitting there with no underwear, two boys’ semen leaking onto the inside of her skirt. He got hard. Ate his pizza hard. Drank his beer hard.

  When the sundaes came he said, “I want you to do it again.”

  She smiled and scooped ice cream into her mouth, long stainless spoon clicking against her perfect teeth. She held the ice cream in her mouth, frowned and winced at a headache, swallowed, then said, “We’ve got ten months...”

  “You want to have sex with Jay for ten months?”

  She took another scoop up on the spoon and said, “I don’t know,” frowning and shrugging. “Ten months until our wedding...”

  “You still want to marry me?” he joked, but fishing for confirmation.

  She looked at him, bewildered, said, “Max, of course.” She put her hand over his forearm. He placed his over hers.

  He said, “Ten months?”

  “Ten months until I’m a married woman. Ten months to explore the things I never did.” She looked in his eyes now, her face anxious and expectant.

  His hand trembled over top of hers. “Things?”

  “What do you think?” she asked nervously.

  It was his turn to look over his shoulders. He brought her hand down between his legs and she scanned the room as well. Her hand settled on the rock hard erection he’d been nursing since they got here. She stroked the tip of him where it pressed his pants out.

  “A lot of experiences in ten months,” he said.

  “I know,” she said, her eyes leveled on his, her thumb running a circle over his tip.

  He said, “Then you’ll marry me?”

  “I can’t wait,” she said.

  His stomach fluttered as her thumb brought him very close to a public orgasm. “Yeah,” he gasped.

  She pulled herself close to him
and whispered, “I’m going to be so bad, Max. So bad, in ten months you might not want to marry me...”


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  Other Books by KT Morrison

  Losing His Wife Series

  Losing His Wife: Book One

  Losing His Wife: Book Two

  Losing His Wife: Book Three

  Pete and Jess Mapplethorpe have been married for seven years now. They’ve got two wonderful little boys and an Irish Setter. Everyone that knows them would say they are the nicest couple you’d want to meet.

  Well, they might say that Pete can be a bit of a jerk sometimes—but Jess? Regional Grade Three teacher of the year, three years running. Pretty, polite, sensitive, kind and thoughtful…

  It must have been black magic that brought them together…

  Behind closed doors everyone would be shocked at what goes on. They’d never believe the dirty things that sweet Jess might do or say. Pete doesn’t think he has what it takes to please his beautiful wife and they fantasize about larger men taking her and making her happy.

  She’s just starting to discover herself at thirty-five… She wants to make up for lost time.

  They’ve found a handsome, well-built young man to play along. It’s better than they even imagined. Now that they’ve started will she be able to stop? What if she doesn’t want to?

  Her husband loves enduring distressing levels of humiliation and she’s finding a crazy pleasure now in delivering it…

  Losing His Wife 2 Series

  Losing His Wife 2: Box 1

  Losing His Wife 2: Box 2

  Losing His Wife 2: Box 3

  Geoff J. Kane is a successful children’s book illustrator. Ten years ago he married the girl of his dreams. She’d been his best friend and he’d helped her through tough relationships and gave her his shoulder to cry on many nights. Then after two years, she kissed him. Now they’re married and they’ve got a beautiful seven-year-old daughter.

  Nia Kane was a wild one. She liked to have fun and she liked to cause trouble. Everything she did, in the end, blew up in her face, hurt her. One night she realized the best man in her life was sitting with her, telling her it was all going to be okay. She kissed him and it was wonderful and he’s always good to her.

  Their daughter is growing up, she’s away at school now and it seems like it might be a good idea for Nia to return to the workforce. The city isn’t getting any cheaper. She gets a job offer from an old friend. The brother of her very hot ex-boyfriend. She cried on her husband’s shoulder a lot over this guy, back when Geoff was just her buddy.

  Having her ex back in her life stirs up old feelings in both of them. They both like it. There was something exciting about that time when they were twenty. It’s safe now. He’s got her. They can fantasize, right?

  Obsessed Series

  Obsessed: Book One

  Obsessed: Book Two

  Four couples lives intertwine as they explore their erotic boundaries. From simple wife-watching to cuckolding and domination and humiliation, these couples have one thing in common: they all share the same incredible bull. And he is far more than they even expected.

  Mike and Gretch: Not married, but dating for a good long while. Two comedy writers just at the edge of love, that strange and delicate space where the act of sharing can be so dangerous. But they’re two cool cats and they’re sure they’ve got it all locked down. They call her ex-boyfriend from college, Atticus Hawke, a guy who has in the years since their breakup, and before Mike, been a reliable booty call for her.

  Sean and Courtney: Sean’s a Type A stick of dynamite. A rocketing studio exec, competitive and driven, he shares an incredible bond with his gym-toned wife. Courtney is all in for the new game she and her handsome husband have devised. Their ten-year-old daughter is out of the house and away at boarding school. They’ve planned a one-year commitment to one another about honesty, openness, and exploration. They’re going for broke. Their new thing? Sean likes to watch and Court likes to be watched. They’ve found a guy online. He seems too good to be true. A guy called Finch, endowed, muscular, handsome like a fashion model. Courtney’s been working out and she’s going to put this stud through his paces.

  Steve and Becky: Becky’s a headstrong X-Ray technician who landed herself a multi-millionaire tech investor husband thirty years her senior. Steve loves to be dominated and he found the girl of his dreams in Becky. She’s got an iron will and she loves her husband. Loves him enough to lock him in chastity and keep him abstinent for months on end. It’s okay, don’t worry about Becky, she gets a regular visit from a drop-dead gorgeous man named Finch. He keeps her satisfied. Sometimes, if he’s been good, she’ll even let her husband watch.

  JJ and Amy: Two young country bumpkins just arrived in Los Angeles. JJ wants to live a lifestyle he’s only dreamed of and this city is part of it. He’s married to the sweetest little nineteen-year-old outta Jackson Pond, South Carolina and he’s sure she’s on a fast ticket to stardom. She just needs her first big break. While they’re waiting he’s got a fantasy he wants to see lived out. He would do anything to see his little Amy with a man who’s got a big one, one’ll make her scream like those girls he watches on the internet. He found a guy online, one Amy didn’t make her vomit-face at. He’s got everything JJ’s been looking for and, thank the stars, he’s agreed to do it.

  Atticus Hawke: Finch is his online name. His nighttime name. The one he uses on a site that puts him in touch with couples looking for a bull just like him. By day he is Atticus Hawke. You might have heard of him. You know the song from the eighties, ‘Going With That Girl’? No? You’d know it if you heard it. That was Atticus' dad, Ricky Hawke. Yes, that Ricky Hawke. Now you know. Made a bunch of singer-songwriter hits in a time when all the kids wanted pop coming out of synthesizers and their stars to be pretty boys and have colourful hair. Ricky had real talent. So does Atticus. One of L.A.’s hottest emerging Modern artists, his work commands a fortune. But it pales against his enormous trust fund. These days his real work is done at night. His masterpieces. That’s where his passion is. Watching and participating in intense psychological dramas in dark hotel rooms across the city. He gives women what they want. They’re a canvas, a medium. His audience: their husband.

  The Cayman Proxy Series:

  The Cayman Proxy (Box One)

  Mitchell Sutton's family is one of the wealthiest in London. But Mitch is an outsider, the handsome young son who took his own path. He’s in love with a girl from the wrong side of the tracks.

  Kate’s a troubled Council house girl thrown into a lifestyle she never imagined. But she’s more than his dressed up little princess.

  He’s got just about everything she needs. But she’s got a mind full of dark thoughts she can’t escape. And there’s something Mitch can’t give her.

  She needs something his money can’t buy.

  He would do anything for her.

  They hit the hot beaches of Grand Cayman, a reunion with an old friend and a handsome stranger. Passion boils in her blood. Can she make this work or will her desires destroy the man she loves?

  Going A Little Too Far

  You couldn’t picture a sweeter couple than Troy and Emma.

  Troy’s a former Division One college wrestler. A walking water park at two-sixty-five, with shoulders no woman could get her arms around and a set of abs you could scrub laundry on.

  Emma’s a sweet little Georgia Peach. Pretty as can be in her proper dresses; she’s a good girl from a good family that raised her right.

  You couldn’t tell by looking at them that they were two straight-up freaks that loved to push each other’s kinky buttons.

  Emma, with all her book club shyness, loves to be man-handled, loves to be lifted off her feet and dominated. Troy is a monster with a six-hundred-f
ifty pound deadlift and she's like a feather in his arms.

  Troy likes to be humiliated. He knows he doesn't have much 'down there' and he likes his virginal wife to tell him he's no good and she’d have to get what she wanted elsewhere.

  Couple of closet freaks.

  A summer housewarming party on a scorching hot West Texas day puts a gift in their lap. A big, larger-than-life playtoy for Emma to tease her husband with. He wants her to. She wants to do it. But once it starts, where do you stop? What’s going too far?

  Taken While He Watches: On Their Honeymoon

  Ken and Ashley just got married and while money is super-tight they’ve got themselves a weekend getaway in the Honeymoon Suite looking out over the ocean on the sunny Carolina coast.

  The room was a steal. Turns out it’s Bike Week and no one books the Honeymoon Suite during Bike Week. Especially not two dopey white kids from the suburbs.

  A mix-up leaves them in trouble and they don’t know how they can get out of it, don’t even know how they’ll get home. They get some help from their hotel neighbours. A half dozen handsome, muscular, and very wealthy black men.

  Ken’s wary but Ash is all in.

  When they find out she’s saved herself for her special night she becomes the star of the show and they’ll offer anything to help her...

  Ken doesn’t like it but she’s going to do what they ask. She says it’s for their future...

  Taken While He Watches: At The Combine

  Coralee has put her own career on hold to help her husband keep his Sports Podcast afloat. He’s spent eighty grand on his tiny entertainment empire.

  Bobby just needs a big break. His business is a half second away from going belly-up. When their camera captures an XXL wardrobe malfunction by the combine’s star prospect they see an opportunity.

  Coralee will do anything to get an interview with him. She’ll use the video as leverage. She’ll get to this bad boy super-athlete, even if she has to break into the locker room…


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