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The Unmarked Girl (The YaraStar Trilogy Book 1)

Page 3

by Jeanelle Frontin

  Pekone put his hand out, and Yara placed her arm gently into it.

  “This inner fight is for you, Yara. Are you ready?” he asked.

  Yara nodded confidently.

  “Don’t forget: choose your memory, your anchor, now. Once I inject you with the Sleeper, there is no turning back.”

  “I’ve already chosen…” she said, and unconsciously glanced towards Kristos with a small smile.

  Kristos grinned, making Yara aware of what she might have heedlessly revealed. As she groaned slightly, Pekone grunted in response and firmly sunk the Sleeper into her arm.

  Everything in Yara’s world began to spin.

  “Anchor, Yara, anchor!” she heard Pekone order.

  Kristos called me a real Photak warrior, she thought to herself.

  The world stilled, and while still weak, Yara stood up strong. Pekone looked towards Chief Lamad and nodded.

  “LET THE INNER FIGHT BEGIN!” Lamad shouted to the sound of the warriors’ war cries.

  Yara walked towards the red circle that was drawn in the center of the grounds. The warriors and trainees parted to let her through, and some shot disapproving looks in her direction. Kristos followed right behind her as a show of his support.

  Yara’s steps felt light and a bit unstable, but she found the sensation tolerable. She wondered what her fighting spins would feel like in such a lightheaded state. She thought that the four rules of the inner fight were simple enough: stay within the boundary of the red Photak circle, defend yourself against every trainee, ensure each one falls to the ground, and stand strong at the end.

  As Yara stood in the center of the circle, she felt herself waver. The effect of the Sleeper was growing more powerful as Pekone had warned, and with it, her strength began to wane.

  “I am a Photak warrior!” she muttered harshly to herself. “A real Photak warrior!”

  And it’s time for them to see how I really fight, she thought smugly. She wanted them all to see what she was capable of, and her worth to the Tribe as a warrior.

  Yara sunk into her own deadly stance, and a wave of reactions spread over the crowd. Yara’s iridescent eyes glinted, and she felt the pulse of energy rip through her from her heartstar. She was all in now.

  Out of nowhere, the first trainee swooshed in with his attack. Yara plunged straight into him without even trying to defend herself. They locked into each other with equal strength. Before he could blink, Yara spun and sank him into the ground, flittering back a little off-balance while the crowd gasped.

  “ONE!” Pekone bellowed, trailing his eyes intensely on Yara.

  One down and six to go, Yara thought.

  Suddenly, Yara felt the burst of the Sleeper roll over her in a drowning wave.

  Everything around her blurred. She stumbled and barely regained her stance. She finally understood its real power. As her heartstar pounded and pulse quickened during each fight, it would allow the poison to penetrate her system in greater sweeps. She now knew why she needed to anchor onto something that would calm her, because the faster and harder Yara went at her opponents, the more vulnerable she became for the next.

  As if in response to her sobering realization, Yara felt herself slammed hard into the air and landing with a thud at the very edge of the circle. Yara felt rage fill her as the Sleeper dug into her in immediate response. Staying calm felt impossible. No one, not even Kristos, had ever grounded Yara before.

  KRISTOS, she thought.

  She felt her pulse slow slightly, giving her just enough time to avoid the second trainee’s brutal follow-up attack. She forced herself back on her feet and kept her thoughts on Kristos’ words, repeating them like a mantra.

  You are a real Photak warrior.

  You are a real Photak.

  I am a Photak warrior.

  I am a Photak.

  The anchor temporarily worked, and as the arrogant trainee attempted his third attack, Yara spun hard and fast high into the air, landing her right knee straight into his face. There would be no recovery for him.

  In a rage, the third warrior-in-training roared and ran in. Yara wasn’t surprised. This trainee was the rumored lover of the one before, and they were both reactive to attacks upon each other. Expecting her to do just that gave Yara an immediate advantage, and without even turning to see which direction she was coming from, Yara flipped into the air and dove back down into the lovesick trainee. Those gathered there seemed more and more anxious and upset. When the fourth and fifth trainees suffered similar fates, the inner fight status elevated.

  The sixth and seventh trainees surged in from opposite sides, simultaneously. Yara felt her pulse quicken and groaned to herself as the Sleeper washed another disorienting layer of weakness over her. She could only brace herself as the double-attackers came into her, fighting even to stay upright as the world began to spin uncontrollably.

  “YARA! CONCENTRATE!” she heard Kristos shout.

  She could hear the panic in his voice, so she knew things were not looking good.

  Pain echoed through her entire body, as blow after blow landed on her stomach and face. She could taste her own blood now. The world around her began to shatter, and Kristos’ voice began to fade.

  NO, she thought desperately.




  It was to no avail. The anchor was lost. Yara felt her body fracturing, along with any hope she had.

  As if with a pure vengeance against Yara for her being chosen over them, the trainees did not merely throw her out the circle. Instead, they pummeled into her for what seemed like all the years she had brought chaos and discomfort to their Tribe. Yara could hardly shield herself from the battering, and she could feel the satisfaction rising from most of the onlookers. In their eyes, she was no Photak, much less a Photak warrior. She wondered why she would even think she could ever be. She could feel herself giving up and letting go.

  Then at the last moment, as her eyes finally closed, as she felt them dragging her body to the circle’s edge, it happened.

  Chapter Four

  “YaraStar… do you know who you are?”

  There it was. Again. The eerie whisper of her dreams. Her body felt cold and lifeless. But the voice was alive. It called to her.

  “YaraStar… do you know who you are?”

  Again, and again.

  “YaraStar… do you know who you are?”

  It demanded her attention. With more intensity, each time.

  “YaraStar… do you know who you are?”

  Never louder, but with rising energy. Meaningfully. Reassuringly. Dangerously.

  It was an anchor, but it was unlike anything Yara ever felt before. It was…


  Pure… power.

  Within that single moment, everything stopped. A single breath seemed to fill her lungs with more air than all her breathing in the sum of her life. Yara didn’t stop to understand what it was or where it was coming from. All she knew was that it was making her the strongest she had ever felt.

  Yara’s sense of awareness kicked in. She was less than a second away from the edge, yet it was all happening in slow motion. She could see the triumphant expressions of the warriors, Kristos’ crushed look of despair, the Elders’ unhinged stares, and Chief Lamad’s unusual disposition of shock. In all of it, she saw Pekone looking at her directly in her eyes. His eyes narrowed, and then widened, caught in an alarming moment as though he knew what was about to take place.

  Yara felt the rage frenzy through her limbs and gave in to the force that overtook her body. She felt the ground become solid, and her senses heightened with indescribable clarity. She quickly pulled in her feet, crouching, her legs beneath her. Swiftly grabbing onto both trainees, she pushed and pivoted into a deadly spin. Then, in complete, flawless control, she dove herself down to the ground, slamming them both into the dirt.

  Faces first.

  She swung once more into the
air and landed in the exact center of the red circle, crouched in her original stance, fury glinting in her eyes. She breathed heavily, and a triumphant smile edged onto her face. Whatever this energy was, it had somehow made her victorious. She had won!

  Kristos cheered in jubilation, and out of the bushes somewhere, Mila squealed in delight, but as Kristos looked around him, his celebratory shouts quickly died down. Even Mila immediately stopped.

  It was only then that Yara became aware of the horrified expressions of those around her. The smile left her face, and it was replaced with tortured confusion. There was silence. The kind of silence no one had ever heard before. The silence that made her realize something was very, very wrong.

  The Elders turned and walked away, hissing to each other angrily as they hurried toward the main keep. Chief Lamad and the Photak warriors followed. Only the trainees remained, looking equally confused but also a bit pleased. Yara’s eyes met Kristos’, and he shook his head, indicating he too had no idea what had happened. He looked towards the main keep, but by now, everyone was inside. His eyes searched for any sight of his father.

  No one seemed to know what to do. An inner fight usually ended with a ceremonial gifting, and the trainees were then dismissed. Everyone eventually sat on the boulders and waited patiently, knowing they could not leave before being so instructed. Within the time they waited, a couple of Photak messengers came and left but still said nothing to the trainees. Eventually, when he decided Yara probably had enough space, Kristos walked over and sat next to her in the middle of the red circle. He sighed.

  “We will get answers soon, Yara,” he said quietly, “but either way, everyone knows you won. You were… you were unbelievable… I don’t know how… you did it…”

  He paused tensely, hoping she would respond. Yara looked towards him knowing that he wanted an explanation. It was the strongest she had ever fought, the strongest she had ever felt, but she knew she had no answers to give.

  “I don’t really know either, Kristos…” she started slowly. “I was certain I was going to lose, but then for the first time in my life, I felt… alive… I felt… real… like I could finally feel who I am…”

  Her mind flittered back to the whispering, ethereal voice that had somehow triggered the power within her. She couldn’t hear it anymore, and she was a bit relieved. She felt it wiser not to mention it to Kristos as she didn’t want to risk seeming crazy alongside all her other unacceptable characteristics.

  “Well, whatever it was, whatever it is… you need to become it. You were powerful, Yara. You were exactly the kind of warrior this village needs.”

  “More powerful than you?”

  A smile finally eased into her face.

  “Never!” Kristos shot back, and shoved her lightly with his body.


  Chief Lamad called out. All the trainees spun around to find the Chief walking towards them from the keep. Kristos jumped up and jogged towards him. They shared a short exchange, and Kristos turned towards Yara with a little smile. He then jogged off towards the main keep.

  “Warriors-in-training,” Lamad said, “you are dismissed for today. We are sorry that this day did not turn out in the way it traditionally does. The Elders and I have some deliberations to make. All will be announced and concluded at the Calling in three days.”

  The trainees gave each other slightly confused looks and got up to leave.

  As Yara followed suit, thoughts racing, the Chief called out to her.

  “Walk with me, Yara…”


  They walked in silence through the beautiful greenery along the village edge. Yara kept trying to brace herself for what he might have to say and wondered if she should say something first. No words came to her mind, and she felt a little intimidated.

  It was the Chief who finally broke the silence.

  “Yara, when your mother first brought you to us, I remember the feelings I had. You were quite a beautiful baby, with your blue hair and iridescent eyes. It was easy to see why your parents fell in love with you then. The part that I, as Chief, had to consider for the safety of my Tribe… was your unmarked skin. We had no way of knowing where you came from, or who your birth parents were. With all living things on Mira being sacredly marked, I am sure you would have understood my hesitation…”

  He paused and seemed to be choosing his words with great care.

  “Still, when the Elders were equally divided on keeping you, I was the one who broke the tie and said that we should. For that reason, you have always been a greater part of my responsibility…”

  Lamad stopped, observing Yara to determine if she was following, and then continued.

  “Today, from an objective place, you showed an incredible display of warriorship. You were triumphant in the inner fight, and under every other circumstance, it would be celebrated. The issue is…”

  Lamad paused again, and Yara’s heartstar pounded through her ears. The Chief was never one to have difficulty in speaking, so the fact that he was taking so much time to consider his words said enough.

  “The issue is your fighting style, Yara…”

  Yara felt herself breathe, almost in relief. A flurry of thoughts followed. She hadn’t used the traditional Photak methods. She hadn’t stuck to their traditions. She should have known this would be an issue. She secretly cursed herself for even thinking they would be impressed with her inventiveness, especially considering the nature of the Elders.

  “But I still won, Chief Lamad, and I truly meant no disrespect to the Elders. I can also fight in the traditional Photak way. I just thought my own twist on it would be something you would admire.”

  The Chief forced a smile, but seemed sad.

  “I think it was more than just a twist, Yara… Those spins were quite… non-Photak…”

  “So, what does this mean then? Am I no longer automatically a warrior because of this?”

  “Well…” Lamad hesitated, “the Elders have decided you will have to wait until the Calling. They will deliberate and decide by then. For now, I think you should treat this like every other trainee and continue to prepare for the next couple days.”

  Yara sighed and stared at the ground for a few moments, and then looked up suddenly.

  “Where is Kristos? Perhaps, he and I will train some more. It should take my mind off of all this.”

  The Chief’s face echoed with many emotions.

  “Kristos… won’t be around for the next couple days. Because he is the next Warrior-in-Chief to be trained to take my place when I pass on, he is now required to undertake a much… harder… test in order to pass the Calling. The responsibilities of a Chief are very serious. You will see him at the Calling but not before then. He must take this journey alone.”

  “I don’t understand,” Yara responded with her brows furrowed. “Isn’t he next in line? Is it possible for him to not be Called?”

  “Yes, actually,” Chief Lamad replied softly, “if he does not pass this trial and commit fully to the Call of the Chief, our birthline can be discontinued and a new line chosen from the warriors…”

  Yara gasped at this realization, never knowing the pressure and responsibility that Kristos bore upon himself. Still, she had complete faith in his abilities.

  “There is no way Kristos will fail,” Yara confidently remarked. “There is no trial he can’t endure and conquer. Don’t worry, Chief, Kristos has this!”

  The Chief placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and gave a small smile. He turned and walked away. Yara watched him for some time as he walked back towards the keep and then slowly started back towards her dwelling. Before she could take three steps, a shadow flew into the air from a nearby group of boulders and plunged down towards her.

  Yara swung in the air and grabbed onto a laughing Mila, catching her safely as she landed back on the ground. They both laughed heartily, and Mila hugged Yara tightly. It took a few seconds before Yara realized that Mila’s laughs had turned to little sob

  “Mila! What’s wrong?!”

  “It’s not fair, Yara! It’s not fair how they cheated you! I heard what the Chief told you. The Elders are STUPID! You won FAIR AND SQUARE!”

  Mila broke into sobs again.

  “Aww, MilaStar…”

  Yara sat on the ground and held her tightly, even more angry with herself for not sticking to the Photak fighting ways. She didn’t consider how much this would also mean to Mila. She could barely stand to know she made Mila cry.

  “I’m sorry, Mila. I broke the rules it seems…”

  “What rules?!” Mila shot back angrily. “There are no rules about how you should fight! There are only four rules, and you kept all of them!”

  Yara sighed. It was difficult to explain the concept of a generally accepted traditional rule to a child who was just as naturally defiant as Yara’s blue hair. Yara had to admit, though, that deep within her she agreed with Mila. It shouldn’t matter. Perhaps, her unique fighting style could even be taught to Photaks as a greater weapon against the Skotads. Traditions were a stifling thing. No one knew that better than Yara.

  Yara and Mila sat in silence for a little while again, finding comfort in each other’s presence. Yara had initially wanted to vent to Kristos, but these moments with Mila felt like it was what she really needed. Mila’s care was pure and unadulterated. She could only hope the years ahead wouldn’t change that. Mila would start her training to be a warrior as soon as she turned eight later that year.


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