Page 46
Tangye, Nigel, 28–9, 89, 263–71, 263, 326, 329–30, 333, 334, 372, 373, 390–3, 391
film shooting disrupted by, 392
Todd divorces, 391
tanks (see also panzer divisions):
Churchill, 171, 179, 219
and major panzer–Allies North Africa battle, 211
Sherman, 211
Tiger, 211–12, 338
tanks and major panzer–Allies North Africa battle, 211
Taormina, 282
Taylor, Bamby, 295, 297, 301
Taylor, Rev. Harold, 22, 23, 27
Taylor, Jimmy, 22–4, 27, 70–1, 345–9, 345, 350–4, 393–8
capture of, 353, 393
death of, 398
and Dutchmen’s executions, 394–7
exoneration attempt by, 396–7
RAF joined by, 22–3
Teach Yourself to Fly (Tangye), 263
Tébessa, 214
Tempest aircraft, 323, 331
Thelepte, 211–14, 215, 218, 219
evacuation of, 213–14
return to, 216
Tiger Moth aircraft, 122, 124, 341, 399
Tiger tanks, 211–12, 338
Times (Malta), 152
Todd, Ann, 28–9, 88–9, 263–4, 263, 265, 268–9, 270–1, 373–4, 390–2
Hollywood offers to, 391
Tornado Air Defence aircraft, 4, 8
Tornado aircraft, 4, 8, 407
Tornado Ground Attack aircraft, 4
tracer fire, 32, 61, 71, 79, 158, 172, 238, 275
Treaty of Versailles, 15
Tunisia, 144, 186–9 passim, 196, 198, 203, 220, 226–7, 272 (see also North Africa)
Allies advance into, 226
fight to liberate, 221
and German reinforcements, 207
Hitler’s determination to retain, 188
and Luftwaffe counter-attack, 210
southern, Spitfires’ top cover over, 223
Typhoon aircraft, 322, 323
U-boats, 2, 151, 259, 272
UK, at Potsdam Conference, 381
United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), 242
8th, and RAF liaison, 264
losses suffered by, 229
UK airfield of, 265
Air Force of, 118
demands of, for Europe invasion, 186
first major battle between Germans and troops of, 210
high-octane fuel from, 51
and Lend-Lease, planes supplied under, 321
at Potsdam Conference, 381
7th Photo Group from, 118
support for Britain by, questioned, 59
USAAF, losses suffered by, 229
and best pilots for Spitfires, 321
and Nazi–Soviet Pact, 27
Spitfires ferried to, 319
Spitfires lost over, 321
and Stalin’s wish for a second front, 169
Utah Beach, 325
V1 flying bombs, 331–5, 336–7
home defences overwhelmed by, 331
London hit by, 330, 334
Maridor shoots down six of, 333
numbers killed by, 337
numbers shot down, 337
Van den Toren, Jan, 394–5
Van Dijk, Piet, 395
Vichy regime:
and France’s formal surrender, 185
and Hitler’s chagrin, 187
North Africa surrender of, 187, 221
pre-invasion covert contacts established with, 185
Vickers, 17, 24, 29, 55, 79
Quill joins, 19
Victory in Europe Day (VE Day), 374, 375 (see also World War II: end of)
Victory over Japan Day (VJ Day), 379 (see also World War II: end of)
Vigors, Tim, 48, 81–2, 89–90, 91
Von Fritsch, Werner, 348–9
Von Riesen, Leutnant Horst, 30–1
WAAF, 255
Walker, Wing Cdr Derek, 322–3, 338, 341–3, 344, 387–8
postwar death crash of, 388–9
Walker, Diana, 322–3
Ware, E. B., 86
Warspite, HMS, 286–7
Wasp, USS, 137, 141–3, 147, 148
Wellington aircraft, 2, 17, 380
Wellington Barracks, 330
Wellum, Geoffrey, 67–8
Welshman, HMS, 151, 152
West End shows, 28
West Malling, 170, 176
Westhampnett, 97, 168, 171, 401, 404
Wheatley, Tom, 126–8
Whitamore, Sq. Ldr William ‘Babe’, 277, 278–9, 288, 294, 310–15 passim, 317, 319
Whitchurch, 134, 237
White, Sq. Ldr Francis, 45–6, 47
White Waltham, 133, 237
White’s Club, 18
Wick, Helmut, 71–2, 95
Wilde, Oscar, 26
Wilkinson, John, 78–9, 239, 240–1, 331–2, 354–7, 354
Windrush., 133
Wingate, Orde, 310
Wood, Betty, 255–7, 327, 402–4
death of, 404
Woodhall, Grp Capt. ‘Woody’, 141
World War I, 50
biplanes from, 383
and trench warfare, 385
World War II:
end of, 373–81 (see also Victory in Europe Day; Victory over Japan Day)
outbreak of, 28
Wren, Chris, 236
Wright brothers, 13
Wright Flyer, 13
Yak aircraft, 319
Zurakowski, Jan, 75
Other books by John Nichol
Return Of The Dambusters
The Red Line
Home Run
Tail-End Charlies
The Last Escape
Tornado Down
Team Tornado
Point of Impact
Vanishing Point
Exclusion Zone
Decisive Measures
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2018
Copyright © John Nichol, 2018
The right of John Nichol to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
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Hardback ISBN: 978-1-4711-5920-6
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