Inner Circle
Page 20
Carmelita began to moan as she licked, pausing to say, “I love you, Madam. You have been good to me. I’m grateful to be permitted to worship your…your anus and your beautiful cunt with my mouth. I want very much to please you.”
The old woman’s breathing was heavy. Her eyes were closed. “You know what pleases me most, my pet. Say it. Call it by its real name. Ask for it.” Kathy wanted to pick up her chair and crush the old woman’s skull. She wanted to grab Carmelita’s arm and rush out of this horrible place with her. But she knew both things were impossible.
She watched as Carmalita pushed the old woman’s thighs up and back. “Yes, Madam, I know what pleases you most. You like to feel my tongue up in…in…your hole.” Either fear or desire caused the girl to groan. Then in a harsh whisper she said, “Please, dear Madam, allow me to taste you there. Give me permission to taste the sweetness inside your hole.”
“Yes, you have my permission.” Kathy could see that Carmelita’s face was buried between Madam Brookmeir’s flabby pimpled ass cheeks. The woman jerked and made guttural noises in her throat. Suddenly, she reached down and roughly pulled Carmelita’s head back and pressed it tightly against her dripping cunt. After a moment she bucked and thrashed as she continued to hold the young girl’s head against her. Finally, she let go and Carmelita sank to the floor sobbing.
Madam Brookmeir ignored her. She looked across at Kathy. “You just witnessed the way an obedient whore learns to perform. I had her brother killed and you saw her make love to my cunt and tongue my asshole.” She kicked at Carmelita’s leg. “Sit up, little bitch, and face your new friend. Spread your legs and show her how wet you are.”
Carmelita’s face was streaked with tears and wet with the old woman’s secretions. Blushing furiously, she parted her legs. A large strand of cum oozed from her shaven pussy. Kathy noticed that the girl’s clitoris was covered with a metal cap exactly like her own.
Madam Brookmeir adjusted her skirt. “Keep looking at Mrs. Ryan and tell us if you’re in heat, little bitch.”
Kathy was aware of a deep sadness in the girl’s soft brown eyes. “Yes, Madam, I’m aroused…I’m in heat.”
“And just why are you hot, Carmelita? Tell Mrs. Ryan why your cunt is dripping wet.”
“ always gets like that when I taste your cunt and lick your hole. I… to do it. I love to give you pleasure.”
“Yes, the little bitch is in heat. If you ask real nice I may remove your clit cap and let you spend a few hours with the Colonel in his cage. However, if you’d rather not you may go to your room. The choice lies entirely with you.”
Carmelita bowed her head and in a voice just above a whisper said, “Please, Madam…Please, please allow me to go to the Colonel.”
Madam Brookmeir nodded her head at Kathy, “When our Carmelita came to us she was much like you, Mrs. Ryan. As you’ve no doubt observed, she’s completely rational. No drugs have been given, no spells cast. I just presented her with two options. She was absolutely free to chose either one.” She reached down to take the end of Carmelita’s leash. The girl immediately sat back on her haunches and still facing Kathy placed her hands behind her neck. Madam Brookmeir chuckled, “Do you see how well trained my little pet is?”
Mrs. Brookmeir took Kathy’s arm and led her out of the room. “If Doctor Gruber is successful, and I think he will be, in a few months you, Mrs. Ryan, will be the same kind of obedient pet. You will be as anxious to be with Negra as Carmelita is to be with the Colonel.”
“No,” Kathy said adamantly. “Never.”
But the woman refused to listen, and simply smiled with great pleasure, as she led Carmelita and Kathy from the room.
Chapter Eleven
By the time Kathy was back in her room at Gruber’s estate, all the effects of the drugs and hypnotic state had worn off. Mrs. Foster instructed her to shower and get ready for bed. “I’ll be back in an hour to tuck you in,” she said with a grim little smile.
All that Kathy had been told by Carmelita and all that she had seen just before their departure terrified her. There was a segment time between meeting the pretty girl from Columbia and her dismissal that Kathy couldn’t recall. A scene drifted in and out of her mind like a half remembered dream. She was on her hands and knees, crawling. She dismissed it and showered. She chose a white cotton nightgown from the closet and stretched out on the bed, waiting fearfully for Mrs. Foster’s key in the lock.
She entered. Behind her were the two large black women, Nora and Mona. They each carried two steel objects. Immediately Kathy recognized them from Carmelita’s description. They were the devices to shorten the tendons of her feet. Kathy scrambled to the head of the bed, tucking her legs under her. “No!” she shouted. “You’re not going to do that to me. I won’t let you!”
Mrs. Foster gestured to Nora who went into the hall and wheeled in something that looked like the bottom half of a colonial stock. She placed it at the foot of Kathy’s bed. Then, at a signal from Mrs. Foster, the two women grabbed Kathy and in a few moments had placed her feet in the stock and secured it. Kathy yelled at them and squirmed and thrashed but her feet extended through the openings in the stock and were virtually immobilized. The two women went about their work efficiently and quietly, paying no attention to Kathy’s curses and screaming. They fitted a metal boot to each foot. Then through an ingenious design of Doctor Gruber’s they simply turned set screws that forced Kathy’s toes down and her arch and heel up. Kathy’s screams began in anger but ended in pain. It was as if she were forced into metal shoes made to torture her poor feet. Her arches and heels were pushed up until she thought the bones would separate. The front of the boot pushed her toes in the opposite direction. “Would you like an injection that will ease the pain and allow you to sleep?” Mrs. Foster asked.
“Go to Hell!” Kathy shot back.
“Very well, then, suffer.” Mrs. Foster started toward the door with the two women following.
“No, please wait!” Kathy cried. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Foster. Please, the pain is unbearable.”
The older woman returned and, reaching into a leather bag, brought out a syringe and needle. She injected a colorless fluid into Kathy’s arm. Before Mrs. Foster and her companions were out of the room, Kathy was sound asleep.
In the morning her feet were taken out of the metal devices and the black women rubbed and massaged them for a long time. Then they slipped pumps with five-inch heels on her feet. Mrs. Foster was there to oversee the procedure. “During the day you are to wear shoes like these. A special open sandal with a five-inch heel has been made for when you shower and bathe. Either Nora or Mona will dry your feet and massage them and give you pedicures while you’re lying down. You will never stand without wearing the high heels. At night you will wear the metal boots. Is that clear?”
Kathy realized it was hopeless to resist. “Yes, Mrs. Foster. But the pain at night?”
“I will give you shots to eliminate it. Will we continue to need the stocks?”
“No, Mrs. Foster. I won’t resist.”
“Good. Nora will prepare you for a meeting with Doctor Gruber and Master Frederick. I’ll be back shortly to take you to them.” She left without locking the door. At the mention of Gruber and Frederick, Kathy felt a wave of heat pass through her body and her nipples hardened. She suspected that one of Doctor Gruber’s sexual stimulants was mixed with the injection last night. The thought of another meeting with them in the Doctor’s study both frightened and excited her. But she simply had to escape or she’d end up like poor Carmelita.
For a moment, Kathy considered rushing out into the hall and down the stairs and running as far as she could. Nora was watching her. Her iron grip tightened on Kathy’s arm. “Don’t even think about it,” she said.
Kathy smiled at her, “You’re right, Nora. It would be impossible.”
Nora set to work massaging Kathy’s feet. They hurt but the metal boots had left no marks. The huge black woman handed Kathy a pale pin
k silk dress that buttoned up the front. She slid Kathy’s feet into a pair of bright red patent leather pumps with the standard five-inch heel. “They look like the shoes a prostitute might wear,” Kathy said.
Nora nodded, “Yes, that they do.” Kathy slid off the bed and crossed to the table and mirror where she applied her make up while Nora brushed her hair. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d heard the bells. She might not be able to run away, but she wouldn’t be a mindless puppet at the meeting.
When Kathy had finished with the cosmetics, Nora said, “Lift your dress.” She held in her hand two small very fine brushes that Kathy immediately recognized.
“Nora, you mean I’m to have them again?” She couldn’t believe her luck.
“Doctor Gruber say to put them back in the clit cover. Maybe he will give you a treat if you behave.” When Kathy had pulled up her dress and spread her legs, Nora pressed the remote and the cap came off exposing the red berry of Kathy’s clitoris. Carefully Nora pushed the tiny brushes into their slots and then held the cap against the metal plate that by now had become like part of Kathy’s skin. There was a magnetic click and the cap was secured.
“Please, Nora, let them spin for just a moment. I don’t know why but I…I’m…”
“Hot,” Nora said. “I expect you are.”
The door opened and Mrs. Foster inspected Kathy before taking the remote from Nora and gesturing for Kathy to follow her. After a night in the torturous metal boots the heels felt comfortable. Gruber was, as she expected, seated behind his ebony desk. Frederick stood at his side. A plain wooden chair faced them. Mrs. Foster waited until she sat down and then left without speaking. Gruber smiled thinly at her, “Well, Mrs. Ryan, did you enjoy your little outing yesterday?”
“You are all insane,” Kathy said evenly. “That poor young girl.”
Gruber looked up at the ceiling for a moment then at Kathy. “What you say may be true if one accepts a rather narrow and pedestrian definition. Of course, we might argue that a world in which eighty percent of the wealth is controlled by ten percent of the people is an insane world. I ask you, Mrs. Ryan, is it insane to desire pleasure? I admit our pleasures are rather unusual, but they suit us and we can afford whatever we want. Why the money we spend on grooming our pets and the young women who serve them would buy a new state-of-the-art hospital for every third world country on the earth.”
“Why don’t you do that then?” Kathy couldn’t keep the anger from her voice. “Why don’t you be of some use in the world?”
Frederick leaned forward, glaring at her, “Because, you bitch, it would give us no pleasure. We’d much rather spend our time and money training you to do what we wish.”
“Unless I’m drugged and hypnotized it won’t happen. I get the impression that the members of your Inner Circle aren’t amused by women who have been turned into robots.”
Gruber frowned and Frederick’s face reddened. “By God!” Frederick shouted, “you are going to…”
Doctor Gruber held up his hand and Frederick fell silent. “What you say is true, Mrs. Ryan. That’s why you haven’t heard the bells since yesterday afternoon.” Kathy looked puzzled. “Yes, you did hear them for a little while, and you obeyed perfectly. But, as you point out, the Brookmeir’s and the others want you as you are…free to make choices.” He glanced up at Frederick. “Well, almost free.”
“What does that mean?” Kathy was still angry and a lot less frightened. She’d been holding her own with them for the first time.
Gruber ignored her question, “I think Frederick has a request to make of you,” again he glanced at his nephew.
“Show us your cunt, bitch.” Kathy found it difficult to look at his ghostly pockmarked face. She bowed her head and remained silent. Gruber touched the remote allowing the brushes to spin for only a few seconds. Kathy’s body jerked. She lifted her head, her eyes wide, her lips parted. The brushes stopped. They watched her carefully. Gruber held up the remote so that she could see it. Frederick leaned forward over the desk, “Now, show me your cunt, but first beg me for permission to let you do it. Tell us how desperate you are to expose yourself to me,” Frederick snarled. “Ask us to humiliate you.”
Gruber leaned toward her, “That’s what you want, isn’t it, Mrs. Ryan? You want to be humiliated?”
Kathy didn’t answer for a few moments. She wanted desperately to resist them. “No…” she said, “not humiliation.” Waves of heat washed over her. She felt her long nipples push against the fabric of her dress and the tingling in her stomach and the wetness between her legs. She tried to force the words back but they came spilling out, “Please, Master Frederick, give me permission to lift my dress and spread my legs for you.” Her breath was coming quickly. Again she tried to stop herself from speaking, but couldn’t. “This morning when I heard I was to see you the thought that you might order me to…to…show you my…my cunt aroused me. Please, I want to.” She glanced at Gruber whose hand was on the remote. She turned back to his nephew, “Give me permission, Master Frederick. Please, I beg you. I...I’d like you to see how wet I’ve become.” She leaned toward them, “Please, let me show you what happens to…to... my cunt when you humiliate me.”
Gruber spoke up, “Have you heard the bells, Mrs. Ryan? Are you drugged? Have we threatened you? Or are you free to defy us; perfectly free to pull your pretty dress down over your knees and glare angrily at us? Or, are you just as free, if you wish, to pull it up and part your bare legs so that we may watch you demean yourself. In other words, are you free to choose?”
Quickly Kathy answered, “Yes, Doctor, I’m free to choose. I haven’t heard the bells. I’ve not been drugged and you haven’t threatened me. I could, as you say, just sit here as I am.”
“But am I correct in assuming you have no wish to sit there as you are? Tell us what you honestly want to do.”
She glanced once more at the remote that Gruber still held. “I…I…want Master Frederick to allow me to…to debase myself before him. I want to do what he tells me to do. I’m hoping he will say that I may lift my dress and part my legs. I want very much to show him my cunt.” She paused, thinking if only the brushes would spin even for a few seconds. Hating herself she looked directly at Frederick, “If you wish, Master Frederick, I will get on my knees and beg.”
Gruber smiled, “Your juicy cunt?”
“Yes, that’s right, my juicy cunt. I want to show Frederick my juicy cunt.”
Frederick took a step toward her, “I like to see the proud Mrs. Ryan on her knees. What if I told you to crawl to me and kneel before me and open your mouth so that I can spit into it?”
Gruber let the brushes spin longer this time. Kathy groaned. “Yes, yes, I’ll crawl. I’ll kneel before you. I’ll open my mouth.”
“First, your cunt,” Frederick said.
Kathy pulled her dress up and back over her hips. She moved forward on the chair and spread her legs. They could see the secretions oozing out around the cap. Kathy looked at Gruber, but he didn’t press the remote.
“Now,” Gruber said, “before you crawl to Frederick, I want you to tell us when you wish to begin your training and what you wish to be trained for.”
Kathy saw that he was not going to let the brushes spin. She bit her lip and looked down at the floor refusing to answer. “Very well then,” he said coldly, “it seems this meeting is over. Shall I ring for Mrs. Foster?”
The ache in her vagina was unbearable. She was certain that she’d been given an extremely powerful stimulant with the pain injection. It took all the strength she had to say, “Ring for her, damn you.” Gruber picked up the silver bell on his desk.
“No,” Kathy rasped, “don’t.” They waited. Still not looking up at them, she said, “I…I…wish to begin my training as soon as possible.” Tears formed and ran down her cheeks. “I wish to be trained to serve the dogs.”
“Tell us,” he said, “that you want to be Negra’s bitch. And what of the dogs owned by the members of the Inner
Circle? What do you wish to do for them?”
Gruber tapped the remote but let the brushes turn for only a few seconds. Again, Kathy closed her eyes and groaned feeling an orgasm build, thinking if he would let the brushes spin once more she would cum. She leaned toward him, her voice just above a whisper, “I want to become Negra’s bitch. I acknowledge that the dogs of the members of the Inner Circle are…are…to be my masters.”
“So, I take it that it’s now your wish, Mrs. Ryan, to entertain the members of our Inner Circle by offering yourself to their splendid animals?”
Hoping he might press the remote, Kathy answered, “Yes, Doctor Gruber.”
Gruber nodded and gestured toward his nephew.
“Crawl to me, bitch,” Frederick ordered. She got to her knees and crawled to where he was standing. “Kneel and look up,” he said. “Do you want my spit?” he snickered.
She glanced once more at Gruber whose hand rested on the remote, “Yes, Master Frederick,” she said, “I want it.”
“Open and keep looking up at me.” She opened her mouth and watched as a glob of spittle hung from his lips then dropped. It was cold and glutinous. Gruber waited until she swallowed before he touched the remote. He let the brushes spin until she seemed ready to orgasm. He stopped them and she fell forward crying and shaking.
Gruber looked down at her unsmiling, “Unfortunately, that’s the only fluid Frederick will be able to give you. Ah! But soon you will sit on your haunches at his side and look adoringly at him and open your mouth hoping for a reward.”