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Quadruplets Make Six

Page 31

by Nicole Elliot

  “Rose, don’t go off on that tangent. I promise you, nothing happened that wouldn’t already have gone down, even if you weren’t there. This is more likely than not a serial murder, same guy and MO. I don’t want you to beat yourself up like that at all. Are you okay to continue?”

  I nodded slowly. “Yeah. Well, there isn’t much. When I saw the gun I ran, Parker was right behind me. When I was a few hundred feet away, he…he shot. Oh, um, I called 911 as I was running. That’s it.” I blew out a pent-up breath and he stared back at me when he finished writing.

  “Do you remember anything about his face at all? Anything that can make up a sketch?”

  I tried to think, but I only saw the side of him covered by his hood. “No. Sorry. I have a photographic memory for numbers. But I’m usually good with faces, so I can match them up with charts. But I didn’t even see a thing…oh, he had a tattoo on his hand.” I point to the back of my hand, “on the back. It was a big triangle. Nothing else. Pretty shitty tattoo in my opinion.”

  Detective Jordan stifled his laugh as he looked at me. He pursed his lips and nodded. “I have never met with a witness like you.” He smiled wryly.

  “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not,” I shrugged. People have told me I was different, but I just thought they didn’t appreciate my weirdness. Dad said I was just unique. I stopped thinking of my past before I became a downer.

  “It’s a compliment.” He licked his lips and scribbled a few things down. He stuffed it in one of his folders and met my eyes again. “You know guns. You have a pretty good memory. I just mean…You’re cute.”

  My heart skipped a few beats before I could respond. “Just cute?” I feigned being hurt. He chuckled, a deep sound that went right to my weak knees.

  “I don’t think anything else I have to say about your appearance is appropriate for my work place.” His voice lowered, and I felt my cheeks flush at all the things he could possibly have to say.

  I cleared my throat and sat up. “Well. I doubt I helped much anyway.” I shifted in my seat.

  “You did. We actually have something to look for in the database now. The gun, the tattoo…if he’s been finger printed before—which he probably has, then it will come up. It was a man, right?” he checked.

  “Yeah. He was in sweats, so I saw…um. Yeah, it was a man.” I answered.

  “Okay. Thank you for coming in and making the statement.”

  “No problem, I guess. Unless it becomes one. Am I allowed to ask about the case?” I stood up, ready to leave but not ready to be out of his presence. He stood up as well.

  “Is that your way of asking for my number?” He came around the desk, and stood so close to me I smelled the mint of his gum and his intoxicating scent again.

  I stared into his deep gray globes and my knees nearly wobbled at the intensity of his gaze. This hulking mass of a man was just right there in front of me and all I wanted to do was hang off his body. It was odd.

  “No, I would have just asked. I just want to know how things are going, the truth and not the crap on television.” I shrugged.

  He smirked and licked his lips again. My god he was so delicious.

  I took two steps back, so I could breathe. “I need to get home. It’s been a long day.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “I took the subway, actually.”

  I stopped by the door.

  “What? Oh no, let me drive you home. The uh, crazies come out at night.” He grinned and adjusted his badge on his belt, and it drew my gaze down to—oh, I hoped he didn’t do that on purpose.

  “Um. You don’t have to.” I started to shake my head. He just held up his hand, and put his gun strap back on. I wondered how one movement could be so sexy.

  “No. I insist.”

  Chapter Seven: Max

  It was one of those days that made me question the job. Maybe I should have stuck with football and went to college.

  Then I get back and see all my solved cases, and it all becomes worth it. Being reminded of the children I brought back home, the families I put back together. It put everything into perspective.

  And then I have a new stack of notes to go over, more people to interview. Nate and I spent the whole day canvasing the area. Whatever witness we had better remember some good shit, because we would need it. I had a feeling about this victim, and the others too. I was so worried about how it would turn out.

  Once we finally got back to the station, I went to freshen up and then got some coffee. I knew I could head home soon, but I wanted to see if I could wait around for the autopsy. Amy said it would be first on her list, but those things take time. If the COD was the same as the others, then we would definitely have a problem. The entire precinct.

  I was crossing the squad room entrance when I saw that tight piece of ass walk herself right to Alex’s door; his new office. Fuck me, she looked like a beautiful raven. Her dark, wildly curly hair was up high on her head, exposing her neck. The sweet, pale skin begged to be licked and sucked. I got a nice view of her ass and hips in those gray scrubs before she disappeared inside the office. She didn’t look like a doctor though, and that had nothing to do with how smart I thought she was. She just looked sweeter, something maybe a nurse would look like or something.

  I knew as soon as I saw her that I had to get Nate in on this, and Alex too. The three of us had our own sort of friendship. We had been friends since day one of the academy, and we looked out for each other. We all would have gotten in so much shit, or even kicked out, if we hadn’t covered for each other so many times. We stuck together at work and outside of work…we had our fun.

  I was talking about women specifically. It wasn’t something we do often, not because it was difficult but because some women aren’t willing to stick with it. I was thinking way ahead but just seeing her had me all in my head.

  I set off to find Nate, and finally got him to come down to the damned squad room. Nate was like…the kid brother of us all, maybe. He used to make a lot of mistakes, but he had his own way now. And he was a damned good cop. He had his own reasons for becoming a cop, and it wasn’t my shit to tell but it made him a good officer nonetheless.

  “What is it? I’m ready to fucking go home,” he groaned.

  We had both changed into our civilian attire. Jeans and a sweat shirt, no navy blue because literally every criminal wears one of those. Mine was a nice salmon color, not pink. His was red.

  “Wearing the pink again?” He flicked the rope of my drawstring.

  “Fuck off. Look, the woman of our dreams is in there right now.” I pointed to Alex’s office.

  “Uh…I don’t think I want to be with a criminal, man,” he joked. He was always fucking joking, but it worked for him.

  “She ain’t a ‘criminal, man.’ I think she’s the witness. He said he’s been waiting on her all day,” I explained.

  “Okay…so we’re just standing here like creeps.” He laughed once.

  “Sort of.” I walked over to Alex’s old desk; he had it all cleared out. I sat down and Nate got on the desk itself.

  “Any word from Amy yet?” Nate asked me.

  “Nope. I doubt she would tell us first anyway. I just have a bad feeling about this.” I sighed.

  “Your little gut is talking to you again?”

  I glared at him.

  “Not dogging it. Just asking.”

  “Yeah. That’s it.”

  “I didn’t plan on sticking around this long.” He yawned and stood up, checking his phone like someone was actually talking to him. The three of us are all each of us had, so not many people talked to us.

  “When you see her, it will be worth it.”

  “It better. You know, it’s still bugging me that no one saw anything. Why does no one ever see anything? Bet they knew what the Kardashians were wearing yesterday though.” He shook his head and scoffed. I managed a laugh.

  “Yeah. Right…here they come.”

  We both headed to
wards the open office door. I saw Nate lay eyes on the woman and I knew he wasn’t disappointed, just as I expected.

  “Alex, is this the witness?” I asked him.

  The woman was in front of him, and behind her, Alex caught our gaze and nodded. Just like that, we were on the same page.

  “Yes. Rose Camden, this is Nate and Alex. They also responded to the crime scene.” Alex explained.

  Rose widened her eyes and looked at both of us. Though it was more like her checking us out, which of course was fine.

  “Oh. Hello.” She offered to shake both our hands, and we both did.

  “Hello, Rose. I’m Max Hunter.”

  “I’m Nate Logan. The three of us are old frat brothers.” Nate joked. Rose laughed a bit, but looked confused.

  “He’s joking. It’s all he’s good for.” I explained. She laughed a little more.

  “Oh. Got it. Well, I was just on my way out.” She glanced at Alex and then both of us before trying to step around us.

  “We can give you a ride home. Police escorts are always fun.” I told her.

  “Yeah, I offered that to her earlier,” Alex added.

  “That’s okay. I don’t want to keep you tonight.” She laughed nervously, tucking some hair behind her ear. It brought me to look at her neck again; her skin was so perfect. And her eyes were the clearest, biggest green I had ever seen.

  “It isn’t a problem, plus it’s probably safer. With you being our key witness, it’s easy for people to catch on. And we don’t know what kind of suspect we are dealing with.”

  Leave it to Alex to come up with the technical shit. Though, he wasn’t completely wrong.

  “You…you mean he could come after me?” Her eyes searched wildly between us, and she looked so scared I just wanted to wrap her up in my arms and keep her safe. Fuck, what was that?

  “We can keep you safe, Rose. We can just take turns watching you. It’s our job.” Nate touched her shoulder gently, and added the last bit so he wouldn’t come off so creepy.

  “I…okay then.” I watched her throat bob with her nervous swallow.

  Alex led the way. “Come on, well get you home safe, Rose.”

  Chapter Eight: Rose

  I left one bubble of sweltering heat and entered another. A double one. See, it wasn’t fair for people—men, specifically, to just walk around looking like…like them.

  I thought Alex was enough, with his dapper aura and fucking perfect jawline. Then came Max and Nate. Like…I didn’t have any more comparisons left for that night. I was exhausted.

  Max had muscles worthy of any magazine, and the face to match. A soft face with a heart shaped jaw and full pink, kissable lips. His hair was deliciously dark and wavy, and his eyes a bright blue I could just fly away in. And then Nate was just a teddy bear. But with muscles and bright gray eyes, different from Alex in their own way. He was bigger and a few inches shorter than them both; I mean I was a little afraid of being crushed.

  Well, I was getting ahead of myself. They were just taking me home, right? I just kept thinking that they didn’t all have to take me home, yet they all volunteered so quickly. We were walking out to the parking lot and I had my own little entourage. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t bring myself to. If I thought I was nervous around Alex, I hadn’t seen anything yet.

  “You look like fucking Sherlock Holmes, man.” Nate teased Alex. I couldn’t help but giggle. The way they interacted, it was obvious they were close friends.

  “Up your ass, man.” Alex opened my door and laughed.

  Just before I got in the back, Nate leaned over the top of the car on the opposite side. “No thanks, I only do that to my women.” He looked right at me and winked, and I swear I had to stop my jaw from dropping.

  I just got in the car and tried to contain myself when Nate climbed in to the small space next to me. I felt the heat radiate off him, and then he reached over me, and I stifled a gasp.

  “Buckle up, doll.” He handed me my seatbelt and I did so.

  His voice had this permanent tone to it, like he was never completely serious. It was kind of nice, and in complete contrast to Alex.

  “Where do you live?” Alex glanced in the rearview mirror at me.

  “Just go to that old building two blocks from the crime scene.” I answered.

  I felt a shift in the mood, and Max even glanced at me.

  “Are you okay going home there?” Max asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll be fine. It’s just weird. I had only ever seen that ugly yellow tape in movies. I mean I see cops all the time at work, but this is a little much. This isn’t a robbery or a car accident. This is a freaking murder. Sorry, I’m rambling.” I murmured.

  I felt my entire face heat at the sound of their chuckles, but it really didn’t seem like they were laughing at me. I wrung my fingers together nervously and twisted my lip.

  “That’s okay. It’s a little cute.” Nate untwisted my fingers and then rested his hand on my knee. It was a heavy, hot, and large hand and I stared at it for a good while before I could manage to glance at him. His gaze was hot and his smirk permanent.

  I looked away and realized what was really going on. But still, I kept thinking there was no way.

  “That’s what Alex said,” I said mostly to myself, but they all heard. Great.

  “So, are the scrubs part of some role play or are you a nurse or something?” Nate asked me, with his hand still on my leg. He didn’t plan on moving it any time soon.

  “I’m an ER nurse.”

  “Sounds intense.” Alex made a sharp turn and I wondered where the hell he got his license. It shifted me farther in the seat, closer to Nate. I guess I didn’t mind. He smelled like fresh laundry and a shower.

  “Sometimes. Only when we get a bunch of cops in there. Or firefighters. Any of those types really.” I cleared my throat.

  “That’s understandable. Do you like it though?” Max asked. It sounded like they actually wanted to get to know me.

  “I do. I love my job. Most people don’t get to say that so I’m grateful. Um, do you guys like your jobs?” I swallowed back more nerves. Sure, it was intimidating but I was comfortable around them, in this odd and interesting way.

  “We do. But Alex over here had to sell out.” Nate teased. I giggled a bit.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Well, we’ve all been on the force for the same amount of time. But I took the promotion exam and became a detective. The ceremony was actually earlier today.” Alex explained.

  “Yeah. We just didn’t want that paperwork to deal with. I respond mostly to missing and exploited children cases, Nate has his own thing.” Max added.

  I looked to Nate, hoping he would explain. He nodded, and his smile faded for about a millisecond.

  “I have one of those TV worthy stories.”

  “Really?” I looked at him.

  I wanted to touch his hand so badly, but I wasn’t sure what to really do. I was attracted to them, all of them. And I didn’t understand it. I also didn’t know if they were all really into me. I mean, sometimes guys just like to be…guys, I guess. Sure, the sexual tension in the car could be shredded with a knife. But I didn’t want to make the wrong move and have them fighting with each other. How shallow of me. But I also had no idea how to…make a move, I suppose.

  “Yeah. I was eighteen, stopping at the gas station to try and score beer. Anyway, the place was getting robbed and the owner got shot. I kind of hid out and called 911, more or less neutralizing the situation. But, now every time I go there, the owner gives me free beer.” He grinned like he wasn’t sure of himself, though I couldn’t imagine why.

  “Wow. You saved his life.” Alex took another sharp turn, and Max punched him in the arm.

  “Yeah, maybe. But, that’s enough about me. Any crazy story about being a nurse?”

  “Uh, nope. Just kind of fell into it.” I lied. He gave me a look, but didn’t pry. I enjoyed them being so open, but I just wasn’t wired t
hat way.

  “Tell us how you know about guns so well,” Alex asked. We were stuck in a traffic neck in the city.

  “Um. My dad taught me. He was in the Army, so sometimes he forgot I wasn’t one of his troops.” They all gave me weird looks. “He wasn’t like, abusive or anything. I mean the cool stuff like shining shoes and pressure points.” I giggled slightly at the memory.

  “That’s pretty sweet. Maybe that’s why we all got to be friends eh, dead beat dads?” Nate laughed.

  “Probably so.” Alex sighed.

  We were silent for a while. Not even the radio was on. But it was nice, the silence with them. Though it was weird, in a way.

  “Um, are you guys really going to keep watch over me?” I asked cautiously.

  “Yeah. Our shifts aren’t the same, so we can take turns. We don’t mind.” Alex answered.

  “Okay. I just don’t want to impose. None of us really asked for all this. I was just walking my dog and all of a sudden, I’m in the middle of a James Patterson novel. Parker is all jumpy because he thinks he is working again.”

  “Working?” Max asked.

  “Oh. Yeah. He was a troop in Afghanistan. My good black Lab, Parker.” I smiled to myself. Damn, did I love that dog. I mean really; besides Dina and Martha, he was my only friend. A very loyal, good dog. They were hard to come by, but I appreciated it.

  “That’s fucking cool, Rose. How did you happen to get him? If you don’t mind my asking,” Alex asked me.

  “Parker was the only thing my dad had left to leave to me when he died. But Parker is kind of famous, in a way. Sometimes the guys from his old squad stop by and see him. I think I’ve dated at least all of them, kind of weird. I have no idea why I said that out loud.” I started laughing, but I realized it could have been my subconscious hinting that I was okay with…whatever I was feeling between the three of them.

  “I like your candidness, people berate me for mine all the time.” Nate sighed like he was actually hurt, making me laugh. He was very funny.

  And his hand was still burning a hole in my thigh. I wondered if he would be at all offended by me not touching his thigh back. Or touching him in some place.


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