The Billionaire�s Secret Desire

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The Billionaire�s Secret Desire Page 6

by L. R. Wards , www. obooko. com

  Max countered.

  ―You promised me that you would take this slow. Taking 49

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  Lily to Athens is not slow.‖ Luke tapped the top of Max‘s desk hard with his fingers in time with the last three words.


  Both men abruptly stopped talking and turned to her. If she didn‘t know better, both of them looked embarrassed, like being caught with their hands simultaneously in the cookie jar.

  Luke cast a quick speaking glance at Max before centering his attention on his sister, ―I was just telling Max that you have been working too much.‖

  ―I‘m fine Luke. If this is what it‘s like in the real world, I need to become accustomed to it. Besides, I seem to have found a routine.‖ She smiled at Max who‘s expression remained unreadable. It made her think there was something else going on here. However, it was between them, and none of her business, even if they were discussing her work schedule. Besides it just looked like Luke was being her overprotective brother. She‘d never gone out of the country before and quite frankly, it thrilled her to death that Max was thinking of taking her. Her brother‘s next words confirmed it.

  ―Max wants to take you to Athens next week. It seems Nikos and his father quite big on family and trusting relationships in their business dealings. They have assured us that the contract is in the bag, but they would like to extend their hospitality to us.‖

  Lily pulled out her PDA, automatically checking Max‘s schedule for next week. ―I don‘t know if you can do this Max, you have…‖

  ―Lily,‖ Max‘s voice interrupted her, ―That can be cleared just as easily as it was filled. We need you to listen for a moment.‖

  She glanced up at the two men whose expressions remained serious, ―What is really going on?‖

  ―It wasn‘t Max‘s idea that you go. Nikos has specifically 50

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire asked for you to accompany Max.‖ Luke said. ―It seems you really impressed him.‖

  ―So? I‘m his PA.‖

  ―It‘s more than that. He has plans for a party, boat tours around the island his brother in law owns.‖

  ―…It seems, ― Max added sparing a wary look at Luke,

  ―That he has his sights set on you. The man won‘t take no for an answer.‖

  ―Max wants to cancel the contract…‖ Luke added.

  She was appalled, ―What? No you can‘t…you said yourself that this took almost a year and a half to set up. Big deal, I‘ll go to Athens with you.‖

  ―It‘s not that simple button, Luke and I were going to spare you this, but Nikos seems to think you come with the deal.‖

  ― What? ‖ her mouth fell open.

  ―It seems you were really potent.‖ He added with a sheepish smile.

  ―There‘s got to be a way around this without losing the contract. Talk to his father.‖ She suggested

  ―Actually,‖ Max started to explain, ―He‘s doing business for his brother in law, Demetrius Vassiliadas. Demetrius is unavailable for now and sent Nikos in his place so it‘s Nikos that we‘ll be dealing with in the future.‖

  ―Vassiliadas?‖ Lily had heard of him. The billionaire shipping tycoon. She thought she‘d seen him in the tabloids, who dubbed him the Patron Son of Greece. She was sure she had read that he‘d taken a very young wife. She glanced at Max, remembering when she read the article that their age difference was not much difference from her and Max‘s, that‘s why it stuck in her head. If Nikos was his brother in law, then it was Nikos‘

  younger sister that Demetrius would have married. The same one Hektor mentioned at dinner. Max wasn‘t lying when he said family meant a lot to him if Demetrius sent his brother in law to 51

  L. R. Wards

  do business for him which was worth millions. Then it dawned on her that this contract had to be worth more than she originally thought. She was sure a tycoon like Demetrius didn‘t deal in small change, ―How much is this whole thing really worth?‖

  ―About a hundred and fifty million.‖ Luke answered.

  Lily reached out and grabbed the back of a chair, ―Oh my God!‖

  ―Lily…‖ Luke started, but he was interrupted.

  ―I‘ll go.‖ She quickly answered before she changed her mind.

  ―No, you won‘t.‖ said Max seriously, ―I‘ll cancel the contract.‖ What she didn‘t realize is that it was a paltry sum in view of what she was worth to him. He was worried that Nikos would get his hands on her, literally, and there was nothing he or Luke could do short of shooting him. However, he had another idea which is what he and Luke were arguing about.

  ―You can‘t! ― She protested, ―That‘s a lot of money.‖

  ―Lily, I‘m certainly not starving.‖ Max finally smiled with a hint of arrogance.

  She knew he was far from it. Luke was filthy rich because of Max and if he could afford to pay her brother such an outrageous salary, he could probably do without the contract, but she didn‘t want to be responsible for it.

  ―So what…I flash him a smile here or there.‖

  ―He‘s Greek,‖ Max said, ―The aggressive form of an Alpha male. A smile won‘t do. He‘ll manage to get you in a situation where you can‘t say no.‖

  ―You‘re joking….and that‘s not possible. I‘ll be with you.

  You‘ll look out for me.‖ She saw something flash in his eyes, but it vanished just as quickly.

  ―Max has a solution Lily.‖ Luke added solemnly.

  ―Although I‘m not sure if I like it, but the final word comes from you.‖


  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire Lily turned back to Max, ―All right. Let‘s hear it. I come down with the flu and stay locked up in my room in Greece?‖ she smiled trying to ease the tension between the two.

  ―No, not quite.‖ Max came around his desk and approached her.

  The strange determined look in his eyes caused her to let go of the chair and step back, but he managed to grab both of her hands in his. She flicked a glance at Luke who looked entirely helpless. ―What are you doing?‖

  ―You‘re brother and I.‖ He gave Luke and odd look,

  ―Thought that maybe we could convince Nikos that we‘re engaged.‖

  Lily tilted her head at him completely puzzled.


  ―It‘s just for cloaking purposes.‖ Said Luke quickly, ―To discourage him.‖

  She was speechless.

  ―If we‘re convincing, Nikos will leave you alone. That way Luke and I can protect you from him.‖

  She looked back and forth at the both of them, ―You‘re serious.‖

  ―The idea has merit Lily.‖ Said Luke.

  ―You two are that worried about Nikos.‖ Like she said before, she could always say no. He was a man, a really nice looking man, but he still didn‘t hold a candle to Max and although she was flattered by his attention, she certainly wasn‘t going to hop into bed with him.

  Luke nodded, ―Max can protect you. Nikos will not let up his pursuit unless we give him reason.‖

  ―Like I told you before Max, I am a big girl. I can say


  Luke straightened himself to his full height and stared down at her, ―Max will have his hands full trying to keep Nikos 53

  L. R. Wards

  away from you if he thinks you‘re single. Although I‘m apprehensive about this, it does make sense. You need to hear him out. That boy that practically had you in his back pocket when Max went to pick you up and he is a long line in a string of men who will use you.‖

  Lily swung her accusing eyes to Max, ―You told him about David?‖

  ―I did. He‘s your brother. He should know what kinds of men are interested in you. Before you argue. I checked the man out. He‘d been inquiring about your relationship with me weeks before you dated him.‖

  ―How could you!‖ she glared at him and snatched her hands back.

  ―Lily,‖ cut in Luke, ―I‘m not alwa
ys here. In the past year, I‘ve been away eight months. Max can take good care of you.‖

  ―I‘m not a puppy!‖ She made her way around the front of the chair she was holding on to earlier and sat down, ―I can‘t believe you two discussed me like a piece of meat.‖ She placed her face in her hands. ―It makes me feel so incapable.‖

  Max winced, ―Lily.‖ He came around the front of her and crouched down to level his gaze with hers, ―I apologize. You certainly aren‘t. We think you are very precious. Neither one of us mean to demoralize you in the least.‖

  She looked up at him, ―Too late.‖

  Max took her hands again and held them in his,

  ―Listen, have you even looked in the mirror lately.‖ Her puzzled expression made him smile, ―I don‘t think you realize how appealing you are to men. I‘ve mentioned it before when we went out for dinner and Nikos couldn‘t take his eyes off of you.‖

  He also mentioned that his thoughts turned toward the bedroom too, but she‘d since brushed it off, because he said it as if it was nothing special. Although deep down she really wished it was. She wanted him to think of her as desirable like Cybil and 54

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire all of those other women he was attracted to in that way.

  ―If we are engaged then Nikos may think twice about coming on to you—I mean he may, not that he will. He‘s been raised with privilege and is used to getting what he wishes.‖ Max continued.

  Lily didn‘t hear anything beyond ‗we are engaged‘ because it sounded so wonderful, so thrilling, that she wished it was true from the bottom of her heart. Even though she knew better, it was still a nice fantasy. Max would never get married, he was a confirmed bachelor. Plus he had his pick of rich, beautiful and famous women. Lily could never compete with that. Her eyes guided to her brother who stood silent for the last few minutes,

  ―Aren‘t you coming?‖

  He shook his head and pursed his lips, ―I‘ve got to fly to Tokyo on Friday.‖ He nodded toward Max, ―Do as he says Lily if you don‘t want him to dump the contract.‖

  ―I really don‘t.‖ she said returning her attention to Max who was still crouched in front of her.

  He smiled, ―So—― he said reaching into his pocket and pulled out a little velvet box. Her gasp was audible as he opened it.

  ―My Gosh! Max that‘s beautiful.‖ She said running her fingers along the diamond and emerald engagement ring.

  He removed it from the box and placed it on her ring finger, ―There, now we‘re engaged.‖ He said with a smile that didn‘t reach the seriousness of his pale eyes.

  She couldn‘t help the look of amazement that crossed her expression and held it up to admire it. ―Did you actually buy this? It must‘ve cost a fortune and it fits perfectly.‖

  Luke watched the display and scrunched his hands into fists in the pockets of his slacks while casting Max a look of disapproval. Max gave him a look of understanding and stood up.


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  ―Now my employees are going to notice this on your finger Lily, so we‘ll need to keep up the pretence. Nikos is very resourceful.‖

  ‗Of course.‖ She said still looking at the ring with all sorts of thoughts roaming through her head hardly hearing what he said. For once she wished her fantasy was a reality.


  Nikos himself met the couple at the airport. He stood outside the white limousine in anticipation and disbelief. Yet not one of his inner thoughts or emotions reached his six foot two rigid stature. Max had told him earlier that week that he‘d recently become engaged to Lily. That woman with the supermodel looks without the spoiled demeanour. He was surprised because that night he‘d met her for the first time, Max was dating Cybil Dawn and he was undeniably enchanted by the other woman. Cybil didn‘t even appeal to him for he had his share of women like that and she dulled next to Lily. However, if he reflected back on that evening, Max‘s attention was undeniably on the other woman during dinner. He was surprised he missed it, because he was usually more astute. Who could blame him? She was perhaps the most stunning specimen of feminine sexuality that he‘d ever seen and he still meant to have her.

  The familiar hum of a jet caught his attention. Glancing at his watch he smiled, right on time. Within minutes, Max‘s private jet was just rumbling down the laneway toward him. Lily, he thought. He‘d already come to terms with the fact that he was going to try and win her away from Max. Engaged or not engaged. Nikos may have only been twenty six but he‘d had his 56

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire share of women and none gave him the rush that Lily did. First of all, he wasn‘t sure if this engagement was a ruse to deter him.

  It may be, but either way it didn‘t matter. Also, he‘d found out that Luke was Lily‘s brother and it all began to make sense. Was the engagement a cover to protect Luke‘s precious gorgeous sister? He wasn‘t sure, but over the next few days he would certainly find out.

  The jet‘s engines powered down and the door opened.

  Nikos watched Max emerge holding Lily‘s hand. Even though he expected her to be beautiful, she still surpassed his expectations.

  She was absolutely ravishing in a white strapless dress that fit her curves flatteringly coming to just above her knees. Her long sun-spun hair trailed about her shoulders and spilled to her waist. He stepped forward to greet them shaking Max‘s hand and kissing Lily politely on the cheek telling her she was beautiful. ―My father wanted to greet you Max, but he wasn‘t feeling well. We‘ll see him at dinner.‖

  ―It‘s nothing serious is it?‖ said Lily with genuine concern that brought a rakish grin from Nikos.

  His dark eyes settled on her with a warm glint, ―No nothing unusual, just his diabetes. It makes him tired at times.

  He‘ll be flattered at your concern.‖ He said watching her blush.

  Priceless, he thought , you couldn’t pay for that humility.

  Max tightened his grip on Lily‘s hand possessively not missing the look of interest in Nikos eyes, ―That‘s good to hear.‖

  If the man thought he was even getting near her he was out in left field. Unknown to Lily Max was sharing the same room with her whether she liked it or not. He was confident enough in his abilities as a man to know she wouldn‘t argue. He didn‘t miss the way she had been looking at him for the past few weeks when she thought he wasn‘t looking. Although he wouldn‘t compromise her virtue, he sure as hell wanted to. However Max wasn‘t the only protective man around Lily, Luke threatened to 57

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  disembowel him if he laid a hand on her like he wanted to. Lily wasn‘t the type for a one night stand and Max was well aware of it.

  If she‘d walked into his office sooner last week she would have heard the real argument between Luke and himself.

  Luke knew of his affections and had asked him the first time he saw him look at his sister more than just a friend four years ago. He knew of Max‘s reputation with women and had no problem voicing his opinion on the matter. Although Luke was his employee, he treated him as an equal and respected him more than anyone else in his life. Luke had been a good friend to him and didn‘t let Max‘s wealth stand in the way of their friendship.

  If he disliked something Max did, he told him so. One good example is when he caught Max looking at his sister with desire clearly registering in his expression while she wasn‘t looking.

  ―What are your intentions toward my sister?‖ Luke had asked him shortly afterwards.

  Max didn‘t pull any punches. He respected Luke too much as a friend to mislead him, ―I want to marry her.‖

  ―She‘s sixteen!‖ Luke said with a mixture of disbelief and possessiveness.

  ―Yeah, I know Luke, I‘ll wait. Besides, she certainly doesn‘t act or look sixteen.‖ He watched Luke purse his lips and stare at him . Max waited patiently for his reaction while he mulled it over. Luke was right, she was young and normally he would have found the age difference distasteful, but
he wanted her. In fact, the more he was around her, the more infatuated he became over her. No other woman had brought that out in him in all of his life. This was an attraction that he had absolutely no control over and he wasn‘t a man to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  He figured he‘d wait until she was at least twenty-four before he sprung the question because he was twelve years older 58

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire than her. However, that was before she started getting noticed by every other male within a twenty foot radius. It cost him a lot of money to keep her single and make sure no other man touched her. He hired bodyguards and paid off several men over the following years to keep away from her. Others who wouldn‘t be discouraged were threatened.

  Finally after a prolonged silence, Luke held out his hand and Max shook it, ―I‘ll leave it to you to convince her then Max, because when she goes off to college, she‘s going to turn heads.‖

  Of course he was right and it led to him hire a team just to make sure that she was looked after. He had gotten weekly reports on her social life. Although he never interfered to the point of her knowing, but he made sure that her dates never got to far with her. He was thankful that she was virtuous and possessed high morals or he‘d have his hands full with the amount of men that were interested in her. She never let them get beyond a brief kiss and that was hard enough but he did need to let her experience some of life without his interference.

  Still, he couldn‘t handle that, someone else touching his Lily. Normally he wasn‘t so obsessive, but he was crazy about her and when Nikos made his desire known, he told Luke he had to move his proposal up.

  As he thought, Luke disagreed. Lily was still too young and very naïve. Luke wanted her to at least finish her degree. So they came to an amicable agreement. The engagement was a cover to mislead Nikos, but the engagement ring was real and so was his proposal only Lily didn‘t know that. He‘d bought the ring around three years ago when he saw it at the jeweller‘s and knew without a doubt it was for Lily. Now, she may not realize it but the engagement was not going to be broken—ever, even if she didn‘t have the ring on her finger. He looked down at her as she asked Nikos a few more questions about his father. Her compassion was real and so was her kindness. He couldn‘t ask 59


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