The Billionaire�s Secret Desire

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The Billionaire�s Secret Desire Page 7

by L. R. Wards , www. obooko. com

  L. R. Wards

  for anything more in a future wife. Already he knew she‘d be passionate in bed, because he was experienced enough to see that unleashed desire in her eyes and if she loved like she fought him, he wouldn‘t be wrong. He studied her profile for another moment and she suddenly turned her head toward him and smiled. Hell, he thought looking down at her lovely upturned face, he sure hoped he could keep his hands off her this weekend or Luke will kill him.

  The luggage was loaded and the three of them got in the car. As it cruised through the city towards his family‘s property Nikos explained the heritage of the buildings and surrounding scenery. Lily listened with intense interest. She‘d never been out of Chicago before in her life.

  Max saw the eagerness in her eyes and expression. After they were married, he would take her to his property in Spain for a month and he told her so. She swung her gaze to him with even more keen interest.


  ―Anything for you button.‖ He said thickly forgetting Nikos sitting across from them and almost forgetting that she didn‘t know they were getting married. The look of excitement on her beautiful face was to blame for that. She was radiant.

  Nikos surveyed the scene like a cat on the hunt. No, the affection was real, he thought. Then again, a man like Max could easily make any woman fall in love with him. However…he flicked his gaze to Max…obviously he was serious about her.

  That smile he just gave her was loaded with affection and it wasn‘t one you bestow on the sister of a friend either.

  The car pulled up to a immaculate villa that must‘ve had at least twenty rooms from the windows on the front of the place Lily surveyed impressively.

  Equally impressive was the inside. Max still had a hold of her hand as their luggage was brought in. ―Put it in the same 60

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire room.‖ He advised the servants in Greek who nodded and disappeared up the stairs. He turned to Lily, ―Go with them, I need a word with Nikos.‖ He said softly. She nodded, glanced past him to Nikos, smiled, then turned and went up the stairs.

  Max watched her go admiring the sway of her sexy backside in that dress before he turned to Nikos.

  Nikos couldn‘t help but be disappointed. Obviously Max had already laid claim to that delicious morsel and if his instincts served him right, she was virtually untouched. His eyes also followed Lily‘s walk up the stairs.

  ―We need to talk.‖ Max interrupted his view bringing his eyes to the pale grey ones he possessed, ―Privately.‖ He added.

  Nikos took a deep breath, ―Obviously.‖ He motioned him forward to the side doors of his father‘s private study. Shutting the door he offered Max a drink which he accepted.

  ―She‘s mine Nikos.‖ He said with severity. ―I would do anything for her.‖

  ―I see that.‖ He answered without contest handing him a glass of amber liquid.

  ―I waited for years for her to grow up. Do not try to take her from me. She‘s been in love with me for four years.‖

  ―She confessed this to you?‖

  ―She did.‖ He lied while staring at the younger handsome man, ―I considered dropping the deal with you over her. She‘s worth that much to me.‘

  Nikos brows rose, ―A hundred and fifty million?‖

  ―More if need be.‖ He waved a hand, ―I am a wealthy man already, but this contract could make me more than that with your and the Vassiliadas connections. I won‘t lie to you.

  Lily is very important to me and I‘m willing to give it up for her.‖

  After a length of silence, Nikos finally nodded. Any man that would risk such a deal must love the woman very much.

  He‘d only seen it once before in Demetrius‘ eyes when he first 61

  L. R. Wards

  laid them on Sophie, his younger sister. He instantly gave up women and married her. Something Nikos would have never thought possible for he usually had two or more mistresses at a time.

  ―I wanted you to know the connection we have. It‘s unbreakable.‖ Max added, ―she means more to me than anything.‖

  He studied the older man for a minute, ―I envy you Max.

  She is rare. I can see where her affections lie. However, I have one thing to ask of you.‘ He downed his drink, ―Set aside the hundred and fifty million, the fact that I‘m lusting after your future wife, or that we are both filthy rich.‖

  ―Fire away.‖ He said with some apprehension.

  ―Does she have a sister?‖

  Max burst into laughter.

  Upstairs in her room, Lily noticed that both sets of luggage were set on the large King sized bed but it really didn‘t hit home until the servants left and she was standing there staring at Max‘s suitcase. Shortly after, Max came in and started to undo his tie.

  ―Max?‖ she said pointing to the luggage.

  ―I told you we had to keep up the pretence.‖ He managed a slow sensual grin, ―Afraid of sharing a bed with me button?‖

  She flushed instantly, ―Share a bed?‖

  He walked up to her until their bodies were inches apart peering down at her with a heated gaze, ―Yes, I‘m afraid you‘re at my mercy this weekend.‖

  She felt vulnerable and knew it was clear as day in her expression, ―Max—what you‘re suggesting—―

  His laughter cut her off, and he leaned down and brushed his mouth across her forehead, ―Don‘t panic honey, I‘ll be good.

  I promise. We just need to keep up the charade. You‘re a big 62

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire girl, I‘m sure you can handle sharing a bed with me in the most plutonic sense. I swear I don‘t even snore.‖ He lifted his head and studied her expression, ―You can‘t believe that I could put my hands on you without Luke tearing into me. I even brought pyjamas—and honey, I never wear pyjamas.‖ He added with a sinful grin.

  Hands on you…pyjamas…oh lord, ―I don‘t know what to think.‖ She exclaimed trying to ignore the tingling on her skin where he kissed her and his deeply voiced words, ―You‘re such a mystery and after all, Luke said I chased your mistress away—―

  He barked with laughter realizing what she was saying,

  ―So you‘d think any gal would do. Lily, for God‘s sake I‘m not a sex maniac. I assure you I can do without if I need to.‖

  ―I can‘t talk about this.‖ She mumbled and turned to leave, but he caught her shoulders.

  ―You‘re a grown woman Lily, are you telling me you can‘t discuss intimacy with a man?‖

  ―It‘s a private matter.‖ She said unable to look him in the eyes, but kept her gaze averted to the open buttons of his shirt.

  No she couldn‘t discuss it and especially not with him. He created that warm floppy feeling in the pit of her stomach whenever he broached the subject. Then she got distracted by his unbuttoned shirt. His tie hung loosely just below there because he hadn‘t finished removing it. She could see the swirls of black hair there too and it was almost impossible to drag her eyes away from that appealing sight. She knew when she saw him by the pool as a teenager that he had a healthy mat of hair there and wondered what it would be like to move her fingers through it.

  Max saw where her eyes were and the longing in them.

  He reached up and finished removing his tie. Then he undid a few more buttons on his shirt. Finally her eyes guided up to his.

  ―W—what are you doing?‖


  L. R. Wards

  ―Changing my shirt,‖ he said huskily, ―Greece is hot.‖

  ―I‘ll leave—―

  ‗No you won‘t.‖ he said, ―You running it out of the room wearing that blush will make people think we‘ve been busy.‖ Of course he couldn‘t care one iota about that. She wanted to see him without his shirt and he was going to oblige her. He knew he had to take it slow with her and hopefully he could keep himself in check long enough to do just that but he wanted her hands on him as much as she wanted to touch him.

  Lily‘s blush deepened, ―not
hing happened.‖ She said with wide innocent eyes.

  ‗Not yet.‖ He said stripping off his shirt lazily and tossing it on the bed.

  Lily‘s eyes were no longer controlled by her. They became independent of her brain‘s warning as they slid over his male form. From a thick chest dusted with dark hair down a flat stomach to washboard abs where hair swirled around his navel and disappeared into the waistband of his belted gray slacks .He was beautiful! Unfortunately she said it out loud.

  ―You think so?‖ he said quietly reaching for one of her hands.

  ―Think what?‖ she said not understanding what he meant.

  ―You said I was beautiful.‖

  ―Oh God, did I?‖ He had her so spellbound she didn‘t know she‘d spoken her thoughts.

  ―Here.‖ He chuckled huskily while lifting her hand and flattening it on his chest, ―Touch me Lily.‖

  She froze and finally brought her eyes up to his, ―What are you doing?‖

  ―I‘m doing what you want but don‘t have the courage to follow through.‖ He answered as he guided his hand across the contours of his chest.


  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire God he felt amazing! Warm and hard. She tried one last time to resist him. Where she got the effort while she was running her hand over him, God only knew. ―Max we shouldn‘t—


  ―We‘re engaged,‖ he interrupted bending his head towards hers.

  ―It‘s not real.‖ She murmured as her eyes flicked to his sensual mouth.

  ―No?‖ he said with amusement as his mouth lightly brushed hers causing it to part in a silent gasp. Her naiveté was refreshing and if anything, completely appealing. Just watching the discovery of her own desire while she moved her hand across his chest shattered his resistance. He had to kiss her. He had to taste those flush rose petal lips and see if they tasted as good as they looked.

  She stood as stiff as a board, with her hand on his chest and her eyes shut too afraid to open them and find that she was dreaming. Then she heard her name, deeply spoken. Her eyes popped open and he was looking at her, with his face inches from hers.

  Max smiled arrogantly and lowered his head again. This time he kissed her parted mouth and toyed with her bottom lip between his, suckling and teasing her. ―Come on honey, you know you want to.‖ He murmured against her still mouth before he pressed his lips to hers again.

  Oh did she ever want to! But she wasn‘t sure how. She‘d only experienced a few kisses in her life, and none of them were like this! Heat started building deep in her pelvis and her knees felt like jelly. Then he nibbled her bottom lip and ran his tongue along it in such a sensual gesture something within her uncoiled.

  Something liquid and hot. Without realizing it, her arms drifted around his neck and she opened her mouth further to comply with his coaxing.


  L. R. Wards

  Max slanted his head to capture her mouth completely and moved with a controlled rhythm meant to drive her wild.

  When she pressed against him and moaned, he knew he was successful. His arms wrapped around her and lifted her off the floor as their kisses grew more feverish. A small clunk was heard as one of her shoes fell of her foot as he began walking toward the bed. Slowly and carefully as not to break his hold on her he bent over and lowered her onto the mattress bringing his body down on top of her while edging one of his long legs between hers.

  Then he reached down and pushed the skirt of her dress up so he could grip her soft thigh and pull it up to his hip settling himself more intimately against her. If she noticed, she didn‘t let on and from the noises that were escaping her throat just to be captured by his mouth, he knew she was lost.

  Everything about her was captivating and passionate.

  She responded to him with a newness of discovery and it was unexpectedly arousing. He shifted himself and pressed his obvious need into her pelvis and she gasped. Finally with the last shred of resistance he had he lifted his head and looked down at her. Her eyes were wide with wonder like two bright emeralds, her mouth was slightly swollen and her cheeks were flushed with passion. She was stunning and he could only imagine how much more beautiful she was with that flush all over her naked body.

  As it was, her soft clothed body was torturing him. He wanted to tear her clothes off and touch every soft warm inch of her with his tongue just to see if she tasted that good all over.

  ―Max—― she could barely say his name. He had momentarily stunned her.

  ―Hush up.‖ He smiled while lifting himself up on his forearms to stare down at her, ―There‘s nothing wrong with this.‖

  ―Oh there is.‖ She argued. This was so wrong in so many ways! She thought she was in love with him before. This just pushed her past the point of no return.


  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire He bent his head and took her mouth again for a long heated moment before lifting it. Again she showed no resistance.

  In fact, she responded to him like she was made for him. His eyes roved over her face, ―Nothing that feels that good, is wrong.‖

  He repeated and to get his meaning through pushed his hips into hers again causing her eyes to widen. ―See?‖

  There was a loud knock on the door interrupting them followed by a voice in Greek. Max turned his head and answered whoever it was without getting off her.

  ―Who was that?‖ she whispered, unable to find her voice.

  He smiled searching her flushed face with his pale eyes,

  ―dinner time.‖

  He said it as if it had nothing to do with food, ―Oh,‖ she said starting to become aware of the position they were in and started getting more embarrassed, ―Max—could you—―

  He chuckled and rolled off her with a sigh. She took the opportunity to escape and jumped out of the bed. He just lay there flat on his back staring at the ceiling with a smile on his face and looking absolutely heavenly bare to the waist. His eyes suddenly flicked to her causing her to blush for being caught staring. ―Sorry.‖ She managed.

  ―What for?‖ he said sitting up and grabbing his suitcase like what had just occurred was a normal every day event, ―I don‘t mind if you look at me Lily. Look all you want.‖

  Without a word she turned and went into the bathroom completely ashamed at her behaviour.

  Well that went well, he thought staring at the closed door. He opened his luggage and removed a cool white silk shirt and tan chinos. He purposely tried not to make a big deal about what had just happened between them because he knew she was knocked off balance and he didn‘t want to lend more to her discomfort. Truth was, he was in deep deep trouble. The alphabet wouldn‘t help him this time. Nothing would. She 67

  L. R. Wards

  surpassed his expectations in what he‘d expected when he first touched and kissed her.

  So much for trying to keep his mind on business. There was no way in hell he was going to be able to concentrate on anything but her.

  In the bathroom, Lily was staring at her reflection in the mirror appalled at her behaviour and even more appalled at Max‘s. He kissed her. All sorts of things were flooding into her brain with that. Did he mean it when he said that he wasn‘t that desperate for sex? If he did, that meant he kissed her because he wanted to. It was too difficult for her to fathom. How could someone like Max King be interested in her when he could have his pick of any woman he wanted? Cybil Dawn was incredibly beautiful despite her venom. Any man would be willing to overlook her vices just to date her.

  She blew a strand of hair out of her eyes and looked at the mess it was in. ―Guard your heart Lily.‖ She whispered to herself.

  She brushed out her hair and smoothed the lines of her dress before she went back out just to stop suddenly. Max was waiting for her and he looked so devastatingly handsome in his casual clothes with his hair mussed up while leaning against one of the bed posts with his arms across his chest. He gave her a boyish grin with a glint of new knowledge in his eyes when she e
merged and the blush she just got rid of, came back with a vengeance.

  ―you look good enough to eat.‖ He said straightening up and running his gaze over her.

  ―You are taking this engagement acting too far.‖ She said wishing that their engagement was real. If that moment they shared moments ago was any indicator of what it would be like between them, she could live with that for the rest of her life. She knew she could.

  ―Am I?‖ he mused holding out his hand.

  She just stared at him unable to figure this new mood of 68

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire his out. He was usually good to her, but now there was some deeper warmth there that made her uncomfortable. It wasn‘t because she didn‘t want it. She did more than anything else in her life, but she worried it was temporary.

  ―Come on button, I don‘t bite—― he grinned, ―—unless you ask really nice.‖

  ―Max, you need to behave.‖ She said finally taking his hand and shooting him a helpless look.

  He chuckled, ‗Would you believe that I am.‖ He was.

  Every cell in his body was screaming to drag her back to bed, have her naked and completely misbehave, but he needed to take this slow. Revealing his desire for her was already making her apprehensive.

  ―No, not in a minute.‖ She said as he led her out the door causing him to grin mischievously.

  Dinner wasn‘t as pleasant as Lily had hoped. Nikos‘ sister Helene joined them and flirted outrageously with Max. She was shameless about it too. Even Nikos shot her a disapproving look at one point during dinner. Also their father didn‘t seem too impressed, but no one said anything.

  It didn‘t help that she was gorgeous. So much that she could give Cybil a run for her money. The woman was tall, slender, with dark hair and eyes befitting of her race. She made sure she sat on the other side of Max with her chair quite close, and at one point she was sure that Helene had moved her hand to his thigh by the angle of her arm next to him.

  However, his expression didn‘t give it away and she started fuming. Maybe he enjoyed her advances and why not, she was beautiful and as far as Lily was concerned she couldn‘t compete. If she had any hope about what they had shared prior it was gone.


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