The Billionaire�s Secret Desire

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The Billionaire�s Secret Desire Page 8

by L. R. Wards , www. obooko. com

  As the evening wore on she became less involved in the conversation. Max seemed thoroughly involved in Helene. He 69

  L. R. Wards

  had barely looked her way since dinner started. It hurt her, more than she liked to admit. It made her realized that all she was to him was a fill in for a woman. He kissed her because he could, because any woman would let him and he knew that. Just like she did.

  ―For tomorrow,‖ Nikos said bringing his eyes to Lily.

  ―We‘re going to Demetrius‘ island. I thought you would enjoy a cruise on the yacht. It‘s spectacular. We are throwing a party for our father whose birthday is on Sunday. They‘ll be a lot of people there.‖

  ―That sounds wonderful.‖ Lily said brightening up. She‘d never been on a boat before let alone a yacht. Suddenly she felt Max‘s hand squeeze hers. She was tempted to look at him but she was jealous and angry that he paid attention to Nikos sister.

  Also, her emotions were clearly registering on her face, and she didn‘t want him to see how deeply rejected she felt. So instead she paid complete attention to Nikos who went on to explain what they had planned for their guests.

  After dinner Nikos asked Max to join him for a drink.

  Lily feigned a headache and said she needed to lie down. She didn‘t miss the smirk that Helene gave her when she stood up to leave. Obviously the woman knew she was no competition either and that just added to her hurt.

  ―I‘ll walk you up.‖ Max said starting to rise.

  ―No, I‘ll be fine.‖ She flicked a look to Helene, ―Don‘t leave our hosts on my account.‖ She said with a bit of an edge before she turned and walked away.

  ―It must be jet lag.‖ Said Nikos knowing it wasn‘t. ―She doesn‘t travel much?‖

  ―No.‖ Max said staring at the doorway she walked through. She was upset and he was sure it had something to do with their host‘s promiscuous sister. Lily wasn‘t used to competing for a man, not that there was competition but she 70

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire didn‘t know that.

  He put up with Helene‘s advances but he didn‘t encourage them and he certainly didn‘t welcome them. He had spent the entire time through dinner fending off her advances although it looked entirely different to Lily because she wasn‘t used to Helene‘s experience and she obviously thought he was ignoring her. However he wasn‘t one to toss a woman on her ass either and there was also the consideration of her family. Truth of it was he couldn‘t take his attention off of her for a moment or she‘d have been on his lap and had his cock in her hand if he‘d let her despite her family being at the same table. She had attempted to grab his crotch several times under the table but he‘d stopped her with his own hand. Frankly, he was disgusted with the woman‘s outrageous behaviour, but he wouldn‘t cause a scene. He would definitely set her straight but later, when he got her alone. unfortunately Lily was ignored because of Helene‘s actions and Max knew was hurt over it.

  Several hours later Lily was still awake staring at the ceiling. Was he with that other woman now? She really had no right to feel the way she did. It was a mock engagement, but did that mean he could have another liaison in Nikos‘ house? After going over everything in her mind for several hours she should know better than suspect that Max was with another woman.

  He‘d gone through great lengths to protect her and he wouldn‘t drop it all for a night in another woman‘s bed, even one as beautiful as Helene. Wouldn‘t he? He was a smart man. She took a deep breath and hoped to God her faith wasn‘t misplaced.

  After all, it was her he kissed, not Helene. Oh, and what a kiss!

  Just then the door opened and she shut her eyes rolling on her side pretending to sleep. She heard him moving around in the room then in the bathroom. A few moments later he emerged and she felt the bed shift with his weight.

  ―I know you‘re not sleeping button. People who are 71

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  asleep don‘t breathe like that.‖ He said settling under the blankets.

  She never said anything. She couldn‘t help being angry about what happened even though she shouldn‘t blame Max.

  Women couldn‘t help themselves around him. He was just too darn sexy for his own good.

  She felt the bed shift and he got close enough so she felt warmth of his body at her back without coming in contact, then a hand on her shoulder.

  ―She‘s not my type.‖

  ―She seems to think so.‖ She finally said quietly.

  ―We‘re engaged honey.‖ He said with humour in his voice, but he didn‘t feel it at all. He was already hard with wanting her just knowing that her body was inches away from his. ―I remember telling you before that I don‘t stray.‖

  She could hear the smile in his voice and was sure he was smiling himself. ―Someone should tell her that.‖ He chuckled and it sounded surprisingly sexy in the dark.

  ―I did as soon as I got her alone.‖

  She rolled toward him, putting her face inches from his,

  ―You did?‖ she felt like weeping.

  Hell, this is completely unfair, thought Max as he caught the scent of her skin. He was sure it smelled like lavender. Also, knowing that beautiful lush body was inches from his near had him undone. Surprisingly he was able to keep his voice from cracking when he spoke. ―Yes.‖ What he didn‘t tell her was Helene ignored him and started fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt. It was easy to stop her from undressing him, but the hand on his thigh at dinner was a little more difficult because of the company at the table. No matter how angry he was getting over it, he didn‘t want to embarrass her family.

  First of all, he didn‘t like women who were not constricted with their blatant flirting and thought they were more 72

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire desirable than they really were. It presented as desperation. Not only that, it wasn‘t that long ago that he‘d been on top of the gorgeous woman lying next to him now. Nothing could compare to the desire he felt when he touched her and felt her move under him. Go slow, Max, Go slow, he reminded himself silently. He‘d promised Luke.

  ―Thank you.‖ She replied thinking it was a stupid thing to say but she was a little tongue tied at his closeness. She could feel the heat from his body and they were about six inches apart.

  It would be so easy to reach out and touch him.

  ―you‘re welcome,‖ he grinned, ―Now go to sleep Lily, it sounds like we have a full day tomorrow and you‘re going to need your rest to play the part of a blissfully happy fiancé because I‘m going to be all over you like white on rice.‖ As it was, it was taking everything he had not to flatten her onto her back and seduce her.

  ―Oh.‖ She said trying to stop the thrill that shot through her. She was distracted enough being in the same bed as him let alone knowing that he didn‘t sleep with Nikos‘ sister. Suddenly she felt his hand on her cheek with his thumb caressing her temple. Then it disappeared just as quick as he rolled away from her.

  ―Sleep button.‖

  That was easy for him to say. Who could sleep with their heart going a hundred miles a minute? Then something occurred to her. It was odd that it hadn‘t sooner, but he had her all in knots. ―Max?‖


  ―Does Luke know about our little sleeping arrangement?‖

  ―What do you think?‖

  ―I think as much as he cares about you, if he knew, he‘d flip.‖

  ―probably.‖ He answered letting himself smile. Luke may 73

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  seem like the distinguished gentlemen but they had come to blows more than once as rangy young adults. Usually in some stupid drunken brawl over something he couldn‘t remember, but they were as close as brothers and if Luke knew that he was sharing a bed with his baby sister, he wouldn‘t hesitate to put his fist through his jaw.

  ―then why—―

  ―Go to sleep honey.‖ He interrupted.

  Lily noticed that his voice was oddly quiet, not in volume, but tone almost as
if it was hard for him to talk.


  When Lily awoke the next morning she was alone.

  Absently she stretched her arm across the bed and felt for him then shot up on her arms staring at the empty side of the bed.

  What would make her do such a thing? This whole weekend would be an eye opener on her weaknesses toward that man. She groaned and got out of bed, disgusted at her actions to fall so easily under his spell.

  After a shower she picked out a pretty pale yellow dress with a flared skirt and white heels. She took time to do her makeup and left her hair down because he mentioned that he liked it that way. White on rice. The words sent a shiver through her.

  Max was sitting on the back patio sharing conversation and coffee with Nikos. He couldn‘t help but like him. As far as he could see he was honest and seemed to really care about his family. Also, he hadn‘t made any movement toward Lily after Max had spoken to him. It must have been as hard as pulling teeth because Max was having tremendous difficulty refraining 74

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire from touching her like he wanted to.

  Just then another tall man that Max recognized immediately came out on to the back patio with a long purposeful stride. Nikos stood to and held out his hand to greet him along with a smile of pleasant surprise. Max also stood to shake his hand as Nikos introduced him.

  The tabloids went wild when Demetrius Vassiliadas married Nikos youngest sister Sophia—Sofie? However, contrary to how the tabloids usually portrayed the rich and famous, they gave him praise of a fairy tale wedding to his young bride. Maybe it was because he and Sophie where heavily involved in charity work and the public adored them. When they wed last year, it was called the wedding of the decade by the press. He hoped they were that gentle with Lily when they caught a hold of their engagement. Yet, the man who stood before him now, didn‘t look happy. Even as handsome as Demetrius was, he looked worn, tired and hardened.

  ―Won‘t you sit?‖ Nikos offered.

  ―No, my plane leaves in an hour for the U.S.‖ He cast a glance at Max, ―I‘ll be back the day after with my wife.‖

  This made Nikos still, ―Sophie?‖

  ―yes.‖ He nodded to Max, ―A pleasure to finally meet you.

  It is too bad I cannot sit and speak with you, but that is why Nikos is here. He is like a brother to me and I trust him.‖ He gave Nikos a look of pride.

  Demetrius spoke very good English, but with an accent that was heavier than Nikos. ―Maybe next time.‖ Max noted the look they shared as his wife‘s name was mentioned. Maybe his fatigue had something to do with his young bride because, as far as he knew, his wealth had increased tremendously this year, so it wasn‘t that. However, Max wasn‘t one to pry in other people‘s personal lives, because he didn‘t like his invaded.

  He smiled, ―Of course. I‘ll make time in the next few 75

  L. R. Wards

  months to fly to Chicago and we‘ll finalize things in person.‖

  ―Bring your wife Demetrius, from what I hear about her, Lily would love her.‖


  ―My fiancé.‖

  Demetrius managed a rare smile, ―Let me offer my congratulations. I would like very much to take you up on your offer. I‘ll have Nikos work out the details for the future.‖

  Max shook his hand again and watched him leave before he and Nikos sat down again. Nikos was oddly silent as he stirred his coffee. When he spoke it wasn‘t what Max expected.

  Nikos was a good businessman, there was no doubt. He also suspected that the man didn‘t speak about family problems often so when he started to explain, it was surprising.

  ―My youngest sister has been missing for nine months.‖

  He said quietly and took a sip of his coffee not meeting Max‘s curious eyes. ―Demetrius has been distraught.‖ Nikos continued finally bringing his eyes to his, ―None of us know why she ran, not even Demetrius.‖

  Max never said anything but it certainly explained the tycoon‘s condition. He was a nice looking man and could rival Max in height, but he looked oddly defeated. Another thing that was obvious was Nikos‘ pain at the mention of his sister. Max could understand to a point. If Lily ever took off like that, he‘d be devastated.

  ―Demetrius spotted my sister by the pool one day and offered marriage not two hours later. So you‘ll have to excuse him, he is usually a force to be reckoned with when he deals with business. He wanted to complete this deal with you himself but he had gotten a lead on where Sophie was. Over the months there had been many but obviously this one was the real thing.‖

  It was unusual that the press didn‘t get wind of this over the past nine months because they were a high profile couple, 76

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire

  ―Was it another man?‖ Most men would take this as an insult but Nikos just grinned and shook his head.

  ―With other woman maybe, but not Sophie, she loved him very much. That‘s why none of this made sense. I‘m anxious to find out why she left.‖ He pursed his lips, ―Unlike Helene, Sophie was virtuous. She had a softness about her that was addictive. When Demetrius first laid eyes on her it was a full five minutes before he spoke. I have never seen my friend speechless before.‖ He shot Max a look, ―Much like you are with your Lily.‖

  Max lifted his cup and sipped his own coffee while his pale eyes remained on Nikos, ―It‘s that obvious is it?‖

  ―As the sun shines.‖ He grinned spreading his hands under the bright light of the Grecian sun, ―Why do you think I backed off? If it was any less than the look Demetrius gave Sophie, I would be in hot pursuit.‖

  ―So you think.‖ He said seriously causing Nikos to laugh.

  ―Ah, speaking of Lily.‖ Nikos stood up followed by Max as Lily came out onto the back patio.

  If the Grecian sun was bright, Lily entering the picture just made it seem dim. She was beautiful. Max couldn‘t take his eyes off her. She wore a dress with a simple style but it was perfect showing her luscious curves to the point of make a man want to discover more.

  Immediately Max left the table, went to her, and without warning gave her a long genuine kiss. Lily knew he was acting because of what he told her about Nikos but she still responded to him. It was easy to play a part when she was taking it seriously. Finally he lifted his head.

  She looked tired. He already knew that she lay awake like he did last night although he was better at feigning sleep than she was. It didn‘t help to know that he‘d seen the thin satin nightgown she‘d brought with her and knew she was wearing it.

  Images of her scantily clad body kept him awake until four in the 77

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  morning. She had fallen asleep a few hours before. It would have been easy to remove his pyjama bottoms and undershirt then move his body next to hers. Just thinking about it started the aching in his groin that kept him up most of the night. As it was he reached over and caressed the smooth skin of her face and fingered a lock of her hair. She didn‘t wake up with that, but she released a soft moan that turned him hard as a rock.

  When she came out in the light of the bright Grecian sun, he couldn‘t help himself and had to kiss her. He craved the feel of her mouth and her taste. He was keeping up the pretence of the engagement just so she would play along. The more she played along, the more he had an excuse to touch her. ―How did you sleep?‖

  She glanced shyly up at him, ―Well enough.‖

  His thumb caressed a darkened area under one of her eyes, ―Liar.‖ He murmured.

  ―Nikos is watching us.‖ She said feeling her rising blush.

  ―So?‖ he smiled slowly, ―I told you I was going to be all over you.‖ What he didn‘t tell her and he wouldn‘t tell her is that Nikos had resigned his pursuit of Lily. Any moment to touch her and kiss her would be taken advantage of. Unfortunately now that he started, he doubted he could stop touching her even when they returned to Chicago.

  Her heart jumped at his deeply voice statem
ent, ―I heard you last night.‖

  ―Did you honey?‖ He said pulling up one corner of his mouth.

  ―I did.‖ She said tersely embarrassed at her reaction to him and equally embarrassed that she was jealous of Helene.

  ―Once you told me that you dealt with your stalker.‖

  He chuckled, ―Was that what she was?‖ He took her hands and squeezed them while studying her flushed cheeks,

  ―You sure play the part well. You acted like a jealous lover.‖


  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire I wasn’t playing, she thought, I wanted to scratch her eyes out. She was actually going to tell him that when Nikos interrupted.

  ―If you can unhand your fiancé for a minute or two,‖ he said with amusement, ―She should eat something before we leave for Aquinas.‖

  Max agreed and took her hand to lead her back toward the table. After he pulled out a chair for her and sat next to her, several servants were at her side with platters of food.

  She wasn‘t used to such attention and started to get uncomfortable. It didn‘t help that Max had moved his arm to the back of her chair and his hand absently rubbed her shoulder while he spoke to Nikos. The constant caressing was unnerving her. Not that she didn‘t want it, she wanted more. She wanted to feel his body on hers again and to have him kiss her that way.

  She lay awake last night for awhile after he‘d fallen asleep hoping that he‘d do just that. However he didn‘t and she was devastatingly disappointed. She was wondering if it was because he didn‘t desire her like she did him. In all her inexperience she didn‘t know if he was serious about all of this or maybe he was just playing the part and getting her into the role of it. What he didn‘t know is that she fell really hard for him and he was very convincing. Yet something deep down told her that Max wasn‘t that cruel, but he did tell her that this engagement was a cloak.


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