The Billionaire�s Secret Desire

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The Billionaire�s Secret Desire Page 10

by L. R. Wards , www. obooko. com

  Max finished smoothing the lapels of his tuxedo before he reached for his platinum cufflinks and checked his appearance in the mirror. Then he cast a glance over at the bed. It was queen sized and he knew that would be a problem. He had issues with the King sized bed they were in the night before not being big 89

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  enough. He definitely would play the charming fiancé, but he had to keep his distance or there was no way he was going to keep his hands off of her tonight.

  Reaching up he smoothed a lock of hair above his temple while saying a silent prayer before he opened the door to get Lily.

  Lily still wanted to do something with her hair and her makeup after she donned the dress. Nikos was right about one thing, the dress fit her perfectly. She‘d thought that Sophie would be taller like Helene, but she was definitely around her height.

  A knock on the door followed by Max‘s voice drew her attention. She went to it but didn‘t open it.

  ―I want to finish in our room.‖ She smiled leaning against her shoulder against the door.

  ‗you‘re beautiful enough button.‖ Came the muffled response.

  ―No I‘m not.‖ She grinned, ―I‘ll meet you in about twenty minutes.‘

  ―What are you up to?‖

  ―Nothing.‖ She said in a way that meant the opposite. ―I‘ll meet you upstairs, I promise.‖ A deep chuckle was her answer.

  ―Fine honey, but don‘t take too long.‖

  Lily waited a few more minutes to make sure he left before she made her way to their stateroom.

  Upstairs Nikos was taking Max around and introducing them to his relatives. Hektor, Nikos father arrived and Nikos excused himself to speak to him for a moment.

  ―Max King, isn‘t it?‖

  Max turned to the soft feminine voice and recognized her immediately. She was a close friend of Cybil‘s and also a fashion model. She was also about Lily‘s age and striking. She was tall dark haired, brown eyed and slender. He noticed immediately that her eyes had already given him an invitation. However, 90

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire there was one thing she didn‘t have.

  She wasn‘t Lily.

  ―I am.‖

  ―I‘m Melissa Lake.‖

  ―Yes.‖ He said politely, ―I remember.‖ She gave him a sultry smile obviously impressed that he remembered her.

  ―I‘m glad.‖ She looked past him to Nikos, ―You are a friend of Nikos.‖

  ―He‘s a business acquaintance.‖

  ―I see. So you‘re here on business.‖ She raised a delicate brow, ―Alone?‖

  The tone of her voice and the sensual posturing she displayed was an invitation. In the past he may have taken her up on it, but Lily would be up soon and knowing that Melissa paled next to her, made him easily turn her down. Not only that, he was done filling his bed with unemotional sex. It was no longer appealing to him. It wasn‘t the act itself; it was the emotional attachment he wanted to go along with it. Something he always had a problem with until Lily came along. Over the past twenty four hours the little bit of intimacy he shared with her was more sensual and passionate than anything he could remember to have experienced in a long time. He was ready to get married and have children when Lily was ready to do so.

  He focused his attention back on Melissa ready to turn her down politely, ―Actually—― he stopped as his eyes took in a stunning sight past her. An exquisite feminine body wearing a satin cream colored gown that clung superbly to every sensual curve she possessed. Her back was to him, but he knew it belonged to Lily. If her luscious body wasn‘t a hint, her hair was a dead giveaway and the copper color was a delicious contrast to the gown and the bare skin it showed as it dipped low down her back. ―—Excuse me.‖ He said without sparing Melissa another look and brushed by her as if she was a mere stranger.


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  ―What on earth—― she said watching him head toward another woman. Her mouth fell open as he came up behind her and slid his hand down to her lower back while bending down and kissing her on the cheek. Immediately she reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. Cybil should know that her multimillionaire boyfriend was a busy man. Of course she was hoping to hop into bed with him as easily as one two three, but he just brushed her off for some unknown. Max King was gorgeous and she‘d been lusting after him since Cybil brought him to a party over a month ago. The man dripped sexual perfection and she‘d heard rumours that he was a God between the sheets.

  When Lily entered the large room now crowded with guests she had seen Max hovering by a model that she recognized and instantly felt discouraged. She had a burst of reality and remembered who he really was to the public, to women and that she was no less than insignificant. She didn‘t leave him alone for twenty minutes and one of the world‘s top models had zeroed in on him like a bee to honey. Turning she went to the bar and got a glass of wine while watching the couple.

  The woman was leaning into him and she knew Max was having fake lashes batting at him and getting a none too subtle invitation. She tipped her glass and swallowed the contents, set it down and ordered another.

  She was on her third glass when she felt a warm hand slide down the bare skin of her back.

  ―Hiding?‖ Max said while bending and brushing his mouth across her cheek, ―My God woman, you could stop the rain with that dress.‖ He murmured in her ear before he lifted his head. Then he saw the glass of wine, ―What is this? You don‘t drink.‖

  ―I‘m starting a new sin.‖ She said taking a large swallow not looking at him.


  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire

  ―You don‘t even have any old ones.‖ He straightened and looked down at her trying to examine her tone. Finally he nodded, ―I presume you saw me with Miss Lake.‖ It wasn‘t a statement.

  She shrugged and looked at him over the rim of the glass.

  ―Okay, that‘s enough.‖ He said softly while taking the glass out of her hand. She had a good grip on it so it took a few tugs and a stern look.

  She placed a hand on her hip, ―you know,‖ she whispered harshly.‖ It‘s not easy keeping up this mock engagement when you have women throwing themselves at you.‖ Slowly he smiled.

  It was sinfully devilish. ―Stop that, it‘s not helping.‖ She averted her gaze feeling silly at the wave of jealousy she just experienced.

  By rights he couldn‘t‘ help it, he was a force to be reckoned with wearing that expensive tuxedo and it wasn‘t like he openly encouraged them.

  ―Let‘s dance.‖ He said taking her hand and leading her toward the crowded dance floor. She wanted to resist him , she really did, but he looked so distinguished in that tuxedo and combined with the wine she felt oddly warm and submissive.

  Before she could respond Max turned her about and clasped her body tight to his.

  ―I hate you.‖ She mumbled.

  ―no you don‘t.‖ he mused pressing his hand into the small of her back and rubbing his thumb sensuously over bare skin.

  She did, she really did. She had no control over her body around him and it seemed as if even her emotions betrayed her.

  Now he knew that she was horribly jealous. Yet, he insisted on dancing with her. Max didn‘t like petty emotions from women especially after he dropped Cybil from the display she did.

  However, they weren‘t in a relationship and she had the advantage of being the little sister of his best friend so chances 93

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  were, he was humouring her. That thought just made her angrier and it must‘ve been visible in her expression because he bent his head to examine her eyes.

  ―Stop it honey, there‘s no need to be jealous.‖

  ―I know.‖ She didn‘t deny it. It was too darn obvious. He was just confirming her previous thoughts that he was placating her.

  ―Do you?‖

  She lifted her eyes to his as he turned her about, ―I‘m being silly. I know I am, but I can‘t help but let it bo
ther me Max.

  I know this is just a game to you, but I‘m in trouble.‖

  ―Is that right?‖ He said staring down at her letting his smile falter. ―Is this the wine talking?‖

  ―No, the wine just eliminated my resistance to tell you.‖

  She confessed feeling like she just stepped off a cliff while eyeing him uncertainly. She expected him to be uncomfortable or turn her confession into a thing of humour to make her feel better, but there was none of that in his eyes. He looked completely absorbed in what she had just said.

  Just as it looked as if Max was going to answer her, Nikos stood on a chair and tapped his glass with a spoon announcing that he wanted to make a toast to his father.

  Lily couldn‘t think of a worse time to torture her. She had just told Max how she felt and now her confidence was slipping tremendously by every passing minute that Nikos stood up there and told stories of his father, She felt Max squeeze her hand and she brought her head up to look at him and what was in his eyes wasn‘t laughter or disappointment. It was the same look he gave her when he kissed her in the bedroom the day before. Somehow he knew how insecure she was feeling and let her know that he desired her too. He always seemed to know what she was thinking. Then he gave a subtle indication with his head toward the exit as he tightened his hand around her waist and slowly 94

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire moved out of the crowd as Nikos finished his speech followed by loud applause and cheers.

  Max had barely gotten the door of their stateroom closed when he pushed her up against the wall and crushed his mouth against hers. He already knew he was going to have to replace the dress as he tore it off her shoulders. A small price to pay for what lay underneath.


  The next morning he woke with Lily‘s face buried in his neck and her soft body up against his with her arm strewn across his chest. His actions came flooding back like a typhoon, ―Oh hell.‖ He groaned sliding out from under her and sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. Luke is going to kill him! He turned and looked at the thoroughly sated woman sleeping in the bed and felt another wave of anguish. He couldn‘t possibly fix this.

  He stood up and went to the shower. He couldn‘t think straight with her naked next to him.

  Turning on the taps he stepped in and allowed the water to pour over his body as he ducked his head and allowed it to stream down his back. Why didn‘t he stop it before he went too far? He knew the answer to that already. He couldn‘t stop.

  Maybe it was the romantic ambiance of the evening and the two glasses of scotch he had before she showed up. It didn‘t help that she‘d been drinking either, but it wasn‘t a very good excuse.

  Regardless it seemed to strip away his common sense when he saw her in that dress. From that point on, nothing else existed but Lily.

  He tipped his face up to the pouring water. He had to tell 95

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  Luke. He betrayed his best friend and regardless of the pleasure he had last night, the guilt washed it away. After they got back to Chicago, he would have to cool things with her for awhile. Luke wanted her to finish school and Max agreed with him. She was too young to marry him now. There was a twelve year difference in their ages and he‘d promise Luke he‘d wait another four years.

  If it was up to him, he would have married her when she turned eighteen. To him, the age difference was nothing compared to what he felt about her, but she needed to be mature enough to make some choices on her own.

  Getting out of the shower he reached for a towel and swore to himself. Lily didn‘t deserve this, but it had to be done.

  He‘d take the ring back and thank her for the best weekend of his life and tell her to carry on with hers. It was going to rip his heart out, but he had to do it.

  Lily awoke alone and felt her cheeks heat up with the images flooding back in her mind from the night before. She never realized that a man and a woman could share such pleasure. Turning her head, she wished he was still with her as she surveyed the empty area beside her. Why did he feel the need to leave before she woke each morning?

  Climbing out of bed she headed for the shower. Most likely he was up on deck taking in the glorious Grecian sun and breakfast with Nikos. According to her view from the porthole they must‘ve docked sometime in the night, and that would mean they‘d be heading home in a few hours. Something she didn‘t look forward to. For some reason she knew that the fairytale would end.

  She finished showering and chose a pink blouse, white cotton shorts and sandals. Then she spent some extra time on her hair and makeup.

  About an hour later she found Nikos and Max on the deck of the bow talking and they both stood as she approached. She 96

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire gave them both a glorious smile, but only Nikos returned it. Max leaned over and gave her a perfunctory kiss on the cheek completely opposite of his greeting the day before. She examined his expression and felt a knot in her stomach at the coolness there. All sorts of things began to fill her head, but only one hit her hard. She obviously was a disappointment in bed and now that he knew that, he was done with her. It hurt horribly but she did her best to not show it and remained silent through the meal.

  Nausea built up in the pit of her stomach and she couldn‘t even find it in her to eat the delicious buffet set out for them. She only moved food around on her plate. Unfortunately Nikos seemed to notice the change in her and she saw his eyes glance back and forth between them a couple of times.

  It didn‘t matter. Today they would head home to Chicago and they would resume their normal routines for the next few weeks until she returned to College. If this moment was an indicator, he would never touch her again. Part of her died inside over that thought.

  It wasn‘t long after that they said their goodbye‘s and the helicopter took them straight to the airport. Once aboard the plane Lily removed the ring and handed it back to Max. ―I guess I don‘t need this anymore.‖ Finally he centered his gaze on her with a flicker of emotion while he took it from her.

  ―It was fun Lily.‖ He said searching her expression.

  ―I guess.‖ She murmured.

  He took a deep breath knowing he was hurting her with his cool restraint, ―Look, what happened—―

  ―I—don‘t want to discuss this.‖ She said waving a hand, ―I can‘t.‖ her eyes guided to his, ―Just please don‘t tell Luke.‖


  ―Can you at least promise me that? I just want to get on with my life. I‘m sorry I disappointed you.‖

  ―Disappointed! Lily, what the hell are you talking about?‖


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  he said incredulously.

  ―Just forget it.‖ She said feeling herself blush.

  ―No, I won‘t. Do you think that‘s what‘s going on? That you disappointed me? Good lord button, that‘s the furthest thing from the truth.‖ He never even considered that his aloofness toward her would be interpreted in such a way. Now he felt like a complete bastard. In truth he should have known better, she was inexperienced and naïve, and despite what they shared, she still was.

  ―Max please just stop!‖ She pleaded.

  ―You should let me explain.‖ He said wincing inwardly seeing her pain.

  ―I don‘t want to talk about it. When we get back to Chicago, we‘ll get on with our lives as if nothing has happened.

  It‘s what I want. I‘m going back to College in a few weeks.‖ She continued not looking him in the eyes for fear that he‘d see how hurt she was.

  But he already knew the damage he caused and her statement, though he agreed, cut him to the core. He‘d promised Luke that he‘d leave her be, and he didn‘t. He got involved too early and he had to correct it. ―All right, if that‘s what you wish.‖

  Although he said the words they were the hardest thing he ever had to say.

  ―It is.‖

  The days at work seemed to drift by in a fog. Lily tried her
best to be professional, but when Brittney cornered her again and mocked her for a broken engagement saying that she couldn‘t hold on to a man like Max, she near burst into tears.

  The engagement was a ruse but no one knew that and although she knew what it would be like when she returned, she didn‘t expect to have it hurt so much. She didn‘t blame Max as much as she blamed herself for what had happened between them.


  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire It probably wouldn‘t have if she didn‘t know what it was like to hold him, or touch him the way she did. Now, she was hopelessly in love with him and he easily treated her as one of his employees as if nothing had happened.

  Lily used to pride herself on her self-esteem, but only Max could make it crumble down around her. If this were any other man, she would have no problem walking away and continuing on with her life. But this wasn‘t any other man, this was Max, and her world always revolved around him. How was she supposed to get on with her life when it felt so empty?

  He wasn‘t intentionally being mean, he was just being himself, but Lily had no experience with men, and Max could easily go through life because he‘d been with so many women and didn‘t take their weekend in Athens as personally as she did.

  Just then he strode into the office with a gaggle of men in tow hanging on his every word. He had such a presence about him that commanded respect and she couldn‘t help but let it affect her too. He was so handsome and tall enough to tower over everyone else there. It was no wonder she felt so insignificant and small around him. Well, she did now. Before Greece she always thought he favoured her somehow, but now it seemed as if she was less important to him than the rest of the women in the office. She had only just realized that. At the time it didn‘t seem as if he paid any special attention to her, but the comparison from then to now was obvious. She even started calling him Mr. King around everyone else except when they were alone. Funny thing was, he gave her an odd look the first time she said that but never said anything.


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