The Billionaire�s Secret Desire

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The Billionaire�s Secret Desire Page 11

by L. R. Wards , www. obooko. com

  Then if things couldn‘t get any worse Cybil showed up one Friday afternoon claiming to have a dinner date with Max. Her eyes raked over Lily in obvious contempt before she released a cool smile that seemed to say that she was no challenge after all.

  ―today little girl.‖ Cybil repeated with a snap of her fingers. Lily 99

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  saw Nancy come to her feet behind the model glaring at the back of her head. Lily shot her a look that told her not to bother saying anything.

  ―Right this way,‖ she said forcing a smile.

  Max was seated behind his desk when Lily opened the door and told him that Cybil was here for their dinner date. He stood up as the other woman sashayed into the room with an exaggerated sway of her hips.

  ―Cybil?‖ he said looking at her in question.

  ―I know I was supposed to show up later this evening, but I just couldn‘t wait to see you again darling. I hope you don‘t mind, I had your diver take my bag to your penthouse.‖ She reached up and managed to kiss him on the mouth while Lily pinched her eyes shut and left the office shutting the door behind her.

  Nancy saw the younger woman make a bee line for the ladies room with her head held high, but she had also seen the quiver of her chin while her lips were pursed tightly to hold her emotions in.

  She didn‘t know what had happened between her boss and the young woman to sever their engagement, but for him to parade one of his mistresses through here to rub salt in the poor girl‘s broken heart.

  She would like to have said something but the reality of it was, he was her boss and like Lily she was an employee.

  After Cybil left Max already knew the damage she caused and meant to cause. Yes, he did reluctantly agree to dinner after she harassed him over the phone to see him. He‘d already told her that it was over that night she insulted Lily. However, it was obvious to him that Melissa had told Cybil that she‘d seen him and Lily on Demetrius‘ yacht and she called him the next evening to apologize for her behaviour. She had literally begged him to get together so she could apologize in person. Now he realized 100

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire that was a mistake. He should have known how devious she‘d get. The look on Lily‘s face crushed him. Cybil made it seem as if they were together and it was the furthest from the truth.

  After Lily left he bluntly told her to get out of his office and that the chance of them even remaining friends was not happening.

  ―How does it feel Max?‖ she asked with a cool smile, ―To have your heart broken.‖

  ―I understand you think you know.‖ Max answered with his expression unreadable, ―But you‘d have to have a heart in that cold blooded body to experience such a thing.‖

  She released and indignant huff and stormed out of his office only to storm by an older woman who told her not to let the door hit her one the way out. At least she got her digs in to the younger beautiful woman that Max had set his sights on.

  She‘d seen the devastation cross her expression when she kissed Max. He‘d shoved her away from him, but she‘d already gone.

  Now let him try and repair that damage.

  Max pretended not to let on how he felt, but he could see that the light went out of her when they returned to Chicago. She tried her best to act professional, but he was certain on more than one occasion that her eyes were more moist than usual before she turned away from him. Then Cybil showed up and pulled that little stunt, and he knew he needed to straighten that out too. He ached to tell her the truth but every time he tried to broach the subject she would shut him down or leave. It tortured him to see her so hurt and he neglected to talk to Luke about what had happened, but Lily had asked him not to and he couldn‘t bring himself to hurt her anymore by letting Luke know.

  However, he was going to talk to Luke about moving his proposal up.

  After he dismissed his team he turned to her and told her to shut the door. He could see her hesitate but did as he asked.


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  ―We need to talk button.‖

  ―Max, I already told you—―

  ―Listen.‖ He said holding up his hand and walking toward her. She took several steps back and he stopped, ―I‘m not going to hurt you.‖

  Too late for that she thought. She still couldn‘t get that image of Cybil kissing him out of her mind. Every time she thought of it she was sure her heart tore a little more.

  He didn‘t take another step toward her after seeing her expression, ―Lily, I want to take you to dinner tonight. Then we can talk.‖

  ―I can‘t.‖ she said tilting her head up and looking at him.

  It was hard. Those grey intelligent eyes of his could have whittled away her courage instantly, but lately she seemed number. At least she thought she was until the seconds passed and she felt that familiar twinge in her chest. Obviously it was visible on her expression for what he said next.

  ―I‘ve hurt you Lily, I can see that. Unfortunately that wasn‘t my intent.‖ He said softly.

  ―I understand that Max. I really do.‖ She said honestly.

  Seeing that she seemed a little less apprehensive, he took a couple of steps toward her and took her hand, ―Dinner honey, that‘s all.‖ He was glad she didn‘t step back this time.

  ―I really can‘t Max. I know you feel guilty, but we can‘t change anything. I know I‘m not what you expected—―

  ―I tried telling you that you were wrong.‖ He said narrowing his gaze. It stunned him that she could say that after he reassured her, but again, he knew she had nothing to compare him with and it was going to stay that way as far as he was concerned.

  She knew he was trying not to make her feel any worse, but she still didn‘t want to discuss it and pulled her hand out of his, ―I‘ll be all right.‖


  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire

  ―You don‘t look all right Lily.‖ He suddenly noticed the dark circles under her eyes and she looked a little pale. A twinge of guilt hit him again.

  ―I am.‖ Her eyes gave him a pleading look, ―Just please don‘t tell Luke.‖

  ―I haven‘t.‖ he answered looking down at her while shoving his hands in the pockets of his slacks to resist the urge to hold her. ―I won‘t.‖ He continued. His gut hurt over that. Luke should know. He‘d never kept secrets from his best friend, especially where Lily was concerned even though it was very personal. He felt as if he betrayed him.

  She nodded believing him before she opened the door and left.

  It still didn‘t heal his conscience, Lily looked terrible.

  This was getting ridiculous. Why the hell shouldn‘t he have her like he wanted? Luke knew his intentions from the start. Now, Lily was suffering and it was eating him up with guilt that he couldn‘t‘ tell her anything. He ran his hand through his hair roughly and swore out loud feeling like he wanted to throw something. For the first time in his life he didn‘t feel in control over a woman. His biggest fear was her not returning the affection he felt for her if he let this go on any longer. What if he did carry it too far and hurt her more than she let on? He never even considered that she didn‘t want him, but would he in her position? First the brush off in Greece, then Cybil. Lily was precious and he knew when she hurt, it ran deep.

  The next day, her last day, he walked into the coffee room fully intending on having it out with her after another sleepless night when another woman‘s voice caught his attention. He recognized it as Brittney‘s, one of his secretaries, but her tone was completely condescending.

  He paused right outside the door at her tone listening, and got angrier with each passing second.


  L. R. Wards

  ―I heard from Nancy it was your last day,‖ came Brittney‘s scornful voice, ―It‘s too bad you couldn‘t handle yourself around a man like Max.‖

  ―It‘s not what you think.‖

  Max heard the defeat in her voice and felt his chest tighten. Was this going on for awh
ile? She neglected to tell him about it. Knowing Lily it was because she was trying to prove she could handle interoffice conflict. However, had he known, Brittney wouldn‘t have lasted one more day. All along he was worried about the men around her and neglected to realize that some of his female employees were going to have a problem with Lily. This was just one more thing she ended up dealing with.

  ―No? I think you‘re leaving because you aren‘t what a man like Max is used to. Maybe you can‘t measure up in the bed—―

  ―I think that‘s enough.‖ Max said stepping in at that moment cutting her off.

  Lily ducked her head and rushed by them unable to keep her tears from falling this time. Nancy saw her rush through the office and got up to follow her.


  ―I‘ve got to go.‖ She said stepping into the elevator.

  ―What‘s wrong?‖ Nancy said with genuine concern seeing the woman‘s tear streaked face.

  ―It‘s nothing. Tell Max I‘m fine. Thanks for being so nice to me Nancy.‖ She said as the doors closed.

  After the first couple of weeks of classes Lily began to feel unwell. She had trouble sleeping, she felt nauseous, but never to the point of losing her breakfast, and she lost her appetite. Is this what a broken heart felt like? She thought. Luke had noticed her fatigue and became worried. Try as she might, she couldn‘t help but look depressed. It was getting hard forcing a smile when her 104

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire brother was around and he mentioned something about her not looking as cheerful as she usually was.

  One day she came out of her building after classes and a glorious white Limousine was parked on the curb, and leaning against the car was Nikos wearing a navy suit and tie like he‘d just come from a business meeting. He straightened when he saw her and gave her a devastating smile. It may have worked on her if she didn‘t know Max, but regardless, it was refreshing to see a friendly face.

  ―Bella!‖ he called outstretching his arms as she approached him.

  She couldn‘t help but smile, as he cupped her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her cheek. ―What are you doing here?‖

  ―I came with Demetrius to finish off business with your fiancé.‖ He said glancing at her empty finger, ―or—am I speaking out of turn?‖

  ―We—well, I mean—―

  ―Say no more. Join me for dinner.‖ He could see the subject made her uncomfortable and Nikos wasn‘t one to make a woman feel in such a way. He loved women. Lily, however, was in a completely different category and he‘d come to have affection for her like he would his little sister, and she looked sad.

  Obviously the engagement was off and he felt the need to cheer her up.

  ―I really shouldn‘t.‖ she said looking around at the curious gazes from the other students.

  ―No one needs to know.‖ He said, ―We‘ll be discreet.‖

  She cocked a brow suddenly feeling a little like her old self, ―Max told me to be careful around you.‖

  ―I‘ll behave Bella, I promise,‖ he said making a sign of the cross causing her to laugh.

  Gosh that felt so good! ―I don‘t know if I should believe you.‖


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  He tilted his head at her making himself look even more handsome, ―I can see you need some cheering up. I promise, that I won‘t do anything inappropriate.‖ Besides, thought Nikos, the ring may have been gone but for some reason he still knew Lily was off limits. He knew something was wrong the last day they were in Greece. Max was unusually cool to her and she looked taken back by it. He wasn‘t sure what had happened between them, but whatever it was, it was just as much as a surprise to her as it was to Nikos. He knew he didn‘t mistake the looks that Max had been bestowing on Lily. No man could mistake that kind of affection even if they tried. Finally to his relief she nodded.

  ―Just this one time Nikos. My brother is still very protective.‖ She said giving him a warning look followed by a smile. In the past she always included Max in that sentence, but he didn‘t seem to care about her as much as he used to. The fact that he hadn‘t even tried to contact her in the past few weeks since she left just confirmed that. Although she guess she could pick up the phone and call him, but she just couldn‘t bring herself to do it.

  ―I‘ll agree to that.‖ He grinned opening the door for her.

  She hesitated slightly before getting in the car.

  A short distance away a man pulled out a cell phone and made a call.

  The restaurant that Nikos took Lily too was very fancy and she felt out of place in her beige skirt and white blouse regardless of how much he reassured her. Nikos requested a fairly private table and slipped the maitre d something extra to get his request.

  Once seated Nikos asked for a bottle of expensive wine and Lily couldn‘t help but ask how he knew where to find her.

  ―I have my ways.‖ He said with a knowing smile as the waiter came over with the wine and filled their glasses. Nikos 106

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire waited until the man left before he continued, ―I actually asked your brother which college you attended. The rest was easy enough.‖

  ―But there are quite a few buildings Nikos,‖ she said suspiciously.

  ―I asked the registrar‘s office which classes you had and where.‖


  He shrugged and gave her an arrogant smile, ―She was a woman.‖

  ―Oh for heaven‘s sake!‖ she said laughing, ―You men are all alike!‖

  ―Drink your wine Bella, you could use a little time to loosen up. You look stressed.‖ He said eyeing her expression carefully.

  ―Isn‘t that the truth.‖ She mumbled taking a drink.





  ―I enjoy them enough I think.‖ What she didn‘t say was that she missed Max horribly and found it difficult to concentrate on anything but him. ―How is your sister?‖ She said trying to change the subject. The smile that lit his face told her that he loved his sister very much. It was probably as much as Luke loved her.

  ―She is pregnant and expecting Demetrius first child.‖

  Lily lit up, ―Oh how wonderful!‖ she paused wondering how much she should let on that Max had told her about them but Nikos seemed to know.

  ―it was a misunderstanding Lily. Sophie is in as much love with Demetrius as before, but they need to work out some trust issues toward one another. I have faith because he worships the ground she walks on.‖

  ―What a wonderful way to put it.‖ She said softly.

  ―It is true.‖ He said raising his brows, ―You should see 107

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  how he looks at her.‖ He paused thinking carefully before continuing, ―Much like Maximilian King looks at you.‖ Instantly she shook her head causing him to chuckle, ―You don‘t see it Lily, but as a man, I do.‖

  ―Nikos, there‘s something you should know—about our engagement.‖

  ―That it was a ruse to protect Luke‘s precious innocent sister from a womanizer like me.‖ He finished with a knowing grin, ―I already knew that.‖

  ―But then why did you –?‖

  ―I told you why. Max loves you.‖ He said easily, ―I have faith in you two also. Love like that doesn‘t fade. It only grows.‖

  He was so wrong, but Lily didn‘t want to correct him. It just showed her what a good actor Max really was.

  ―Now, I would like to help.‖


  ―Certainly.‖ He gave her another gorgeous grin. ―My sister would love to meet you. Why don‘t you come back to Greece for a few weeks. You look as though you could use another vacation. She‘s currently on Aquinas, Demetrius‘ island while he works out of Athens. She‘s terribly lonely—―

  ―Oh—I don‘t know—―

  ―Nonsense.‖ He interrupted, reaching into his pocket and taking out a card, ―Just say the word and I‘ll send the jet for you.‖ He gave h
er the card, ―That‘s my private number. Call me anytime.‖ Then he held up his hands, ―as friends, like I said.

  Consider it a favour to me to spend time with my sister.‖

  ―I don‘t even know her.‖

  ―She would grow fond of you as much as my father and I have.‖ He countered. Then leaned forward, ―If you need me for anything, just know you can call, okay?‖

  ―I appreciate that Nikos.‖ She said shyly. In truth she was surprised of how much he proclaimed to trust her the way he did 108

  The Billionaire‘s Secret Desire in thinking that his sister would like her. For all he knew she could be like Cybil.

  No, she doubted that. He probably did know women well enough, just like Max said. It actually made her feel pretty good to think that he put as much faith in her as he said he did. She just might take him up on his offer during spring break and told him that.

  Two hours later Lily did feel better. Nikos was a complete rake but could probably charm an angry cobra with that charisma he possessed. Yet it seemed lost on her. He seemed to know it.

  ―It is too bad Lily, that your heart belongs to Max, or I would have swept you off your feet.‖ He said retrieving his credit card from the server and getting to his feet to help her up.

  ―I‘m an open book.‖ She answered not denying it.

  ―I find that very appealing.‖ He said guiding her out of the restaurant, ―It is a shame that your Max can‘t see that.‖

  That was the last phrase he got out before he stopped suddenly, ―Uh-oh‖.

  Lily looked up at him but he wasn‘t looking at her. His attention was diverted elsewhere. She followed his gaze to the familiar grey limo parked behind his just as Oscar was opening the door and out stepped Max looking furious.

  ―What on earth—― Lily started to say when Max launched into a string of terse phrases directed solely at Nikos in Greek so she didn‘t understand a word. He didn‘t look at her once obviously because he was too angry and centered his gaze at the tall man beside her.


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