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Scandalous Lovers

Page 46

by Diana Ballew

  “Oh, yes! I have been thinking about going there with you. I cannot decide what flavor to have, though. I have asked most everyone I have met what their favorite is, and all seem to be different.”

  His companion chuckled, Rafe squirmed in his saddle and as a bolt of lust shot through him. “You shall have to do a sampling to see which you prefer.” Even simple thoughts of shaved ice weren’t doing much to dampen his passion. He concentrated on pointing out various spots as they turned onto the avenue.

  They both turned to look back at hearing her name called. Fast on their heels were Alex and Whit.


  “Shall we make a run for it?” Isabella frowned at the approaching men.

  Rafe sighed, having considered the idea himself for a few seconds. “No, we would only have them chasing us down. I should have known better.” He looked into her eyes. “Bella, before those two clods descend upon us, promise me you’ll dine with me this evening, alone.” He prayed she didn’t have another engagement. He needed to be with her.

  “All right,” she said breathlessly. “And just who invited you two along? I believe my day has quite been ruined. Perhaps I shall ride home.” She turned her horse and trotted off, as if knowing the gentlemen would follow.

  “She’s getting bloody lippy.” Alex raised one dark brow at Rafe. “I do believe it’s your bad influence.”

  “Nonsense, you old stuffed shirt. I behave excellently in her company.”

  “Well, I’m going after her. I bet I can have her laughing in a trice. Just see if I don’t.” Whit grinned at them, then urged his horse forward after Isabella.

  The other two, not wanting to be outdone, followed and soon all three had Isabella laughing near to tears.

  Isabella was once again ready when Rafe arrived that evening to take her to dinner. Upon seeing her, however, he wanted nothing more than to suggest they dine in. He didn’t want to have to share her looking so incredibly beautiful. She was wearing a low-cut gown of deep, shimmering purple. Her glorious hair pulled up only on one side, the other curling against her cheek and neck, then falling over her full breasts. She quite took his breath away.

  He took her to an exclusive French restaurant and led her into a private dining room. He had even arranged for a violinist to play discreetly outside for them. As he seated her and then poured them each a glass of champagne, he told her he had already ordered for them.

  “I have discovered I truly love champagne,” she said, sipping the bubbly drink. “I have to order some to be sent home with me.”

  “Do allow me. I know of some excellent vineyards.”

  “Goodness, I haven’t had much truly French cuisine. Lisbeth said the French actually eat frog’s legs! You didn’t order any of those, did you?”

  Rafe couldn’t help but laugh at her comical look of horror. “I promise you it’s only a simple lobster. There should be no amphibian parts anywhere near.”

  “Lobster! I’ve never had it. How wonderful. That is the only problem with North Bindlefork – it lacks an ocean.”

  “That, I cannot order for you.”

  They were served a creamy soup, rich with shrimp and mussels. Rafe chuckled while Isabella rolled her eyes and smacked her lips.

  “Superb,” she proclaimed, beaming at the waiter, who instantly fell under her spell with a pining sigh.

  Rafe took great pleasure in each of Isabella’s reactions as course after course arrived; from rich, plump smoked oysters to delicately sautéed scallops with mushrooms over wild rice. He had remembered Mrs. Combs’ remark about how her lady had delighted in having the rare treat of shellfish, so had sent a note to the chef requesting an assortment be prepared for them. Watching her enjoyment, he was exorbitantly pleased with himself.

  “Goodness, Your Grace, I fear I shall have no room for the lobster, at this rate.” Isabella lamented, looking for a moment as if she were tempted to lick her fingers clean of the succulent food. Instead, she daintily used her napkin.

  “Perhaps a respite is called for.” Rafe nodded to the smitten waiter, who then reluctantly withdrew. “Would you like to dance or sit feeling contentedly full?” he asked, amused. It would be heaven to hold her in his arms, but he would be satisfied enough to simply sit and stare at her.

  “Let us dance,” Isabella said, then finished her wine before standing. “I should very much like to feel your arms around me.”

  Rafe happily obliged, holding her close and gently swaying with her to the music of the lone violinist. Her lush body fit to his and he breathed in her perfume as his hand caressed her back.

  Isabella laid her head upon his shoulder. He allowed his lips to brush against her temple, so very lightly, as his fingers stroked up and down her spine.

  “Are you falling asleep, my dear?”

  Isabella lifted her head, smiling into his face. “No, I was just thinking that I would like to kiss you.” She lifted her hand and traced his mouth with her fingers.

  Rafe’s body, already aroused by the feel of her pressed against him, reacted even more. He watched her mouth part and the tip of her pink tongue dart out to moisten her lips. He knew he was lost, so didn’t even attempt to dissuade himself. He lowered his head and kissed her hungrily. Her response matched his own urgency and soon they were breathing heavily, arms wrapped around each other. Her lips parted and their tongues entwined. Rafe moaned at the intense desire raging through him. Her hands slipped beneath his jacket to stroke his sides, his back, trying to press him closer. He kissed her harder still and squeezed her delightful little bottom. She moaned into his mouth and wriggled against him. He knew he had to stop this now or very soon he would have her sprawled out on the fine carpet, her lovely purple gown bunched about her waist. God, even the thought of it made him tremble. Rafe broke their contact so swiftly Isabella nearly fell.

  “Sorry, my love.” He reached out and gripped her elbows to steady her. “As usual, I loose control with you.” He gave her nose a kiss, then seated her at the table. “More champagne?” The lovely girl, still in a lust-induced daze, could only nod at him. “Ah, and here are our lobsters.” He gave the blushing waiter a wry smile. “Such excellent timing.”

  The waiter placed a lobster before each of them, replaced their empty champagne bottle with a fresh one, and then quickly withdrew.

  “Goodness,” Isabella looked from the large red crustacean to Rafe. “What do I do with it now?” She tapped the hard shell with her fork, eyeing it suspiciously.

  He laughed at her puzzlement. “Here, allow me.” He took her plate and expertly revealed the succulent meat within, then returned it to her. “Try it with the lemon butter in that warmer. That’s it, just dip it in.”

  Isabella cut off a small piece, did as he suggested, and gingerly placed it on her tongue.

  At the surprised look on her face, he chuckled. “I knew you’d like it. Shall I have some ordered for you to take home?” he teased.

  “I wish that you could!” She closed her eyes after popping another bite into her mouth. She sighed, saying, “I shall now have to come visit London often, if only to gorge myself on seafood.”

  Rafe made short work of his own lobster, then sat back to watch her as she savored each taste. God, she even ate sensuously, slowly licking her lips after each mouthful and making purring noises of pleasure deep in her throat.

  Moments after she had finished, their waiter was back to remove the plates and wheel in a small dessert cart, then once again discreetly removed himself.

  Isabella accepted a refill of her glass. “If you think I could eat another thing, you’re quite mad.”

  Rafe smiled at her wickedly and reached out, scooping up a finger full of chocolate frosting. “Perhaps I can tempt you.” He held out his hand to her.

  Isabella quickly dipped her own digit into a dish of raspberry sauce meant to coat one of the delicate pastries artfully displayed on the cart.

  Rafe flashed her a heated, sensuous smile before taking her wrist in his hand a
nd guiding her finger into his own mouth. Once again, their eyes locked, and she gasped as Rafe used his tongue to stroke away the sauce while gradually increasing the suction of his mouth. Isabella squirmed in her seat. Rafe watched her as he moved on to finger after finger. Finally, she tried to snatch her hand away.

  “It is too much,” she groaned, shaking her head but unable to look away from him. He licked her palm, once, and then released her.

  Rafe was aroused, but still in control – just barely. Isabella’s lovely face was flushed, and her tempting breasts were heaving, the nipples hard little pebbles straining against the fabric of her gown. He was sorely tempted to pull her dress down and suckle those magnificent breasts.


  “Is that all you have to say?”

  “Apparently.” She drained another glass of champagne. “I think we should leave, Your Grace.”

  Rafe chuckled, thinking he had perhaps overwhelmed her a bit. “Yes, it is probably best.”

  He escorted her out of the restaurant and helped her into the gleaming black carriage embossed with his coat of arms. He took the seat across from her and thumped his fist against the roof to let the driver know to be off.


  “Hmm, my love?”

  “Why are you sitting over there? Don’t you want to sit by me, so that I can kiss you again?”

  Rafe was speechless for a moment. Why, the little temptress! “Isabella, I cannot make love to you in a coach. Well, I could, but it just isn’t seemly.”


  He smiled at her obvious disappointment.

  “It is early, yet. Perhaps you could come into the parlor when we get home? Just for a brandy?” Her head was cocked to one side endearingly, a hopeful smile playing about her lush mouth. She was adorable.

  “Just for a brandy?”

  “Of course, Your Grace,” she said sweetly.

  “Isabella, I told you once you were playing with fire,” he warned her.

  “And,” she retorted, leaning slightly forward, undoubtedly to allow him a better view of her breasts, “I believe I told you I wanted to be scorched.”

  He shook his head at her. “Alex would kill me. I think we have tempted fate enough for one night. Join me tomorrow and we shall see what happens.” She would be the death of him. He wasn’t sure he had enough willpower to refrain from accepting what she kept offering.

  She sighed. “All right, join you where tomorrow?”

  The next day, Rafe took her to the cat races where he only kissed her twice and nibbled on her ear. That evening they went to see a very funny play at Drury Lane, then to dinner at the White Swan Inn. They were approached throughout the meal by scores of people who knew Rafe and wanted an introduction to his companion. Finally, after wisely declining dessert, they escaped the unwanted attention.

  “My, are you always bothered so?” Isabella asked, innocently, after they were in the coach and headed to her home.

  “Only when I’m with such an exquisite beauty, my dear.”

  “Will you come in for a brandy, Your Grace?” She gave his flattery no heed. “You have not kissed me in a very long time.”

  He snorted. “I was kissing you only this afternoon, my lady.”

  “Yes, but only twice.” She gave him a determined look. “You have not yet seen my very nice parlor. I am feeling quite neglected.”

  Rafe laughed. “Very well, my lady, one brandy, and then I shall be on my way.”

  She smiled at him impishly. “Just one. And, perhaps, just one small kiss?”

  Isabella led him into the parlor upon arriving at her rented house. After giving Edwards their wraps, she shooed the butler off and poured Rafe his promised drink.

  “Now, come and sit beside me.” She arranged herself on the settee and smoothed out her deep green skirt. It was another new gown, the neckline as daringly low as the others he had seen her wear. She had said her seamstress had insisted she properly display her ‘charming attributes.’ He quite agreed.

  Rafe watched her with amusement. She was such a delight. It had been interesting watching her handle his various acquaintances, who had all practically dropped to their knees to worship her. She had been gracious, but slightly reserved; as if implying they needed to prove themselves worthy before she would deign to toss them one of her dazzling smiles. As he was the recipient of countless smiles and laughs, he received numerous looks of envy.

  Even women seemed drawn to her, even though some showed the usual visual signs of spitefulness. It was if she had been holding bloody court.

  “Rafe, stop looking at me with that silly expression and come sit beside me.” Isabella gave him a small frown.

  “As you wish, my lady.” He moved across the room to her and sat down on the small sofa. They were cozy indeed, her knees brushing his. “Isabella, do behave, you aren’t leaving for a week yet.”

  “But that’s only seven days, no, six now.” She watched him take a drink, her eyes drawn to his mouth. “Won’t you give me lots of memories to hold close in the coming winter months?”

  “You make it sound as if you’re going into seclusion!”

  “I might as well be.”

  “Bella, you will be hounded down by at least half of the young swains you have enchanted while here.”

  She snorted at him in disbelief.

  “Truly. You watch and see how many of your neighbors receive winter guests this year. And how many of said hosts will be talked into giving parties, just in the hopes that you will attend, and they will be able to gaze on your glorious self once more.”

  She laughed. “Really! How you do go on. You sound just like Alex. Why, he was lecturing me just the other day about the very same thing. It’s all stuff and nonsense. When I leave, there will be some other young girl everyone will rave over, simply because she has a new face and an unknown reputation, and I will be quite forgotten, tucked away in North Bindlefork.” She chuckled. “Don’t you gentlemen think I know how it works?”

  “You really haven’t a clue to the effect you have on men, darling. God, you quite do us in.”

  “Rafe,” she placed a hand on his leg and pressed her breast against his arm. “Won’t you give me one little kiss?”

  “One little kiss with you is never just one little kiss, love.” He set his glass on the low table in front of them, then turned to her. “You’re not going to behave, are you?”

  “No,” she breathed as she parted her luscious lips.

  Rafe lost the battle with himself with a groan and crushed her to him, ravishing her lovely mouth. She tasted incredibly sweet as their tongues battled. He nibbled her full lower lip with his teeth, while he eased her down across his lap, one arm supporting her. He kissed her again and again, his free hand caressing her throat, his fingertips brushing the tops of her breasts. She arched against his hand, and he could stand it no longer. He trailed kisses along the column of her throat, down to where her pulse beat madly. His hand cupped her full breast, his thumb brushing across one hardened nipple. She gasped and bucked against him. Rafe shuddered and began nibbling her earlobe, his hand now on the other breast.

  “Bella, dear God, you drive me mad. I want you so much I could explode right now.” He reclaimed her mouth in a scorching kiss that left them both only wanting more and trembling with need.

  “Rafe, please,” she begged against his mouth. “I don’t know exactly what it is I want, I just know I want more of you.” She rubbed her bottom against his rigid member and ran her hands up his chest.

  “Sweet mercy,” Rafe moaned and then pulled her upright, holding her tight against him and pressing her head onto his shoulder. “Mercy,” he said again. His breathing was ragged, and his heart was pounding. “We can’t do this, my love.” He kissed the top of her head, then laid his cheek upon it. “Listen to me, dearest little one. One of us has to be sane here.”

  “Does it have to be now?” she mumbled against his coat.

  Rafe laughed. “Bella, in anothe
r moment I would have taken you, I’m quite sure. You simply ignite when I touch you. God, you’re so bloody responsive it makes me lose my grip.” He let her pull back so that he could look at her face. He was relieved to see she wasn’t furious again.

  “Rafe, I wish you would lose your grip. This is too frustrating!”

  He chuckled. “You only know the half of it, my dear.”

  “Then show me the other half. I want you, if only for a few nights. Is that so wrong?”

  “Lord, Bella, don’t.” He placed his fingers over her swollen lips. “It would be your ruin.”

  “What do I care what these people think? They don’t touch my life. Besides, how would they ever know?”

  For once he didn’t feel so sure of himself, so utterly confident that his view was the right one.

  “They are unimportant, Rafe. All that matters is what is between us.”

  “These people be damned, your future husband would know.” The word tasted like ashes on his tongue. He couldn’t bear the thought of another man touching her, making her moan with passion, having the right to do so. It was like a knife in his gut.

  “That shan’t be a problem.”

  “Of course it will be! He will know you’re not a virgin, damn it.”

  “No, no, it doesn’t matter. What man would call it off, simply because of that, when I have so much money? He would be a fool. Besides, he wouldn’t want it known that there had been another, would he?”

  Rafe ran his fingers through his hair, incredulous that they were actually having this conversation. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted a woman in his bloody life. How ironic that she was offering herself to him and for the sake of her honor, he was trying to convince her not to.

  “No, Bella, I’ll not do that to some poor clod. You are beautiful and passionate, and I’ll be damned if I’ll steal that precious moment from you. The first time you make love should be with your husband and no other. I have already gone well beyond what I should have.”

  “All right then, I shall accept the first proposal I am offered, have a quick wedding and come to you the night after! Will that satisfy your stupid honor?” She jumped up, obviously finally angry. “You men are absurd creatures! Goodness, you want nothing more than to seduce me and when I say that it’s perfectly acceptable to me, please do, you throw up your hands and say you couldn’t possibly! You are nothing but a hypocrite, my lord. This is becoming more than I can bear.”


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