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Scandalous Lovers

Page 49

by Diana Ballew

  The other man howled in pain and, still holding Isabella, collapsed to the floor. She was saved from tumbling atop him by Rafe’s strong arms grabbing her shoulders.

  “Goodness! Where did Lord Cross come from?” Isabella hadn’t even known whom it was she had agreed to dance with, she was so bemused. She looked from the bleeding man to her love. “Your Grace. You are here.”

  Rafe looked down at her. “Yes, my love, I am here.”

  Whit, standing beside them, cleared his throat. “Lovely performance you’re giving the crowd, you two. Hello, my dear Bella. Causing men to fall at your feet again, are you? You really ought to let her go now, Rafe.”

  “Hello, Whit.” She blushed but didn’t take her eyes from Rafe’s face. His warm hands gripped her shoulders and she was tempted to lean into him. He was staring back at her so intently that she felt he must surely see into her very soul.

  Just then Lord Elton pushed his way through the crowd. “Look here, Devonshire! What’s the bloody meaning in smashing Cross? I think you ought to release the Baroness this instant.” He puffed himself up, as if he would continue, his gaunt face quite flushed.

  Alex cut him off. “Shut up, you bloody old windbag! This matter don’t concern you.” He glowered his best at the fellow, then chuckled as Elton huffed off. “Never did like him. Bella, dear, why don’t you and this young puppy take a turn out in the garden?”

  “Hello, Alex. Yes, all right.”

  “Come, my dear lady.” Rafe placed her hand upon his arm and steered her out onto the balcony, careful to close the door behind them on the crowd of onlookers. He walked her over to a bench, just touched by light spilling out of the windows of the ballroom, and sat her down. He stood before her, absently rubbing his knuckles. “You’ve led me a merry chase. I want you to just sit there for the time being. No, don’t move a hair on your lovely head.”

  “Rafe! You’re really here.” Isabella knew she sounded like a complete twit, but she couldn't seem to help it. She had been so sure he wouldn't come. She suddenly frowned at him. “Why are you here?”

  “I shall explain, but first, let me just look at you. God, I have missed you.”

  “Have you?” She tried to keep her pulse from racing. She had to remain calm somehow. For all she knew, he may have finally decided to have her as a mistress, to accept her offer made what seemed so long ago. Perhaps he’d come on occasion to visit her here. Could she settle for that? Would it be enough for her aching heart?

  “Bella, first I have to apologize. I behaved horribly to you on numerous occasions. It wasn’t well done of me. I’m not proud of it.”

  “All right.”

  “I drank myself into a stupor for days after I last saw you. That wasn’t well done of me either. I actually sulked.”

  He sounded so disgusted with himself Isabella wanted to laugh.

  “Finally, it was brought to my attention what a sorry state I was in. There was only one answer for it.” He stared directly into her eyes. “Do you know what the answer is?”

  She only shook her head.

  “Isabella Fitzhugh,” he stepped closer, then surprised her by dropping to one knee, “I love you with all of my heart and soul. If you can ever forgive me, could you consent to be my duchess?”

  “Oh, my goodness.” Isabella was momentarily speechless. Now he was saying he loved her? He wanted to marry her?

  She frowned and looked him over.

  She poked him in the ribs.

  “Where did they beat you?”


  “Are you bleeding anywhere?”

  “What in the blazes are you talking about?”

  “Alex and Whit forced you, didn’t they? I thought I would kill them before when they sent all these insipid men, but now they will truly suffer!” Isabella was furious. Did they actually think she would be convinced that Rafe decided now, after so much time, that he loved her? They must think her a dolt.

  She pushed him back, and he fell with a grunt onto his posterior. He stared up at her as if she were mad.

  “How dare they continue to meddle in my life!” She glared down at him, sprawled at her feet. “Well, you can just tell them it didn’t work! You’re off of the hook, so to speak. Don’t worry, I won’t chase you down again. I’m never leaving here again!” Mortified, she turned and fled down the balcony steps and out into the garden. God! How very cruel of them all. If he had loved her, he would have surely professed it before now! She wished all three to the devil.

  “Isabella! Isabella, come back here, damn it! I love you!”

  She stopped and whirled about to face him. “Stop it! Just stop it! I’ve heard enough lies! If you loved me then you would not have refused me that last night. You would have come back to me even that first time you left me. No, you made it very clear what you think of love, sir. It is merely ‘claptrap,’ isn’t it? God, I am not a ninny. You don’t have to sacrifice yourself on my behalf, Rafe. Tell Alex your duty has been discharged and that I - I do not want you. Just go back to London.”

  He grabbed her shoulders and gave her a little shake. “You are a damned ninny, by God. Listen to me, Bella. I do love you, curse your beautiful hide. I love your fury and your passion and your intelligence. I love everything about you, you silly girl. I was just too stubborn to see it before.” His face softened and his eyes showed his anguish. “I was such a fool, an ass. I had myself quite convinced, and would tell anyone who would listen, that there was no such thing as love. I told myself it was something women made up to assuage their guilt at feeling lust.” He looked deeply into her eyes. “It was almost too late, but I finally faced the truth, Bella. I love you. I cannot imagine existence without you at my side. Please, please, for the love of God, can you love me back? Can you forgive the way I treated and abused you?” Again he dropped to his knees. Suddenly, as if afraid of her answer, he pressed his face into her silken skirts, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

  Isabella stood still, afraid to even breathe. He loved her, he truly loved her. She had seen it in his eyes, could feel it in his touch. She threw back her head and sobbed with the joy of it.

  He loved her!

  Rafe was instantly on his feet crushing her to him. “Darling, don’t, please. If I have destroyed your love, you must not blame yourself. I mucked everything up with my conceit. Me, the great holder of truths!”

  “Rafe! Rafe.” Isabella pushed at him so that he could see her smile, despite the tears coursing down her face. “I do still love you, I do! Now stop spouting nonsense and kiss me, you idiot.”

  For once he listened to her and kissed her until they were both breathless. Softly, he licked her salty tears away, holding her face tenderly between his hands. She turned her head and pressed her lips to his palm.

  “This does mean you’ll marry me, doesn’t it?”

  She gave a throaty chuckle at his dry tone.

  “God, did I ever tell you what that does to me?” He kissed her hard. “We’ll get a special license tomorrow. Will I possibly last three days?”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Damn it, Bella, I want to do this right. Don’t tempt me.”

  “Well, I won’t last three days. Come to me tonight, Rafe. Let me finally be yours.”

  “You are mine, never doubt it. You have been mine since I laid eyes on you, the haughty lady of the manor, and I will kill any man who tries to stand between us.”

  “Trust me, my love, at this point I would kill anyone standing between us. Goodness, three whole days?”

  Chapter 21

  The morning three days after the ball, Isabella breezed into the dining room, pale but still so lovely both Whit and Alex were envious of Rafe, who was to marry her the day after tomorrow.

  “The wedding is off,” Isabella said coolly, then took her place at the head of the table. She accepted the cup of coffee Edwards handed her, but waved away the plate of food. “A ‘woman’s pleasure,’ my eye!”

  “I beg your pardon, my dear?

  “What bloody nonsense is this, cousin?”

  Isabella sipped her coffee, then looked at each of them, her haughty mantle firmly in place and gave them a pained smile.

  “The wedding is off – off, off, off.”

  Just then Rafe rushed in, wearing only a shirt, still unbuttoned and wrinkled, and trousers, his feet bare.

  “God damn it, Bella! Get up from that table and come with me.”

  “I think not, Your Grace.”

  Rafe raked his fingers through already tousled hair, then gave his friends an apologetic smile and a shrug before turning his ire back on her. “Bella, you can come with me of your own free will and maintain a modicum of dignity, or I shall haul you back upstairs under my damned arm!” His eyes narrowed on her dangerously as she suddenly stood, kicking back her chair.

  “You will not order me about, you clod! Alex,” she turned desperate eyes on her cousin, ”do not let him anywhere near me! He is a brute.” She tossed her head at Rafe, challenging him to deny her claim.

  “Alex, stay out of this. Bella, get your lovely little arse back up those stairs this instant!”

  “I will not, sir!” She started to make a run for the kitchen door, but Rafe was too quick. He caught her and tossed her over his shoulder, then, with a salute to each of the astonished fellows, left the room. Isabella could be heard shrieking and pounded on his back for several long moments.

  “Good God!” Alex leaned back in his chair after the noises had faded. “What the devil was that all about?”

  Whit chuckled. “Just a lovers’ spat, old man. Not to worry, Rafe will straighten it all out soon enough.”

  “I bloody well hope so. Me father and his mother are due to arrive today.”

  Rafe strode into the master’s bedchamber, where he had been staying since the night of the ball, when they had announced their engagement. He kicked the heavy door closed behind him and then dumped Isabella onto the rumpled bed.

  “Don’t you dare come near me!” She scrambled to her knees, her green eyes shooting sparks. She was panting with fury and her hands were fisted.

  Rafe watched her through hooded eyes. She looked glorious in her anger, and he wanted to take her that instant. Of course, at this point, she would fight him tooth and nail. God, he’d managed to muck things up again.

  “Darling -” he began calmly.

  “Don’t you ‘darling’ me, you pig! That was horrid, and I’ll not let you do it to me again!”

  Rafe sighed. He really should have shown more constraint when very early that morning she had crawled into his bed. But he’d been half-asleep, and she had begun touching him so intimately, her little naked body pressing warmly against him, he’d lost control too soon. She hadn’t been ready for him and he had caused her pain when breaching her maidenhead. He would never forgive himself.

  “Isabella, try to calm down and let me explain.” He held up his hand as she opened her mouth, his look so stern she clamped her lips together quickly. “Now, did your mother or father ever tell you about a woman’s first time with a man?” He saw her confusion. “No? I was afraid of that.” This was going to be difficult, at best. “Look, the first time a woman makes love, it hurts a bit.”

  “A bit, my eye! I bled, Rafe.”

  “That’s perfectly natural, my dear. Trust me, it is.” She continued to frown at him. “Virgins have a maidenhead which must be torn through, hence the one time pain and the spotting of blood. I swear to you, it will never hurt again.” He slowly stepped forward, watching her face carefully.

  “One time pain, you swear to me?” She chewed her lower lip, digesting what he had said. “It won’t ever be that way again?”

  He dropped to his knees before her and spread his arms wide. “I swear to you, my love, you may plunge a dagger into my black heart should I ever hurt you again.”

  She sat back on her heels and crossed her arms over her bosom. Still frowning at him, she tilted her head to one side. “I don’t know. Will you sign a paper saying they can’t take me to Newgate?”

  He chuckled, thankful her reason and humor seemed to have returned. “Anything you wish, my dear.”

  The frown was slowly replaced by a small smile. “It was rather nice before the pain.” She tilted her head to the other side. “Perhaps I could get used to it.”

  Rafe choked back his laughter. Get used to it, indeed! “Are you horribly sore this morning?”

  “Oh, no, not really.” She blushed prettily. “I’m fine now.”

  “Would you hit me if I kissed you?”

  She chuckled and patted the place next to her on the bed.

  He leaped up and plopped down beside her. Tenderly, he brushed his thumb over her lips. “If I ever do anything you don’t like, you must tell me, sweetling.”

  “To be sure,” she breathed against his thumb, then took it in her mouth and sucked.

  Rafe shuddered and pulled his hand away. “I said a kiss. If you continue, I shall take you again, Bella. Know that now.” He looked directly into her eyes, noting her pupils were dilating already.

  “Let’s try this lovemaking again, Rafe. Obviously, we bungled it last night. I want to feel again as I did that night in the garden.”

  “All right, my love, I shall try to go slowly.” He claimed her mouth and gently eased her back onto the coverlet. He kissed her thoroughly before letting his hands roam over her stomach and finally up to her breasts. She arched beneath him and wrapped her arms around his head, pulling him closer. He kissed her chin, her ears, her lovely white throat.

  Rafe rolled over onto his back, pulling her with him, and began unbuttoning her gown. Her hands slipped his shirt from his shoulders. She moaned into his mouth as his large hands stroked her bare back. She had only thrown a gown on earlier and had not bothered with a chemise.

  “Darling, we have too many clothes on.” He rolled them back over and smiled down into her flushed face. “Shall we remedy that?”

  Soon, he had them both gloriously naked. “You’re so beautiful, my Bella.”

  He kept his distance from her as she looked over his large body. He groaned when she licked her lips as she stared at his swollen member. He could tell she was nervous again, so he began slowly, starting by licking the tender skin of the inside of her elbow, and gradually working his way up her arm and across her shoulder. Finally, he began covering her face and neck with kisses, all the while his hands kneading her luscious breasts. When she was writhing beneath him again, he leaned down and began suckling her hard pink nipples. She was moaning and stroking his back as his hands slid down her stomach to her inner thighs. Gently, he eased her legs apart and with one finger, touched her. She nearly shot off the bed.

  “Rafe! Oh, God!”

  Rafe trailed kisses over her belly and down to her furry mound, while his fingers touched her pleasure bud. She was incredibly wet and hot, and he had to fight the urge to plunge into her now. He placed his hands under her soft round bottom and lifted her up to his mouth. She bucked and moaned as he suckled her, bringing her to climax almost immediately.

  When he felt her tremors lessening, he eased her down and kissed her mouth hungrily. “God, your passion is wonderful to behold. “ He kissed her again. “Can you taste yourself, my love?” He fondled her breasts as he continued to nibble on her lips and situated himself over her. “Darling, I’ll stop if you say to.” Isabella said nothing, only gazed at him with softened eyes. Slowly he eased himself into her tight shaft and gritted his teeth together, it felt so incredible. He had to try to be gentle, but it was difficult. He heard her gasp, and instantly froze.

  “Rafe, goodness, don’t stop now.”

  “Darling girl, I don’t think I could.” He tried to steady his breathing. “Do you have any idea how delicious you feel? No, don’t wiggle, not just yet.”

  He kissed her several times and then began slowly thrusting within her. She quickly matched his rhythm, moaning along with him. He was astounded to feel her begin to climax again and sli
pped one hand between them to increase her pleasure. They cried together as the ecstasy swept over them.

  Rafe carefully balanced himself over her, so as not to crush her. Her eyes were closed and her breathing still ragged.

  “Bella? Darling?”

  “Hmm?” Isabella smiled lazily and opened her eyes to look up lovingly into his face. “My, that was very nice. I think I could get used to doing this. You’re still inside me, I can feel you.”

  “I should bloody well hope so, love. You only have to smile at me, and I become as randy as a goat.”

  She laughed. “Are goats so very excitable? I didn’t know.”

  He kissed her, then eased himself out of her. “Now, let me clean you up a bit.” He rose and stretched, never having felt better in his life. Oblivious to his nakedness, he strolled over to the basin, poured water into the bowl, and picked up a cloth. He returned to her and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Now, hold still.”

  “Rafe,” Isabella said, blushing madly, “I can do this myself.”

  “Nonsense, it is my duty as your almost-husband to see to your comfort.”

  He was quick and kept her distracted by talk of the wedding. Soon he was helping her dress, after slipping on his own trousers. He kissed her neck as he buttoned up the back of the gown.

  “Your mother and Uncle Hugh should be here soon.” Isabella leaned back against his broad naked chest. “Shall I come to you tonight?”

  He chuckled and turned her around. “No, you had best get your rest. I don’t want you to be sore on our wedding night.”

  “I’m fine, truly.”

  He raised one dark brow at her.

  “All right, I will behave until we’re properly wed.” She pulled his head down to kiss him. “But after that, Your Grace, I won’t give you a moment’s peace.”

  “I’ll hold you to that promise, my dear,” he growled, then picked her up and kissed her hard, until they were once again panting. “Damn, it can’t happen soon enough.”

  The small wedding party toasted the newlywed Duchess and Duke with champagne. The drawing room was filled with the heady scent of the white roses in vases placed throughout the room. Plates of delicate pastries overflowed the sideboard to tempt the guests, and chilled bottles of the wine, carried by the footmen, were constantly at hand to fill an empty glass. The rose brocade drapes were drawn back from the windows, letting in the bright afternoon sunshine.


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