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Scandalous Lovers

Page 54

by Diana Ballew

  Her breath caught. The compassion and care etched on Joe’s face made it hard to get air into her lungs. Derek had never shown any such consideration for her feelings. She allowed herself the luxury of his soft touch for one more moment. Then she tilted her head, moving away from his hand. “She’s been gone almost two years, but sometimes it still seems like yesterday.”

  That’s when her life started going downhill. Meeting Derek, his possessiveness, getting fired. And the spiral had continued until she had come to work at TechTronics. The thought of work made her spine stiffen. She couldn’t afford to forget she and Joe worked for the same company. She’d learned from her mistakes.

  Swallowing, she scooted around him. “I’ll just go put this away.”

  Joe watched Vicki scurry out of the room and longed to follow her. When a lone tear had trailed down her cheek, his gut had tightened. She needed tenderness and compassion, and he wanted to give her everything. Not something he usually wanted to do for a sexual partner, but Vicki was different. There was an air of fragility to her, but also a spine of steel. He looked forward to sparring with her in and out of bed.

  He strode into the living room area, glanced at the beige sofa, and smiled. Clothes sat in several piles. Apparently he’d caught her doing laundry. Unable to resist, he moved closer.

  Bright scraps of satin were folded and stacked with precision. He wasn’t wrong about Vicki being a sensuous woman. The lingerie just added to his confidence. Without conscious thought, he picked up a satin black teddy. He held it out in front of him. Blood rushed from his brain straight south, making him hard.

  “Joe!” Her tone was exasperated.

  He glanced away from the scrap of silk to see her standing with hands on hips. “Model this for me.” He dangled the delicate garment on his finger.

  Color swept into her cheeks, and he fought against grinning. She stomped across the room and reached for the teddy. He stepped back. “Give it to me.” She blew out a puff of breath in exasperation.

  “Only if you wear it for me. Here and now.” He wanted to see her in it. His body demanded it, erotic images filling his mind. He knew with exact detail what he would do to her when he stripped the silk from her lush body.

  Her jaw clenched. “I think you’re under some impression you can order me around, Mr. Bradshaw.”

  He winced when she called him “mister.” But he was determined not to let Victoria hide behind her prim mask. He loved her sexual side. He wanted to make her feel special, wanted, loved. “I want you, Vicki. Is it a bad thing?” She reared back, and he went on the attack. “Because I do want you,” he continued. “I’ve wanted you for months.”

  This time, she shook her head and lowered her chin to her chest.

  He tossed the teddy onto the sofa, took a step forward, and placed his finger beneath her chin. Lifting her head, he noticed the confusion and doubts in her eyes. His gut clenched. He'd thought she'd be on board with him, but apparently something was off. Had he misjudged her? “You're surprised I want you?”

  She tried to step away, but he tightened his hold and slipped his free arm around her waist. He didn’t pull her close, yet she inhaled sharply at the contact. Silence filled the room while he waited. If need be, he’d wait all day for her answer. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” she asked, her tone soft and resigned.


  “Last night was good.”

  “More than good. Extraordinary is a better word.” It had been extraordinary and unique for him, and he knew he hadn’t been alone in feeling that way.

  “Can't happen again.”

  Her words floored him. Did she think he was just looking for a quickie? Yes, she did. He could see it in the way her gaze kept darting away from his and in the stiffness of her body. His gut clenched. Well, he would clear up this little misunderstanding right now.

  “You believe I’m here only because I want sex?” He asked the question even though he already knew the answer. He wanted to hear it from her lips.

  “Why else would you be here?”

  Joe stepped back, forcing himself to release her. He hadn’t expected this, and it made him damn uncomfortable that she had such a low opinion of him. Running a hand over his face, he rocked back on his heels and stared at her. “You don't believe I'm here because I'd like to get to know you better?"

  “No, I don't.” She didn’t even hesitate.

  “Why?” He was determined to get to the bottom of this. Why did she feel sex was all he had to offer?

  Vicki crossed her arms over her chest. “Why would you want anything else?”

  "Maybe because I see what's beneath your prickly surface."

  She laughed and her eyes narrowed. "Typical male response."

  He stared at her. “Are you making me pay for some other man’s crime?” Asking her questions wasn't getting him answers, but this one did.

  A flash of surprise crossed her features before she could mask it. Bull's-eye. Some man had hurt her. “I think it’s time for you to go.”

  He wasn’t about to budge. Not until they had this worked out. “Tell me about him.”

  Vicki huffed an exasperated sigh. “You just don’t get it, do you?” She leaned over the sofa, picked up the teddy, folded it, and placed it on top of the pile before lifting the stack into her arms. “I don’t want you here when I get back.”

  Her butt swayed as she marched away. He wasn’t going anywhere except maybe to follow her. He wanted to get to the bottom of why she was trying to push him away. His brain was telling him to leave, but his heart wanted more, to show her how special she was.

  Chapter 3

  Victoria took more time putting her clothes away than usual, trying to ignore the tremor of excitement flowing through her veins. Joe would be gone by the time she meandered back into the living room. She’d made it clear she didn’t want him here. But I do want him. Victoria sighed. She couldn’t deny her body craved his, but it didn’t mean she was going to jump into bed with him. Out of the question. They worked together, plus the whole Derek issue. She wouldn't drag him into her mess.

  She pushed the dresser drawer closed, turned, and let out a squeal when she noticed Joe lounging against the doorjamb. “I thought I told you to leave.”

  “You did.”

  “Then why are you still here?” Her heartbeat increased. Damn, he was sex on a stick. Her heart fluttered; having him in the doorway of her bedroom caused her pussy to weep.

  “I’m not leaving until we hash this out.”

  “Hash what out?” His scent carried across the room, teasing her. Citrus and masculinity. The smell should have been overpowering, but not on him. Instead it fueled the deep desire streaming through her body. Damn, she so didn't need this. Why was she allowing her emotions to control her? Maybe because she'd been attracted to Joe since he had come to work at TechTronics, or maybe because he called to the side of herself she had buried when she left Derek.

  “You're determined not to let me into your life?” His voice was soft as he took a step into the room.

  Even with several feet between them, she could feel his magnetism. She wanted nothing more than for him to pull her into his arms, to have his lips on hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth. “You’re too dangerous.” The words slipped out before she was even aware of voicing them aloud. Oh, hell's bells, why did she say that?

  His eyes widened, and another of those sexy, devilish grins spread across his face. “I’m not dangerous. I’m a teddy bear.”

  Victoria gave a snort of laughter. He took another step toward her, and now her bedroom felt too small. He was invading her territory. Her heart pounded. She should shoo him out, but he looked good in her bedroom. Another danger sign. “Grizzly bear is more like it,” she muttered.

  “A man,” he said, taking two more steps. “A man who wants to get to know you better.”

  “If we get to know each other any better, we’ll be arrested.” Her gaze locked with his as the corner of his mou
th twitched. He stood less than a foot away.

  Then the corners of his mouth turned down, and his brows drew together as he studied her. “I got things a little backward last night.”

  “Backward?” An odd word to use. She tilted her head to one side and stared.

  “Yep, backward.” He caressed her cheek. “Making love to you in the elevator was impulsive.”

  She opened her mouth to speak.

  “But,” he continued before she could get a word out, “I don’t regret one second of it.”

  Truth be told, neither did she. She’d never felt so much passion, such fulfillment, such pleasure. She might want to deny it, but knew she couldn’t. So much for resisting this sexy man. “Neither do I.” She forced the words past the lump in her throat.

  “I knew it.” He slipped his hand behind her neck.

  Shivers coursed through her body at the contact. She leaned toward him. "Joe?"

  With a groan, he tugged her into his embrace, his lips finding hers. Her lips parted without hesitation. God, it felt so good to be in his arms once again. This was where she belonged. She shivered as the thought filtered through her brain.

  Joe fought against the need to devour her. To rip their clothes off, throw her on the bed, and bury himself so deep inside her body neither of them would be able to figure out where one ended and the other began. He smoothed his palms over her well-worn t-shirt. His need for her overwhelmed him, but he’d promised himself in the wee hours of the morning that he’d do this right. He wouldn't overpower her with passion, but here he was kissing her. With reluctance, he broke the kiss and forced himself to step away. Her moan of protest made him gather her back into his arms.

  Again their lips came together. Tongues tangled and hands wandered over bodies. She traced his shoulder muscles before sinking deep in his hair while he slid his hand down her back, pulling her body against his.

  They parted, but he trailed his lips down her neck, nipping and licking her skin. She tasted so good, fresh like summer rain. Her head fell back as he continued to nuzzle her neck. The pressure against his fly reminded him how far gone he was.

  His wants didn't matter. This was about Vicki. About making her feel safe with him, letting her know it was more than just sex. Lifting his head, he waited until she opened her eyes before he spoke. “I'm going to do this right.”

  “Felt pretty damn right to me.” Her voice was soft and dreamy.

  “Damn it, woman. You aren’t making this easy.” He took two steps away, hands clenched at his sides. He had to get some distance before it was too late.

  “Who says I want easy?” She followed, cupping his cock.

  “Vicki.” He ground out her name between clenched teeth. This woman excited him just standing there, let alone touching him. Fighting against his baser needs wasn't simple, but instead of giving in, he grasped her wrist and pulled her tantalizing fingers away. If this was just about sex, he'd have let her continue. The thought sobered him. He was going to do this right, damn it. He wanted to show her there was more to him than sex. He wanted a relationship. “Let's go to lunch." He needed to get out of her apartment, and soon. At least in the open he'd be less tempted to strip her naked. He hoped.

  She blinked several times as she tried to catch up with his change of subject. “Okay, just let me … ” She glanced down and let out a squeal. “Oh, my God, I’m a mess.”

  “You’re beautiful.” Disbelief blazed in her green eyes. Grasping her by the shoulders, holding her in place, he said, “Very beautiful.”

  “How can I be? I’m in old sweats and a baggy t-shirt.”

  “Because you are.” His words were husky with need. His chest swelled as he took a deep breath, then he cradled her hands in his. “You are sexy and beautiful no matter what you’re wearing. It isn’t the clothes, Vicki, it’s you.”

  “Oh, Joe.” She swayed toward him, desire and need in her gaze.

  “Not now, sweetheart.” He kept her at arm’s length. Self-preservation was at the top of the list. “I have very little control where you’re concerned. I’ll wait in the living room since you want to change.” He dropped a kiss on her nose before releasing her and striding out.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, as he drove his Mercedes across town. Her body still hummed with joy at his presence. She knew she should resist him, but she couldn’t. She’d take it a day at a time and worry about the consequences later because she wanted to see if there was something more than sex with Joe.

  “Just a little place I know.”

  “And the name of it is?”

  “Marco’s.” He pulled the car into an almost empty lot.

  The area wasn’t run down, but it wasn’t affluent, either. Why was she surprised? Maybe because she kept seeing Joe surrounded by only the best. She reached for the door handle.

  "Sit still." He said, before hopping out of the car and crossing to her side. She waited for him to open her door, then took his offered hand and allowed him to help her from the vehicle.

  Drawing her arm through his, he led her around the littered asphalt to a door. There was a simple sign hanging above it that read ‘Marco’s.’

  The dim interior made her blink several times before her eyes adjusted. When they did, she noticed an elevator. Surprised, she looked up at Joe with her stomach clenched. He smiled while he punched the up button.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “No elevator ravishment.”

  Her cheeks grew hot, and his lips tilted in amusement. The elevator arrived with a moan and groan. They stepped inside when the doors opened.

  “At least not today,” he added; his eyes gleamed.

  The car began to rise, and after a moment the elevator halted with a shudder and the doors opened. Victoria felt her mouth form an “O.” The restaurant wasn't what she had expected.

  Light and open space greeted them. Tables with gleaming white cloths and small candles as centerpieces were spread over the polished wood floors, while the floor-to-ceiling windows made use of the natural light, making the entire place feel spacious and open.

  “Joe!” a male voice bellowed. “It’s great to see you.” A large man bore down on them. Smiling, he took Joe’s hand and pumped it several times.

  “Hey, Marco.”

  “And who is this lovely woman?” His brown eyes focused on her.

  “Vicki, meet Marco, an old friend and owner of this establishment.” There was pride in Joe's voice.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Vicki.” Marco took her hand and kissed the back of it before returning his attention to Joe. “You were always lucky with women.”


  Victoria was amazed to see a bit of red creep into Joe’s face. Deciding to take the unwanted attention off Joe, she commented, “This is a beautiful place, Marco.”

  “Thanks to Joe. Come on, let me get you seated before the lunch crowd gets here.” Marco led them across the room to a table next to one of the large windows. “I’ll be right back with a bottle of wine,” Marco said, laying the menus on the table.

  Victoria looked out over Seattle at the water of Puget Sound in the distance. “The view is great,” she said, turning back to face Joe.

  “Without a doubt.”

  She bit her lip. Her other question slipped from her mind. Joe was looking at her, not out the window. Heat filled her veins at being the center of his attention. How did one deal with a man like him? With caution. She reached for one of the menus.

  Joe captured her hand. Her gaze met his. Blue as the sky and as deep as the sea, his eyes were pools she could drown in. “Vicki.” He lifted her fingers to his lips, kissing each tip, creating a delicious heat throughout her body. “We’re going to have lunch and talk, and what happens after is up to you.”

  “No pressure?”

  “None whatsoever. If you want me to take you home, I’ll respect your wishes.”

  Her eyes widened. “What’s changed?”

  “Nothing.” He kept her hand enclosed within hi

  “Something has.” She swallowed. “You don't take no for an answer.”

  “Mostly true.”

  “Okay, not from women, anyway.”

  His eyebrows rose at the sarcasm in her voice. “I’ve never met a woman like you.”

  “You don’t need to flatter me.” Wasn't this how her relationship started with Derek? There were some parallels, but if she was honest with herself, Joe was nothing like Derek.

  He gave a quick, dry laugh. “It’s not flattery; it’s the truth.” His eyes narrowed and he tightened his hand around hers. “You’ve captured my attention like no other woman has.” His tone was low and deep.

  “I didn’t mean to.” A tremor swept through her body at his words.

  “That’s for sure. In those conservative clothes, always avoiding being alone with me, yet watching me from the corner of your eyes in fascination. It's been impossible for me to concentrate when you’re in the room.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. “You never showed it.”

  “How could I? At first, I thought it was a game to you.” He grimaced.

  “I don’t play games.”

  “After last night, I know.” His features softened. “I watched you watching me, and it gave me hope. It was only a matter of time before I made a move.”

  “So last night wasn’t planned?” Her heart lightened.

  This time his laugh was full-blooded. “You give me a lot of credit for causing the elevator to stop.”

  This time she couldn’t help but smile. “I didn't mean to imply you stopped the elevator.”

  “Making love to you there wasn’t part of my plan, but the opportunity presented itself and I answered the call.” A small grin played around his lips. "It was magical."

  “Here we go.” Marco interrupted before she could question Joe further. “One of my best Merlots.” He opened the bottle with a flourish.

  Victoria couldn’t remember having a more satisfying and fun lunch. Marco waited on them with personal flair, even when his restaurant began to fill up. Feeling pampered and happy for the first time in a long time, she began to relax.


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