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Precious Embrace (Embrace Series)

Page 19

by Dana Mason

  Ali snatched the phone, bringing it close to her face. “Oh dear God! That’s Micah!” She jumped off the bed, bouncing on her feet, hugging the phone close to her chest. “It’s my baby!”

  “There’s live coverage,” Melissa said, grabbing the remote and clicking on the TV. She switched to Channel Two just in time for a banner to flash, “BREAKING NEWS”.

  Live footage cut to the front of a firehouse and a fireman being interviewed by a reporter. The ticker at the bottom of the screen flashed the firefighter’s name. Fire Chief Handley, West Sacramento, and the headline, ‘Baby Found’.

  “He was right there”—he pointed—“cuddled up in a blanket inside a baby car seat.”

  Ali gasped and threw her hand over her mouth as tears flooded her eyes.

  “…We’re not positive it’s the missing baby, but it sure looked like him,” the firefighter said.

  “Where is the baby now?” the reporter asked.

  “Our paramedics took him directly to Davis Med Center to be check out.”

  Ali gasped again, then held her breath and whimpered, “Is he hurt?”

  The reporter asked, “Did the baby appear to be injured?”

  “No—no, he seemed fine, but we wanted to have him looked at. I called the hotline after the ambulance pulled out of the station.”

  Ali jumped into Johnny’s arms, squeezing him with everything she had. Then she pulled back and reached for Brian. He trembled in her arms, agitated and nervous. “He’s okay, right?” she asked releasing him.

  Brian nodded and said, “We haven’t confirmed anything yet, but it looks good.” His voice wavered and more tears dropped from Ali’s eyes when she smiled at him.

  “Let’s go!” Ali said. “Let’s go to Sacramento and get him.”

  “Ali, slow down,” Brian held his hand up. “Peters is already on his way out there. We’ll know in an hour or two, depending on the traffic.”

  They all turned when the front door opened and slammed shut. Loud, pounding footsteps sounded up the stairs, and then Mark burst into the room. He stopped suddenly and exhaled as if he were holding his breath. “Any more news?” He glanced from Melissa to Ali. “It’s him right—it has to be Micah?”

  “It is!” Ali said, holding out Brian’s phone with the photo.

  Mark laughed and hugged Ali, bringing more tears to her eyes.

  The front door opened and shut again. “Who the hell could that be?” Brian asked turning out of the room. They all followed, but Ali stopped abruptly on the bottom step when she saw her mother standing in the foyer in tears.

  Susan rushed forward and embraced Ali. They both sobbed. When Ali caught her breath, she pulled back and met her mother’s eyes.

  “I saw the news. Have you heard anything yet?” Susan asked.

  “It’s him, Mom,” Melissa said. “Look at the photo.”

  Ali stepped back and held up Brian’s cell phone with the picture displayed.

  Susan’s gasped and gripped a hand over her mouth and mumbled, “That’s him, Alison…it’s really him.”

  Ali and her mother chuckled through their tears. “Yes. That is my Micah,” she said, turning to find Johnny. He was standing in the shadows…and who could blame him for being uncomfortable? She had to find a way to smooth things over between the two of them. She wanted Micah to come home to a tension free home.

  Melissa and their mother made coffee and with the addition of caffeine, Ali’s house looked like a weird party for nervous speed addicts. Almost everyone was pacing, but they also had smiles. Julie showed up and was in the corner talking with Melissa. Ali thought about high school when they were inseparable, only now instead of standing with them, Brian stood at a distance, head bowed but with his eyes on the two of them.

  Her mother had Johnny cornered and was thanking him for his heroics in the parking lot when Micah was taken. Ali stood close, ready to rescue Johnny if needed. Her mother was humble, and hugged him with tears streaming down her face. Johnny was taken aback at first, but then he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her, meeting Ali’s eyes. He smiled, looking a little boyish and uncertain. Mother didn’t often admit to being wrong, and now having done it twice in just a matter of days was huge and gave Ali hope for her yet.

  Ali turned to check the status with Brian again when cheers erupted from outside, and the front door opened. Agent Peters rushed in, carrying a baby. Ali’s breath caught in her throat and Johnny grabbed both her arms tightly to keep her from collapsing.

  “Micah,” she gasped. Her tears falling freely as she rushed to take her son from him. Her heart soared, the all-consuming fear fading as she looked Micah over from toes to nose. She held him close, forgetting about the room full of people behind her. Her baby. Her little boy was home and safe.

  Intense relief flowed through her. He felt so good. She rubbed her face against the top of his head and kissed him, reveling in the softness, and the pulse of pleasure at the touch of his skin. Thank you, God, thank you for giving my baby back to me. Johnny slipped his hands around them from behind and held them close and Ali felt him shudder next to her.

  “Thank you for bringing my baby back to me,” Ali said to Agent Peters as tears dropped from her chin.

  Johnny let her go and she turned to see tears in everyone’s eyes too. Her mother hugged her and Micah first, then Melissa, and in turn Mark, Brian, and Julie.

  “I’m going to run home and tell Jamie and Sarah before they see it on the news.” Mark looked at Ali, wiped a tear from her cheek then kissed Micah on his fuzzy head. “I’ll bring Jamie back tomorrow morning so you can have tonight with Micah.”

  “Thank you for everything,” she said smiling through her tears.

  He nodded then turned to leave.

  “Us too,” Brian said. “I’m going to go check out the video surveillance from the firehouse with Peters, but we’ll do it in my office and leave you guys alone.”

  Ali reached out and hugged him. “Thank you, Brian. Thank you for everything you’ve done, I’ll never be able to…”

  “Stop. That’s what friends do.” He withdrew from her hug and shook Johnny’s hand. “Call me if you need anything. See you, guys.”

  When they were gone, Ali was left with her mother, Melissa and Johnny while Agent Simms packed up their equipment. She turned to her mother and sister, her arms still gripping Micah to her chest. “I can’t believe he’s home.” She laid her cheek against his head. “I need to go make some bottles; the ones in the fridge are too old.”

  “I’ll do it,” Susan said. “Go sit down and enjoy your son.”

  “And I’m going to make sure the kitchen is clean so you don’t have to worry about it,” Melissa said.

  When they were gone Ali started crying again and turned to Johnny. He wrapped his arms around both her and Micah and they cried together while Micah squirmed between them. Her world was right again. She took a deep breath, feeling like it was the first time she’d tasted the air.

  Johnny caught his breath and said, “He smells funny, not like Micah.”

  Ali gave a watery chuckle. “I don’t care.” She pushed back. “Here, you can have a turn. Sorry I took so long.”

  Johnny’s breath caught as she handed Micah to him. “Hey, little guy,” he said, taking Micah and wrapping him in his arms close to his chest. “We missed you.” His voice shook, but he had the biggest smile on his face. He met Ali’s eyes and said, “Don’t apologize, you’re his mother. I could’ve waited.” He reached out for her and pulled her too him. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Johnny maneuvered the crib out of Micah’s room and pushed it into the master bedroom to keep him close all night. Ali smiled as he fought with the crib, warmth spreading through her, happy with the knowledge that he wanted Micah close too. Well…really
…happy about everything. She didn’t think anything could ruin her mood. Micah was home, both her boys were safe and she had Johnny here, all to herself.

  When he finished moving the crib, she placed new sheets and clean blankets in it. “Would you like to help me give him a bath?”

  “I have a better idea.” He went into the hall bathroom and grabbed all the baby bath supplies and carried them into Ali’s master bath.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Get naked,” he said taking Micah from her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Get naked. We’re taking a shower together.” He grinned at her and stripped Micah of the foreign baby clothes. She quickly undressed and reached for Micah so Johnny could take his clothes off.

  She waited while he started the shower, adjusted the water then stepped in, reaching for Micah. When the water hit Micah, his little mouth shaped into a large O and Ali had to laugh at him. “Does that feel good, sweetpea?”

  “Sweetpea,” Johnny mocked. “Micah, don’t let her call you that.”

  She stepped into the shower with them and asked, “What’s wrong with sweetpea?”

  “He’s a little boy, not a little girl. He needs a manly nickname…like Buster Brown, or…” He looked down at Micah who had one eye closed because of the water dripping down his face. “Popeye.”

  “Naw, I like sweetpea,” she said getting the baby bath and lathering up a washcloth.

  After getting out of the shower, Ali put a diaper on Micah and the three of them crawled into bed together. Micah sucked on his bottle while they watched him, smiling, with their hands linked. Relaxation set in as they lay together, bare skin touching and hearts beating strongly. “I love you,” she mouthed over Micah’s head to Johnny.

  “I love you too, and I love this.” He snuggled closer to both of them.

  “Me too,” she said, but was interrupted by her growling stomach.

  Johnny looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “You need to eat.”

  She smiled and moaned. “I’d love more of Sarah’s lasagna.”

  “Your wish”—Johnny grinned—“my command. Be right back.”

  Ali sat up and laid Micah on the bed in front of her and slipped on Johnny’s t-shirt. Micah’s eyes began to droop and he drifted off to sleep. How could she ever take her eyes off him again? She came so close to losing him and it nearly killed her. He had become her entire world over the last few months, and the last few days were pure torture. How did the mothers of missing children move on? How does their world turn without their babies? She couldn’t imagine life ever being the same or even bearable without both her sons.

  The fearful thought alone brought her to her knees. Nothing in the world was more important to her than her kids, she’d kill for them, die for them… what mother wouldn’t?

  Micah shuddered slightly in his sleep and she grinned at him. How had she made such a perfect little being…and with Carl no less? Carl didn’t deserve the distinction of being called Micah’s father, but it was still his blood that ran through Micah’s veins. If only…but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t regret Carl and she wouldn’t change who Micah was for anything in this world. To her, he was perfect, even with Carl’s DNA.

  When Johnny sat across from her, she nearly jumped. She hadn’t heard him come into the bedroom, but now she could smell the sweet tomato sauce from the lasagna. She looked up at him and her smile grew. “I could watch him all night,” she whispered.

  “I know,” Johnny said, handing her a plate. “It’s hard to let him sleep. I just want to pick him up and hold him.”

  Her appetite came back with a fury. She dug into the lasagna like she hadn’t eaten in weeks. They were quiet as they sat there, having a little mattress picnic, both staring at Micah like he was going to get up and walk away.

  A few solid bites in and Ali had to stop eating, exhaustion setting in. She looked over at Johnny and he was droopy eyed too. Her body shuddered a little when she took a deep breath and she had to put the plate down. When she reached over, Johnny took it from her and carried them both away.

  He came back a few minutes later and curled in next to her and Micah. “Listen, we’ve been in this bed together—naked—for a long time and I haven’t touched you yet.” He smiled and leaned in, slowly kissing her sleepy lips and mumbling, “Do you think I can do it now? The anticipation is killing me.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not naked.”

  “I know, but seeing you in my clothes is almost as sexy as you being naked—almost.”

  They both glanced down at Micah and she said, “That means we have to put him in his crib.”

  He nodded, looking as apprehensive as she felt. “I guess we can wait until tomorrow night…or the next.”

  Ali groaned. “No.” She gently picked up her sleeping baby and held him for a solid minute, then laid him in the crib, covering him with a blanket. She stared at him for a moment, her heart full.

  “Sweetheart, we can wait.”

  She shook her head and turned over her shoulder to smile at him. “He’s right here, I can see him.”

  She backed up a step and got back into bed with him. Their eyes met and they both grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

  Johnny wrestled the t-shirt off her then laid her down and ran his hands over her body, starting at her shoulders then exploring down to her toes. When goosebumps broke out over her chest, he smiled, his stomach fluttering like a teenage girl. He wanted every inch of that sweet cream skin. It’d been a week from hell and he wanted to lose himself inside her. “I’m sorry if I was too rough the last time I made love to you.”

  “You weren’t,” she said in a pitched voice as he sucked her nipple in his mouth. “I promise to go slow and easy tonight.”

  Ali shuddered again as he slid his tongue down her stomach to her navel and spread her legs with his hands. “Okay…how…ever…” She managed to say before he parted her with his tongue, forcing a throaty moan to escape her lips.

  “You’re so sweet.” He could eat her alive he wanted her so bad. “You’re so fucking sweet…damn,” he said moving back up to her nipple.

  “You’re a tease…” she breathed writhing underneath him.

  “Oh no, sweetheart, I told you nice and slow.” He slid his hands around her shoulders to the back of her head and buried them in her hair, lifting her and tugging enough to make her arch up against him. Johnny parted her mouth with his tongue and tasted her, nipping her lips before sucking on each in turn.

  “Oh, God…Johnn,” she tried to say through his kiss, but he kept teasing, tugging back further so he could taste the skin of her neck and that perfect spot just below her lobe. “Johnny…”

  “I’ve got you, baby. Open your eyes for me.”

  She did so, meeting his eyes with a look of pure heat, her expression the sexiest damn thing he’d ever seen. How had he lived thirty plus years without her in his life? He never wanted to let go, never wanted to see this look fade from her face. He released her hair and slid a hand down between her legs, still locking eyes with her. Once he slid his finger into her wetness, her eyes lit like firecrackers. “There it is,” he whispered. “There’s my sunshine.” He massaged her until she moved like liquid underneath him and arched higher, her hands gripping his hips.

  He took her mouth again, stifling her moan. She tensed and the word now gasped from between their kiss.

  “I know, darlin’, you’ll get there soon enough,” he said straddling her and sitting up on his knees to stare at her. “God you’re beautiful with your flushed cheeks and perfect round curves.” He moved his hands up her waist to her breast taking one in each hand and gently cupping them and caressing them while he watched her face.

  Ali lifted her hips, pushing him up and reaching for his boxers, yanking until they ripped down the seam.

p; “Oh…you’re getting impatient,” he said still holding her breast in his hands.

  When he leaned in, she pushed his shoulders almost knocking him off her, but he just chuckled and pressed himself against her again. “Not yet, Ali-cat.”

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked, tugging at the torn boxers to get them out of the way.

  Johnny grabbed her hands and held them down on the bed. “I’m waiting until you can’t take anymore. I’m waiting until you realize you can’t live without me.”

  “Baby,” she whined. “I love you…I want you so bad.”

  Damn she was the sweetest thing he’d ever laid eyes on. He released her hands and cupped her face. “I love—“

  Ali flipped him onto his back so fast, he couldn’t react, except to whistle out a low moan when she straddled him.

  “You are so bad,” she said, a little breathless as she reached down to pull away the shreds of his boxers.

  He grinned, his eyes fixed on her breasts as they dangled over him. “If you insist.” He cupped one in each hand like he was greeting long lost friends.

  Ali leaned against him as he moved down to cup her hips. Her nipples brushed his chest and he lifted against her, aching now from his own teasing. “Damn you feel so good…now who’s teasing?” He tried to hold her against him, but she lifted up.

  “Oh no, now you can wait until I’m ready,” she said moving her hand down to grab him. A jolt of electricity shot through his systems, leaving him temporarily shocked and incapable of complete sentences. “Tha—that’s not…fair,” he moaned, closing his eyes, moving in sequence with her hand.

  When she pulled away, his eyes popped open. “On no,” he said, grabbing her hips and pulling her down.

  “—Not yet.” She gasped when he entered her, pushing himself up and pulling her down by her hips. “Oh hell…” she said, leaning back and arching her body, taking him fully.


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