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A Hunter Within (The Alliance of Power Duology, Book 1)

Page 13

by Anna Applegate

  I pulled up to a dark apartment. I hadn’t seen the girls in a while, but they were always so busy any way, and with the way my life had been going, I was never available for the fun stuff most people my age were getting in to. I knew I had a ton of work tonight, since Marissa had given an assignment already in my new role. I wasn’t quite sure what the documents would contain that were in my bag.

  I had just sat down at the table and opened up my folder of information when there was a knock at the door. I smiled, yelling out. “Abbey, I swear I’m going to get you a huge necklace to keep your key on.” I opened the door, fully expecting to see my roommate, but instead saw him.


  He looked strained somehow. Nervous.

  “May I come in?” he asked, his voice low.

  I waved my hand and stood aside as he entered slowly. My heart rate sped up as I watched him move across the threshold and into my apartment before he paused.

  He stood, almost awkwardly—if it was possible for someone like him to ever look awkward—in my entryway.

  “Come on,” I tilted my head toward our living room and walked over to sit on the couch.

  He sat, following my lead.

  “I’m sorry,” he said finally. “For you to think that I’d actually hurt someone you cared about. I know, you don’t know me that well, but I’d never purposely do something like that when it would impact you so negatively. I was frustrated when we were speaking, and the knowledge of Henry’s connection to Falcone was new. My words were reckless, but I hope you’d know that my actions would never be so reckless that it would cause you harm. And hurting him, that would cause you harm,” he said, watching me as he spoke. He stopped, his jaw clenching, and his eyes showed sadness.

  “I don’t want to fight,” I said quietly. “But I don’t know you very well. I trust my gut that you wouldn’t hurt me, but I also trust my gut with Henry, Seeley. You wanted me to trust you, while also calling me naïve.”

  “I know. I was wrong,” he said, reaching for my hand. My own tingled where he touched it. “From what I’ve observed of him, I think you are right that he’s not involved in anything to do with my brother. But he is hiding something. I’ll just have to trust that the information won’t hurt Gabriel.” Seeley sighed as he spoke, squeezing my hand.

  I was taken aback. I hadn’t expected him to show up here, or apologize so soon, if at all. I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I simply squeezed his hand back.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I whispered. What an idiot. With all the things going on, with all the things we had to talk about, that’s what I said?

  I glanced up, trying to hide my fierce blushing. For some reason, my mind had thought that was a good answer to his apology.

  When I met his eyes, he was smiling. His face had gone from holding a look of worry to one of joy.

  “Thank goodness.” He leaned in, pulling me into his embrace. I leaned back to look at him, and he cupped my cheek. His kisses started slowly, a tender seal of forgiveness, but that was short-lived. They quickly escalated into something that was daringly close to the moments we shared on the park bench after the attack earlier in the week.

  I climbed toward him, straddling him in a swift motion that was more coordinated than I expected from myself. I felt his grin as I pressed into him. His hands traveled up my legs, pushing me harder into his lap.

  His hand snaked into my hair, and he pressed my lips to his. His fingers looped around some of my hair, and he tugged gently but hard enough to pull my head back, exposing my neck. He brought his mouth down to where my collarbone was and I shuddered. Not from fear but from complete and total lust. I moaned, embarrassingly loud for being fully clothed and just having his breath on my neck. He kissed along my collarbone and up my neck. I trembled again and he chuckled.

  “I’m not planning to do what you think, Jules. Not yet.”

  I slowly tilted my head back down to him, wanting his lips on me again. I grinded my hips into him like a horny teenager, instead of the grown woman I was.

  Seeley stood from the couch, and I clasped my legs around his waist. He continued his kisses, increasing in intensity and passion as he walked back toward my room. He set me down gently on my bed and let his hands slide up to my waist and underneath my shirt. He was perfect with his hands, and everywhere his skin touched mine felt on fire. He lifted my shirt over my head, and his hands made their way down to my jeans. Slowly, tortuously slow for me, he started unfastening the button. In my frustration, I pushed his hands away and ripped them off. He laughed, cupping my face and looking at me for a moment before bringing his lips back to mine. I frowned at his fully clothed body, but he pulled away and turned toward the end of my bed and grabbed my pajamas before handing them to me with a grin on his face.

  “I think that’s all you can handle for one night.” He winked.

  I pouted, which he responded to with a perfect laugh. He leaned down, taking my lips again. Our kisses had grown into something desperate, like a necessity for survival. Nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming desire that tore through my body as Seeley’s muscular, toned, perfect figure covered mine as he let his weight come down on my bed. His fingers traced lightly down my stomach and around my hips as I arched up into him.

  My breathing was getting heavier as he grinned against my skin and moved away from my mouth back toward my neck, where he had clearly learned I was sensitive. He nuzzled into my neckline once more before moving away. He gently kissed my forehead and then my cheek. I looked at him expectantly, wanting more.

  “Have you eaten?” he asked.

  “No,” I sighed. “I’m not really hungry for food.” I glanced at him in what I thought was a seductive way, but what did I really know?

  Seeley chuckled, pulling me up by my arms. “Let’s get you fed. You can tell me more about what happened today,” he said and kissed me once more quickly.

  I grabbed the pajamas he had handed me earlier, knowing they were the best option because there was no way I could handle anything tight or pressed up on my body at the moment, and walked out of the room.

  I ordered a pizza, and we sat down at the table. He started surveying all the paperwork I had opened up.

  “This is what Marissa gave me today as reading material. I’m supposed to report to a new area of the building tomorrow morning. I can show you guys on the maps,” I suggested.

  Seeley nodded, deep in thought as he read.

  There was no mention of the company’s previous owners other than a terrible accident that left the company needing leadership and that Marissa had stepped up. Then there were pages about how the company had thrived under her direction.

  “This is essentially just a big folder highlighting how great Marissa is for Falcone,” I sighed.

  His eyes continued skimming the files as he spoke. “What else would you expect? She needs her team brainwashed to believing she’s perfect.” He stopped and showed me the last page.

  There are some things in this world that we never expect to find. Studying science means that we sometimes have to witness what happens when genetics get things wrong. This project that you’ll be assigned to will show you how dangerous it can be when science isn’t around to help. But, with our innovative team, we can protect our community and the world from any danger that mistakes have brought into our world. Are you ready to join me? Are you ready to make a difference?

  “Wow, she’s laying it on thick.” I snorted.

  “I think you were right. It’s obvious this project is going to be tied to the hunter side of the organization, at least somehow. Great work, Parker. This could be the break we need.” He kissed my forehead.

  I watched him as he cleaned up my dinner and papers as I sat, finishing a glass of wine he had also found and poured me.

  “Are you not hungry?” I asked and then frowned as he looked down, continuing to throw things out for me. “Or do you actually drink blood?” I finished, cautiously.

  “Yes, I a
ctually drink blood,” he said, sitting back down at the table with me.

  I shifted in my chair, wanting to know more and honestly not knowing where to start.

  He leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowed for a minute in thought. “Jules, I think if this is going to work, you’re going to have to tell me what you’re thinking. I actually am surprised this hasn’t come up sooner. We haven’t really had a chance to talk about vampires, about what I am, huh?” he said. “You can ask me anything.”

  “How do you get blood?”

  “I can compel people to want to give it to me and then make them forget. Blood bags are fine too, if we can find a way to get access to them easily. And then there are some people who are extremely into vampire lore who are willing donors. They of course don’t remember it, but it’s shocking how many are out there,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Is it always as intimate as what happened to me, back at”—I gulped, struggling to get the words out as he watched me—“back at the library.”

  Seeley looked as if he was blushing as well. “Blood lust is real and can happen when there’s any sort of emotional connection between people sharing blood.”

  I knew my face fell slightly, which seemed ridiculous when I thought about being upset over how excited someone would get over drinking blood.

  He reached out and touched my hand that was resting on the table. “But, I’ve never had it happen like that before, no.”

  I smiled, proud for some reason. “How old are you?”

  “I was born in 1933. I’m quite young for a vampire still, and extremely young to be running a territory, which I’ve been reminded of on numerous occasions,” he added.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Is there someone upset that you’re in charge now?” I asked.

  “Not upset, I guess. Once the territories were set up, everyone stayed out of each other’s way. It’s strictly by lineage, and I’m the next in line so there’s no discussion. One of the other kings seemed to think he could push Gabe and me around at first, but we ended that. He’s back to sticking to his land in Europe.” Seeley looked down at the table, lost somewhere else as he spoke. “Now, if our family was gone completely, I suppose a discussion would need to be had. We really don’t interact with other territories much. We all have to touch base every few months and bring up things that may impact each other on a global scale.” He frowned and his features hardened.

  “This is something I would need to raise to the group at large if we can’t get in under control. A drug like the ones Marissa is compiling could have global implications if it gets beyond our territory,” he said.

  I nodded, wanting to take things a little more personal. “Have you ever been in love?”

  He frowned, perhaps surprised by my question. I should be more worried about the vampire questions than this one after all. “I’ve loved women. But in love, no. The only thing I’ve ever been in love with was the idea of ruling in a way that would make my parents proud.”

  “I understand that pretty well,” I said, giving him a small smile.

  He watched me and titled his head thoughtfully. “I know,” he said.

  I paused, soaking in what I’d learned from my rapid-fire questions so far. I had so many more to ask, but there was one important one that was gnawing at me. One question that made me nervous and that shouldn’t be as big of a deal to me given that we’d known each other only a short amount of time.

  “Will this work?” I asked, quietly pointing back and forth between the two of us.

  His face softened, and he reached for my hand again, this time holding it in his. “I’ve never felt anything like this, Jules. I swear to you. I don’t know what will happen, and I can’t say I’ve heard of a human and vampire relationship among my kind before. But I would do whatever you wanted, and whatever was necessary to make you happy. For the first time in my life, I feel something that resembles what I'd imagine the beginning of falling in love to be like. I’m not ready or willing to let that go yet.” He moved closer to me, running his hand through my hair.

  I leaned my cheek into his hand and closed my eyes. “Good answer,” I said, opening them again and smiling.

  “It’s getting late. I’m sure we’re going to be learning a lot these next few weeks. You should get some rest while you can.”

  “Can you stay?” I asked.

  He took me in his arms, pulling me close, and for a moment, I believed he didn’t want to leave me as much as I didn’t want him to leave. “If you’d like.”

  I grabbed his hand in mine and led him back to my bedroom. I remember vaguely hearing the girls come back, but I was more tired than I thought. With Seeley’s arms around me, I faded out quickly into a dreamless sleep.


  I rolled over and quickly flicked the off button on my phone upon the shrill sound of my alarm. Sitting up, I grimaced at the empty space next to me. Then I saw Seeley standing at my bedroom window.

  He turned and grinned at me. “Good Morning, beautiful.”

  He walked back over to the bed and slowly crawled over top of me, kissing me around my face and up and down my neck.

  I squirmed at the intimacy, giggling. “I have a little bit of time before I have to get ready,” I said, hooking my arms around his neck and arching into his kisses.

  He pulled back and brushed his hand along the side of my head. “Trust me, when the time comes for that, we’ll be in our bed for much more than just a little bit of time.” He smirked, giving me one final kiss that left me dizzy. “I have to go fill Kellan and Rebecca in. I’ll see you later, though?”

  Our bed? Cocky. “Mmmhmm,” I said. “Give me a minute, I’ll walk you out.”

  I threw on some clothes and headed to the front door with him. I went to open it, but before I could, he had me turned around, facing him. He pulled me in close and gave me a kiss that made my knees give out slightly, but his arms were around me, holding me up. I let out a sigh, and he reluctantly pulled back, running his thumb along my lips before giving me one final kiss.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he stated confidently.

  “Perhaps.” I smirked, reaching for the doorknob behind my back.

  He squinted mischievously before he left.

  I shut the door again, falling against it, and touched my fingers to my lips, savoring the tingling sensations his kisses left behind.

  “Well, I never thought I’d see the day.” Abbey’s voice snapped me from the cloud I was floating on. “Girl you better tell me every detail of what I just walked in on.”

  I smiled shyly under a heated blush that crept over my face at the audience. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Are you here alone?” I asked, getting up from my weak in the knees lean that I had yet to recover from.

  Abbey looked melancholy for a minute, and I realized I had never asked her how things went with Ryan. Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen much of Abbey lately at all.

  “Yeah, I’ve been trying to be on my own a little more lately.” Her lips quivered as she tried to put on a brave face, but it was clear she was struggling.

  “I’m actually free after work, and it’s been a while since we vegged out to some sappy, cheesy movies. Are you interested in some company?” I asked, sensing Abbey needed someone.

  The smile she wore at my suggestion was enough to tell me I’d been seriously neglecting my friend. “You don’t mind? That sex on a stick that just left made it seem like he’d be back for you later,” she said, exaggerating her comment by licking her lips.

  “He can come later.” I laughed.

  “In more ways than one, I’m sure.” Abbey giggled as I gasped and chucked a pillow from the couch at her.

  “I’ve got to get ready. I’ll see you after work,” I said, laughing all the way back to my room.

  Time with Abbey would hopefully keep me grounded enough as I started down this new path I had been thrown onto. One that was about to start pushing me forward when I walked into my new role at Falcone this mo


  I sat in the oversized conference room at Falcone Industries, along with the other intern, waiting for Marissa. I had never met the intern sitting with me before. He was tall and lanky complete with a gelled comb-over that was perfectly in place. His eyes darted around the room every few minutes as if he was waiting for some grand entrance and bracing himself for it. He had definitely been drinking the Kool-Aid that was the packet Marissa sent home over the weekend. The conference room was bright and airy like the rest of the building, giving a false sense of light to this place that was growing ever darker in my mind for what their intentions truly held.

  At eight o’clock on the dot, Marissa opened one of the doors leading into the conference room and strolled inside. She had an air about her where she expected people to fawn over her the moment she arrived. The more I studied her in person, the more annoyed with myself I was that I had been so focused on the prestige of working for Falcone that I missed all the narcissistic signs from her in her interviews and videos.

  “Well, welcome my little eager learners!” She clasped her hands behind her back and began walking back and forth at the front of the room. “Today may be a hard day for you, but I hope you’ve read up on everything I gave you. It should have provided you enough of a background to know that we here at Falcone are adamant about helping others and ensuring safety for our community, and the world. We want to use our abilities to help in whatever capacity is necessary to aid mankind. I’m going to introduce you to some things that, as a scientist, may be difficult to grasp. But I assure you, I have the time to talk things out with you and the factual evidence you’ll need to see that what I am about to reveal to you is the truth. Humans are not the only beings on this earth, not even close. And while it would be educational and exciting to look into researching how many other species there are here, there is one that threatens our existence and way of life on a daily basis. There is one species who we at Falcone have been trying to contain for more years than I can have you understand. Vampires.”


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