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Guys Like You: Book 5 of The Young and Privileged of Washington, DC

Page 4

by Vivian Kohlman

  “She’s a slut who’d sleep with anyone. He’s not special and I’m not with her anymore, really.”

  I didn’t respond; I was getting impatient. I’m sure he didn’t ask me here to hash out his relationship status.

  “So why am I sitting across from you?”

  “Because I wanted to apologize for what I did to you back in LA. I knew King’s manager was throwing that party, so I went. I got there early, before you guys, and waited for the best time to make my move. Then you were left alone. Anyway, I’m sorry for that.”

  “Apology accepted. But I can’t imagine you came all this way to say that. What can I do for you?”

  He smiled and looked away. I guess he expected me to warm up to him by now. I’m sure this guy isn’t aware of the annoyance he’s added to our lives, but I still can’t pretend that his charm is going to win me over. I want to get to the bottom of this, then get away from him.

  “Is he here because of me?” he asked, nodding toward Stephen.


  “Good. Your boyfriend must know I’m with you now, then,” he said. A wave of fear ran down my spine.

  “Why am I here, Giorgio?” I demanded.

  He took a pause, and then he finally spit out the real reason for wanting to meet with me.

  “I want you to convince King to fight me again. I won once, he won once…we need to fight again to settle the score.”

  “Fuck off. I’m not convincing King of anything. And I’m certainly not going to do anything on your behalf,” I said.

  “You don’t understand. If he fights me again, it’ll all be over. You can get rid of the bodyguards that follow you around. I’ll be resigned to whatever the outcome is, even though I’m sure I’ll win. Things will return to normal,” he said.

  “So you mean that I actually do need the security detail if he doesn’t fight you again? You will use me to get to him. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “No, of course not. Ava, I’m not a bad guy…”

  “You seemed like a big piece of shit in LA when you picked me up and tried to take me,” I reminded him.

  “That wasn’t my best hour. Your boyfriend tends to bring out the worst in me. And I’m not used to losing…it was incredibly hard for me to accept that loss and, yes, I went a bit crazy.”

  “OK, your five minutes are up. I won’t ask him to fight you. I can live with the security detail. My only concern is King, and what he wants to do.”

  “You’re making a mistake. Getting him to fight me will make all of us relax again. But I gotta say, he’s lucky to have you,” he said. The smile on his face was a little sleazier than I was comfortable with.

  This guy didn’t say an honest word to me, I was sure of it. And I can’t believe he’d meet me to try to convince me to talk King into fighting him. What kind of tool does he think I am? My loyalty is to King, and King alone.

  And speaking of King, my phone hasn’t stopped vibrating since I left the library. I know he is pissed, and probably worried. I’ve noticed Stephen keeps checking his phone, but only answered it once before hanging up quickly. He’s on the job right now; he probably said just enough to calm King temporarily. And I was happy to note that Stephen looks like he’s prepared to pounce on Giorgio with a second’s notice.

  But enough is enough. I let Giorgio say his peace, now it’s time to go back to studying. I stood from my seat, and Giorgio did the same.

  “Goodbye, Giorgio. I’m sorry I can’t help you, but I hope you can find a way to be OK with everything, now that some time has gone by,” I said.

  He didn’t respond; he just watched me walk away. I looked back once, just to be sure he wasn’t following me, but I saw Stephen, and was reminded that I didn’t need to worry.

  Before entering the library, I called King back. I thought it best to stop ignoring him now.

  “Ava,” he answered.

  “Hey, baby,” I said calmly.

  “Don’t you ever ignore my call again!” he yelled into the phone. “When you see my name, you fucking answer. I did not want you to meet with him; I know you know that. Why the fuck did you do that?” he asked, with accusation loaded in his voice.

  “Oh no you are not telling me what to do!” I snipped back. “If I don’t want to answer your calls, I won’t. I can make my own decisions and I am not your pet to train and control. Got it?” I said sternly.

  “God damn it! You…” he started, then I heard him take a deep breath. “Fuck,” he yelled away from the phone, more to himself than to me. I waited…I know his anger is immense at times, but he’s fairly quick to calm down, if given a minute to think it over.

  While I waited, I thought about his surroundings. I know he’s still at work and the staff in his office can surely hear him yelling, even if his office door is closed. I giggled to myself, but didn’t let on how humorous I found the situation.

  “Look, I’m sorry, OK?” he said, in a much calmer voice. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I’m just…I’m just freaking the fuck out over here. You’re OK, right?”

  “Yes, babe, I’m fine. It was uneventful; he just tried to get me to convince you to fight him again. That’s all. He knows I have security, and he tried to pretend he wasn’t trying to hurt me in LA and wasn’t going to now. It was all bullshit.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  “No. I mean, I believe he wants to fight you again, but nothing else that came out of his mouth.”

  “Good. People like him don’t change. If he was nice, it was just to get you on his side.”

  “Yeah, he made that obvious.”

  “OK, we’ll talk about the details later. I’m sorry for yelling at you. I just…”

  “I know. I understand. Just take a deep breath,” I said, hoping to assure him.

  I know he needed to get back to work, so I ended our conversation so that I could go back to studying and he could call Stephen for a final wrap-up. I noticed Stephen was on the phone, too; I’d bet my life that he was calling in another guy or two to scope out the campus.

  “How’d everything go?” Asli asked. I explained everything to her, including King’s reaction. Asli sided with King.

  I really need to talk to him about this…about all of this. I’ve agreed to deal with the security detail, and I understand that he’s concerned about my safety, but I’m a teen-ager! I’m eighteen years old and I can’t even go out with my girlfriends without a chaperone. It’s weird.

  Even after a half hour or so, I was still feeling agitated. I don’t know how my peaceful life got so tumultuous in just a few months. Exactly this time last year, I was in my senior year of high school, dating who I thought was the perfect guy, and friends with the perfect group of girls. Since then, I broke up with that guy, started dating another, then cheated on him with my current boyfriend.

  During all of that, I had so much angst that I acted like a brat and allowed myself to go a little crazy—too much drinking and partying never looks good on a young girl. I was uneasy then…I didn’t feel settled. I think I acted out because I was so unhappy with my life, but I didn’t really know it. I was—and still am—young, and still figuring things out.

  But I don’t feel young; at least, I don’t feel eighteen. More and more I am growing up, and becoming the person I want to be. No, I didn't change overnight, but I now think back to how I was a year ago today—how I dressed, how I wore my hair, how I carried myself. The person I was a year ago seems like a distant memory. What wasn’t a distant memory is how simple my life was…

  “Ava, will you please stop tapping your pen?” Asli asked with obvious annoyance.

  “Sorry,” I said, putting the pen down and straightening up.

  “What’s up with you? You haven’t looked at your computer for an hour,” she chided.

  “I don’t know. I feel like I’m having an existential crisis. Meeting Giorgio is making me reflect. I’m just…restless.”

  “You’re always the first to get restless when we study. I’m p
retty sure you just want to go out and be anywhere but the library.”

  “No, it’s not that. Well, maybe it’s that. What’s the point of us going to school and putting ourselves through all this education anyway? It’s not like we need careers to survive; we’re all just going to tap into our trust funds or inherit our parents’ money anyway. Why can’t we take a year off…travel the world…”

  “OK, stop. A: we won’t inherit a brain; we’re going to school to learn and increase our knowledge base. B: you couldn't travel the world; you’d hyperventilate after two days without King and he has a business to run. C: You’re not having an existential crisis; you’re just being a brat and feeling a little suffocated by your boyfriend and his crew,” she said waving her hand toward the table where Stephen was sitting, but is currently empty. “This will pass, just give it time,” she said wisely.

  Her hand gesture reminded me that I haven't seen the security guard in a while. I looked around; he was nowhere in sight. Hhhmmm, maybe something’s going on with Giorgio? Or maybe I just lucked out; maybe the babysitter is taking a break.

  “Let’s leave,” I whispered. “The security guard is no where near us. I could get away,” I said.

  “No. He’s here for a reason, Ava, and I don’t want to deal with King when he finds out I helped you sneak away,” she said, killing my dream.

  “C’mon,” I whined. “If you don’t come with me, I’ll go on my own,” I threatened.

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea? Giorgio’s on campus, or was recently. It’s not wise for you to wander around alone.”

  “C’mon, Asli, please! I’ve been so good lately; I just want an afternoon without responsibility…without security. And if Giorgio does surprise us, I’ll just lie and tell him I changed my mind about getting King to fight him. I’m sure he’d leave me alone if I pretend to help him.”

  “OK, fine, but no farther than Bulldog Tavern. Deal?”

  “Deal!” I squealed.

  The Bulldog Tavern is a pub on campus; it’s a short walk away and was still on the campus of Georgetown University. I guess Asli figured that wasn’t really breaking the rules.

  We quickly packed our things looking around to be sure we were still in the clear, then scurried out of the library and headed to the Tavern. I saw Stephen looking out of the window near the entrance of the library—he didn’t notice me, which made me thrilled. It’s like I was free for the first time since this mess started.

  We practically ran to the bar and I busted open the door as soon as we arrived and quickly grabbed a table in the corner. We perused the menu and ordered a couple of beers and appetizers before my phone vibrated for the first time.

  Where are you?

  I smiled, knowing he was furious and probably wanted to yell and scream, but he wouldn’t dare to do so after we had that argument earlier. I know this is childish, but I couldn't resist smiling and playing with him a little.

  Me: Out

  King: Where?

  Me: I’m on campus—don’t panic

  King: Where are you?!

  I decided to not respond. What’s the point? I saw the locator icon on my phone appear; I know he’s searching for me on one of the apps he uses to keep track of Claudia and me. And that can only mean one thing—either he or Stephen would find me soon. I picked up my phone to try to calm King.

  Don’t leave work. I’m fine. Just let it go for one day.

  “Well, I’m pretty sure Stephen’s on his way here, so I guess my fun didn’t last too long,” I told Asli.

  And I was right; it didn’t take long for my pseudo-getaway to be over. I swallowed the first sip of my second beer as the door swung open. People have been coming and going since we got here, but this was different.

  I didn't have to look at the door to know it was King—the bartender’s smile and under-her-breath “oh” told me. He’s the only guy I know who makes every female from seven to seventy take notice.

  Shit. I didn’t really expect King to leave work; I assumed he would tell Stephen where I was. Now I feel like a fool.

  I didn't hear any footsteps and kept my eyes on the bartender—I was watching her expression to see what he was doing. He eyes glance at our table, so my guess is he’s staring at me.

  Sure, I could have just looked at him, but I didn’t want him to know that I knew he was here. I was proudly allowing the bratty mood to play out in full force. First seeing Giorgio against Stephen and King’s wishes, now escaping Stephen. I was on a roll.

  “Uh oh, you’re in trouble,” Asli said with a smug ‘I told to so’ look on her face.

  “For what? Grabbing a beer with a friend after studying?” I said snippily.

  “No, for purposely escaping those who are just trying to protect you,” King said, standing behind me.

  I was surprised that his voice didn’t sound angry. I turned around to face him. All of the rebellion I had in me left when my eyes met his. Dammit, King looks defeated.

  “Hey,” I said, feeling a little stupid. I know this meant he tossed work aside and came to campus immediately. My childish antics just disrupted his day; he should be furious. But he didn’t look mad at all.

  “Hey,” he said, with a sad smile on his face.

  “Want to join us?” Asli asked.

  “Sure,” he said surprising me. I expected him to yell, not to join us for a drink.

  “Well, I should leave you two alone,” Asli said as she reached for her bag.

  “Please don’t, Asli. Stay and hang out with us. Ava wanted a drink with you, I just crashed your party.”

  “So, you’re not going to lecture me?” I asked.

  “Nope. The argument earlier… That’s the first time we fought like that. And I didn't like it, so I thought about everything, and how you must feel. Just as much as you need to keep in mind that the threat is still there, I know I need to lighten up,” he said.

  I smiled at him but didn't say anything. Asli was the first to talk again.

  “Well, then, Ava’s captivity is over. Cheers to that,” she said raising her glass in the air. I clinked my glass to hers.

  “I don’t know about all that, but suffice it to say that Ava and I are going to find a better solution,” King corrected.

  The waitress came by to take King’s order; he asked if we minded him joining us for a beer. Of course we didn't, and as soon as the waitress left I kissed him on the cheek.

  “I’m sorry you left work,” I said.

  “This whole ordeal has lasted longer than I expected. I assumed Giorgio would have made a move within weeks, if not days. But it’s gone on too long.”

  “I concur,” I emphatically responded.

  We hung out for an hour or so before I asked about the security guard.

  “I told him to leave you and try to find Giorgio, then to just tail him to let me know if he got close to you again. I’m going to change my tactics so that you only need security on rare occasions, not every day. I hope you’ll be more amenable to that approach.”

  I tentatively agreed, knowing I’ll have to see how far he’s willing to loosen the reigns before I am too thankful. I truly do want to make King feel comfortable, but something has to change. When a grown woman feels such a thrill from escaping the watchful eyes of a bodyguard, there has to be a problem.

  We didn't stay at the Tavern too long; Asli decided that she needed to study more today and I wanted alone time with King. I know I acted like a brat all day today, and really felt the need to redeem myself. As usual, King’s acceptance of my behavior is humbling. I needed to be sure he and I are OK.

  Chapter 4

  Later that night, I brought it up again. I wanted to better understand what to expect moving forward, and I wanted King to know why I acted as I did. I acted out because I was upset and feeling restricted.

  We talked through it all again and he reminded me of one of the things he told me the first night we were together: I need to be honest with him so he can know how to make me happ
y. He said he heard me loud and clear, and he spent some time thinking through how to make both of us ok.

  “As much as I’d like for you to be at my side twenty-four seven, I know that’s ridiculous and impossible. But I can't keep you, or my sister, in a protective cell either. You’re young, and you need your freedom.”

  The look on his face shook me; he was resigned and looked like he was hurt by this thought. I was bothered that he mentioned my youth. My first thought was whether this was the start of him realizing I was practically a child compared to his older, more mature self.

  “You know, you’re not that old either, you just act like it,” I joked.

  He didn't laugh, not even a chuckle. I knew something was wrong when he didn't have some funny comeback that would disprove my statement, but he didn't even try. Worry filled me. Maybe he’s finally realized how my age is going to impact his life, and he doesn’t like it.

  “King, please talk to me. Tell me what’s going on in your mind,” I asked softly.

  “Princess, I have to be honest. I’m just so fucking afraid of losing you. That’s why I put security on you; it’s why I’ve been suffocating you. I realize that now. I was afraid that if you had to worry about your own safety it would scare you away, that you’d leave me just to be out of danger. But I know that I have a better chance of losing you if I lock you up than if I give you some space to breath. It’s just hard for my mind to convince my ego of that.”

  “King,” I said touching his face and feeling relieved. “You’re not going to lose me. I’m here, just as infatuated with you as I always have been. And I love you…so much. But I need to have my space sometimes. I certainly can't live under someone’s thumb.”

  “I know. I know this…it just may take some time for me to gulp down that jagged little pill.”

  I wasn't sure what else I could say to make him feel better, so I thought that showing him would be best right now. I pulled him in for a kiss and he put a hand around my waist and pulled me off my stool, then he bent down and lifted me off my feet. We walked into the bedroom with me in his arms, kissing me along the way.



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