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Legend Of The Sparks

Page 23

by Ophelia Dickerson

  Becky Sue quirked her eyebrows at him in an explain yourself look.

  “He’s the one who killed Jed and Sherlock.”

  “That bastard.”

  “Maybe they think once they get all this power they’ll be untouchable. But why leave us alive?”

  “As a recurring power source, maybe?”

  Before Ray could answer her phone rang.

  “Becky Sue, this is Verna. That red truck you’re looking for just passed us a minute ago.”

  It took Becky Sue a minute to remember which road Verna lived on. “Ok. Send the message down the line for me. Thanks.”

  She gave Ray the highway number and he phoned it into his chief to put the police departments in the towns near where they were headed on alert. They were headed out further into the mountains. But where? She paced as she tried to think, knowing that soon they’re luck with the gossip chain would run out and the Dark Duo could disappear.

  Chapter 22

  After Verna’s call the phone rang every few minutes, providing them tracking information on Phoenix and Benu. Then the calls stopped. Had the chain been broken or had the Dark Duo stopped? Out in the mountains there weren’t a lot of side roads and such. Folks didn’t try to fight the mountain often, but if they did it was usually a gradual take over starting near the highway, that’s why it’d been so easy to track them early on.

  Low thunder rumbled across the mountains. Chills ran up her arms. It was like the storm was bringing a grim prophecy of what was to come.

  The phone rang again. Becky Sue’s face lit with hope renewed, but it turned out to be Maggie Ann’s Grandma Shirley letting her know that she’d made it to the house and the kids were okay.

  “Do we wait for more calls or should we go after them now?”

  Ray had been pinning points on a map of the area as the calls came in and was now studying it carefully in the area where the last call dropped off. “They got a good head start but if they’ve stopped our time is getting shorter. Let’s go.”

  While Becky Sue locked her shop, Ray called his chief and gave him the last known location. They jumped into Ray’s truck. He threw it in gear and peeled tires pulling out of the parking lot. With white knuckles, she gripped the door handle while he flew down the road at a clip that made her teeth clench and body stiffen.

  It felt like hours before they passed the last house that’d called in a location of the red truck while the clouds overhead grew darker. Ray slowed a little to watch for the truck. It was a good thing because when he hit the brakes a short time later because he missed a turn off, they’d have been thrown through the windshield.

  He parked on the side of the road not knowing what they’re getting into following the dirt track. “We need to shift to get this done. Crows work pretty good for surveillance.”

  She didn’t hesitate, despite the looming storm. She had to trust his instincts as well as her own. They shed their clothes quickly, leaving them in the truck. It took her a minute to figure out how to fly. Mostly it was getting herself to calm enough to tap into the crow’s natural abilities.

  The wind beneath her wings would’ve been a pleasant experience had she not been worried sick about her friend. They flew just above the tree tops, weaving in and out with each other trying to cover more distance faster.

  Ray spotted the truck first. It was parked outside a decrepit, abandoned building. They made a circle looking for anyone outside before landing in a nearby tree. Muffled sounds came from within. Becky Sue looked to Ray for the plan.


  He didn’t like the sounds that reached his ears from the inside of the ramshackle old house. It sounded distressed. There was no time for planning surprises. This called for brute strength. He motioned Becky Sue to land on the ground.

  “Shift into a bear and follow my lead. Oh, and watch out, don’t let them grab you. They have some kind of ability to bind you and it prevents you from using your powers,” he said remembering the glowing ropes Phoenix had held as Benu had forced the drugs into his mouth.

  She did as he bid without hesitation. He knew the fear she must be feeling for her friend. The feeling he was getting in his gut about this wasn’t so good either.

  Ray shifted into the biggest, meanest bear he could imagine and charged the door, hoping it would give as easily as it looked.

  The first drops of rain from the storm touched his fur just before he crashed through the door. Someone screamed, possibly two some ones. Ray didn’t halt his charge as he took in the scene before him. Benu had Maggie Ann tied much the same way they had him, glowing magical blue ropes. Phoenix was in the floor on top of her, naked, pulling at Maggie Ann’s clothes. He went after Phoenix first, swatting him off Maggie Ann with his large paw, sending him sprawling across the floor.

  Ray felt a ball of fire singe the hair on his neck as it grazed him from the side. He glanced over just in time to see Becky Sue the bear go after Benu, knocking her down. Maggie Ann shrieked and cowered on the floor, drawing the clothing that had already been ripped from her close to her chest.

  In the second Ray had taken his eyes off of Phoenix, the Quell had managed to get to his feet, his eyes dark with anger. Ray stood on his hind legs for a better position. Phoenix let loose a fiery ball aimed at his heart. Ray dodged it, throwing his large hulking body off balance. This wasn’t working quite as well as he’d planned. It made him mad. He swatted at Phoenix again with his claw, but was too far away. Phoenix threw another fire ball. It singed his arm as it passed.

  Think fire, he scolded himself. He glared at Phoenix as he channeled the fire into his paws. He threw one blazing ball at Phoenix who ducked. The ball hit the wall, sparks rained down to the floor. This place was a match box ready to go up at any minute.


  Becky Sue followed Ray the bear into the fallen down house, feeling the first cool drops of rain touch her thick coat of fur. The sight of Maggie Ann on the floor struggling against these two monsters sent a spark of anger coursing through her that she’d never felt before. Fire raged through her veins. Benu had seen Ray enter and had thrown the first fire ball at him, but then she’d seen Becky Sue. She’d released her hold on Maggie Ann’s tie to be able to defend herself against Becky Sue. But Becky Sue didn’t slow a step. She plowed straight into Benu bowling her into the wall. Dirt fell from the ceiling like a sprinkling shower. Benu somehow landed on her feet, crouched in an attack stance, her eyes ablaze.

  Standing on her hind legs, trying to look as menacing as she felt, Becky Sue called the fire from her raging veins to her paws, and threw the flames at Benu. She ducked at the last second. The fiery ball hit the tinder box wall. Maggie Ann shrieked again as flames rolled down the wall, catching and climbing back up.

  She heard a snarl behind her coming from Ray. Benu came at her. She narrowly dodged a swift kick to the gut. Becky Sue swatted at Benu again, knocking her to the floor. This time she didn’t hesitate to follow and pin her beneath the weight of the bear, roaring into her face, feeling the saliva drip from her sharp teeth. She felt the first shiver of fear run through Benu. The bear grin maliciously, but it also smelled the smoke beginning to float away from the walls.


  He had to end this fast or they’d all end up as barbeque. Ray went after Phoenix with a vengeance, but the flea had nerve and speed. Phoenix dodged and ducked, trying to sucker punch, kick, and throw fire with every movement he made.

  The fire was beginning to crackle as it ate the walls in a hell of a hurry.

  “Becky Sue! Outside!” He roared as he managed to get in one last good swipe at Phoenix. He scooped up Maggie Ann awkwardly and headed for the door. The fire was just starting to eat away at that corner of the house.

  He turned as soon as he was clear of the door. Becky Sue galloped out with an angry Benu wrapped around her neck. Rain drizzled lazily from the heavens. Ray dropped Maggie Ann gently to the ground just out of range of the fire, hoping she could get herself further away and went to pull an angry Ben
u off of Becky Sue just as Phoenix came stumbling from the burning building clutching something in his hand.

  Before Ray could help relieve Becky Sue of her tick that was Benu, she flopped over on her back, knocking the wind out of Benu and managed to subdue her. That left him with Phoenix.

  Their eyes locked. Phoenix glanced at his truck. He was going to run for it. Phoenix shot out to the side, but Ray knew where he was going and cut him off. The weight of the bear finally came in handy, as he wrestled Phoenix to the ground. He pinned his arms and opened his mouth to Phoenix’s neck as a warning not to move. Phoenix screamed like a girl as soon as he felt the sharp teeth of the bear on his neck, saliva dripping, and dissolved into uncontrollable blubbering.

  Ray let up to get a good look at the sniveling man beneath him. With one good backhand he knocked him out to shut him up.


  Becky Sue watched as Ray the bear tried to open Phoenix’s truck. His paws were too cumbersome, so he shifted into human form. She could only see part of his body from where she sat on Benu, but it was a sight she didn’t think she’d ever get tired of seeing.

  Ray opened the truck door and rummaged around inside. A minute later he appeared with rope in hand. Before he came into view he glanced over at Maggie Ann who was staring, mouth agape, ripped clothing still dangling from her hands. “You might want to close your eyes for a minute while I tie these two up since you’re married and all.”

  Maggie Ann nodded and did as she was told. Ray stepped out and bound Phoenix, then came for Benu. She tried one last time to bite at him, but Becky Sue dug her claws in a little harder and she stopped. Ray dragged both siblings to a nearby tree and bound them there before shifting back into a bear.

  “Alright, Maggie Ann. You can open your eyes again,” Becky Sue told her softly ambling over to stand beside her friend, who she was pretty sure had peeked during the tying. Her friend of many years took in the large furry beast beside her before collapsing into tears, falling into the arms of the bear.

  “I thought… I thought… They were going to rape me, maybe kill me.” Maggie Ann sobbed. The rain from the sky mingled with her tears. Becky Sue sat there stroking her back waiting for her to calm down and watched as the fire broke through the roof of the house, only to hiss as cool drops of rain tickled its touch.

  “We don’t have long before someone sees that smoke and comes to investigate, not to mention we have people out looking for us. I’m going to go get the truck and bring it back so maybe we can get dressed before the party starts. Are you okay with those two?” Ray motioned to the Dark Due tied to the tree.

  “Yeah, we’re fine.” With that Ray shifted into a Road Runner and ran for the truck.

  While they sat there waiting for Ray to return, Becky Sue noticed a dark green spot on the ground. She walked over and realized it was the necklace Phoenix had given her. She was afraid to touch it, afraid it would send her back down the dark hole again.

  Maggie Ann saw what Becky Sue was looking at. “That necklace is used for something bad. But I guess it didn’t work on me, because they got angry when nothing happened. That’s when…”She hung her head.

  “I know what it’s used for and mostly how it’s used. I’m just glad we got here when we did.”

  Ray rumbled up in this truck, fully clothed. He angled it so Becky Sue could put her clothes back on without being on display.

  Becky Sue pointed out the necklace lying in the dirt. He picked it up and walked over the Dark Duo.

  “By now you two should know there’s going to be a long trip to prison for you. So before you go I want to know about this necklace.”

  Benu spat at him.

  “We know it’s used to harness the Sparker power and it doesn’t work on everyone, so why don’t you fill me in.” The sound of his voice was like an arm being twisted, waiting for the receiver to cry mercy.

  Phoenix had finally stopped blubbering and looked the most resigned of the two. Ray stood in front of him and waited. “Might as well tell us a good story, because we might have to wait a while for backup.”

  “The necklaces were a gift to our ancestor Elizabeth Downs from an Egyptian named Tewfik. He was like a prince. It took her a little while to discover what the possibilities were with them, but once she did she came up with a plan. Every other generation since has tried to marry into the Sparker gene pool. The malachite stone doesn’t work on Capricorns. That’s why it wouldn’t work on you. The sun stone, our receiving necklace that unlocks the magic the malachite takes away, doesn’t work with Leo’s and Libra’s. Benu is a Leo, so she has to get her powers the old fashioned way. We hadn’t planned to take her powers the old fashioned way, but the necklace didn’t work.” He motioned with his head to Maggie Ann. No one seemed to notice the rain pouring down on them.

  “That’s because I’m a Capricorn.”

  “The information we found had your birthday as February 7th.”

  “My parents might’ve lied to the papers about that to give me time to be conceived legally after their marriage. It’s a family secret.”

  “Alright, but how does it harness the powers of those who’s Spark hasn’t been lit?”

  “It automatically activates the Spark. It helps if the Spark has already been activated though. More power came from you two than any of the others we took from because you’d managed to activate the Spark already, which also made you more dangerous. That’s why I killed your cat.” Phoenix’s face turned dark as he looked over to Becky Sue. “I wanted to scare you so maybe you’d be afraid to use your powers if you thought someone knew and had killed for it.”

  “Where’s the sun necklace?” Ray asked reigning in hard to keep from waylaying the piece of shit tied to the tree. Phoenix glanced down to his chest. Ray reached down and pulled the pendant out and yanked it from his neck. Taking both the pendants he retreated from the group and was looking around on the ground. He found a good size rock and smashed both pieces to shards.

  Phoenix hung his head. Benu snarled a rabid animal sound. Sirens sounded in the distance.

  Ray picked up the shards of stones and walked up to Becky Sue, placing them in her hands. “It’s over. We’re free from them. We have the genealogy books to track others like them, and us. It’s time to move on.”

  Becky Sue’s heart was pounding in her ears. This was good bye. It was over. Time to move on. He was leaving. She felt as if a part of her was being ripped out from deep inside.

  “What do you think about stopping by a justice of the peace on the way back and eloping for real this time?”

  “What?” Becky Sue blinked back the tears she’d been fending off. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “I guess I didn’t do that right. Let me try it this way,” Ray dropped to one knee and took her hands in his, “Becky Sue will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” She opened her arms and knocked him over into the mud as she flew at him, smothering him in kisses.

  They could work out the details of jobs and responsibilities later. This is where she belonged. This is who she belonged with. Nothing else mattered. She was going to marry her best friend.

  “Well it looks as if you folks have it all under control,” a voice said from the edge of the woods.

  Becky Sue and Ray turned their heads. Verna stepped from behind a tree close by rollers in her hair, worn work dress, and boots holding a shot gun in her hand.

  “Congratulations, Becky Sue. It’s about time.” With that the old woman turned and disappeared back into the woods as silently as she’d come.


  About the Author:

  A little bit of southern sass, a little bit of sweet tea. A little unconventional, but built on tradition. I enjoy writing and life in general with two kids and hubby in tow.

  How did you like the story? Let me know! Don’t forget to write a review.

  Follow me on Twitter: O_Dickerson3



  Ophelia Dickerson, Legend Of The Sparks




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