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Operation G-Spot

Page 12

by Jodi Lynn Copeland

  Kristi didn’t seem to notice. Rubbing her tits against his chest, she used his ears to pull his head down. She brushed a kiss across his mouth that should have been casual but ended up feeling sloppy, like a puppy was licking him. Only, she was no puppy but a woman with a dynamite figure he needed to focus on.

  Before he could give her a real kiss, she squealed and pointed at the aerial photo of Turner Field stadium on the wall behind him. “I can’t believe you have that picture! Liz has it, too.”

  Liz was a Braves fan. Just another thing we have in common, Dusty could hear her saying, all the while looking like she wanted to kill him for daring to love her sports team. He started to smile with the thought, then realized what he was doing and frowned. “Did you come here to fuck or pay homage to Liz?”

  Kristi regained her hold on his ears and licked her lips. “I came here to fuck, bad boy. What’s your favorite way?”

  “Any way that involves sticking my dick in a warm pussy.”

  “What about a warm mouth?”

  He looked at her lips, hoping to find some encouragement there. He groaned at the familiar ruby-red shade. “Is that Liz’s lipstick?”

  “Yeah. My coloring’s too pale for it, but she said you liked it.”

  “She said that?” In other words, she’d gone out of her way to see that he liked her friend. That pretty much shot to hell any chance that Liz regretted walking out on him.

  Why should she regret it? He hadn’t said anything to make her want to stay. He’d consoled himself the last two days with the idea he’d kept his mouth shut as not to scare her. The truth was he’d been looking out for his own sorry ass. He’d failed her by letting her walk out without revealing she meant something to him, but that failure would be nothing compared to what he’d feel if they didn’t work out.

  “’Nough about Liz. Tonight’s about you and me.” Kristi’s hold on his neck tightened to a near-painful level, almost like she wanted to strangle him. She hopped up his body and worked her legs around his waist. He held her to him reflexively. She took advantage of his grip, releasing his neck to bring her hands between their bodies.

  “This is going to be so good, bad boy. You’ll never want another woman again.” Yanking at his shirt, she wrenched it from the waistband of his jeans. The warmth of her fingers touched down on his chest at the same moment her lips found his neck. Her tongue came out, teasing his ear with wet promise.

  If he tried, he could probably feel more of that wetness where her crotch met his waist. If he tried hard enough, he could probably even get in the mood to develop an erection worthy of fucking her. Dusty wasn’t about to try. There was a woman who made him want to be with her alone, but it wasn’t the one attempting to seduce him.

  Angling his neck away from Kristi’s mouth, he captured her roaming hands in one of his. “Stop.”

  Giggling, she wiggled her fingers in his. “Ready for the bondage games?”

  “No bondage. I can’t do this. I’m sorry.”

  Her mouth pulled into an O. “You can’t do it? But I heard you have a huge dick.”

  “I can fuck, and I do have a big dick—”

  She tugged a hand free of his and reached beneath her legs to grab hold of his cock through his jeans. “Lemme see.”

  “Son of a bitch. Stop!” Prying her from his body, he set her on her feet and took a few steps backward. “I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  “What? I’m not good enough for you?” She looked angry for all of two seconds and then sniffed loudly. “It’s my size, isn’t it? I’m too big.”

  Dusty ran a hand through his hair. Shit. He’d never had to dole out rejection before. It felt damned bad. “You have a great figure. It’s not. It’s…shit. I can’t do this to Liz. I can’t cheat on her.”

  “Cheat on her? You guys aren’t even an item.”

  “We might be if I hadn’t been too much of a candy ass to let her know how I feel.” The guilt he felt over rejecting Kristi turned bitter with the reminder of how he’d handled things with Liz. He’d probably always known she was different than the rest of the women who made him look twice, and not in a sisterly way either, like he’d tried to convince himself. Hearing her speak his name had just brought the truth to the surface.

  “Maybe it’s not too late to tell her.”

  The sorrow was gone from Kristi’s voice. She sounded happy. He looked down to find her smiling in a way that had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with making him see the light. It occurred to him then the slim odds of Liz having a friend who acted the way Kristi had moments ago. “You didn’t come to fuck.”

  She shook her head. “I came here to see if you were worthy of Liz.”

  “And did I pass?”

  Her smile grew impish. “If that’s how your cock feels flaccid, I’d say with flying colors.”

  Death by Funyuns wasn’t a bad enough fate. Liz deserved to be cannibalized for allowing Kristi to go over to Dusty’s house. She’d always known that when Kristi fell, it would be hard and fast. She just hadn’t realized how fast. Kristi had called twenty minutes ago in tears, saying she’d locked herself in Dusty’s bathroom when he got mean after she told him she thought she was falling for him.

  She couldn’t imagine Dusty raising a hand at the other woman in anger, but when his attitude was bad, he could be scary. To other people anyway. Personally, she enjoyed pissing him off just to rile his temper. Personally, she ought to bypass Dusty’s house and check herself into the local mental hospital for some serious evaluation for even thinking of him in nice terms.

  Her nice thoughts vanished the instant she pulled into his drive, got out of her car, and heard the shouts coming from inside the house. They were loud and, though the words were indistinguishable from outside, Dusty sounded angrier than she’d ever heard him. Maybe he was capable of raising a hand at a woman and doing far worse things. Maybe she didn’t know him at all.

  Racing to the front door, she pushed it in and froze dead in her tracks. Kristi and Dusty stood a foot apart in the living room. They were shouting, all right—over who had to take off which item of clothing next using what part of their body. They were already down to their underwear, and her imagination went wild with ideas of how they’d removed the rest of their clothes.

  He’d probably used his teeth, what with the way he was always offering to bite Liz. Probably used his mouth, too, had his lips all over Kristi’s body, his tongue stuck in her mouth and everywhere else he could get it.

  Liz’s stomach clenched. Damnit, she thought she’d gotten past the Funyuns. “I guess you worked things out.”

  If Liz were the one caught in her underwear, she would have been embarrassed, attempted to write it off with bluster. Kristi smiled so wide it was a wonder she didn’t break any teeth. “You were right about him. Totally dee-lish and totally hung.”

  How could she tell when he still had his boxers on? Liz glanced at his groin, and Kristi laughed. “This is round two. Round one only lasted a few minutes.”

  “You’ve already…I mean you…” She couldn’t say it. Couldn’t get the words out. Couldn’t believe they’d actually gone through with it. Kristi was supposed to be her friend. And Dusty was…a bigger dickhead than she’d ever realized.

  Pain splintered through her. Pain she could no longer pretend was caused by an overdose of Funyuns. She’d thought she couldn’t lie to herself. But she’d been wrong. Looking at the real source of her pain, she knew she did give a rat’s ass that he’d slept with another woman. She’d fallen for his games and allowed herself to care about him, to believe he cared in return. She’d wanted a relationship with him. And here he was, screwing her friend, because Liz had pushed that friend at him.

  Oh yeah. Karma was having one big fucking laugh at her expense now.

  “I have to go.” But she couldn’t. Not until she set Kristi straight on exactly what kind of man she was dealing. No, not man. Unscrupulous man-whore.

  “I’m sorry I let you come here
and sleep with him.” Her voice shook, but she couldn’t make it stop. “He’s an asshole. He doesn’t care about you. He just makes you think that he does. The second he gets what he wants, you’ll be out of here and he’ll be screwing someone new. You’re just another flavor of the week. We all are.”

  Dusty snorted. “Like you wanted to be anything more. All you were after was a man who could locate your G-spot. You got your orgasm and were out the door so damned fast, I still have whiplash.”

  Up until now she’d avoided his face. His cynical tone gave her the strength to meet his eyes. He’d always been an open book, easy to read. Now she had to be reading him wrong. No way could he be upset over the way she’d left. “That’s not true.”

  “Then what is?”

  Gawd, he sounded sooo upset. Like he really did feel that way. But that was impossible. She’d been just another flavor of the week, just a game. “You wanted me to leave.”

  He shook his head. “I never wanted you to leave. I told you as much.”

  “Not right then, but in the morning.” After they spent the night sharing dinner, conversation, more amazing sex. Getting closer in a way she’d refused to even consider because…she’d been afraid. Not that he’d been playing a game with her but that he hadn’t. That he might actually feel something for her, that he’d been serious when he’d told her there hadn’t been any woman but her for months.

  “I never wanted you to leave,” he repeated, not offering anything further in words; but his expression said plenty. He wanted her to trust him. She’d done that once already and look where it had gotten her…with a working G-spot.

  The pain subsided a bit, but she refused to feel hope. He had slept with Kristi, after all. That wasn’t the action of a man who cared. Needing her front now more than ever, Liz rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. I was just gonna stay here forever. Shack up with you and raise babies.”

  “I never wanted you to leave.”

  And that meant what? That he wanted to shack up and raise babies? No. No way. It was just too much to believe of a guy with his reputation. But, damnit, she wanted to believe it. “Then what are you doing with her?”

  She hated the way her voice squeaked. Apparently, Dusty found it amusing because he smiled in that cocky way that drove her nuts and made her horny all at once. “Pissing you off so you’ll tell me the truth for once.”

  “But you slept with her.” Nice. Now she was not only squeaking but whining.

  Kristi smiled, apology clear in her eyes. “He didn’t sleep with me, Liz. He wouldn’t. And if he would’ve, I wouldn’t. I didn’t come here to do Dusty. Fi and I knew something was wrong when we didn’t hear from you in so long. We thought you needed in-person guidance. I’m sorry, but this seemed like the only way.”

  They didn’t sleep together? No sex. Just some bonding time in their undies. Relief bubbled up, threatened to come out as laughter. “You came here to push me at Dusty?”

  “We care about you, Fi and I. We want to see you happy.”

  Liz let her laughter free. “You think he makes me happy? What are you, nuts?”

  Kristi shook her head. “You are if you can’t see how much he cares about you.”

  Dusty came toward her until he was almost too close for comfort. Given both his and Kristi’s blatant disregard for personal space, she should let them have each other. Only, she knew she couldn’t. She might not be a carefree sexaholic, but she could be a huge bitch, particularly when it came to some other woman pawing her man.

  “I should have said something the other night, Elizabeth.” All trace of Dusty’s arrogance was gone now, replaced with a humbleness she hadn’t known he possessed. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want me beyond sex. That we wouldn’t work out. I don’t do failure well.”

  “I don’t do relationships at all.”

  “And why is that again?”

  He’d asked her the question before. The difference was now she wanted to answer. It was time to put her faith in him for real. “Because my mother is a slut who can’t stay with a man longer than a handful of orgasms, and I don’t want to be her.”

  Sympathy flashed in his eyes as he pulled her into his arms. “You aren’t her, babe. The more I think about it, the more I know Colin was right about your orgasm problem.”

  Liz had never felt so right being held before. That didn’t stop her from wanting to punch him. She settled on swatting his arm. “You talked to Colin about my orgasm problem?”

  “I didn’t say it was you.”

  “Yeah, like he couldn’t figure it out.” Obviously he had figured it out, considering how many times in the last couple weeks he’d mentioned her ability to do just fine with relationships. “He’s the one who told you I had to care about a guy to come?”

  “Something like that, and now I know he was right. You care about me, Elizabeth, and I care about you. So we’re just going to say to hell with our relationship issues and move in together.” Dusty punctuated the words with an openmouthed kiss.

  She sank into it gladly, hungrily, greedily, all the while aware he was trying to shut her up so she wouldn’t turn down his offer, which he’d made sound more like fact. She would punish him later. Men had to be susceptible to spankings, too, right?

  Liz pulled back from the kiss, every cell alive with happiness and her sex moist with need. He grinned at her in a way that said he expected one in return. She glared in the direction of the living room. “You honestly expect me to live with a cowhide?”

  “You can redecorate. A little.”

  Letting the glare slip away and her happiness shine through, she gave him his smile. “I like the cowhide.”

  “You do?”

  “It works.” She fanned her hands over his chest, thrilling in the hard muscles and warm flesh. All hers. To lick. To lust over. To love. “I like you, too.”

  Kristi piped in from over Liz’s shoulder, “Awww…I think I’m going to cry.”

  Liz traveled her hands down his body to his defined abdomen and then lower still, to discover she hadn’t been the only one affected by the kiss. His cock was rock solid. She took great pleasure in grabbing it through his boxers and squeezing.

  She was over feeling guilty about sex. Over every one of her hang-ups. Well, all but the one about her friend playing voyeur. “Do it in my car on the way back to Colin’s house. I need to have sex now.”

  Dusty laughed. “You have such great manners.”

  “Thank God you’re a gentleman, huh?” Kristi moved past them, clothed once again. “I promise to be over in an hour,” Liz said. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “You plan to tell her everything that happens in the next hour, don’t you?” Dusty asked the moment the door was closed with Kristi on the outside.

  Liz nodded. “Damn straight. So you’d best be good.”

  Not only was he good, but he was also fast. He had her on the floor in an instant, her jeans and panties stripped away and his face buried between her thighs, his masterful tongue licking her toward ecstasy. She was quaking nearly as fast, her pussy thrumming with the need to explode. She was an atomic orgasm bomb, and she went off in a major way, screaming his name without fear of who might hear or how much more it might bring them closer together.

  Grinning, he stood. “Good?”

  “Ohmigawd, yes! So good I’m going to let you do it whenever you want.”

  He laughed and pulled her to her feet. She kissed him hard, the taste of her juices on his tongue igniting fresh need. As if he could scent her renewed arousal, he tugged her down the hall and into his bedroom; no cows here but silk sheets she sighed over the moment they touched her skin. “Did I ever tell you how much I respect you?”

  The reality of how much he needed to hear the words reflected in his eyes as he came over her. He removed her shirt and bra, then kissed her long and hard, exploring every inch of her mouth until she was aching and wet with the need to feel him inside her. “So you respect me, eh?”

  Holding her hips,
he eased slowly into her. She closed her eyes, savoring the raw sensation tumbling through her. She opened them on a moan as he began a gentle rhythm that had his pubis brushing her clit with each stroke. Tremors were already building that told her another orgasm was just around the corner.

  Damn, she loved her G-spot.

  And she loved him, naughty tendencies and all. “You not only rose above your obviously idiotic parents and realized your dream of owning a successful bar, but you also landed this woman who is sooo amazing she’s going to create a breakfast menu for your bar and do all the cooking herself.”

  “Do I get to help break the eggs?”

  “Only if you help me live out my sundae fantasy. It involves whipped cream and cherries and great big monster bananas and lots of tongue action and…”



  “Touch him! Touch him!”

  Kristi Hill had many aspirations. Being surrounded by a throng of drunken, screaming, horny females—most of whom were barely dressed and all of whom seemed to have made getting Kristi to touch the naked guy thrusting his cock in her face their goal for the night—wasn’t one of them.

  At least the club was darkened, the main source of light a trio of pulsing yellow flashers ascending from a stage at the front of the room to center on the beefcake of the moment. And said beefcake’s cock was covered…by a leopard-print loincloth bound to fall off with the slightest provocation.

  “C’mon, honey, grab his nuts!” someone shouted over the pelvis-undulating music from the row of high-top minitables on the level behind Kristi.

  The raven-haired Tarzan wannabe responded to the suggestion with a hip roll and shift that had his member inches from her mouth. Expecting the next shout to be “suck him,” Kristi diverted her attention to the early thirtysomething, twin Asian beauties sitting across the table from her. The women’s styles were polar opposites, from Kim’s elegant hair twist and sensible, slim, red, pantsuit to Cai’s long, loose black hair shot with pink streaks and body-hugging fuchsia miniskirt coordinated with a cleavage-baring top. Their amused grins, however, were identical. And the words coming out of their mouths, in chorus with every other woman in the club.


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