Page 13
“I was on break. I was thinking about you and then the next thing I knew, he had come out of the side door. He asked me for a light. I told him I didn’t smoke and that’s when he got all strange. He pulled out an aerosol can and tried to spray me in the face. I guess my reflexes just took over. I punched him in the throat and kicked his knee.”
“See you got a little Rocky in you.” “Yo Jace,” he mimicked in a very Rocky type of voice. Jace giggled. “Ah, that’s what I like to hear. Listen, I have to go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Night baby.”
Cobra laid back on the big bed. He had his 9mm in reach and his eight inch blade strapped to the inside of his thigh. He was somewhat surprised that they didn’t do a full body search. It seems Spike was taking him on face value. That could be very good for him and very bad for them should everything turn to shit. Spike didn’t get him much details about the job for tomorrow. He wondered if they were after a male or female child. His mind flashed back to the kids he’d seen in the basement. A damn shame. Somewhere their parents were crying for them and yet these assholes were willing to sell them for monetary gain. It sickened him. He’d only seen one of the rooms. He counted ten in all. He wondered if Dakar Cole was in one of those rooms. He had half a mind to wait till the house was quiet and do a little recon. However, he’d have to put that idea on the back burner for tonight. He was sure that security would be doubled and they’d be keeping a close eye on him. He couldn’t afford to do something that would blow his cover. They needed to take this house down. To make the charges stick so that no fancy footwork from a high priced lawyer got them off. They had to catch them red-handed. He’d sleep with one eye opened tonight.
Spike are you sure about this dude?” Axl asked.
“I’m as sure of him as I was any of you when you first started.”
“I’m just saying—.”
“Don’t. I didn’t get where I am today by making mistakes. And besides, once the job is done tomorrow, his hands will be just as dirty as the rest of us. There’ll be no turning back. Not to mention the look that’ll plaster his face when he counts his pay. Do you remember the first time you counted your pay?”
Axl smiled. “Hell yeah.”
“Then chill, go get something to drink, get laid. Tomorrow’s another payload.”
“What about that Harry Potter boy? When are you gonna trade him?”
“I’m waiting on a call from Maconochie. As soon as he has his flight plans cleared, we’ll be on our way to being five million dollars richer. Any complaints?”
Axl shook his head, “Not a one.”
Spike waited for Axl to leave. He picked up his glass of cognac and walked out onto the balcony. Only one real thing worried him at this point. Where the fuck was Weasel? He’d seen the heart of the operation. If he was suddenly stricken with a case of loose lips and opened his mouth to the police, his entire business could be in dire straits. He didn’t like loose ends. So far, none of his street team have called and given him the good news of Weasel’s demise. Cobra, Weasel, what the hell was up with the animal references? He’d see how good Cobra does tomorrow. If he proves true, he might give him the job of locating Weasel and wiping him out. None of his men out now seem to be able to get the job done. Maybe that was what he needed, fresh blood. Maybe it was time to make some changes in his house.
Bright and early the next morning, Spike called Tyrone and Cobra into his office. “Alright, I know that you’ve been wondering what the job details are. Well here it is. Our client, Declan Koryn, is paying ten million today for a ripe ten year old female. Now, I mapped out all the likely places to make the grab. St. Andrews Church is having a Miss Sunflower Pageant. With all the running around trying to get the kids together, no one will be watching everything closely enough. You can slip in and out without a hitch.”
“Did he state his preference, blondes, brunettes, red heads?” Tyrone asked.
“He said he has a Marilyn Monroe fetish.”
Cobra wanted to hurl. Did these sick fucks not hear themselves?
“Blonde it is,” Tyrone said. Turning to Cobra he slapped his shoulder, “Come on, let’s get this done.”
Barney had gone to the gas station and got a coffee and donut. He was just settling behind the wheel when he had a visual of Cobra and Tyrone leaving the house. “Shit,” he hissed as he turned the key in the ignition and followed at a safe distance.
Man, after we drop the kid off, I’ll take you uptown. I know where we can score some hot chicks.”
Cobra smiled. What he really wanted to do was beat Tyrone’s head into the stirring wheel. “So, what’s the plan? Are we going to watch for a minute, pick out the most likely target?”
“We could but Spike said that this dude is anal that he gets the girl today. If we fuck this up, we can kiss that ten mil away. And Spike won’t be pleased. I’m talking like blood spilling, not pleased.”
Cobra got the message loud and clear. “So the first blonde we see, we snatch.”
Tyrone laughed. “Not exactly. We’ll try to get a cute one.”
Cobra looked at Tyrone. He was bopping to the rap music that blared from the speakers. He wondered what fucked up shit transpired in his life that turned him so cold and heartless. “How long have you been working for Spike?”
“I’ve been down with him like three years now. I was hustling when I met him. He offered me a sweet deal and I took it. Been with him ever since.”
“You have any family around here?”
“No, not in the city. I have a sister and a few cousins in Jersey.”
“How old is your sister?”
Tyrone took his eyes off the road and glanced at him quickly. “She’s too old to be a candidate for this bullshit. Nah, I’d have to kill someone if they tried this on baby sis.”
Cobra didn’t understand how he could have such convictions about his sister yet sell someone else’s without so much as blinking.
“Why you asking so many questions?”
“Chill, I’m just trying to pass the time. I assume I could pick your brains for a few minutes and learn as much as I can about the business. I don’t really see myself working for someone for long. I’m more of a boss type. I wonder what all I’ll have to learn to own my own house one day.”
“Man, you can have it. I see how Spike has to stay on top of shit. He has to keep all this straight. Keep the cops on payroll happy so that we don’t get raided. Keep all the men paid and happy so they don’t turn on him. Nah, being a boss is too much headache. I’m fine where I am.”
The Charger turned the corner onto 123rd Street. The church sat on the corner. One thing they were right about, this place was hectic. Decorations and such were all over the place. Parents and children were running around trying to get prepared to take the stage.
Tyrone nudged his shoulder. “There’s our little princess,” he pointed to a little girl with golden ringlets and big blue eyes. Where the hell was the girl’s mother, Cobra inwardly groaned? Though he knew no harm would come to the child, he couldn’t prevent what was about to take place. What had to take place in order to save hundreds more.
“You packing heat?”
“Good, flank me. I’m gonna grab her. Hit the trunk release.” Tyrone advanced the little girl. “Hey, are you in the pageant?”
She nodded, her blonde curls bouncing. He looked around to make sure no one was watching. Quickly he pulled his hand out of his pocket, which had the chloroform cloth and placed it over her face. He had her up in his arms and headed for the car in record time. As he placed her inside the trunk, Cobra just wanted to clobber him. Instead, he stayed in character and climbed back in the car.
“See how easy that was. Next time I’ll let you get the kid.”
Cobra smiled and nodded. These bastards were going down.
Barney stayed close enough to see and hear everything that was transpiring. He knew this had to be hard on Cobra.
This was the first case that either of them had gone this deep undercover. It was also the youngest trafficking case that they’d worked on. He knew for Cobra this was more personal than just the average case. His phone rung.
“Hey Jace.”
“Hi, have you heard from him? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine. He should be home today. If there are any changes I’ll call you.”
“Alright. I did as you suggested and called out of work.”
“Good. I haven’t heard anything more about that guy and I don’t like it. Don’t leave the house until one of us gets there.”
Upon disconnecting, Barney smiled, yeah, he was a good one for his partner.
Tyrone carried the sleeping child from the car into the house.
“Ah, you guys didn’t waste any time. How was the new guy?”
“He didn’t cave. He was real good. He’ll fit right in.”
“You doubted me,” Cobra teased.
“Hey, not everyone has the stomach for this job.”
“You develop the stomach when it’s millions involved.”
Spike and Tyrone laughed. “See that’s why I like this dude.”
“Bring her down to the basement. I’ll contact Koryn now and see when he wants to meet.”
Cobra followed as Tyrone took the child to the cold basement, opened the first room and tossed her inside. Damn, did he have to be as barbaric?
He lingered at the door a few minutes after Tyrone had locked it. “Kids, hold on, he whispered; the cavalry is coming.”
Upstairs Spike was in his office on the phone.
“Mr. Spike, I do realize your situation, now understand mines. The report of the missing child has already hit the news. There’s no way I’ll be able to take her out of the U.S. right now.”
“You said that the deal was only for today. We have her today.”
“And I want her today. I just don’t see how I can leave the country with her. Not at his time. And to be found here with her in my company, that would not do with my political career. You must keep her on ice until a safer time in which I can acquire her.”
Sighing, Spike grind his teeth. “Alright but if I have her for more than a week, storage charges will incur.”
Coming out of the office he slammed the door. “Change of plans. The girl has to stay on ice till he can get her safely out of the country.”
“Does that mean we don’t get our millions?” Axl spoke up.
“This some bullshit!”
“It may be but no one is willing to risk jail. So calm your ass down.”
“I’m with Axl on this Spike. I mean, we already have a house full. They need to come and start getting these kids. We’re the ones risking our necks for their freaky desires. We’re the ones who have to feed them and listen to their pitiful cries of wanting to go home. Shit is heartbreaking and tiresome. You need to get sterner with these cats. Money upfront or no deal.”
Axl nodded.
Cobra stood, watching the exchange between Axl, Spike and Tyrone. If Spike didn’t get this under control, he just might have a mutiny on his hands.
“Are you two trying to tell me how to run my ship, now?”
“Look, all I’m saying is we taking a lot of risk here. They gotta step up their game and stick to the agreements that were previously made.”
“Yeah,” Axl agreed.
This little mutiny was almost comical. It was also a chance for him to advance. “Look, it’s not Spike’s fault. In all honesty, these cats make sense. If they’re caught trying to get out of the country, you know they’re gonna roll the dime and give up Spike and everyone in association with him, to save their own asses. It benefits everybody to wait till shit clears. And like Spike says, however long the merchandise stays in-house, a storage fee will incur. That’s more money in our pockets.”
“Who the hell asked you anything?” Axl snapped, stepping up in Cobra’s face. A sharp chop to the throat had him retreating and gasping for air.
“Don’t walk up on me like that man.”
Gasping, Axl turned to Spike, “You gonna just let him chop me in my shit.”
Spike laughed. “I’m glad to see that someone amongst the lot of you, have some common sense. Why don’t ya’ll go play some pool or something? We’ll talk at dinner.” Spike returned to his office. Cobra retreated upstairs to his room.
Tyrone and Axl went into the game room and began a game of pool. “I don’t like how that new guy put his foot in our business,” Axl said.
“Yeah, he should’ve kept his mouth shut. What I’m not feeling is how these so-called buyers are trying to chump us. If there’s a raid and the kids are found here, we’re the ones doing time. We have no proof that the buyers even exist. I’m beginning to think Spike’s mind isn’t as sharp as it once was. We’re being played.”
“But what do we do about it?”
“I’m not sure right now. But I’m thinking up a master plan.”
“I don’t like the new guy.”
Tyrone laughed, “You’re just mad that he handed you your ass.”
“Fuck you.”
Again Cobra turned the water on in the bathroom. “Hey, did you see what happened today?”
“Of course. I wanted to get out and shoot the fucker myself.”
“I know, right. We’ve gotta get something soon on these guys. I don’t know how much longer I can keep my composure.”
“You’ve got no choice, you lose it buddy and our entire investigation is null and void. They walk. I know you don’t want that.”
“Hell no.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Have you heard from Jace?”
“Yeah, he called asking how you were doing. He says he’s not going in today.”
“Did you get anything on that guy?”
“No, still waiting.”
“It shouldn’t take this long.”
“I know.”
“Okay man, I’ll check in later.”
“You be careful.”
He didn’t want to chance another call so he sent Jace a text:Hey cutie, I can’t talk right now but it looks like I’ll be here again tonight. I want you to get some rest and relaxation. Order out if you like, the menus are in the top drawer in the kitchen. Hopefully we’ll be wrapping this up in the next day or two. Miss you.
With that accomplished he laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He thought about the mutiny downstairs. If Axl and Tyrone decided to push the issue, Spike might have more trouble on his hand than he bargained for. A house divided, isn’t that some shit.
Hearing the phone beeping, Jace hurried into the room. Snatching the device off the bed, he smiled when he saw it was a message from Cobra. Quickly he read it and sighed. Damn, it looked like he was going to be gone another day. He said he missed him. Jace found himself smiling like a teenager with a crush. Suddenly his phone rang.
“Hi Lydia, what’s up?”
“Just checking in to see how you’re doing.”
“I’m okay. How’s things at the Bullet?”
“The drunks are drinking as usual. Ned is at the bar driving Jetson up the wall with his life story. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for those guys from the other day. So far, they haven’t returned. You know, Mickey really likes you. He’s worried that someone is out to hurt you.”
“Tell him not to worry. The more I think about it, I think perhaps the guy was a mugger. He probably saw me go outside and thought that since I worked at the bar, I’d have money on me. I’ll be in tomorrow.”
“Okay. Well, relax, have fun and maybe call that sexy cop.”
“Lydia, girl you’re a mess,” Jace laughed.
“Alright I have to go, work calls.”
Upon hanging up, Jace decided to take Cobra’s advice and order something. Going into the kitchen, he found various menus. Now sitting on the couch, he t
humbed through them trying to decide what he had a taste for. Picking one, he made the call.
A knock on the door had Cobra sitting upward on the bed. “Come in.” Much to his surprise, Spike sauntered in. “It’s your house, I’m surprised you knocked.”
Spike shrugged. “Everyone’s entitled to their privacy.”
“So, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”
“I like what you did downstairs.” Spike walked around the room. “I just got a call. Yuri Azores is ready to pick up his merchandise. He wants us to meet him at the Hudson River. He has a boat that’s taking him to Florida and from there, he’ll leave the country. The payload on this one is five hundred thousand. You ride with me, make the delivery, and I’ll split it even with you.”
“Who are we delivering?”
“Beth Carter.”
Damn, that’s the 11 year old that’s been missing for two weeks now.
“Fine, tell me when you want to leave.”
“In an hour.”
“I’ll be ready.”
He took another trip in the bathroom. This time he didn’t call anyone. Bending slightly over, Cobra whispered into the button of his jeans. “Barney, call the Chief. Tell him to contact the Coast Guard. Don’t let them leave the New York coastline.”
With that, Cobra left the room and met Spike downstairs in his office. Spike already had little Beth all cleaned and dressed in a lacey Easter dress with shiny shoes. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she had some kind of shiny stuff on her lips. Her big green eyes were full of fear and tears. When Spike wasn’t looking, Cobra gave her a friendly smile. She, thinking him the same as her captors, cringed. He wanted to comfort her and tell her everything was going to be okay but the truth was, he needed her afraid. If she wasn’t screaming and crying, then they would know something was amiss. And that wouldn’t do any of them any good. Spike ushered them out of the back door where he had a black Tahoe waiting. Cobra and the girl were in the back seat while Spike drove.
Axl took the stairs two at a time. “Tyrone, Tyrone get your ass out here!”
“What the hell is your problem?” The black man threw the door open.
“I went to check on the kids and guess what?”