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I'm Nothing (The Family Book 2)

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  The cartel at first hadn’t wanted to deal with a bunch of kids, but their reputations preceded them. They were far more deadly than the men attempting to do business. Their fathers had turned them into cold blooded killers. None of them were afraid of getting their hands dirty. His father, along with Donnie and Luiz’s fathers, had employed someone like Jake’s father to do all the dirty work.

  Tonio didn’t mind killing. It was easy for him to end a life, and not look back. He’d do it every single day if it meant his loved ones were taken care of.

  “Let’s get one thing straight right now,” Donnie said, drawing everyone’s attention. All four of them held their enemies within their grasp. “We are the leaders of The Family. We know everything. It seems there has been a little breakdown of communication between the ranks, and that ends tonight.”

  “Together, we run The Family. We make sure you sleep at night, and profit,” Jake said.

  “If any of you have a problem with that, speak up now,” Luiz said. “We want to know who you are.”

  “We will kill every single one who defies us, and remember, we were taught by the best. We’re more ruthless than all of them combined. They didn’t even do half of what they got us to do. They wanted killers, and they got it. Only they wanted killers locked in a cage. That doesn’t work. We’re out, and we’re going to have our way, or no way.”

  “Make a choice.”

  Slowly, people started to kneel on the floor, showing not only respect, but also a mark of loyalty.

  “You can’t all take us,” one man said, and Luiz fired his weapon. The man’s brains splattered against the wall. That was the end of that problem. “Anyone else? Seriously, this was a game to me growing up.”

  Another stood up, and one of the soldiers in the room killed him before they could fire a single weapon. Tonio was bored.

  “Time for change is now. Be part of it, or die. It’s a simple choice,” Donnie said. “The changes we’re going to make are to better you, not take away from you. Our women, our children can walk the streets without fear.”

  “Do you really think this will work?” Lucien asked. “You’ve got a lot of enemies out there. A lot of men like the old ways. A slut for the mistress, and a wife to keep at home, where she fucking belongs.”

  “Blood speaks, you piece of shit.” Tonio pressed the tip of his knife against the bastard’s throat. “Do you really think we wouldn’t come after you? Do you really think we’re so stupid not to know when shit is going on behind our backs? We were brought up to know everything.”

  “I take it Zara’s pussy is magical. You won’t do it. You won’t kill me.” Even now Lucien thought they wouldn’t hurt them.

  Drawing the knife back, he plunged the blade into Lucien’s body. Tonio let go of all the pain, all the anger that had been instilled inside him from a young age. He went at Lucien with a passion that would have scared many, but to Tonio, it was a battle for the woman he loved.

  Finally, Lucien died with over forty-two knife wounds, all of them inflicted without him being given the chance to defend himself.

  Tonio was covered in blood, and he turned to the room.

  “You fuck with us, and we will come, find you, and fucking kill you. We will murder your children, and make you watch before we end you. However, if you stick with us, and stop trying to fuck this up, we will be the best damn bosses you could have ever wished for!”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Holy crap, Tonio, what happened?” Zara asked, opening the apartment.

  He hadn’t changed, and he was covered in blood. Entering his apartment, he stared at the woman he loved, the woman who owned his heart. “The world is now safe for you.”

  “I don’t care, Tonio. You’re covered in blood. Tell me none of it is yours.”

  “None of it is mine. I went fucking psycho on their ass.”

  “Jesus, Tonio, what have you done?” Zara asked, leading him toward the bathroom.

  “I used to rape and kill growing up,” he said.


  “My father, in the basement, he told me I was a worthless piece of shit. I’m nothing. He forced me to go into a room where I had to perform to a room full of cameras. Sometimes I’d have to fuck women or girls depending on what was ordered, or they made me fight someone. Sometimes they were boys my own age. It was a fight to the death, Zara.”

  “Oh, God, Tonio,” she said, rushing to him. “Are you okay?”

  “No, I’m really not okay. Why aren’t you leaving?”

  “Your father was a piece of shit. Why would I run away? You’re a good man, Tonio. Did you want to go and rape and kill?” she asked.

  “No, I didn’t. Every time I failed they beat me, and they made me watch them do something ten times worse. I hated it, Zara. I hated my life, and I wanted to kill them all.”

  She cupped his cheeks, making him look at her.

  “I’m a monster, Zara. You deserve better.”

  “No, Tonio.”

  “I’m nothing.” Tears were falling down his cheeks as he finally gave way to years of torture and pain. “I’m nothing.”

  “Tonio, you’re everything. Your father, he was nothing. He was fucking scum. You put him to shame, do you hear me?”

  “No one loves me. I’m a monster.” He sank down to his knees, and she followed him down.

  “I love you, Tonio.” She was crying, too. “I love you so much it hurts. I’ve never been so afraid of losing someone as I am of losing you.”


  “You’re a good man. Do you think I didn’t know you were cheating? You were always so sad, Tonio. Now, I understand why. Your father was a monster, and you were a victim.”

  “I hurt so many people.”

  “Tonio, look at me.” He looked up at her. “We’ll make it right. We can find them, and make it right.”

  “Sometimes they would look at me, and I’d tell them how sorry I was. I’d try to be gentle. They would nod, and smile, and sometimes they would fight me back. God, my father would love it when they fought. It was the perfect show.”

  Zara wrapped her arms around him. “I love you, Tonio. You’re a good man. You’re not going to get rid of me. Not now, not ever.”

  She held him tighter.

  You’re a fucking animal, son.

  You fuck and you fight.

  You’re nothing.

  You piece of shit.

  I should have killed you when your mother spat you out.

  Fucking vermin.

  No good for nothing.

  I like my life, Tonio, I won’t run away with you.

  Lifting his head, he looked into Zara’s beautiful blue eyes. “Run away with me?”



  “I’ll run.”

  “I’ll be poor.”

  “We’ll be together. I will go with you. I will run with you, Tonio. Tell me what to do, and I will do it.”

  He cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears that were cascading around her cheeks. “You really do love me?”

  “Yes. I love you.” She took his hand, and kissed his lips. “I was going to kiss your hand, but you’re covered with blood, and that is really gross.”

  He chuckled. “You’re safe now.”

  “So, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I don’t want you to go anywhere.”

  She pulled him close to her body, holding him tightly. “Are you okay now?”

  “Yes, I’m okay.”

  “Are we going to run? I’ll start packing.”

  “We’re not going to run.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t need to run. The Family, I’ve got a responsibility here, I can’t run anymore.” He kissed her hair, inhaling her sweet scent. His woman, the love of his life, he’d finally found her.


  Zara knelt beside the bath as she washed Tonio. He stared at the water, which was tinted red.

  “Lucien is dead,” he said.
r />   “Good.”

  “He was going to rise up against us, and try to take The Family from us.”

  “You don’t have to justify yourself to me.” She rubbed at his back, taking care of him in the only way she knew how.

  The truth he told her only made her sad, and wish that she could kill the bastard who ruined the man she loved.

  “I just wanted you to know that if you wish to leave, nothing is stopping you.”

  She chuckled. “Your cock is a good reason to stay.” She pulled the plug from the bath, watching the rose tinted water that surrounded him drain away.

  “I’m not clean.”

  “I know, but I think we can move onto the shower.” She stood, moving to the far corner, and turned the shower on. Removing her clothes, she turned to him, offering her hand. “Come and wash with me.”

  He climbed out of the tub and took her hand.

  Entering the shower, she soaked her body, and moved out of the way for Tonio to take most of it. She grabbed the soap, and started to wash him again until the water ran clear. When he was clean, he turned, pulling her close. He gripped her ass and took possession of her lips.

  “I love you,” he said, kissing down her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Marry me.”


  He pressed her against the wall, picking her up, and sliding his dick deep inside her. The penetration took her by surprise and had her gasping.

  She was wet, and he paused inside her.

  “Touch your pretty clit,” he said.

  Reaching between them, she stroked her clit, gasping as his cock seemed to stretch her as he tightened even more.

  “God, that feels so good,” he said. “Your pussy is so tight.”

  “I’d run with you, Tonio. You’re not alone anymore. I love you so damn much.”

  He took possession of her lips once again, silencing her.

  Tonio made love to her in the shower with the water rushing down around them. He stared into her eyes, and she felt completely taken by him. This man, this boy who she knew growing up, had taken her heart, and made her fall in love with him. She’d die for this man. He didn’t even know how good he was, or how precious. All he knew was a lifetime of pain and guilt.

  She intended to take every memory and obliterate it with love and happiness.

  That night he came inside her, and when they were curled up in bed, she had never felt happier.


  The following morning, Tonio watched as Zara walked around the kitchen. She wore one of his shirts as she made him pancakes. He’d already presented her a ring earlier, and she was smiling over at him.

  “There’s something else I want to show you.”

  He left to his office to grab his father’s laptop, and the file.

  There was a stack of pancakes waiting for him.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Have a look.”

  She took the file from him, chewing on some pancake and syrup, flicking the file open. “College?”

  “I want you to have everything that was taken from you.”


  “No, I don’t want you to make excuses. This is your life as much as it’s mine.”

  “This is over six hours away?”

  “There’s an online college that is just as good. No travel, and you work from home.”


  He handed her another college. “You can do whatever you want.”

  “I can’t exactly get married to you being six hours away. What if I need sex? A husband has duties you know?”

  Tonio laughed.

  His cell phone went off, interrupting them.

  “Tonio here,” he said.

  “Man, you’ve got to get to the hospital. Paige just went into labor, and Donnie’s not in a good place.”

  “Shit.” Hanging up the phone, he took one pancake stuffing it into his mouth. “We’ve got to go. Paige is in labor, and Donnie needs me.”

  She didn’t need asking twice. Within minutes they were in his car, driving toward the hospital that Jake had told him.

  Entering the hospital, he followed the signs to the labor ward.

  Jake, Luiz, and Charlene with little Darla were there. Donnie was pacing up and down the length of the waiting room.

  “You made it,” Luiz said.

  “I can’t believe it. She was laughing at some joke on the television, and then she was clutching her stomach. Fuck, I can’t lose her.”

  “What’s the problem?” Tonio said.

  “She wasn’t properly dilated. They may have to give her a C-section.”

  “Why are you here instead of in the room with her?” Zara asked.

  “He was tearing up the fucking place, causing trouble,” Luiz said. “Paige asked him to be calm, and he didn’t. He lost his shit.”

  “My woman is in that room, and she may die.”

  “Don’t think like that,” Tonio said. “All you know is your baby is on the way. You need to make sure you’re with her.” He stepped up to his friend. “We’re out here for you. Paige, she loves you, and she needs the guy who promised to protect her. You’re not helping her out here.”

  “Fuck, you’re right. Fuck!” Donnie ran a hand down his face. “She’ll fucking kill me if I don’t get in there.”

  “Then get in there.”

  Seconds later Donnie was knocking on the door.

  “Are you ready to be with her now, Mr. Martinez?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Tonio watched his friend leave to go to his woman.

  “If you do something so stupid, I’m going to hurt you when I get out of the hospital,” Zara said.

  “Why would I do anything to hurt you?” he asked.

  “Giving birth is a big deal. Us women, we have to lose our perfect vaginas to give birth.”

  They took a seat, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close.

  “That’s a pretty nice ring,” Jake said.

  “She’s agreed to be my wife.”

  “Congratulations.” They all spoke at once.

  Zara’s face was bright red, and he smiled down at her. “I thought we’d wait until after we know what is going on with Paige.”

  “What’s wrong with giving them the good news?”

  “Nothing I guess.” She smiled snuggling in. “I love you, crazy man.”

  “Love you, too.”

  He took hold of her hand, squeezing her, and she squeezed him back. This was what made Zara special to him. She wasn’t afraid of giving back as good as she took. She was a special kind of woman.

  “Can you believe one of us is going to be a dad?” Jake asked.

  “I think it being Donnie, it’s funny as fuck,” Luiz said, chuckling.

  “Why is it funny?” Zara asked.

  “He made a vow to never have kids. None of us wanted to bring our kids into this way of life. Donnie, especially, and Tonio was the same,” Luiz said. “Paige entered Donnie’s life, and all bets were off. He fucking adored her, loved her, and she fought him. She wanted nothing to do with him.”

  “It was like a magical love story at school,” Zara said.

  Tonio kissed the top of her head.

  “That kid is going to be spoilt.”

  “Do they know the sex of it?” Zara asked.

  “No. It’s going to be one hell of a surprise today,” Tonio said.

  The time passed slowly. Jake and Luiz took turns going and getting coffee.

  After what felt like hours, Donnie came out of a set of doors looking like a half crazed loon.

  “I want to introduce you to my daughter, Petal Martinez,” he said. “Petal, here are all your uncles and your aunt.”

  Tonio stepped up close to see the little girl. She was asleep, but the cuteness couldn’t be denied.

  “How is Paige?” Zara asked.

  “Wishing she could be out here with us all. I said I’d b
ring her to show you all. I’m going to take her back so she doesn’t miss her mommy.”

  Tonio stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Congrats, man.”

  “Thank you. It would be an honor if you would be a godfather, Tonio.”


  “I spoke to Paige, and we can’t think of a person better for the job.”

  Tonio nodded. “I would protect her with my very life.”

  “I know.” Donnie smiled at him. “I’m a Daddy.”

  “You are.”

  Donnie chuckled as he made his way back toward his woman.

  Zara giggled. She took Tonio’s hand, squeezing him. “Hey, Godfather. That kid is going to be so spoilt.”

  “When we have kids, they will be, too. They have some kickass uncles to look after them.” He pulled her into his arms, kissing her.

  “There’s something I want to tell you,” Zara said.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m going to take the online college. I can’t stand the thought of you going back to noodles again. I’ll feed you, and keep you well fed.”

  “Is that all?”

  “And I’m going to need you to provide me with sex.”

  “Anything else?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I don’t want to live without you, Tonio.”

  Taking her lips, Tonio showed her with a single kiss how much he felt for her. She was his salvation.

  I’m not nothing.

  I’m something.


  Five years later

  “Daddy, I can’t do this,” George said.

  Tonio looked over his shoulder to see his son trying to build a sandcastle. They had moved out of the apartment not long after Donnie had taken his family to live out in the country away from the chaos of the city. It was nice to stand outside and not hear the busy buzzing of cars and people.

  They each had a house, side by side along a street that was very Stepford in appeal. Donnie wanted a good place to raise his kid. Paige had since given birth to three boys, and a girl, one of those being a set of twins. The people were pleasant, but Tonio was sure they suspected who they were. Zara had worked from an online college, coming out top of her class in business. She had helped with their legal businesses, working on their financial accounts. He, Donnie, Luiz, and Jake, had spent the last five years working on making The Family better. The legacy that was The Family had changed, and those who tried to take it back to the dark days were killed. The life at times was hard, and he still slept with a gun. He’d even trained Zara on how to use one.


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