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Awakening Dragon: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Legend of the Fire Drakes Book 1)

Page 31

by Isa Hunt

  Letting out a low moan, Ethan dropped his hands to slide up her skirt, hiking the material up inch by inch. She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to make you mine right here,” he murmured.

  Alarm seeped in, replacing her good senses. “What? No, you’re my boss and we’re in your office.” Not to mention that it was broad daylight and the building was packed with people.

  “I don’t see why any of that matters.”

  “Are you being serious?”

  “Quite.” He continued to kiss the sensitive area along her neck causing her to let out a groan. “No one will know.”

  She shook her head, “I can’t risk losing my job.”

  Seeing her concern, he sighed and stepped back. "Have dinner with me then, this evening."

  Christine froze. He was asking her out on a date. The entire ordeal was surreal. She didn’t get asked out by sexy billionaires nor was she passionately kissed by one in his office. This must all be a dream.

  "I won't take "No" for an answer."

  She gulped, knowing she would probably live to regret it. “Okay.”

  His lips curved into a satisfied smile and he offered her a hand to assist her from the desk. With a deep blush, she adjusted her clothes, refusing to meet his gaze. “So um, should I meet you somewhere?”

  “I’ll pick you up at your place at seven.”

  “Okay.” She walked quickly to the door, desperate to get away from the intense penetration of his obsidian-like eyes. Hands on the knob, she turned, intending to give him her address.

  “I already have your address,” he announced with a smile.

  “Right. See you then.”

  Pulling the door closed, Christine shut her eyes tightly. See you then? I’m so lame. She scurried back to her desk before Nancy would pass by and see her leaving the boss’ office. I can’t believe I just agreed to go out on a date with my boss. She knew she would suffer the consequences at some point. But she felt oddly exhilarated. Never being the one to take risks, she had always played it safe. A smile appeared on her lips. Making out with her boss in his office was definitely not her usual behavior, but she liked how it made her feel. It was even more enlivening knowing that he was actually interested in her.

  Christine bit her lip to contain her excitement. She couldn’t wait to get home and tell Keira she had a date. Her roommate would no doubt flip out. She had been working overtime to get Christine to start dating again.

  Chapter Five

  Christine tapped her foot nervously on the hardwood floor while Keira put the finishing touches on her makeup.

  “Will you stop that? You’re making me nervous.”

  “Sorry, I can’t help it.”

  Keira growled in frustration. "Just keep still, woman." She ran a brush over Christine's lips and stepped back. "My masterpiece is complete!"

  Christine turned around to look at herself in the mirror and let out a gasp. Was this really her? “Thanks, Keira, this is perfect." She would never have been able to make herself look this good. The only thing she knew how to do was apply lip gloss.

  “I know it is. And you missy look absolutely stunning in that dress. Your date just might have a heart attack.”

  “I hope not,” Christine murmured. She blew out a breath, “I think I have to pee again. I’m so nervous.”

  Keira rolled her eyes. “Don’t be, everything will work out just fine. I’m just glad you’re finally getting back into the game after Justin.” Her voice dripped with contempt when she mentioned Christine’s ex.

  “Okay, let’s not even go there. That subject is a total mood killer. So what do you think I should do with my hair? Up or down?”

  “Hmm, up will go better with the dress and jewelry. You are just exuding sexy elegance right now.” Keira proceeded to brush her hair into a stylish updo.

  Christine glanced at the time nervously. “Oh my God! He’ll be here any minute. I think I’m going to have a panic attack.”

  Keira picked up Christine’s clutch purse and shoved it in her hand. Pushing her out into the living room, she ordered, “Just sit here and wait.”

  But she didn’t sit for long. As soon as she took her seat, her cell rang.

  “Hello?” She said, her voice sounding as if it didn’t belong to her.

  “I’m outside.” The deep baritone voice made her heart jump.

  “I’ll be right down” she answered. She took a deep breath and marched to the door. “Well, here I go.”

  “I won’t bother to wait up,” Keira said with a grin.

  Christine stepped outside and drew in a breath when Ethan unfolded himself from his car. He looked as handsome as ever in casual wear. She tried to stabilize her breathing as he walked toward her.

  “Good evening, Mr. Blackwood.”

  He smiled, his eyes moving hungrily over her. “You can call me Ethan, Christine.”

  She swallowed, “Ethan.”

  “You are gorgeous, as always.” Her brows shot up. “Yes, always. I have been watching you,” he said answering her silent question. She ducked her head, in an attempt to hide her blush. He opened her door and she slid into the car.

  “Oh my God, this is really happening,” she whispered, watching him through the window as he walked around to the driver’s side. The vehicle felt much smaller with his large presence.

  Sensing her tension, he glanced at her with a wicked grin. “You can relax, Christine. I don’t bite… all the time.” Her eyes widened slightly and she shivered. Something feral and carnal reflected in his gaze. She gulped as he drove off.


  Christine lifted her wine glass to her lips and took a long drink. She was going out of her mind with the way Ethan stared at her. Every smoldering gaze he gave reduced her to a quivering mass of yearning. “Are you always this intense?” She asked.

  He grinned sexily and shrugged. “I have been told that I am.”

  She looked down and tried to focus on her meal, trying not to feel out of place in the ridiculously expensive restaurant. “So, what are we really doing here, Ethan?”

  He cocked a brow, “Eating.”

  Blushing, she said, “I mean why did you ask me out? What’s going to happen after this?”

  “I like you and to be honest... I was hoping I could get you into bed to finish what we started in my office earlier.”

  Christine gawked at him. He sure was straightforward. In a moment of insane and unusual bravado, she whispered, “Well, then why are we still here?” The words left her lips before her mind registered what she was saying.

  Ethan blinked. He obviously wasn’t expecting such a response from her. Quickly recovering, he stood up and extended a hand. “Alright then. Let’s go, Christine.”

  She studied his outstretched hand for a few second before placing hers in his. They walked out of the restaurant hand in hand. Christine stole glances at him, wondering if she should go through with spending the night with him. I’m doing it. It would probably be her only chance to do something impulsive and have a bit of fun.


  The drive to Ethan’s place was quiet. The sexual tension between them surged through the atmosphere. He sent her heated glances every now and then and had to silently remind himself to stay focused on the road. His Wolf moved beneath his skin, the anticipation to claim his mate mounting. Turning into the underground parking lot of his penthouse apartment, he jumped out of the car and opened her door.

  Ethan led her into the elevator and immediately pulled Christine to him, unable to wait much longer. His mouth devoured hers, the passion between them flaring. The elevator came to a stop, forcing him to lift his head. He led her to his door and he fished in his pocket for his keys.

  Feeling brave, most likely because of the wine she had consumed, Christine stood on the tip of her toes to trail kisses along his jaw and his neck. She could hear his sharp intake of breath as he struggled to open the door. Finally inside, he pushed the door closed and leaned toward her. "Le
t's not waste any more time.” Lifting her to him, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Ethan took long strides to the bedroom and put her down. He unzipped her dress and watched it fall to the floor, leaving her in scraps of lace. In an instinctive motion, her hands lifted to cover herself but he grasped her wrists. “Let me look at you.” He removed her bra and moved on to slowly roll her panties down her thighs.

  Christine’s breathing pattern increased and nervousness started to seep in. She was beginning to think that she couldn’t go through with it after all. “Um, Ethan…”

  Sensing her apprehension, he stood up to meet her gaze, “It’s okay, we’ll go slowly and I will stop if you want me to.”

  She nodded and watched in amazement as he removed his shirt and stepped out of his pants. Her mouth went dry at the sight of his sheer perfection. “Wow, you’re beautiful,” she whispered. A blush spread across her cheeks, realizing that she uttered the words aloud.

  He grinned, “So are you.”

  She almost protested but he found her hand and pulled her toward him. Her naked body pressed against his felt natural. She found herself relaxing. His head dipped to graze his lips across hers lightly, teasingly, while gently pushing her backward until the back of her knees hit the mattress. She fell back with a startled shriek and propped herself up on her elbows. Her eyes widened when Ethan kneeled before her and began to kiss his way down her abdomen, getting dangerously near to her mound.

  “Ethan, what are you- oh my,” she gasped as his tongue flicked across her sensitive bud. He grasped her thighs, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed. Christine kept her eyes tightly shut. She was half embarrassed by what he was doing but enjoying the shockwaves of pleasure that darted through her. Her back arched as he brought her to the peak of ecstasy. Before she could recover, he loomed over her, his hardened length hovering at her entrance.

  “You’re mine,” he said softly.

  Christine stared into his eyes, slightly confused by the possessive look he gave her. He didn’t give her much time to think about it as he entered her in a swift motion. A moan escaped her lips and her nails dug into his arms. He set a steady rhythm, moving with slow strokes.

  “Tell me you’re mine." He clenched his jaw, trying to maintain his self-control as his Wolf threatened to emerge.


  “Say it,” he commanded.

  “I’m yours.” Her pulse rate sped up. For reasons unknown to her, she suddenly felt like she really was his.

  The pace of his hips increased, bringing her to the edge once more. She cried out his name while wrapping her arms around his neck, wanting him closer. But much to his horror, Ethan’s fangs erupted and his eyes transformed. He ducked his head into her shoulder so that she wouldn’t witness the frightening changes in him.

  She let out a cry as her body shuddered beneath his. With a few more thrusts he found his release. Fully human again, he let out a long groan and collapsed beside her, pulling her to him. Their heavy breathing filled the otherwise silent room.

  “That was incredible,” Christine breathed.

  With a smile, Ethan agreed. “It most certainly was. I’m hoping we will do it again soon.”

  She lifted her head to peer at him. Searching his face, she asked, “So you are seriously interested in me?”

  His brows furrowed. “I wouldn’t be in bed with you now if I wasn’t.”

  “Oh, I just thought you and Nancy were involved.”

  He let out a laugh. “Why the hell would you think that?”

  "She said... Never mind. I guess I jumped to conclusions." She placed her head on his shoulder, wearing a small smile. The thought of seeing Ethan more often, outside of the office was rather nice.

  He reached a hand down to grasp her chin, lifting her head so that she looked at him. "I want more than a one-night stand, Christine. You might find it strange since we know nothing about each other, but that’s the way I feel.”

  She gaped at him, speechless. Swallowing, she continued, "Well, since I'm not a one-night-stand kind of girl that is perfectly fine with me." Her lips stretched into a smile, noting the pleased look on his face. Her smile quickly turned into a frown.

  “What’s wrong?” Ethan inquired.

  “I’ll have to quit my job. I can’t work for you if we’re… you know.”

  “I don’t give a damn.”

  “Of course you can say that, you’re the boss. No one will give you the side eye when you walk into the office.”

  He sighed, “If it makes you feel any better, we can keep things a secret for now. Don’t leave your job.”

  She let out a breath. Good, because I really need it, she mused. “Hmm, a secret office romance, how thrilling,” she murmured. “Okay, we’ll keep it a secret.”

  Ethan wrapped his arms around her tighter. A tinge of worry settled in the back of his mind. He was well aware that he was moving too fast. But he couldn’t resist the powerful need he had of the woman in his arms. He was treading dangerous ground. She had no idea what he really was. Would he ever be able to tell her? He might just lose her if he did.

  Chapter Six

  Christine stared absently at her computer screen. Focusing was impossible as her mind was filled with thoughts of one man. She glanced at Ethan's closed office door. He hadn't arrived in the office this morning. Suspicion nagged at her. Did his absence have anything to do with what she had witnessed last night? She had woken up in his bed to find him gone. Her watch had told her it was 1 am. She had been confused, wondering where he could have disappeared to at this hour. Of course, she had come to learn that the man was a workaholic after dating him for the past month, so there was a good chance he was somewhere in his apartment working on his laptop.

  She searched for him but had been unable to find him. By chance, she had been standing by the window and happened to look out. To her astonishment, Ethan had darted out of the woods and across the backyard of his building, completely nude. She had run back to bed, knowing he was on his way up.

  Her mind still raced, wondering what he was into. Sure, she had suspected something a bit off about Ethan since first laying eyes on him. There was a dark edge to his appearance and personality. It had set off alarm bells initially, but it had been attractive at the same time. Which woman didn’t secretly love the bad boy type?

  She stifled a groan. It was just her luck to find the perfect man only to find out that he was into something shady. What in the world was he doing running around outside naked? She heaved a sigh and massaged the bridge of her nose. She was itching to confront him about what she had seen, but couldn’t muster the courage.

  “You don’t seem to be working, Christine.”

  She jumped when Nancy’s voice penetrated her deep thoughts. “Err, I am,” she assured the woman staring at her coldly. “I was just-”

  “Wasting your time day dreaming? About what or should I say who?”

  Christine blushed and busied herself typing. “I don’t know what you are talking about, Nancy.”

  Nancy eyed her suspiciously. “Be careful, Christine. You do want to keep your job, don’t you?”

  Christine's eyes narrowed. She felt like she had just been threatened. It felt like a great feat had been accomplished, putting up with Nancy's attitude for an entire month and one week. "Of course."

  “Good, I expect everything to be finished by tomorrow, even if you have to stay late.”

  Christine sighed softly and murmured, “Of course.”

  Nancy sent her one last hateful look and turned to leave. Christine didn’t miss the smirk she wore. She gritted her teeth. The woman’s hate for her was getting worse every day. Had she somehow figured out that Christine and Ethan’s relationship was no longer just professional? Making an attempt to push Nancy and Ethan out of her mind, she diverted her attention to the task at hand.


  “Hey Christine, are you planning to stay here all night?”

  “Huh?” She glanced up to s
ee Margaret looking at her questioningly.

  “It’s well past five, dear. I’m on my way out. You should get going before it gets too dark out. ”

  “Oh, yeah. Thanks, Margaret. See you tomorrow.” She hadn’t realized that it was so late. Thanks to Nancy, she had been buried in work for the past few hours. The woman had already left, leaving Christine to finish up a mountain of clerical work. There was no way she could go home without completing all her tasks or she would face Nancy’s wrath the following morning. She would go another two hours and then head home. With an exhausted sigh, she went back to work.

  The ringing of her cell phone in her bag broke her concentration. Reaching for it, she answered, not bothering to check the caller ID.


  “Hello, Christine.”

  The deep, low drawl caused her heart to jump. “Ethan.”

  “You don’t sound too excited to hear from me.”

  "Uh, of course, I am. I missed you today. Is everything alright?"

  “Yes. I’m sorry I haven’t called until now. I had some other business to take care of.”

  She pursed her lips, fighting the urge to ask him what kind of business. The image of him running naked from the woods played in her mind. Should she ask him about it? “It’s fine.”

  “I trust you are staying with me tonight.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. She had never been able to say no to him.

  “I’m still at work.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Your personal assistant has turned me into her own personal slave.”

  He sighed and muttered an expletive. “I’ll deal with her.”

  “No, please don’t. If you do, she’ll suspect that we are… involved. I can handle her. I’m almost finished anyway. I’ll leave in another hour.”

  “I’ll come and get you.”

  “I can take the bus.”

  “I’m coming to get you in an hour, Christine.”

  Her brows furrowed, annoyed with his arrogance. “Fine.” Hanging up the phone, she went back to work.


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