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An Eye for an Eye (The Santorno Stories 2): The Santorno Stories

Page 5

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Like your father and I don’t know you and Heath cuss like merchant marines.” Stefan rolled his eyes.

  “So I told him ‘fine, I’ll go out with Heather.’ I just called her.”

  “You sure, Damon? I know Mark is pushing you.”

  “Yeah, pushing me to date girls to ‘be sure’ I’m really more attracted to guys. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. He’s so jealous all the time. He doesn’t trust me, Dad. You always said a relationship won’t work without trust.”

  “Oh, Damon, I’m sorry.” Stefan hugged him. “You do what you feel is right, okay? You know your dad and I will back you up.” Stefan got up to leave.

  “Hey, Dad?”



  “Any time, son.”


  Stefan walked into the room where Jordan was reading. “How did it go?”

  Stefan ran a hand through his hair, “Not well. I think Damon’s right. Mark doesn’t trust him, and you know what that means.”

  “I do,” Jordan sighed. “Come here, sexy.” He pulled the blankets back.

  Stefan got undressed and crawled into bed. He snuggled into Jordan.

  “Damon’s smart, Stefan, he’ll figure this out. We just need to support him through it.”

  “Kiss me, Jordan. I want to feel you,” Stefan sighed.

  Jordan pulled Stefan on top of him and kissed him thoroughly. He dragged his hand to Stefan’s ass and cupped it.

  “Mmmm, I love your ass,” he whispered.

  “I love what you do to my ass.” Stefan ground his hips into Jordan.

  “Oh fuck, Stefan.” Jordan spread his legs, begging Stefan to take him.

  Stefan entered him slowly. Their eyes locked and Stefan thrust slowly, taking pleasure in Jordan’s moans.

  “God I love you, Stefan!”

  “I love you, too. Now come for me,” Stefan whispered, kissing him. Stefan covered Jordan’s loud moans with his mouth as they came one right after the other.

  “I love you, so much.” Stefan gazed at Jordan adoringly.

  I love you too, Stefan…always.”

  Chapter 3

  Monday morning brought teen gossip chaos as the word spread that Charlie and Steve were dating. They weren’t left alone all day. They held hands in the halls and he kissed her goodbye in front of her classroom.

  Jessica watched the display with Heather. “I hate that bitch. She stole Steve from me.” Her face scrunched up with hatred.

  “Come on, Jess; you know you guys broke up months ago.”

  “Yeah well, I’m getting him back. And you’re going to help me at Homecoming.”

  “What? Why me?” Heather gasped in astonishment.

  “Because you’ll be with Damon, and that gives me access to Steve. Heads up, here he comes.”

  “Hey, Damon.” Heather smiled. God, he looked good today in black jeans and a blue shirt. His eyes were so blue.

  “Hey. What’s up?”

  “Do you mind if Jess tags along at Homecoming? She doesn’t have a date.”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.” Damon left.

  “God, he’s got an ass.” Heather licked her lips.

  The week dragged by, but Homecoming finally arrived. The Youngblood household was filled with teenagers fighting for bathroom space.

  “Jesus! There are four bathrooms in this house!” Jordan was yelling at them. “How is it that three kids can’t get along with four bathrooms?”

  “But Dad…”

  “Don’t ‘but Dad’ me. Get along or I swear — ” Jordan stormed out.

  “Wow. That was extreme,” Charlie snickered.

  “Shh, you never know, it could be tag-team time,” Damon whispered.

  “Yeah, the good dad, bad dad game could be afoot,” Heath laughed quietly.

  They all waited for Stefan to come around the corner. When he didn’t, they scattered to their own bathrooms.

  Jordan laughed when he got back to the bedroom. “God, that was fun!”

  “You’re like a child, Jordan.”

  “It brings me comfort, okay?” Jordan laughed.


  Steve and Lisa arrived in the limo and Heath was out the door like a shot. When he saw Lisa, he nearly fell over. Her dress was burgundy and strapless; she was stunning.

  “Wow. I mean, really. You look — wow!” Heath stammered.

  “Why, thank you.” Lisa blushed. “You look pretty incredible yourself, Heath.”

  Steve greeted Charlie at the front door. She was wearing a shimmering blue gown that featured a plunging back.

  “Oh, Charlie. You’re so beautiful.”

  “And you look so handsome in a tux.” Charlie took his hand and let him lead her to the limo.

  Damon was already at the dance with Heather when they arrived.

  “Hey, lil bro, you look great!” Heath smacked Damon’s back.

  “Well, look at you guys! You clean up pretty well.” Damon grinned.

  He spotted Mark and headed over to him. “Having a good time?” he sneered.

  “No, but I’m okay with it.”

  “Look, Mark, I don’t want to fight. I told you I have no interest in Heather.”

  “Well, we’ll see won’t we?” Mark walked away.

  “Come on, Damon. Here’s some punch, you look thirsty.” Heather handed him a cup.

  After looking for half an hour, Charlie couldn’t find Steve anywhere. She was getting nervous.

  “Heath, have you seen Steve?”

  “You know what? I haven’t. What the hell?” Heath looked around the room, his fingers clasped with Lisa’s.

  “That other girl disappeared, too. The one who was with Damon and Heather. I didn’t like her, Heath; something’s up.” Lisa looked worried.

  They split up and looked everywhere for Steve. Frustrated, Charlie yanked opened a coat closet, where she found Jessica kissing Steve.

  “Oh yeah, baby, I know you always liked it like that!” Jessica ran her tongue up Steve’s neck.

  “Steve!” Charlie yelled. He was half-naked, and he didn’t even look at her when she shouted.

  “Steve’s busy, Charlie; come back later,” Jessica sneered, and went back to kissing Steve.

  Charlie turned and left. She walked outside and stopped suddenly, talking to no one in particular.

  “No. Steve wouldn’t do this to me. If there is one thing I know about him without a doubt, it’s that he’s honest.”

  Charlie passed Heath in the hall. She grabbed his arm and pulled him with her. Lisa ran the best she could in her heels to catch up. They found Jessica dragging Steve further into the closet.

  “I knew it! I knew he wouldn’t cheat on me! You fucking bitch!” Charlie’s fist came around and popped Jessica in her right eye. “Get off him!”

  “Whoa, Charlie, back off!” Heath checked Steve’s pulse. “Shit! Call an ambulance.”

  “What? He was fine! I just gave him a roofie.” Jessica stared dumbly at Steve.

  “You gave my boyfriend a date rape drug? Are you insane? Do you even know if he’s allergic to anything?” Charlie was furious.

  “His pulse is really slow.” Heath whirled around to face Jessica. “Wait a minute — did you bitches give Damon anything?”

  Jessica looked at the floor.

  “DAMMIT, ANSWER ME!” Heath was beyond livid.

  “Yeah, but we didn’t think it would hurt anyone!” Jessica slid down the wall to the floor.

  Heath took off and ran into Mark. “Hey, have you seen Damon?”

  “Yeah, he’s in the bathroom.” Mark turned on his heel and left the dance.

  Heath slammed into the men’s bathroom and found Heather crouched over a half-dressed Damon.

  “SHIT!” He bent down and felt Damon’s pulse. “If anything happens to him, you little bitch —”

  Heather tried to leave and smacked into Lisa. “Get out of my way!”

  Lisa shoved he
r, hard. “Sit down and don’t move!” She looked at Heath. “Heath, the ambulance is on its way. So are the cops.” She glared at Heather. “You stupid, stupid bitch.”

  Heath called his father, who answered on the second ring. “Dad! Damon and Steve have been drugged and their pulses are weak. It was that date rape drug.” Heath dragged his hand through his hair as he listened. “Yeah, we called an ambulance. See you at the hospital.”

  Once the cops arrived and Damon and Steve had been loaded into the ambulance, they all followed to Medical Center West.

  Charlie was crying in the waiting room when Stefan and Jordan showed up. “Oh, Daddy!”

  Jordan hugged her hard. “Shhh, it’s okay, baby. I’m going to go check and see what’s going on, okay?”

  He kissed her forehead.

  Stefan sat beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. “I’m so scared, Dad! Heath said their pulses were weak, Steve and Damon’s.” Stefan hugged her tight.

  Lisa was hovering near the door to the emergency room. Heath came up behind her and put his arms her.

  “Thanks for helping tonight.”

  “Are you kidding? I love your family. You guys are so there for each other.”

  “Yeah, we are. By the way, nice job with Heather.” He smiled.

  “Yeah, well, I hate that bitch.” She squeezed Heath’s arms at her waist with her own.

  Jordan brought the report. “They’re stable, but staying overnight.”

  Heath dialed his cell phone. “Isabelle, it’s Heath. Look, Damon’s in the hospital. He’s stable now but I thought you should know.” Lisa was watching his face as he explained the situation to his sister. “Okay, we’ll see you then.”

  “Dad, can I see them?” Charlie asked quietly.

  “Go on.”

  Steve’s bed was right beside her brother’s. She put a chair in the middle, leaned over and kissed Steve softly. “I knew you wouldn’t cheat on me,” she whispered.

  Steve’s parents had arrived and Jordan ushered them into the room. His mother held his hand and looked at Charlie.

  “Thank you. Heath told us what happened.” She smiled at Charlie. “He cares for you. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I do, and I care a lot about him, Mrs. Soloman.”

  They stayed until visiting hours were over. Steve’s mother kissed Charlie’s forehead on her way out. Jordan sent everyone home since he was staying with the boys.

  Heath took Lisa home.

  “I’m sorry we had to cut the night short.”

  “Don’t be. Finding your brother drugged and on the bathroom floor doesn’t constitute a party in my book.” Lisa smiled at Heath. “But the part before that — I really enjoyed it.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry this night was so shitty.” Heath took her hand. “But you — wow. I loved how you took charge of Heather.”

  “She messed with people I care about.”

  “So, you saying you care about me and my family?” Heath smiled down at her.

  Lisa smiled and pulled Heath down by his lapels. “Oh yes, I care.” She kissed him softly. “Now get home, Youngblood. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  Heath walked in the front door to find Charlie and Isabelle snuggled on the couch with Stefan. Charlie had changed into sweats.

  Stefan glanced at Heath. “You get Lisa home okay, Heath?”

  “Yeah, I just dropped her off.”

  Charlie smiled through her sniffles. “I like her; she’s tough.”

  Heath ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, she is.”

  Isabelle burrowed more closely into Stefan. “Is Damon going to be okay, Dad?”

  “He is, honey. Your father is taking care of him. I suggest we all try to get some sleep.” Stefan kissed the girls and then got up and went to his room.

  Charlie yawned. “I’m tired, and fuck my hand hurts!”

  “I heard that, Charlie!” Stefan’s voice boomed from the back bedroom.

  “Sorry!” she giggled.

  “Hey, let’s get some sleep. We can go to the hospital in the morning.”


  Damon’s head was pounding and he felt sick. He bent over the waiting trashcan and threw up. Again. He raised his eyes and found his father holding it for him.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Good morning, Sunshine. I would ask you how you’re feeling, but I think you just answered me.” Jordan put the trashcan down.

  “What happened? Why do I feel like I got run over by a truck?” Damon dropped his head back to the pillow.

  Jordan picked up his chart. “Well, your dates decided it would be fun to slip you a date rape drug.”


  “Yep. Steve got hit by the same truck.” Jordan motioned to Steve’s bed.

  “Why? Why would Heather drug me?”

  “They haven’t said yet, but both are being questioned by police again this morning. Guess the ringleader isn’t talking.”

  Damon nodded weakly. “Jessica.”

  “Oh, my head.” Steve sat up and threw up into the waiting bin in his lap. “Dr. Youngblood?”

  “Good morning. I see you and my son have the same reaction to being drugged with this crap.” Jordan smiled.

  “What the heck happened? One minute I was dancing with Charlie, and then I was thirsty and I drank a lot of punch. It was so hot in there. Wait — did you say drugged?”

  “I did.” Jordan’s lips were tight. “Damon’s date and her friend loaded you and Damon up with roofies, and then took advantage of you.”

  “What? Oh Christ.” The realization hit. “Oh shit — Charlie!”

  “Language, Steve. And don’t worry — my daughter is much smarter than that. She’ll be here soon.” Jordan winked and left.

  “Dude, what the hell?” Steve stared at Damon.

  “God knows what she did to me.” Damon made a face.

  “You remember anything at all?”

  Damon shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Me neither.”

  “I need a shower. I feel nasty — and violated.” Damon retched again.

  “Go on dude, I can wait.” Steve rested back on the pillows.

  Damon staggered to the bathroom and shut the door. Steve sat up again and felt like he was going to throw up. The thought of Jessica drugging him really pissed him off. He threw a plastic cup at the wall.

  “Hey there now, what did that cup ever do to you?”

  He turned to find Charlie standing in the doorway. “You’re here.”

  “Very observant! Of course I’m here. I was here last night, too.” She moved to the bed and took his hand before pouring him a glass of water. She handed him toothpaste.

  “Here. Dad said you weren’t feeling well this morning.”

  Steve smiled. “Yeah, I guess date rape drugs and me don’t mix.” He took her hand. “What happened?”

  “When you went missing, I found you in the middle of a one sided make-out session in a closet.” Charlie kissed his forehead.

  “How did you know?”

  “For a split second, I didn’t. Then I remembered you said you’d always be honest, and I knew. I just knew.” Charlie sat on the end of the bed.

  “I would never, Charlie. I wouldn’t hurt you like that. I really care about you. I have for a long time.” Steve ducked his head.

  “What do you say to going out after you’re sprung from here? Maybe catch a movie?”

  Steve smiled. “Anything you want.”

  Damon came out of the bathroom, freshly showered. He felt so much better.

  “Hey, sis!”

  “Damon!” Charlie hugged him hard.

  “Hey now, you worried about me?” Damon mussed her hair.

  “Of course, dumbass.” She hugged him again.

  Steve got up and his hospital gown opened in the back.

  “Wow, nice view, Steve.” Charlie giggled and blushed.

  Steve pulled the back of the gown tight. “Yeah, I’m going to shower now.�
� He walked backwards into the bathroom and shut the door.

  They heard a noise at the door and saw Mark standing in the doorway. “Hey.” He dropped his gaze to the floor.

  “Um, I’ll be back, Damon.” Charlie kissed her brother’s cheek and left.

  Damon got back into bed and pulled the covers up. He looked at Mark. “What are you doing here?” he asked tiredly.

  “Heath called me. He told me what happened.” Mark positioned himself at the end of the bed.

  “Yeah, it was just great being drugged. You were right, Mark — I love girls.”

  “Look, when I saw you with Heather I just assumed you wanted it, too.” Mark looked at the floor again.

  “You saw us?” Damon’s eyes widened.

  “Yeah. I went to the bathroom and your pants were down. Heather was kissing you and riding you.”

  “Oh God, I think I need to puke again!” Damon grabbed the trashcan and did just that. “So you thought I wanted it? You really thought I was a willing participant. That right inside the door of a nasty public bathroom at a high school dance was my idea of a romantic setting to have sex for the first time??” Damon was fairly shouting by the time he finished.

  “Well, that’s what it looked like to me.” Mark spoke low, without looking up.

  Damon shook his head. “I have been telling you for over a month that I want you, and only you. I am NOT interested in girls. I can’t believe you just left me there for her to… God, Mark! You didn’t trust me — or trust in us, for that matter — to know better than that?”

  “Well shit, Damon! What was I supposed to think? You went to Homecoming with her!” Mark’s voice rose.

  “Oh, do NOT even begin to go there, Mark. I took her to Homecoming because you insisted!” Damon’s voice was low and angry, nearly feral. “You didn’t trust me, Mark.” His shoulders slumped in resignation.

  “You were half-naked on the floor with Heather! Come on, Damon! What was I supposed to think?”

  “Yeah? Some opinion you have of me, Mark. Steve was half-naked in a coat closet with Jessica all over him. But after just one date with him, Charlie knew he wouldn’t do that to her and she called Jessica out! But you…” Damon trailed off. “You jumped right to the conclusion that after a month of a ‘gay phase’ that what I really wanted was to have sex on a dirty bathroom floor with a girl you knew I wasn’t attracted to!”


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