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An Eye for an Eye (The Santorno Stories 2): The Santorno Stories

Page 18

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Tanner leaned over as close as he could. “You’re looking at me like you’re starving.”

  “God I’m sorry! It’s just that you’re gorgeous!” Mark blushed to his roots.

  “Look who’s talking.” Tanner eyed Mark up and down again.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Mark whispered.

  “Why? Does it make you nervous?”

  “Among other things.” Mark smiled shyly.

  “How ’bout we go out tonight?”

  “That would be great!”

  “I’ll pick you up. Seven sound okay?” Tanner took his hand.


  “Come on, let’s get to class.” Tanner still had a hold on Mark’s hand when they stood up. He leaned in close to Mark’s ear. “I hope you let me kiss you, too.” He let go and started walking.

  Mark was stock still, his heart beating a mile a minute.

  “Mark, you coming?” Tanner called.

  “Oh, yeah.” Mark ran to catch up.

  Damon and Tyler had been watching from the side of the building.

  “Smart move leaving them alone.” Tyler took Damon’s hand.

  Damon pushed him into the wall and kissed him. “Yeah well, we should all be so lucky to find the one person who makes us insanely happy.”

  Tyler kissed him slowly. “Yeah well, we actually better get a move on before we’re insanely late.”

  Damon pulled him in tight and kissed him hard. “I think a minute late won’t hurt.”

  Chapter 13

  Heath had been running for over half an hour now. College football was definitely harder than in high school. He had to prove himself over again. He finally finished and plopped down, pouring his water bottle over his head.

  “Hey, Youngblood, you’re supposed to drink that.” One of his new teammates joined him and teased him.

  “I know — that’s what this one’s for.” He opened another bottle and drank half of it.

  “I think coach is going to use you; you’re really good.”

  “I hope so. I’ve been working my ass off.” Heath smiled. “Thanks.”


  Caleb was crossing the field toward him.

  “Holy fuck! Who is that?” The other player had swiveled to look when he heard an unfamiliar voice.

  “My boyfriend.” Heath couldn’t hide the obvious pride in his voice.

  Caleb smiled at the other player as he approached the bench and addressed Heath. “Hey, you ready?”

  “Yeah.” Heath took his hand and they walked to the car.

  “You need a shower.” Caleb brushed Heath’s wet hair from his forehead.

  “Want to take one with me?” Heath leered.

  “Have I ever said no to that?” Caleb pulled him in and kissed him.

  At Caleb’s apartment, he turned the shower on and took Heath’s shirt off. Caleb slowly kissed Heath as he took off his clothing. He removed his own clothes and they got in the shower.

  Heath leaned his head back and let the water flow over his head. Caleb’s hands in his hair.

  “That feels good,” he moaned.

  Caleb massaged the shampoo in and ran his hands down Heath’s chest. “God you’re beautiful, Heath. I know I say that a lot but, damn.”

  Caleb rinsed his hair, pushed Heath up against the shower wall, and kissed him. He let his tongue slide over Heath’s lips, before sinking to his knees and grabbing Heath’s hard cock.

  Heath put his head back against the cool tiles. Caleb’s mouth was on him, licking him, and then sucking the head of his cock. His hips moved and he fucked Caleb’s mouth. Heath never got tired of Caleb’s mouth. He was incredible at giving head. Heath wanted to learn the things Caleb could do with his tongue; he wanted to make Caleb feel the same way he made him feel.

  “Shit, Caleb!” Heath came hard, his hands wrapped in Caleb’s hair.

  Caleb slid up his slick body and kissed him, his hands running along Heath’s thighs.

  “What do you say tonight we go out to dinner, and then I bring you home and have you again?” Caleb smiled.

  “As long as I get to give you dessert.”


  Mark and Tanner were on their way home from dinner. They had talked all evening about Tanner’s coming out, Mark’s relationship with Damon, their parents, and school in general. They were at Mark’s house and Tanner was sitting on the hood of his car.

  “And you’re over Damon?” Tanner eyed Mark skeptically.

  “Yeah, have been for a long time now.” Mark smiled.

  Tanner grabbed Mark by his shirt. He spread his legs and pulled Mark in between them.

  “Good. I want to kiss you and I don’t want you thinking of anyone but me.” Tanner looked into Mark’s eyes. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” Mark nervously ran his sweaty hands down the sides of his jeans.

  “You sure about that?” Tanner eyed him closely.

  “Yes — I’m just nervous, I guess. I haven’t really done much…you know…in that way.”

  “I get it; I haven’t either.”

  “Really? You seem so confident.”

  “Well I can kiss, I know that,” Tanner laughed.

  “I haven’t kissed anyone in a long time,” Mark admitted.

  “Well, let’s fix that.” Tanner tugged him in, his hand went into Mark’s hair, and he pulled until their foreheads were touching. “You ready?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Tanner’s lips met Mark’s gently. He opened his mouth and Mark’s tongue slid in. Tanner moaned and pulled him in closer. His hands went to his hair and Tanner’s hands were on his ass. Tanner shifted him in his arms and deepened the kiss. They finally broke for air, both breathing hard.

  “Damn, you do have a tight end, Mark,” Tanner teased.

  Mark laughed. “You’re a good kisser.”

  “Yeah, so are you.” Tanner perused Mark’s tight body. He was so damn hot. He probably had no idea, either.

  Mark studied Tanner — they were the same height, but Tanner had a muscular build. Like, unbelievably built. He had the most beautiful eyes Mark had ever seen. They were blue and green with gold flecks.

  “You’re staring at me again.”

  “I’m sorry; it’s just that — God, you’re gorgeous!”

  “You said that already.” Tanner laughed lightly.

  “I know. I’m sorry it’s just —”

  Tanner pulled him in again. He kissed Mark hard, stopping him mid-sentence. His hands roamed Mark’s body and he pulled him in closer until they were almost lying on the hood of his car. Tanner broke for air.

  “Fuck, you turn me on!” Tanner breathed.


  “Oh, Mark. I believe someone has confidence issues. I’m so going to fix that.” Tanner smiled. “You have no clue do you?”

  “About what?”

  “You look incredible, Mark. Any guy would be lucky to have you. I just hope it’s me who gets you.”

  “Are you serious?” Mark searched Tanner’s face.

  Tanner pulled him in. “Don’t I look serious?”

  Mark gazed into Tanner’s mesmerizing eyes. He couldn’t think or speak. He had to remind himself to breathe. “I hope you are.”

  “I want to see you again,” Tanner whispered.

  “You’ll see me tomorrow at school,” Mark teased. He was trying to hold it together, but dammit — between Tanner’s lips and the feel of his hands it was proving to be difficult.

  “No, I mean a date.” Tanner smacked his ass.

  “Oh, sure!” Mark smiled.

  “Now get inside. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Mark went inside and Tanner sat on the hood of his car. “He really has no idea. That makes me the lucky one.” Tanner smiled and got in his car.


  It had been a week since Tanner met Mark, and Tanner was running late for their date. He was meeting Mark, Damon and Tyler at Sal’s. He had almost made it to the door when he heard voices
belonging to some of his former teammates.

  “Well, well, well, Tanner McKinley. Moved to another school, huh? Too bad for you we still know how to find you.” The teens surrounded him. He knew he could take two. Probably even three. But four? Eh, that was going to be pushing it.

  “Ain’t like I’ve been hiding, asshole,” Tanner sneered.

  From inside Sal’s, Mark saw what was going down outside. “Shit! Come on!”

  Tanner was biding his time. He knew what was coming, but he was in no hurry to get the party started. When the first fist flew, he felt it and immediately hit back. The four guys were punching and kicking him when Damon, Tyler and Mark flew out of the restaurant.

  “Hey, asshole!” Mark grabbed one by the shirt and leveled him with a right hook.

  Damon saw his bodyguards headed their way and shook his head. He pulled a guy off of Tanner and hit him as hard as he could.

  It was an all-out brawl by the time Henry came out of Sal’s. “Get out of here before I call the cops!”

  The other boys ran, bleeding and broken. Henry looked at the four remaining in front of him and planted his hands on his hips. “Oh Jesus, Damon. Not again!”

  “We didn’t start it!” Damon protested. “We were protecting our friend. He got jumped.”

  “Come on, I’ll clean you up.” Henry brought them inside.

  After the first aid, the four of them ate, a little bruised but no worse for the wear. Henry called Stefan and Jordan. He reported to Damon that his parents knew he had been in yet another fight, but Henry had vouched that he had been defending a teammate.

  “Did my dad sound mad?”

  “Nope, I talked to Stefan first,” Henry laughed.

  Tanner smiled. “Thanks guys.”

  “Hey, we protect our own,” Tyler said seriously.

  They finally split up after an hour, and Tanner drove Mark home again. They were sitting on the grass in the back yard.

  “You have a cut on your lip.” Mark ran his finger over it.

  Tanner closed his eyes. “Yeah, it doesn’t hurt.”

  “Are you okay? You’re kinda quiet.”

  “I wanted us all to go out tonight because I was worried you still had feelings for Damon.” Tanner closed his eyes and waited for Mark to get mad.

  “Do you still think I do?”

  “I hope not. I want to be the only guy you think about, Mark.”

  Mark kissed him softly. He slowly pushed Tanner back onto the grass and ran his hand up his shirt. “I’ve been thinking about no one but you for a week.” Mark kissed him again.

  Goose bumps broke out on Tanner where Mark’s hands had just been. He moaned and pulled him in closer. He ran his hand up his shirt, feeling his chest. Mark’s tongue explored his mouth.

  “Still worried?”

  “No, do that again.” Tanner wriggled under him.

  “Which part?”

  “All of it.”

  Mark kissed him again, slowly. His hand rubbed up Tanner’s inner thigh and rested on his hard cock.

  “Shit!” Tanner breathed.

  “You want me to stop?”

  “No, rub it!”

  Mark rubbed him slowly. He let his tongue make its way slowly around Tanner’s mouth. Their tongues met and tangled together. Tanner moaned loudly and Mark felt his jeans get wet.

  “Damn, Mark!”


  “Oh hell, don’t be.” Tanner smiled at him. “I gotta go. I have to change now.” He gave Mark another smile as he hopped up and then gave Mark a hand to help him.

  Mark walked him to his car. “Hey, Tanner, I learned my lesson the hard way. If this…” he motioned between the two of them, “is going to work, we have to trust each other. Okay?”

  “I know.” He pulled Mark in for a kiss. “Fuck, I love kissing you.”

  Mark smiled. “Yeah? Back at you.”

  “Night, Mark.”

  “Night, Tanner.”


  Damon pulled up to his house to find his grandfather’s car parked in the driveway.

  “Oh, shit,” Damon sighed.

  “What is it?” Tyler asked.

  “I’ve been trying to put this off but I guess now I have to tell you everything.”


  Damon launched into the story of his grandfather’s reputation and power, Isabelle’s mother, and the fact that the whole family was on high alert.

  Tyler laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Damon eyed Tyler skeptically.

  “I feel like I’m in ‘The Godfather’ movies,” Tyler cracked up. “Damon Santorno. I’ve heard of him. Hell, who hasn’t?”

  “Tyler, this is serious. Being around me is dangerous because of who my grandfather is, my dad even. The family is always a potential target for some kind of revenge or ransom. Maybe we should back off until this is all over.” Damon dragged a hand through his hair.

  Tyler stared at Damon incredulously. “No way. I’m not going to stop seeing you. I don’t care, Damon.”

  “Tyler, please. If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself.”

  “It’s my decision, not yours. Besides, nothing will happen to me. Now come on.”

  They entered the house and Tyler walked right into a wall named Antonio.

  “Well, hello young man.” Antonio looked down at Tyler.

  “Um, hi?” Tyler looked way up.

  “Antonio, Tyler. Tyler, Antonio. He is one of the many guards assigned to all of us.”

  “Ah! You are Damon’s boyfriend!” Antonio shook his hand.

  “Yes, I am.” Antonio’s hand swallowed Tyler’s. He looked sideways at Damon. “And you’re worried someone will actually get within 10 feet of any of you?”

  Antonio touched the boys’ faces. He tugged gently under their chins to lift them and looked at them. “Someone has been fighting again.” Damon opened his mouth in protest and Antonio stopped him. “I did not say it was your fault. Close your mouth.” He smiled. “And such pretty faces to mess up,” he tsked.

  “Damon?” Stefan walked in. “Hello, Tyler.”

  “Hi, Mr. Youngblood.”

  “Henry called.”

  “I know,” Damon laughed. “He said he was relieved that for once he could vouch for me.”

  “Damon, you’re home!” Damon came and hugged his grandson.

  “Hey, Grandpa.” Damon hugged his grandfather back.

  “Ah, this must be Tyler.” Damon turned his attention to the boy at his grandson’s side.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Santorno.” Tyler put his hand out.

  Damon’s eyebrow rose. “Well, well, someone has been busy.”

  “Well I figured I owed him an explanation. We’ve been together for a year. He’ll be seeing you a lot. And who knows what craziness can go down at any time?” Damon answered.

  “Yes, you are correct.” Damon looked at Tyler. “He should know what the situation is.”

  “He does, Grandpa.”

  “And you are all right with this?”

  Tyler looked at the senior Damon. “Yes, sir. I am.”

  “Good!” Damon clapped his hands together. “Now, I must go.”

  Damon left with Antonio, Stefan, and Jordan to attend a function. Jordan told Damon that Tyler was to sleep in the guest bedroom. Damon said bye and closed the door.

  “So, are we alone?” Tyler laughed.

  Damon looked outside. “Nope.”

  “Do they just stand by the door?”

  “No, you can’t see them. I can because I know where to look.” Damon smiled.

  They went to Damon’s room and threw a movie in. They settled back and Tyler put his head on Damon’s chest, making slow circular motions under his shirt.

  “You know what that does to me, Tyler,” Damon sighed.

  “Yeah and you know what that tone of voice does to me.”

  Damon rolled on top of Tyler and kissed him. He spread his legs out with his knee and brought it up
to rub Tyler’s crotch.


  “I know.” Damon’s tongue met with Tyler’s and the kiss progressed, becoming more passionate as hands investigated anything within reach.

  “Jesus.” Damon came up for air gasping.

  “I want you, Damon.” Tyler pulled him down again by his ass, and hauled him in tighter. “I want to feel your skin on mine.”

  Damon pulled down his sweats and pulled Tyler’s off slowly, letting his fingers brush his inner thigh. He maneuvered his way between Tyler’s legs and rubbed their hard cocks together.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Tyler breathed.

  Damon was working overtime. He kissed Tyler as he slid up and down.

  “Damon,” Tyler gasped. He was going to come, he could feel it. “Oh shit!”

  Damon came all over Tyler’s stomach, with Tyler’s release following within seconds. Damon collapsed on top of him.

  “I think next time I want to feel you inside me, Damon.” Tyler said seriously.

  “Really? You think you’re ready?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Well then, we’ll make plans. As soon as this is all over, and we can be alone. I mean really alone, and we can make love.”

  “I can’t wait.” Tyler pulled him in for a kiss.


  Heath was blindfolded in the passenger seat of Caleb’s car. Caleb had a surprise for him. They had been driving for over an hour and Heath was getting impatient.

  “Are we almost there?” Heath asked in frustration.


  “You said that, like, twenty minutes ago!”

  “I know. This is fun!” Caleb laughed.

  “Caleb —”

  “Okay, okay. Just this once, keep your pants on. Yes, five more minutes. I promise.”

  Heath felt the car come to a stop, heard Caleb get out, and knew when his door opened. Caleb took his hand and turned him around.

  “Okay, here we are.” Caleb removed the blindfold.

  “Oh my God!” Heath cracked up laughing. “Caleb, this is so sweet!”

  “Really? You don’t think it’s cheesy?”

  Heath turned and palmed Caleb’s face. “No, I don’t think it’s cheesy at all.”

  They joined hands and entered the building. As Heath’s eyes adjusted, he noticed it hadn’t changed much at all.


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