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  “And look at this waistline,” she continues as she puts her hands around her waist. Her waist is a little too slim, in my opinion. I’d like to see her add a few inches there, but now isn’t the time to tell her that.

  “This ass, can you imagine how fat it’s going to get?” she asks as she contorts her body to where she’s looking at said ass. That ass is perfect to me, I think to myself as my cock starts to harden.

  “Oh no,” she says, pointing to the bulge in my pants. “Don’t even think about that. How could you even think I’d let that near me after this news?”

  “Yes, your body is perfect, Maggie,” I reply as I shift my now aching dick. “But it will be more perfect with my baby growing in your belly. To me, there will never be anything more beautiful than you carrying our child. A child we made out of love.”

  I may be stretching things just a little bit since we’ve never exchanged ‘I love yous’, but I know that’s where we are headed. There’s nothing that tells me we aren’t on that path to love. As a matter of fact, knowing she’s carrying my baby may have actually escalated my feelings for her.

  “I love you, Maggie,” I hear myself say before I even realize the words have come out of my mouth. I don’t take it back because just at that moment it hits me how true that feeling is. It’s why I was so ready to propose tonight.

  The look on her face tells me that she definitely didn’t see them coming. Hell, I didn’t see them coming before I said it, but right now I feel the words and so much more.

  “You love me?” she asks, quietly. As if she never imagined it could happen.

  “Yes,” I reply, realizing that this is an actual truth. I really do love her.

  “Then how could you do this to me?” she asks, a little more relaxed this time. “How could you think that ruining my body is a good thing? If you loved me, you never would have done this.”

  Her voice gets quieter with each statement she makes. I don’t understand it.

  “Maggie,” I say, as I drop to one knee. “I want to marry you.” I pull the box out of my pocket and open it.

  She puts her hand over her mouth when she sees the size of the ring in front of her. It’s a five-carat cushion cut diamond, surrounded by a hidden halo of sparkling round diamonds, with additional diamonds set around the platinum band. I had this ring custom-made for her. I didn’t shop around to find something she may or may not like. I know her style, so I had this ring designed to reflect her perfection. My future wife only deserves the best.

  “What?” she gasps, not taking her eyes off the ring.

  “Marry me, Maggie,” I say, as I start to stand. I grab her cheeks and gently lift her face to get her to look into my eyes. “Marry me and have our baby.” I place my hand on her stomach. “Make me the happiest man in the world. I’ll give you both the best life you can imagine and everything your heart desires if it’s the last thing I do, I promise you.”

  “Everything?” she asks.

  “Just say the word, and the world is yours, sweetheart. You just have to say you’ll be my wife and have this baby.”

  “If I do this… after I have this thing, I want plastic surgery to repair any damage to my body. I want a trainer to get me back into my perfect body, I want a new car, mine is dated and I want something nicer, something more expensive and classy. Oh, and while you’re at it, I want a new credit card. I’d like to have a variety instead of just using the same one every time I shop. I want to be able to travel wherever and whenever I want. I want it all Carter. Are you really saying you’ll give all that to me?” she asks.

  “Anything, baby. Just say you’ll have my baby and that you’ll marry me,” I tell her again. Right now, I’ll agree to anything. I really want to start my family, and now we’ve jump started it without even intentionally doing so.

  “I don’t want to have any more kids after this thing is out of me, you understand that right? This is your one and done. You won’t have the huge family you want. I don’t want this thing, and you’re going to make me do it, but there’s no way I’ll ever do this again. I want everything taken care of as soon as this demon is out of me to ensure that it can never happen. Do you promise me that, Carter? Are you willing to not have your so-called dream just to have this one creature ruin my body?”

  I realize at that moment she really does hate this baby right now, but I don’t. I’m already in love with our child she’s carrying. I’m sure, in time, she’ll love him or her as much as I already do. I’m going to agree to her conditions because as sure as the sky is blue, I’m sure she will grow to love this life we created together. There’s no way a mother doesn’t grow to love her children. She’s just scared, I’m sure of it.

  “Anything and everything, my love. Anything,” I tell her with newfound confidence.

  “Fine, have it your way,” she replies. “But remember everything you’ve promised me. I’m going to hold you to it.”

  With that, she grabs her coat, keys and purse, and walks to the door. Before she leaves, however, she walks back to me and snatches the ring out of my hand. She looks back to me, then at the ring and says, “I’m sure this cost upwards of ten grand, so I’m sure once the time comes, I can get a pretty penny for it.”

  What the hell does she mean she’ll get a pretty penny for it? I really hope that was an offhanded comment and she didn’t realize what she was saying. I paid a small fortune for it and can’t imagine she’d ever want to get rid of something so beautiful. Never mind the meaning behind it and the commitment I’m showing her I want to make by giving it to her.

  I’ll give her time. This has to work out, I think to myself.




  THE LAST FEW weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. I’m elated we’re going to be starting our family, however, Maggie has been distant. So distant, that I’ve only seen her once since she told me about the pregnancy, and I proposed. And when I did see her, it was such a quick visit that I didn’t even have time to notice if she was wearing her engagement ring.

  She came by my office to pick up the new Centurion Card I got her from American Express. When she found out that she was going to have two cards with unlimited funds, she made it to my office in record time. I don’t ever remember her moving that quickly for anything. She’s sure made a dent in those two cards in the last few weeks. From spa treatments, to hair appointments, to clothes and shoes. I saw some men’s stores on the bill too and wonder if she’s bought me somethings to surprise me.

  Should it concern me that she’s bought nothing for the baby? Or any kind of maternity clothes? Maybe, maybe not. I mean, it’s not like the baby is coming tomorrow or that she’ll be showing any time soon if the books I’ve been reading are anything to go by.

  Yes, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. I want to know everything that’s going to happen day by day, if not hour by hour. I want to know how much my baby grows daily. I want to know when I’ll be able to start to enjoy watching my fiancé’s stomach grow. I want to know how to expect her to be feeling, so that I can be there and help her, every step of the way.

  But I can’t do that right now. She’s not allowing me to do so. She hasn’t made herself available for more than the five minutes she was here to get that card.

  I made her an appointment with one of the top obstetricians in the state and our first appointment is today. Doctor Kristin Hall is the top obstetrician in the state who specializes in high risk pregnancies. While Maggie isn’t considered high risk at the moment, I only want the best care for her and my child. I meant it when I told her that I will give her anything and everything her heart desires, and that includes the best maternity care available.

  I offered to pick her up and take her to the appointment, but she told me she was busy this morning and would meet me there. That disappointed me a bit because I was looking forward to holding her hand and walking in to the office together. To introduce ourselves to the staff at the facility a
s Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.

  I know it’s not official yet, but it will be next month. We, well she, wanted to get married before she starts showing. She thinks it’s important that she looks slim and trim in her wedding photos. She doesn’t want to look like ‘a fat slob’ as she called it. I told her many times, she won’t be fat, she’ll be even more beautiful than she ever has been in my eyes. To me, there’s nothing more beautiful than a woman carrying your child. Yeah, I know I’m acting like a great big sap right now but this is one of my dreams coming true.

  Looking at my computer, I notice that it’s almost time for our appointment. I stand, grab my jacket off the back of my chair and put it on. I am both excited and worried about this appointment.

  I get to the doctor’s office and notice that Maggie has yet to arrive. I don’t know why it surprises me that she’s late, it’s normal Maggie behavior. I explained to her on the phone that she needed to make sure she was on time for all of our appointments as this is an esteemed doctor and she doesn’t like to wait for anyone. This is unacceptable and I will have a few words with her about it once the appointment is over. I won’t react in front of people and embarrass her or I.

  I walk up to the reception desk to let them know I’m here but am still waiting for Maggie to arrive.

  “Hello, I’m here for the appointment for Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery,” I tell her.

  “Where is Mrs. Montgomery?” the receptionist asks as she gives me an eye roll.

  “She’s on her way,” I tell her. “She must’ve hit some traffic as we were coming from two different places.” At least I’m hoping she’s on her way and that’s the case. I intend to find out when she gets here.

  “Well, we can’t get started without the mother to be, so please have a seat and let me know when she arrives,” she tells me without looking at me and continues to look at whatever has her interest on the computer screen.

  Fifteen minutes later, Maggie finally strolls into the office, seeming to not have a care in the world. She walks up to reception, not even noticing me sitting here.

  “Hi, you have an appointment for Maggie Lucia?” I hear her snidely ask.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am,” the receptionist replies, “I don’t have anyone on the schedule today with that name. Are you sure you have the right place?”

  “It’s for Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery,” I say as I stand and walk back over to the desk. “We’re not quite married yet but will be by the time the baby is born. I made the appointment under that name so we don’t have to change the records at our next appointment.”

  “I’m going to have to change it to her legal name,” she informs us with a lopsided smile. “I’ll change the record and let the doctor know you’ve both arrived. Please have a seat and wait to be called in.”

  I’m trying really hard not to let her see how irritated I am with her behavior. I put my arm around Maggie’s waist and usher her to a chair and take a seat next to her.

  “Hi, love,” I greet before I start with the questions. “Did you run into traffic on your way here?”

  “No,” she answers and pulls her phone out of her purse. She’s acting like she doesn’t have a care in the world and my temper is starting to ignite once more.

  What the fuck?

  “You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago,” I tell her as calmly as I can muster. “Did something happen that made you late?”

  “No,” she replies once again, completely engrossed in whatever she’s doing on her phone.

  I’m getting a bit more frustrated now. Why is she acting this way and come to think of it, where the fuck is her ring? She’s not wearing anything on her hand, and that angers me.

  “Want to explain to me why you were late then? Why you’re not wearing your engagement ring?” I ask, pointing to her hand.

  She keeps scrolling on her phone and is now completely ignoring me. Why she’s acting this way, I don’t understand. This appointment is important; she needs to be more in the here and now, not on her fucking phone.

  “Maggie, what is up with you?” I ask, snatching her phone out of her hand and making her pay attention to me.

  “Nothing,” she exclaims, rather roughly. “I’m here, aren’t I? I didn’t get rid of this thing like you asked and I’m here. Can’t you just be happy about that? And I didn’t feel like wearing the ring. I don’t have to. There’s nothing that says I actually have to wear the ring. You didn’t say it was a prerequisite, therefore, I made the decision not to wear the ring. If you have a problem with that…” She doesn’t continue and just shrugs her shoulders while taking her phone out of my hands.

  Nothing is going like I expected it to, nothing at all.

  The books I’ve read, state that there’s a possibility of mood swings during pregnancy. It has something to do with hormones going out of whack, so I’m just going to shrug it off as that. She’ll come around, I know it.

  “Miss Lucia, Mr. Montgomery,” a nurse calls from an open door. “If you’ll follow me, we’ll see you now.”

  Maggie and I get up and walk through the door to the where the nurse is waiting.

  “Please follow me,” the nurse says as she walks down the hall, leading the way. “Just in here. Maggie, I’m going to need for you to take all of your clothing off and use the robe there on the table to cover yourself. Mr. Montgomery can either stay in here with you or he can wait in the hall until you are ready.”

  “He can wait in the hall,” Maggie states. I don’t understand why she doesn’t want me in the room. I’ve seen her naked millions of times.

  “Maggie?” I begin to question, however, with the nasty look on her face, I turn on my heel and walk out of the room to wait until I’m informed it’s okay to come back inside.

  “You can wait right here until she’s ready,” the nurse says to me, sympathy in her eyes. It’s like she knows something is wrong with us and can see right through how much Maggie’s rejection just stung.

  Five minutes later, the nurse comes back to the room and notices me still standing outside, she gives me a questioning look and knocks on the door.

  “Miss Lucia, are you ready?” she asks through the door.

  “Yes, come in,” Maggie answers.

  The nurse gives me a questioning look once again and opens the door. She allows me to walk in first and I see Maggie sitting on the exam table, crying again. It immediately raises my concern.

  Rushing over to the table, I grab her by her face and ask, “What’s wrong my love? Why are you crying? Is something wrong with the baby?”

  “Nothing is wrong with this thing,” she answers. “I just can’t believe you’re still making me do this.”

  The nurse looks at us once again and asks, “Do you need a moment?” to which Maggie shakes her head no. “Is it okay to proceed with the examination?”

  Maggie nods her head and the nurse gets started. She draws a few vials of blood from Maggie and takes all of her vital statistics. She tells us that everything seems alright so far and lets us know that the doctor will be with us shortly before exiting the room.

  I decide to take these few moments and try to cheer up my fiancée.

  “Maggie, my love, my beautiful wife to be,” I start. “I don’t know why you’re so upset. Remember, this is a good thing. We’re getting married, we’re starting a family. Our life from here on out is going to be amazing. You’re giving me the most precious gift a woman could ever give a man. I love you and our baby so much. I can’t wait for you to see how beautiful this is all going to be.”

  Maggie looks at me with tears still in her eyes and shrugs her shoulders once again.

  “I mean, I will have everything I want, and you get to have this thing, so maybe you’re right,” she relents.

  I’m elated that she actually agrees to the situation. I grab her hand and anxiously wait for the doctor to arrive. Finally, I’m all smiles and feeling so much better about having our baby and getting the family I’ve always wanted.

the doctor walks in, Maggie squeezes my hand a little tighter. This makes me smile a bit wider. I feel her being nervous is a good sign.

  “Hello, Miss Lucia and Mr. Montgomery, I’m Doctor Hall. I’ll be your obstetrician for this pregnancy,” she says as she reaches for Maggie’s hand.

  Maggie shakes her hand daintily and says nothing.

  “Hello,” I reply. “Please, you’re about to be the most important person in our lives until this little one arrives, call me Carter, and this is Maggie. We look forward to seeing you and thank you for taking us in today, even though we were a bit late.” I don’t want to just say Maggie was late. I’ll place the blame on both of us here.

  “No problem, my other appointment had to cancel so I had extra time on my schedule today. Shall we get started?” she asks.

  “That’s fine,” Maggie replies snidely.

  “Yes, please,” I reply and give Maggie a look that I hope conveys to her my disappointment with her attitude.

  “Okay, Maggie, looking at your chart, it seems like you are about eight weeks along. I’m going to do a physical examination and feel around your breasts and belly first. Then, since you are only eight weeks, I’m going to take that Doppler over there and insert it into your vagina, so we can get a look at the fetus. I will use a condom on the wand and some gel to make it easier for insertion. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see the size of the fetus and hear the heartbeat. Is all of this okay with you?” the doctor asks in a kind and motherly tone.

  “That’s fine,” Maggie says and just waves her hand at the doctor.

  “Okay, I need you to lay back first and I’ll do the exterior examination now.”

  Maggie lays back and I watch as the doctor pulls down Maggie’s gown and starts to examine her breasts.

  I notice a mark on Maggie’s breast that resembles a hickey, but we haven’t been together since before she found out she was pregnant so that can’t be. It’s probably just a bruise from her working out so much, so I let it slide.


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