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Page 66

by Unknown

  “No, that’s mine,” said Ellen. She reached behind her and retrieved the guitar in its case. She opened it and looked at the guitar. There were still spots on the wood surface. “What are these?” she asked.

  Jeffers swallowed. “Part of Evan. You see, I was with Evan when he died. He wanted to play together one last time. We both knew he was dying. The fire had severely damaged his lungs and they were giving up on him. As we played, he began coughing. Later on, I tried to clean the worst of it up, but the blood had seeped into the wood. I promised I would bring his guitar home,” he said sadly.

  Ellen’s eyes were full of tears. She ran her hands along the strings and polished surface. “We bought these guitars together. He and I loved playing,” she said. “He told us you played with him often.”

  Jeffers grinned. “Yea, whenever we could. Do you both play?” he asked.

  Ethan shook his head. “No, it never interested me, just like he went to the Navy and I went into the Air Force. We kidded each other about that too,” he said. “Did you know about his award?”

  Jeffers shook his head. “No, I’ve been kind of busy for a while and out of touch.”

  Ethan left the room and brought back a framed photo of Evan in his uniform. The Medal of Honor was mounted at the bottom of the frame. “The President said he saved a bunch of people and helped save the ship along with another officer. It sure made Mom and Dad feel proud,” he said.

  Jeffers nodded slightly. “Yea, I was the other officer,” he said as he pointed to the blue ribbon with stars on top of all the others.

  Ellen’s eyes widened. “You were the one who kept the ship from crashing into another one?” she asked.

  Jeffers nodded. He suddenly saw something new in her eyes, like something had suddenly turned on.

  “He always said you were a big help for him. I guess you did rub off on him a bit. Mom and Dad will be so happy to meet you,” she said placing her hand on his.

  Ethan left to put the photo and medal back on the wall. Ellen and Jeffers shared a moment together. Neither spoke, but her hand remained on his. Then she began to blush and took out Evan’s guitar. Checking the strings, they were pretty much in tune. She turned the guitar around and started to play. She was playing the Vivaldi.

  Jeffers stared in shock. Why that piece? He watched as she played and began to see a lot of his friend in her. They played the same and had the same look on their face. Through the tears which welled up in his eyes, he grabbed her guitar and began playing the same thing he had played that fateful day long ago. One again, that look came into her eyes as she watched him accompany her with the piece. The longer they played, the more she looked at Jeffers.

  When they finished, she smiled at him. “Evan and I played that since we were kids. I don’t know why I played it now, but somehow it came to mind. Your accompaniment was beautiful,” she said as she once again reached across and laid her hand on his.

  The feel of her touch sent shivers through Jeffers. They stared at each other for almost a minute before he said, “The Vivaldi was what we were playing when he died. It’s almost like he was here with us,” Jeffers said.

  She slipped her fingers around his. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” she said concerned.

  Jeffers took her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it gently. “No, it’s okay. I liked playing with you. I was just surprised, that’s all. I’m glad we finally met,” he said.

  Ellen smiled again. “Evan told us a lot about you over the years. He wrote to me saying we should meet. I’m beginning to think he was right,” she said. There was that intensity in her eyes that bored into Jeffers. Something about her was captivating to him.

  “I’m glad I came,” he said.

  “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you stay for a day or two. I have some days off and there’s a little festival this weekend in Bowling Green. I’d like to take you,” she said.

  “I don’t know, I was on my way home. Besides I don’t want to be a bother,” he said.

  “Rod, you may as well give up. Evan and I gave up long ago in changing her mind,” said Ethan from the kitchen.

  Jeffers looked at her smile once more. He could feel himself weaken. “You’re sure I won’t be a bother?”

  “Rod, it’s no bother. You can either stay here or at my apartment. But I really want you to stay,” she said earnestly.

  He could tell she meant it. A smile crept over his face. He raised his hand and placed it against her cheek. She leaned into it. “I guess I can’t say no,” he said.

  She placed her hand over his and held it against her cheek. Rod felt a surge of emotion sweep through him. She was the one. He couldn’t wait to take her home to meet Grandma Hattie.

  The End




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