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Page 8

by Tess Oliver

“What do you mean you ordered grilled cheeses?” Nix asked.

  Dray turned to Cassie and lifted up his hand. “Hey Cass, I know you didn’t order me one of those cheese crackers.”

  Cassie grabbed the bag hardly able to hold back her smile. She reached in and slapped a grilled cheese on his open palm.

  “I’ll take one of those,” Barrett gallantly spoke up.

  His brother looked like a kid who’d gotten coal in his stocking. Taylor reached in and pulled out a stack of sandwiches and set them in front of Jimmy. “We bought you six.” She leaned over and kissed him lightly on the mouth. “So wipe away that pouty face.”

  I took a breath and sat up. “I’m sorry, everyone. I’m afraid this is my fault. I was telling Scotlyn, Taylor and Cassie about the cow I rescued, and they were so sweet that they decided not to buy burgers.” I smiled over at Scotlyn. “It really was cool of you, but I insist on buying them some burgers now.” I glanced around the table at the men’s faces. “They look so sad.”

  Clutch opened up the wrapper on his first sandwich. “No, don’t worry about it. And these sandwiches look really good.” He picked one up. “A little flat but—” he took a bite and feigned his enjoyment of the bite, “—really tasty.”

  Nix unwrapped his sandwich and doused it in ketchup. “What’s your cow’s name?”

  “Lilly Belle and she’s the reason that Barrett and I met.”

  Nix dipped his sandwich in ketchup and then lifted it into the air. “Well then, here’s to Lilly Belle. May she live a good long cow’s life.”

  We all toasted to Lilly with our sandwiches and while everyone laughed, dipped French fries and watched Jimmy down the six grilled cheeses with hardly taking a breath, I took a second to send a text to Barrett.

  “I love your friends.”

  He wrote back. “Yeah, I think I’ll keep them around.”



  After the initial shock of meatless sandwiches had worn off, we had a great time. Every one of Barrett’s friends had a unique personality, and I could picture spending time with any of them.

  The traffic had lightened for the ride back to Barrett’s. “Your friends are incredible. Thank you for introducing me to them. I’m surrounded by the rich and famous, and none of the people I know can hold a candle to your friends. You must all attract a lot of attention wherever you go.”

  He shrugged. “I guess. I don’t really pay attention, but I can tell you, you definitely made an impact tonight.”

  “Most people have that reaction when they find out who my dad is.”

  “That’s not it at all, Fin. Sure, they were surprised, but they’re not like that. You need to stop telling yourself that. It doesn’t matter whose daughter you are. Having you around is like having a piece of the North star break off and drop to earth.”

  I looked over at him. His face was highlighted by the headlights reflecting off the rear view mirror, and, as usual, he was stunning. “That is corny . . . and I fucking love it.” I pulled out my phone. “I need to text Jude and make sure he fed the cow.”

  “What about Some Pig?”

  I laughed. “There is no way to forget feeding Some Pig. He won’t let you.”

  Jude wrote right back. “Yes, I fed the damn cow and where are you?”

  “I’m on my way home.” I typed back. Seconds later, the music muted and Jude’s angry tone shot through the speaker.

  “Are you texting while you’re driving?”

  “Oops,” I muttered, but recovered quickly. “Sharp words from someone who was on house arrest for having drugs in his car.”

  “Fin,” Jude said angrily.

  “I haven’t left the parking lot yet.” I looked over at the dreamy man sitting behind the wheel and thought about being stretched out under the stars with his hands and mouth working their magic. “I’m going to stop off for some coffee, so I’ll be a little late.”

  Barrett looked over at me and I winked.

  I hung up the phone before Jude could say anything else. “I seem to remember something about me looking so fucking hot and being carried inside to finish the party action.”

  “I believe that did come up in conversation.” Barrett turned the car onto the off ramp. “And I think I should follow through with my threat.”

  I sat back and for the first time during my busy evening, a twinge of anxiety grabbed me. “Barrett, don’t be too disappointed if you don’t get the same result as the other night. I’m still a little unsure of myself.” I’d spent the remainder of the party night in my room relishing in the overwhelming physical response I’d had to Barrett’s touch, but then as I often did, I reminded myself that it might not happen again. I was determined to stop any disappointment by just simply expecting it instead. Things were easier that way.

  Barrett turned down the street that led to his brother’s house. “Listen, oh ye of little faith. My middle name is sexual tension, and I promise to deliver.” He paused. “Heck, that would be a great middle name, wouldn’t it?”

  “Barrett Sexual Tension Mason,” I recited out loud to give it try. “Might look kind of off putting on a job application, but it works for me.”

  “Thanks for coming with me tonight, Finley,” his tone had quieted. “I really liked having you there.”

  “I don’t mind admitting that this was a big deal for me. I’ve hardly gone anywhere these past two years and especially not to a crowded place with lots of unfamiliar faces.” I thought about that statement. I’d been more comfortable around Barrett’s brother and friends than I’d ever been around the kids I grew up with. “There’s something about you, Rett, that makes me comfortable in my own skin. Something that wasn’t always the case for me.”

  He pulled the Porsche into the driveway, turned off the engine and faced me. “I think my problem is that I’ve always been too comfortable in my own skin. I’d convinced myself that everything I was doing was right. Even though that wasn’t true. You’re taking me out of that smooth, care free world I created for myself and I’m glad. As my brother likes to remind me, someone needs to light a firecracker under my ass occasionally to wake me up.” He reached across the console and took my hand. “I’m awake now and I like it. And you are so damn easy to talk to. . . “ He kissed my palm, and I felt the sensation of it all the way up my arm. “. . . and kiss.”

  “Well, I do spend a great deal of the day talking to a pig, and he’s a great listener. But I’m not giving Some Pig credit for making me kissable. That I do all on my own.”

  His smile was the type casting agents fought for. “You take adorable to a whole new level.”

  I sighed. “Adorable is not going to get these shorts off. Switch back to hot.”

  We climbed out of the car. I stood next to the passenger side and took a deep breath. Max had always come to see me at my house. This was totally different. I was walking into an unfamiliar house with a man who’d I only known for a week, but who had awoken so many feelings and emotions in that short span of time that it made my head spin just to look at him. Barrett must have mistaken my pause as apprehension, but it wasn’t that at all. I was so damn thrilled I just wanted to take it all in to make sure I wasn’t imagining it.

  He looked down at me. “If you don’t want to—”

  My shoes had enough lift that I could throw my arms around his neck and kiss him without having to jump up on my toes. When we finally managed to set space between our hungry mouths, I caught my breath and pushed his long hair back behind his ear. “Take me inside, Rett.”

  A well-worn couch sat along the front window, and a large screen television covered the wall across from it. There were soda cans and an empty chip bag sitting on the coffee table.

  “It’s not quite what you’re used to, but it suits my brother and me. Of course, Jimmy would prefer it if I found my own place. Especially because Taylor spends most of her spare time here.”

  I glanced around. “It’s perfect. It looks like a man’s house and most of a
ll it looks comfortable. Sometimes I feel like my dad’s house is so sterile and filled with expensive, impractical things that it’s hard to just hang out. My room is my haven because I’ve kept the same comforter and bed sheets since I was five. They are worn soft and smooth with time and use, and I can’t sleep without my fishy blanket.”

  He raised a brow in question.

  “It has a bunch of blue and green fish printed on it.” I glanced through to the kitchen. “Otherwise, my house has a couch to plop on and a refrigerator to raid for cold pizza and ice cream just like this one. It just takes me longer to walk to the fridge, which, if you think about it, makes the bigger house much less convenient.”

  “Good point. Do you want something to eat? Cold pizza? I think we even have ice cream.”

  I smiled. “Nope, I’m still stuffed from the grilled cheese. I hope your brother will be able to forgive me for his disappointing dinner.”

  “That was only his first meal of the evening. He’ll survive, and I’m sure he’ll forgive you.” Barrett’s blue eyes darkened. He stepped toward me and took my hand. “My bedroom is equally comfortable.”

  A year ago there was no way I could have pictured myself standing in a strange living room holding hands with a beautiful man, who I still barely knew, but who stirred a physical reaction with just his palm crossing mine. My heart raced but in a good way, not in the way I had always dreaded where I was certain it would explode in my chest as I struggled to take a breath. In a way, this was a sort of panic too, but it was anxiety created by knowing that I wanted badly for Barrett to take me into his arms and touch me in a way that would make me scream his name. I was certain I’d picked the right person for the job. I just hoped that I could hold up my end of it and feel what I needed to feel without pretending.

  “Actually, do you have some wine or something?” A little fortification never hurt anyone.

  “I’m sure we do.” I followed him into the kitchen and he opened a cupboard. “I think Scottie and Cassie left this here at Christmas.” He held up the white wine. “It’s all we’ve got that isn’t beer or hard liquor.”

  “It’ll do. Just half a glass.”

  He popped open the wine and poured. “Finley, just tell me how far you want to go tonight. If you’re not ready for it—”

  I laughed nervously into the glass and took a sip. I winced at the taste, realizing too late that I was crinkling my nose.

  He touched the tip of my nose. “So cute.” He looked pointedly at the glass. “It’s probably the cheap stuff.”

  “I wouldn’t know the difference. I don’t really like to drink. I’m more of a Kool-aid and animal cracker type of person.” I took another sip and placed it on the counter. “That’s about all I can tolerate.”

  He stepped in front of me. His nearness seemed to take the small sips of wine straight to my head. “Do you really want this tonight?”

  “I do.” I stopped and a frightening thought crossed my mind. “Unless you don’t want me.”

  He smiled. “Unless I don’t want you? Hell, if you hadn’t tempted me with driving that Porsche, we’d have been in that bedroom right now on our fourth round.”

  “Shit, I told my dad I wanted a hybrid.” I took his hand and led him toward the hallway. “Four times in one evening, really?” I cast him a doubtful glance, and he stopped me in the narrow dark hallway.

  I was sandwiched between the wall and his hard body. “Nix is talented with the tattoo gun.” He reached down and pulled off my t-shirt and slung it over his shoulder. “Jimmy shines behind the wheel of a race car.” He reached for the button on my shorts, and in one swift movement he had them puddled around my feet. He stopped for a lingering gaze on my body that made my nipples harden against the lace on my bra. “And Dray is a champion in the octagon.” My eyes widened and I sucked in my bottom lip as his thick, rough-tipped fingers unhooked my bra with one flick. He pushed the straps off my shoulders, and my nipples tightened even more as the cool air swirled around my naked breasts. “My talent, well. . . “ He lowered his mouth and teased my bare skin. I hadn’t recovered from the feel of his mouth on my breast when I felt his fingers brush my hips and my panties drop to the floor. I’d never felt so completely naked in my life, and I reveled in the feel of his gaze as it drifted over my bare skin.

  “It feels as if I’ve been waiting for you forever, so, believe me, four times is not an exaggeration. But you’re not ready for that.”

  I looked up at him, slightly disappointed. “You never know. I take a lot of supplements.” Barrett smiled as I stepped out of my shorts and panties and snatched them up. He pushed open his bedroom door with his foot, and I followed him inside. A warm, yellow glow filled the room as he turned on the floor lamp. The room was sparsely decorated with just a chest of drawers and a nightstand. The bed sheets were in a tangled mess. It was exactly how I’d pictured it. I should have felt completely self-conscious about being stark naked in front of him while he was still fully dressed, but it made me feel deliciously wanton instead. I had no idea why Rett made me feel so comfortable and loose, but I didn’t want it to stop.

  He leaned an elbow on his dresser and watched as I walked to the bed. “I know Cole has your dad’s band name tattooed on his chest, but I see you took a less obvious advertising path. A tiny pair of black wings suits that perfect ass of yours.”

  “My dad was less impressed. I had it for a year before he noticed it through my bathing suit.” I sat down and leaned over to take off my shoes.

  “No,” he said quietly, “leave those on. I’ll take them off when I’m ready.” His tone held the promise of something much more intriguing than having my shoes removed.

  He gazed at me but made no move to take off his clothes.

  “I have to say, I thought this would go a bit more frantically . . .a bit more ravaging. You have a lot of control.” And then that same shard of horror shot through me. He wasn’t turned on by me. I was sitting naked in front of him, and he’d made no move to pull me into his arms. He must have seen the sudden disappointment in my face.

  He reached behind his shoulders and yanked his shirt off. His hard tattooed chest lifted and fell with each breath. I gazed down at the large tattoo that covered his abdomen and disappeared beneath his pants. He reached down and opened his fly.

  “Am I not going to get the pleasure of undressing you?” I asked.

  He lifted his arms and the muscles bulged as he placed his hands behind his head, giving me clearance to remove his jeans. I walked over to him feeling exceptionally wicked with just my shoes on. He kept his hands behind his head as I smoothed my fingers over the hard lines of his chest. It might have been wishful thinking, but I was certain he sucked in a sharp breath as my lips pressed against his bare skin. The tall shoes had given me the advantage of height and the sense that I was not myself anymore. The sensual feeling of standing in front of him in naught but my sexy, lofty sandals gave me the confidence of a woman who had done this many times and with the skills of a highly paid call girl. I liked it. Suddenly this slow, methodical play we were acting out was making me wild with desire. And Rett knew it.

  I walked behind him and ran my tongue along his shoulder blades and the hard ridges of a smattering of tiny scars. They were just as sensual as the rest of him. I reached up and fingered the trail of scars. “How did you get these?”

  He moved to lower his hands. “No,” I whispered into his ear shocked at my audacity, and, once again, loving it. “Keep them there. I’m not finished.” I kissed the rough skin on his shoulders. “The scars?”

  He paused.

  I circled in front of him and kissed his neck.

  “That house you see being built next door— it caught fire and there was a girl—”

  A shade of disappointment passed through me. “And you were in bed with her?”

  Now it was his turn to show disappointment, and, as beautiful as his face was, it wasn’t meant for disappointment. “No. Her husband left the house without her. Jimmy
and I jumped through her bedroom window and pulled her out. I got burned on the shoulders.”

  Just when I thought my opinion of him couldn’t improve, it had once again. I placed my palm on the side of his face and kissed him as I pushed his jeans down. The moist tip of his erection brushed my abdomen, startling me out of my kiss. I looked down. It was even bigger and more impressive than I’d imagined, and I’d imagined a lot.

  “Just in case you were thinking that I didn’t want you,” he said quietly.

  I lifted my face to his. I had to stop thinking this man was too unreal, too untouchable. I had to put aside my feelings of inadequacy. He lowered his arms and placed his hands on each side of my face and kissed me lightly.

  “Believe me, my hot little wonder, there’s a whole different scenario running through my head,” he glanced down, “and through my cock. And, if I’d allowed myself to play it out, I’d have had you pressed up against that hall wall with your legs wrapped around me and round one would already be over.” He stroked my bottom lip with his calloused thumb. “But you’re not ready for that yet. That wall slamming sex isn’t going to get you what you want . . . yet. This is still about finding out what you want, what you need, so that you just have to look at me and think about what I might do to you and you’ll come.” He leaned his mouth to mine but didn’t kiss me. His warm breath tickled my chin. “When we’re through tonight, Baby, and when you’re back at home lying in bed alone, you’ll just have to think about what we did, and you’ll be sliding your hands down your panties.”

  Just standing next to him brought me close to that already. The heat that radiated from his body, his brazen gaze and the dirty way he spoke was bringing me to the edge, and he’d barely touched me.

  “Go sit on the bed,” he commanded, and I strutted over to the bed in my tall shoes, my Black Thunder tattoo winking at him from my naked bottom. I turned around and sat. The view of him from across the room was even better than up close. He was chiseled and massive and unfuckingbelievable.

  “Lie back, bend your knees and put your feet up on the bed.” Once again, I obeyed his instructions, even knowing full well that my most intimate parts were completely exposed.


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