A Heart Reborn

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A Heart Reborn Page 28

by BK Harrell

  Sarah headed home and tried to sleep but it eluded her and she knew the next day was going to be emotionally and physically draining.

  Sarah sat in her office as she finished up her charts from her morning patients. She knew she had a list of things that needed to be done, but she couldn’t bring herself to do them. Her thoughts were first and foremost on her meeting with Coop. Sarah shut down her computer and grabbed her bag before heading out the door. Stopping by Marcie’s desk, she talked to her for a few minutes trying to prolong the agony. After Marcie hugged her and wished her luck, she headed to her car and started the drive north on GA-400. She needed some lunch, but wasn’t sure her stomach would accept any food. Sarah decided to pull off and try to eat something to avoid a headache.

  After finishing her Chik-fil-A, she finished her drive up to The Cigar Shoppe. As she pulled into the parking lot, her nerves went into overdrive. She didn’t see Coop’s car yet, and decided that she could find a cigar and try to relax. Sarah walked in and was greeted by, Tim. He smiled at her as she came in, and looked at her like he should recognize her.

  After a moment of confusion, Tim said, “You must be Sarah. Harrison said you would be here. He also said to find a cigar, a bottle of wine, and then let you into the member’s lounge. Let me know if you need any help, and then we can get a bottle of wine. If you don’t have any preference, we can just go with one of his favorites if you don’t mind a red.”

  “No preference. Do you have Davidoff? It’s really the only thing I’ve smoked.”

  Tim laughed. “I should’ve guessed if you know him then you’d be looking for that. Sadly, we don’t, but let me help you find something you will like even more.”

  Sarah was amazed at the selection. It was so much bigger than anywhere she had been before. She was happy that Tim was patient with her, and before she knew it, he had picked out a Dunhill Signature. I don’t care which wine you pick out. Whatever will put him in a good mood.”

  “Okay. I’ll show you to the member’s lounge.”

  Sarah followed Tim as he opened the door for her. She thanked him as she stepped inside. As she walked in, her breath caught in her throat as she saw Coop sitting on the couch staring at the blank TV. Barely able to speak after not seeing him for three weeks, and having to restrain herself from throwing herself at him she said, “I didn’t think that you were here. I didn’t see your car in the parking lot.”

  It’s out there. Come sit down. Let’s wait for Tim to bring the wine back. How have you been?”

  Sarah had to bite her tongue to keep from yelling at Coop. She realized she didn’t have the right to, but who the fuck did he think he was asking that question. How the hell does he think she’s been? Does he actually think that she has been hunky-dory sitting around waiting for him to make his decision? She watched as Tim came back in and set the decanter on the table with two glasses.

  “If you two need anything else just let me know.”

  Coop poured the wine and handed a glass to Sarah. He took a sip before turning his attention back to Sarah. “First or all, let me apologize for my silence while I was gone. It was a dick move on my part, and despite my anger, you deserved better than that.”

  “Thank you, Coop. I’m sorry for the way everything went down, and that I held all this information for so long. You deserved to know about Harry, but I can’t change the past. I hope that we can move forward at least with you and Harry.”

  “You were right about not seeing my car out front. I didn’t think that a Porsche 911 was exactly the type of car a ten-year-old should be riding around in. I bought a new Chevy Tahoe with all the bells and whistles. I want to be part of his life. I don’t know what will happen with us, but he deserves to have a father, well, more importantly a dad. I guess I did the father thing with the whole sperm donation, but I want to be a dad to Harry.”

  Sarah let out a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding and allowed the tears to fall down her cheeks. “Thank you. I want him to get to know you, and for what it’s worth, I think you’ll make an excellent dad.”

  “I have many questions, but this one has been bugging me since I met with Lincoln.” Coop reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the invitation to Harry’s birthday party. “Were you going to tell me about this?” Coop said as he showed Sarah the invitation.

  “Yes, but you didn’t return my text or calls for three weeks, and we finalized the plans two weeks ago. Of course I want you there, but you have to meet Harry before the party. I’m not going to have his party disturbed by you dropping in and everyone congregating around you. This will be a party full of baseball players and a few other friends.”

  “Can we do it before the party? I’ll come home with you tonight if it would be better.”

  “Why don’t you come to the house at five on the 29th. I’ll text you the address and we can do it then. He has a test on his birthday and I don’t want his mind to not be focused on that.”

  “Okay. I agree that he needs to be focused on his test.”

  Sarah took a puff of her cigar and drank some more wine before she decided to broach the next subject with Coop. “I know that you’re very angry with me for not telling you, and I can’t blame you. If the roles were reversed, I’d feel the same way. I don’t know how you see us in the future or if there is even an us, but know this, I will fight for you Harrison Cooper. I didn’t fight for you ten years ago, but know this, I. WILL. FIGHT. FOR. YOU. Everyday. I love you, Coop. You are my penguin. You are my soulmate, and if I have to tell you that every damn day then I will. I’ll give you time with Harry, to get to know him and start a life with him, but know this, I’m not giving up on us.”

  Coop took Sarah’s glass of wine and set it down on the table before taking her hands in his. “Sarah, I do love you, but you’re right that I have trust issues with you right now. I don’t know what the future will hold. Thank you for giving me time to get to know my son. I appreciate that you want to fight for me. I wish you’d done it ten years ago when we were younger.”

  “Thank you.”

  They sat and finished their wine and cigar before Sarah decided that she had to go home. She needed to spend the time with Harry before his birthday. She knew his birthday was going to be a big day for Harry. Sarah just hoped she could handle all the stress that comes with telling Harry about his father and hosting a Dave and Busters birthday party for twenty kids. At least she didn’t have to cook and clean up after everyone.

  Coop sat in the lounge after Sarah left and stared at the blank TV. He didn’t know what was going to happen tomorrow, but he was ready for almost anything. Coop sat up as Tim walked into the lounge.

  “So, I take it everything is settled. At least I didn’t hear any screaming, and nothing appears to be broken.”

  “It’s fine, Tim. I just found out three weeks ago that I’m a father to a ten-year-old boy. I didn’t react well and now I’m trying to make things right.”

  “Wow. That’s huge. Let me know if you want someone to talk to. I’ll check on you later.”

  Coop sat there thinking about his life, and future. He picked up his phone and called his mom.


  “Hey, mom. I just wanted you to know that I’m back and alive and well. I was just meeting with Sarah and talking about what to do with Harry.”

  “So, what did you decide?”

  “You and dad were right. He deserves a dad. I want to be that dad. We’re going to tell him tomorrow before his birthday party. I would like for you guys to come to the party. Sarah tells me you’ve been watching him practice. I want you guys to meet him at the party, but after all of the usual celebratory events.”

  “We’d love that. Your father will be ecstatic. Any idea what to get him for a birthday present?”

  “He loves baseball and video games. I had a friend send me the newest MLB game for Playstation and got him a few baseball related things. Anything you get him I’m sure he will love.”

  “When d
o you plan to tell Evan and Lacy?”

  “Shit, I haven’t even thought that far ahead. Lacy is going to hate her for this. I’ll need to head this off before she says something stupid and causes a problem. Get everybody together for a family dinner tonight and we’ll discuss it then. I also want to have a Sunday lunch so they can meet Harry. I’ll bring him alone, because they need to meet him without the stress of having Sarah there.”

  “No problem. I’ll make lasagna for dinner, and we can discuss this as a family.”

  “Thanks, mom. I love you.”

  “Love you too. See you in a little while. Oh, by the way, I bought a new car that is a little more family friendly. Just FYI so you don’t think a stranger is pulling into the driveway.”

  “Okay, Harrison. Bye.”

  Coop hung up the phone and tried to think about how he was going to break the news to his siblings. Coop finished the cigar he was smoking before he headed to his parent’s house. He decided at this time of day he would head over Lake Lanier and down to Lawrenceville that way he was going against traffic.

  Coop pulled into his parents’ house an hour later, still unsure of how to break the news. He was the last to arrive since everyone else worked close. He slowed his breathing and walked into the house. Coop was nervous, and his hands were sweating. He kissed his mother and hugged his dad and siblings. They went to the dining room and sat down while his mom served dinner.

  “Thanks, mom. Dinner was delicious. I guess you’re all wondering why I called everyone here for a meeting.” Coop took a deep breath before continuing. “I found out three weeks ago that I have a child, a son actually and he’s ten-years-old.”

  They gasped and shouting started immediately.

  Alice yelled, “Stop it. Both of you stop it. Listen to Harrison.”

  Harrison told the story of Harry’s conception, what broke up he and Sarah, and why she didn’t feel comfortable coming to him when she found out she was pregnant. “Any questions?”

  “What are you going to do?” Evan said.

  “I’m going to be a dad to Harry. I don’t know what’ll happen with Sarah and I, but I’m going to ask you guys to cut her some slack. I don’t expect you to be friends with her unless you’re ready, but understand she has lived with this for ten years. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, and I’m not sure I’d have reacted differently if the shoe was on the other foot. I’m bringing Harry over for Sunday lunch so that he can meet you and his cousins. From what I can tell, he’s an awesome kid who is smart and a great baseball player.”

  “I told her I’d hurt her if she did anything to you, Coop. I can’t go back on my word.” Lacy said.

  “You’ll do nothing of the sort, Lacy. This is Harrison’s issue. If he can forgive Sarah, or at least have a good parenting relationship, then we have to respect that.”

  “Fine, mom, but I just don’t know how I can be around her right now.”

  “Then you don’t have to worry about it, because she won’t be around at the beginning.”

  Coop finished talking to his family before heading home. He had a long day tomorrow, and he wanted to be at his best.

  Sarah awoke on Harry’s birthday excited and nervous all at the same time. Her baby was ten-years-old today. It was going to be a nerve wracking day. She got up and made him his birthday breakfast, so that he would be fully fueled for his test. Sarah had taken the day off, and would have nothing but time to think about what would happen when Coop came over and they told Harry about his dad.

  Sarah busied herself to get her mind off the impending visit. She needed to get the goody bags ready, and thanks to her boss, they were pretty sweet. He had given her four tickets to a game for each kid, a team ball, mini hat and a gift certificate to the team store. She was going to be the hit among party moms this season.

  Just as she finished, Harry came bounding in the door. She got a quick hug before she watched him run off to the kitchen for a snack. Sarah shook her head wishing she had the metabolism that he possessed.

  Harry came back eating a handful of popcorn. “Love you, mom. Did you finish the goody bags for tonight?”

  “Yes, Harry. Did you do well on your test?”

  “Easy day, mom. I aced it.”

  “Good. Any homework?”

  “Nope. I’m just going to head upstairs and play my Playstation for a little while unless you need me.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll call you when I need you.”

  As Sarah watched Harry depart, she looked at the clock and saw that she still had an agonizing forty-five more minutes until Coop was due to arrive. Sarah straightened up the living room and library, and went to her bedroom to retrieve the letter she had since Christmas. Sarah hoped that she was doing the right thing.

  Before she knew it, there was a knock at the door, and her stomach bottomed out. The time had come. Sarah dropped the letter off on her desk before she headed to the door. Trying to still her emotions and control her breathing, she took a few deep breaths and opened the door to see Coop standing before her. She wanted to reach out and touch him, hold him, and kiss him, but she had to restrain herself. Sarah found herself clutching at her sides to keep her hands still.

  “Hello, Coop. Right on time as always. You look nice today. Come on in.”

  “Thanks. Nice neighborhood. Looks like a good place for him to grow up.”

  “It is. I’d give you the ten-cent tour, but I’m sure Harry will handle that for us. Give me a second and I’ll call him down here. Why don’t you wait in the library? I put the letter in there so we can sit down and it’ll be quiet.”

  Coop stood there stiffly and nervous about meeting his son. He could understand Sarah’s nerves because his were out in full force. He was starting to sweat worse than at an afternoon game in Miami. He followed Sarah in to the office and couldn’t decide whether to sit or stand. He wasn’t sure his knees would hold him or allow him to sit down so he made his way to a wall of pictures and looked them over while waiting on Harry and Sarah.

  Sarah stood at the bottom of the stairs and yelled up to the top, “Harry, come down here. There’s someone here to see you.” Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait too long as Harry came bounding down the stairs full of energy.

  “Okay, mom. Who is it?”

  “It’s a surprise.” She watched as Harry walked into the library and heard him squeal with ten-year-old delight.

  “Oh my God, mom. You got me Harrison Cooper for my birthday. BEST. MOM. EVER.”

  Sarah stood there looking between the two of them. There was no mistaking the resemblance between the two. She watched as Harry ran over to Coop and tried to play it cool, but she could tell he was nervous meeting his baseball idol. They shook hands and talked for a minute before Sarah decided it was time.

  “Harrison, why don’t you come sit down beside me and Harry go sit in my chair.”

  Harry sat down and Sarah saw the realization dawn in his eyes that the letter he received from Santa was sitting in front of him.

  “It’s time Harry. You can open the letter now.”

  “Now, mom? But Harrison Cooper is in our house. Can I do this later.”

  “No, son. Please do it now.”


  Sarah watched as Harry opened the letter and began to read it.

  Dear Harry:

  You’re opening this letter because your mom and dad feel it is the right time for you to do so. You are such a wonderful young man and you asked for a very difficult wish for me to grant. As I do for all good boys and girls, I try my best to grant them their wishes.

  So, your wish is to know who your father is. Your father his Harrison Cooper. I hope this gives you the answers that you are seeking.

  Your Friend,


  Sarah watched as Harry looked up at them in disbelief and shook his head. As much as he tried to fight it, the tears were falling down his face, but they seemed to be happy tears.

  Harry looked at Coop and said, “Y
ou’re my dad?”

  “Yes, but please understand, I just found out. Otherwise, I would’ve been here a long time ago. I want to be a good dad to you, but…” Coop swiped the tears away from his eyes. “I’ll make mistakes because I’ve never done it before. I was hoping you could teach me how to be a good dad.”

  Harry ran around the desk and threw his arms around Coop. Sarah couldn’t hold back the tears as she watched father and son embrace for the first time. She wanted to quietly leave the room and give them some time alone, but before she could move, Harry had his arms wrapped around her neck.”

  “Thank you, mom. Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Harry. I’m going to step out for a little bit and give you two a chance to talk. Show him around, whatever you want to do.”

  Sarah walked out of the office with her emotions still choking her down. She allowed the tears to stream down her face as she went to the kitchen to find some water or something a little stronger, but as she turned the corner she ended up walking right into her mom’s outstretched arms. She needed to be held by her mom, and let her help soothe her emotions. Sarah felt her mom rub her back as she whispered to her.

  “It’ll all get better. Those two need each other. Everything else will work itself out.”

  “I know, mom. I’m glad the truth is finally out there. I was so tired of hiding the secret. I know it’ll take some getting used with sharing him, but he was so happy, and that’s all I want for him, is to be happy.”

  Coop sat and listened because he couldn’t really get a word in as Harry talked a hundred miles a minute. He was walking beside him as he showed him around and Coop finally understood why he was so excited to show him the backyard. Sarah had put in a batting cage for him, complete with a pitching machine. She was doing a great job as a mom. He could tell by seeing how well emotionally adjusted Harry was. After the backyard, Harry showed him around the house including his room which turned out to be a shrine to baseball and him. He smiled as he looked at the bat and ball he signed, sitting proudly displayed on his wall. He looked at Harry and said, “Anytime you want me to finish that inscription just let me know.”


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