A Heart Reborn

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A Heart Reborn Page 29

by BK Harrell

  Harry raced over to the wall grabbing the bat and ball and a marker. “Would now be okay?”

  Coop chuckled. “Sure, slugger. Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything, dad” Harry beamed as he said the word Dad.

  “Did your mom take you to the spring training facility in Orlando over Thanksgiving?”

  “Yes. Mr. Lincoln arranged for me to play ball with the players in extended spring training. It was so much fun. I almost hit the ball out of the park in batting practice.”

  “I guess you are the young man coach was telling me about. We’ll have to make some time to practice before I head to spring training, and then hopefully your mom can bring you down to see us play.”

  “That would be awesome.”

  “I didn’t know what to get you for your birthday, so I had to take a guess. I have a friend who sent this to me and said you would love it,” Coop said as he handed Harry the first gift.

  Harry ripped into the paper. Coop smiled as he was the antithesis of Sarah at opening presents.

  “I can’t believe it. You got me the MLB game that hasn’t even been released yet.”

  Harry hugged him and took off running out of his room.

  Coop assumed he was going to find Sarah and show her. Not wanting to wait upstairs, he followed Harry back downstairs, so he could give him the rest of his presents. His assumptions were proven correct as Sarah came trailing Harry back up the stairs. He saw that her tears were dried and she was smiling. He couldn’t imagine the stress she had endured caring this secret.

  “Well, that’s not all, let’s go back downstairs for the rest of them., Coop said. When they walked back into the office, Coop handed Harry another box much larger than the first.

  Harry ripped into it and pulled out a Braves jersey with his name and number on the back, which also happened to be jersey number thirteen, along with a new hat. He loved seeing the excitement and happiness in his eyes. He had missed this for ten years, but no more. As long as he could, he would be present for every major event in his life.

  “Wow, Coop. You did quite well it would seem.” Sarah said

  “I tried. The jersey may be too big, but he can grow into it.” Coop turned to Harry. “Do you mind if I speak to your mom for a minute?”


  Coop led Sarah out of his room and downstairs. Before they could get to the office, they ran into Sarah’s mom.

  “Hello, Mrs. Buckley. It’s good to see you again.”

  “Oh, Harrison. Come here,” she said as she spread her arms to give him a hug. “You look more handsome than the last time I saw you.”

  “Thank you, and I think you get more beautiful every year.”

  Sarah’s mom blushed and just patted Coop on the arm.

  “Mom, we were just going into the library to talk about a few things. We’ll be back in a few minutes so we can get ready to go to the party.”


  They walked into the library and sat down on the couch.

  “I wanted to talk to you about a few things. First, I’d like to take Harry to my parents’ house for lunch Sunday so that he can meet his aunt, uncle, cousins and see his grandparents. Second, you know my time is short before I have to head to Orlando for spring training, so I’d like to spend as much time with Harry as possible, and finally don’t hate me, but I invited my parents to Harry’s birthday party.”

  Sarah listened to Coop and smiled. “Not a problem. By the way you phrased it, I assume you want to take Harry to lunch alone, and I’m fine with that. I don’t want to infringe on their time, and I don’t want you sister to kick my ass in front of Harry. I want you to spend as much time as you can and I’m glad you invited your parents. I was also planning to bring him down to spring training during their winter break.”

  “Well, that was easy. I was going to ask if you could bring him down, but you already took care of that. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I hate to break this up, but we need to go to Dave and Busters for the party. If you could grab the box of goody bags, I’ll get mom and Harry, and we can leave.”

  “No problem.” Coop said as he picked up the box of bags and headed out to the car.

  When everyone got outside, Coop said, “I’ll drive if that’s okay.”

  Everyone piled into the Tahoe and headed to Dave and Busters. As surreal as the afternoon had been to Coop, this drive felt oddly serene and domesticated. He knew he was still supposed to be upset with Sarah, but everything inside of him screamed to reach over and take her hand. He wondered what her reaction would be if he did that. Would she pull away or would she hold his hand. Coop had tired of his interpersonal fight of what to do about Sarah. He wanted her and he wanted Harry. He decided to test the waters and see what her reaction would be. Coop felt like a high school kid trying to hold the hand of a girl he really liked on a first date. It was somewhat awkward but he managed to stretch his arm over his head and bring his hand down to rest on top of hers. He was pleasantly surprised when she wrapped her fingers through his and placed her other hand on top of his. Coop was just starting to get his heartrate under control when Harry spoke up from the backseat.

  “Uh, dad. Not to throw water on your little hand holding action up there, but mom has a boyfriend, and he might not appreciate you trying to move in on his territory.”

  Sarah turned ten shades of deep crimson as she listened to Harry try to defend her honor and make sure that his dad knew she was spoken for. Before she could speak, she heard Coop clear his throat.

  “Well, Harry. Thanks for telling me that. I’m sure he’s a very lucky man if he is your mom’s boyfriend. I wouldn’t want to move in on his territory, but one small thing, son. Women aren’t particularly fond of being referred to as property.” Coop went to let go of Sarah’s hand, but she held on tight.

  “Harry, what your dad is trying to say, and I appreciate him not thinking of me as property is that it is okay if he holds my hand, because he is my boyfriend.” Sarah watched in the rearview mirror as Harry’s eyes lit up.

  “You mean like for real? So, you two could get married and stuff and then I could have a little brother or sister?”

  Coop quickly shouted out, “Yes, Harry, and I think a little sister that looked exactly like your mom would be a thing of beauty.”

  Sarah’s heart swelled with emotion. After what they had been through and Coop’s wall of silence the last few weeks, she was a little confused as to whether this was a show for Harry or if he really meant what he was saying.

  “What I mean, Harry, is that I would like to date your mom and get to know you and her at the same time. You see, we’ve been apart for a very long time, and we need to make sure that we still like each other. So, if it’s okay with you and your Nana, I would like to properly court your mother.”

  “Dad, what does court mean?”

  “Sorry, it means to woo, to get to know, to see it we are compatible with each other again.”

  “Oh, like those sappy movies Nana likes to watch.”


  They rode in comfortable silence the rest of the way as they all listened to Harry talk about his day, baseball, and what he and his dad where going to do at Dave and Busters. Coop was excited, but he knew one thing for sure, he was going to avoid the air hockey table with Sarah. He didn’t want to look bad in front of Harry.

  When they got there, Sarah had Coop take all the bags to the party room and she grabbed the presents out of the back. Once inside, Coop liked that they had everything set up for the party. Neat, no fuss and no mess. Coop followed Sarah’s directions, and set the bags out in front of each seat. He snuck a look inside and was jealous of the bags the kids got. As he looked, he recognized Lincoln’s touch with all the Braves swag and the tickets. All he ever remembered getting as a kid was old candy and a toy that would break after one use. After setting out all the bags, Coop went to find Sarah. He got lucky and she was walking towards him after speaking with the party p

  “Sarah, I wanted to tell you that I was serious about what I said earlier. I would like to date you, and for us to try and figure this out. I don’t want you to think I’m trying to exclude you from family events, but my siblings need time to adjust.”

  “I’d really like to date you as well. Believe it or not, I understand about needing the time with your family. I want you two to have that.” Sarah looked towards the door and saw Dan and Alice. “Look, Coop. Your parents are here.” Sarah walked over to Alice and Dan and hugged them. She was happy that they were able to come on such short notice.

  “Mom and Dad, it’s good to see you. I’m glad you could make it.”

  “We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Alice said.

  “Hang out with Harrison for a minute and I’ll go find Harry.” Sarah left them alone to find Harry. She thought it was time for him to meet his grandparents. As she walked out into the Midway, she spotted Harry playing skeeball with some of his friends. Sarah waited until the game was over and called him over. “Harry, I want you to meet a couple of people. Will you come with me for a few minutes?”

  “Sure, mom.”

  Sarah led Harry back to where Coop and his parents were standing.

  “Harry, I want you to meet your dad’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper.”

  “Oh my, you are just as handsome as your dad was at this age. You can call me Grandma Alice or whatever you feel comfortable with and this is Grandpa Dan. That’s what the other grandkids, your cousins, call us.”

  Harry was bursting with excitement as he threw his arms around Alice and then Dan. “It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you for coming to my party.”

  “There’s nowhere else we’d rather be,” Alice said. “Why don’t you run back and play with your friends. We’ll have a chance to catch up on Sunday at lunch if you want to come.”

  “I’d like that very much,” Harry said. With a quick hug, he ran back to play with his friends.

  Coop took Sarah’s hand and started to pull her away before saying to his parents, “If you’ll excuse us, Sarah and I need to talk for a few minutes.” Coop led Sarah to the photo booth and slid inside closing the curtain behind them. I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you this afternoon. Coop crushed his lips onto Sarah’s and pushed his tongue into her mouth battling with her tongue for supremacy. She tasted like mint and he couldn’t get enough. He felt her hands tangle in his hair and pull him closer. Coop finally broke the kiss gasping for air, feeling like he had just hit a triple.

  “I needed that, Coop. More than you know. I needed to know that you still want me.”

  “God, Sarah. I want you so much, and it’s killing me to try and restrain myself when I’m around you.”

  Just as Coop finished speaking, the curtain was ripped back and there stood Harry staring at them. “Really, the middle of my birthday party. Well, break it up. I need to borrow dad for a little bit. I want him to meet my friends.”

  “If it’s okay with him.”

  “It’s fine. We can all use a little hero worship every now and then.”

  Sarah watched as Harry dragged Coop away to meet his friends. He just hoped that they were understanding and didn’t give him too hard of a time. Yesterday, he didn’t have a dad and today his dad is the best athlete in Atlanta. Well, he does have his name. As Sarah sat there watching Coop and Harry, her fingers trailed back up to her lips where she could still feel the tingle of Coops lips on hers. Sarah was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t realize her mother had slid in the booth beside her.

  “So, did you two have a good make out session?”

  Sarah turned a bright red. What could she say. She felt like a teenager busted for making out with her boyfriend on the couch.

  “Well, was it good?”

  “Outstanding. I can’t believe we did that, but it was, oh so good.”

  “I’m glad you did it. You two have got to remember the good times. Come on. Let’s go find the birthday boy and party.”

  Sarah led her mom around the Midway and they finally found the kids at the ball toss. She sat back and watched Coop and Harry interact like they had known each other all of their lives and she smiled. This is all she wanted for Coop, Harry, and her. She still had high hopes that they could and would become a real family, but it had to go one step at a time. Sarah got everyone’s attention and directed them back to the party room for dinner.

  The rest of the party was a hit. Harry had fun with his friends and opening presents. By the time, they collected everything and got home it was after nine o’clock. Sarah needed to send Harry to bed, but she wanted him to spend a little more time with Coop. Finally, when the adrenaline wore off and she saw Harry barely hanging on she sent him to bed. Before he went to bed, Coop promised to come to baseball practice the next day and work out with him. Sarah couldn’t have asked for a better birthday for Harry than he had.

  After sending Harry to bed, she walked Coop out to his car. She felt that if he stayed any longer, she would have him in her bed, and they couldn’t do that yet. He needed to court her after all.

  “Thank you for a wonderful night. I had so much fun. It was great being with my son on his birthday and sharing those memories. I can’t wait to make more.” Coop shuffled his feet and looked at Sarah, “Would you mind if I kissed you good night?”

  “That would be wonderful, but you don’t have to ask me.”

  “I feel like I do. I want to do this correctly and not assume anything.” Coop leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against Sarah’s before nipping at her bottom lip and begging entrance into her mouth. This was not the punishing kiss from earlier. It was a sweet kiss of exploration. One that said I want to know you for now and forever.

  Sarah broke the kiss and looked into his eyes, “I could do that all night, but I have to go to work in the morning, while some of us get to sleep in.”

  “Good night, Dr. Sarah Buckley. I would like to see you again if that is okay with you.”

  “I’m free Friday night, but I have to be on call on Saturday.”

  “Friday would be perfect. Since you are working overnight, may I take Harry to the house and let him spend the night before we go to my parents’ house for lunch.”

  “I think he would like that, but be prepared that being around him that long will be exhausting. He has a motor that never quits. You can pick him up Saturday morning and take him to practice then keep him until Sunday afternoon.”

  “That sounds like a plan. Good night, Sarah. I’ll talk to you later. Sleep tight.”

  Sarah kissed Coop one more time on the cheek before watching him drive away. Sarah thought that Coop had no idea how well she would sleep tonight given how well everything went and she no longer had to hide her secrets.

  When Sarah walked back inside she found her mother exactly where she expected her and didn’t have to wait long for the inquisition.

  “So, that went well tonight.”

  “Much easier than I expected. It will be amusing to watch Coop try to jump into fatherhood. He’s going to pick Harry up Saturday morning and take him to practice and then keep him until Sunday afternoon. I honestly wish I had a few cameras in his house to watch him deal with a rambunctious ten-year-old.”

  “It should be entertaining. However, watching him tonight with Harry, I think he’ll surprise us all, but himself most of all.”

  “I hope your right mom. I’m exhausted so I’m heading to bed. I’ll see you at practice tomorrow after work.”

  “Good night, Sarah. I hope you sleep better than you have in a long time. I know how all of this has been weighing on you, but the hard part is over now.”

  “We hope.” Sarah kissed her mom on the cheek and went to bed.

  When Sarah awoke the next morning, she felt as if she had slept the sleep of the dead. She couldn’t remember feeling this refreshed after a night’s sleep unless Coop had been in the bed with her. Sarah guessed there was something about baring one’s secrets and sharing her burd
ens that allowed her to sleep better. For the first time in a long time, Sarah had no trouble getting out of bed and heading to work. She just hoped this was a sign of things to come and not an anomaly.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Saturday morning, Coop sprang out of bed excited to get started on his weekend with Harry. He was still smiling from his date the previous night with Sarah. They had a simple date of dinner and a movie, but none the less it was sweet, complete with hand holding and a simple goodnight kiss. Coop didn’t know how long he could keep up this proper courtship without wanting to throw Sarah onto his king size bed and have his way with her. Not that it was much of a consolation, but he could tell Sarah was aching just as much as he was. As Coop got himself ready he mentally went through his calendar. He knew that he only had two weeks left before he went to spring training, and he would need to ramp up his workouts. He also wanted to balance that out with spending time with his son and Sarah.

  Coop thought that today, after Harry’s practice, they would head to the stadium so he could give him the grand tour and then get in some batting practice. It would give him an opportunity to really watch Harry’s mechanics and give him some pointers. After that, he had no idea what to do with a ten-year-old. He had his video gaming systems so they could play some games, and he would let Harry pick a place for lunch and then they could order pizza for dinner.

  In the car and on his way to Sarah’s house, he didn’t have to wait long for Harry, who was apparently watching for him to arrive, to bound out of the house and into the car. Coop chuckled at the enthusiasm. He couldn’t ever remember being quite so excited to go to practice. Maybe his ten-year-old self was, but the older he got the more it became work and less about having fun. Maybe seeing the game through the eyes of his son, would help re-energize Coop and make work fun again. Well, in all honesty, winning would make work fun again. They had added several high-profile players in the off-season particularly two starting pitchers and a closer. They had been solid around the infield, but their shortstop had not been offered a new contract partly due to his off the field behavior, and also, partly due to the phenome they had coming up through the organization. Management felt that his hitting would continue to improve, but his glove work was ready for the major leagues.


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